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Error Correction in Language Teaching and Learning
21 pages (5250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper 'Error Correction in Language Teaching and Learning' will try to answer this question by analyzing some of the historical and current assumptions about error correction in the area of linguistic research.... The issue of error correction in language classrooms has a tendency to ignite debates....
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Improvement of Teaching Processes in Second Cycle Institutions in the Virgin Islands
22 pages (5962 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This research paper "Improvement of Teaching Processes in Second Cycle Institutions in the Virgin Islands" examines the acquisition of a foreign language in the Virgin Islands and refers to understanding and using meaningfully, the sounds, grammar, vocabulary, and the culture of the custodians.... ...
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Assisted Suicide
66 pages (10711 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
From the paper "Assisted Suicide" it is clear that assisted suicide is a very complex subject with both sides presenting strong arguments in their favour.... England and Wales, right from the Middle-Ages, have always banned the concepts of committing suicide and assisted suicide.... ... ... ... Under the present UK laws, a physician under certain conditions can give orders to withdraw or withhold life-supporting systems to a patient....
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Fundrising Proposal for a Charity
28 pages (7000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper is a strategic proposal to implement a fundraising drive in order to raise a capital outlay of 700,000 pounds.... It focuses on the development of a sub-committee and the organizational strategy that will be implemented in order to facilitate the proposed fundraising drive.... ... ... ...
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Personal finance proposal
1 pages (250 words) , Download 6 , Research Proposal
Over the past few years, behavioral experts have seen marketers as people who have explored and taken advantage of behavioral fundamentals for their benefits.... According to John.... ... ... Behavioral finance be because of the financial decisions made because of psychological influence over ones' practices (Sewell 2005)....
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Proposal - Emirates Academy Scholarship
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
A Proposal for the Tourism Department to Support UAE Nationals Studying at Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management (EAHM) and Pursuing a Career in Hospitality Overview of tourism and hotel industry in Dubai and how they are linked Dubai has increasingly been receiving a lot of tourists which has led to the growth and expansion of the hotel industry....
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Proposal Arguement
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Name Tutor: Course: Date: Nutrition in Our Schools Nutritional classes should be stressed and carried out with much attention in the US.... This is starting with our location­­-Florida especially among teenagers.... This is because, through such an effort, many nutritional and certain diet based diseases will be avoided....
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The Future of New Orleans Levee Board
56 pages (10005 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Future of New Orleans Levee Board" states that permit process must be initiated and often times completed well in advance of any construction.... Often a year or more is needed before starting construction to have the permit reviewed and to collect comments from all affected parties....
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Proposal to Build a Sunroom in Canada
3 pages (894 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The author of the paper "Proposal to Build a Sunroom in Canada" will make an earnest attempt to discuss a proposal of building a sunroom as a perfect way to expand the living space and a guaranteed way to raise the value of the home in Toronto, Ontario.... ... ... ... Upon discussing with my friends, who live in 1st Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, I propose a need to have a tiny haven built in the house, which can help in reducing the heating bills....
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Campus Safety long proposal
3 pages (750 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
Subject: 26 October 2013 Research Proposal for Campus Safety The Challenge and the Suggested Means to Change it: In the backdrop of high crime rates in the US and especially due to the prevalence of criminal activities within university campuses, there exists an urgent need to take cognizance of the situation and implement appropriate measures to check the trend....
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Mandatory Preceptor and Mentoring Classes for Clinical Nurses
21 pages (5250 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
Throughout history, it has been known that nurses play an important role in the healthcare of patients.... The main objective of this research is to investigate how do mandatory preceptor and mentoring classes for clinical nurses help decrease the number of nurses being burnt out.... ... ... ... It would be superfluous to mention that the healthcare system has always had more work than the personnel to take care of the patients....
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Performance Appraisal and Employee Retention at NIKE Inc
14 pages (4165 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Performance Appraisal and Employee Retention at NIKE Inc' looks into the knowledge management system as an appraisal tool to capture employee performance, productivity, skills, and talents, and employee retention and recruitment as one of the main challenges experienced by many employers....
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The Significant Aspects of Market Research
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The proposed research will focus on the following problem statement during different stages of the market study: to recognize and understand the stakeholders' perspectives, essential for an increment in the donor acquisition, optimization of donor retention, and a raised income subsequently.... ... ...
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Understanding Base Rates of Interest and Value of Money
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Understanding Base Rates of Interest and Value of Money" highlights that pound of tomorrow will be worth less pound of today.... This phenomenon helps understand many financial investment concepts to decide about the most beneficial and rewarding investment.... .... ... ... This issue has to be understood thoroughly before it really happens with you stopping your small beginning for big gains in the future....
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Next Generation Data Center
25 pages (6796 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The paper "Next Generation Data Center" highlights that VMware is the forerunner in introducing products related to data centre virtualization and cloud computing, Cisco and EMC2 implement these packages and have proved that the private cloud implementation is a prerequisite.... ... ... ... Founded in 1984 and centred in California, Cisco is a public listed company in NASDAQ and SEHK....
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Patient Satisfaction of Health Care Service Quality in Saudi Arabia
19 pages (5621 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
This paper ''Patient Satisfaction of Health Care Service Quality in Saudi Arabia'' tells us that patient satisfaction refers to the feelings of an individual in form of pleasure or disappointment as a result of comparing the perceived performance outcome of healthcare services in relate about an individual....
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A Proposal to Purchase a More Efficient Software System for the University
5 pages (1371 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This research proposal 'A Proposal to Purchase a More Efficient Software System for the University' discusses the implementation of the new system that would eliminate unnecessary queues and waiting time in different departments especially finance departments.... ... ... ... The University has been utilizing an interconnected computer system that is outdated and thus inefficient in discharging its role....
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Technology Assessment Plan
12 pages (3298 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper ''Technology Assessment Plan'' discusses that the purpose of this technology plan is to evaluate the organization's existing technology infrastructure and usage in order to make recommendations for future planning and direction.... ... ... ... ToJa & FeNi Corporation produce confectionery products basically chocolate of all kinds....
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Undernutrition in Tamil Nadu
11 pages (2927 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Undernutrition in Tamil Nadu' presents Feed the World which is a well-known non-governmental organization, which in the past has dealt with a variety of nutritional issues around the world.... This agency has a lot of experience particularly in the issue of undernutrition within a country....
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Research Methods for Business
6 pages (1831 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This paper ''Research Methods for Business'' tells that aims to study those practices that directly affect an employee of an organization.... The research seeks to be tailored around three areas: compensation and benefits, job satisfaction.... Researchers have conducted a lot of studies that revolved around job satisfaction....
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Conceptions of Utopia's from Antiquity to Modernity
15 pages (3939 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Aristotle, who was a student of Plato, in his The Politics is highly critical of the latter's view of the family stating that in Plato's ideal society, the respect between individuals would spread too thin since no one would truly love someone who did not consist of his or her immediate family.... "Dreams of a Totalitarian Utopia: Literary Modernism and Politics.... "Mapping Utopia: Homers Politics and the Birth of the Polis.... "Platos Utopia Recast: His Later Ethics and Politics....
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Literatue proposal
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
How did dandies fit into the gender categories of their time?... The eighteenth century was perhaps one of Britain's most tolerant times in terms of gender.... For most of the century, French mores were idealized, and certain behaviours – daintiness, conversation as an art, an attention to fashion – were accepted within the definition of masculinity....
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Marketing Research of Swing Jacket Inc
10 pages (2825 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Marketing Research of Swing Jacket Inc" describes that one of the most important considerations is obtaining consents from the participants.... This will mean that only participants who are capable of making independent decisions on participation can be included in the study.... .... ... ...
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Power and Politics Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Organizational Politics are concerned to the betterment of individuals and employed by individuals.... Organizational Politics can be employed both in positive as well as negative aspects.... They can be for the betterment of the Power and Politics go side by side in an organization and if they are separated, the organization is affected negatively.... rganizational Politics are employed to gain reputation, to get some self-concerned benefit, to get promotion, to get financial increase, to get influence, to make decisions, to attain power, to get knowledge related to some confidential information and much more (Aronow, 2004)....
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Contemporary Latin America Politics
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The South American region is important to the national interests of the United States, not only due to reasons of geographical proximity, but also due to natural (oil) and human resources present therein.... While South America was previously referred to as the “backyard” of.... ... ... The region is home to a handful of emerging economies, with Brazil and Venezuela at the forefront....
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Internal Proposal - Oklahoma State University
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper based at Oklahoma State University, Mechanical Engineering department.... It aims to research on the cancellation of online classes in this given Department; considering the facts that there is an increase of students in this department.... ... ... ... The paper analyzes Mechanical Engineering department of Oklahoma State University....
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How Effective Leaders Pave Safe Roads to Success: The Challenges of a Middle Managers Leadership
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper discusses the concepts of Leadership, Safety in organizations, and best practices in safety leadership.... It focuses on the middle manager, whose leadership duties extend in all directions, from their immediate supervisors, their peers and colleagues, down to their subordinates.... ... ...
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Ethical Issues Of Resuscitation: Islamic Perspective
14 pages (3923 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper is a review of the Islamic stand on the practices of cardio pulmonary resuscitation and the other extreme of do-not-resuscitate (DNR) in contrast with the medical practices and ethics.... In the process, it will also look at other ethical and moral philosophies such as deontology, utilitarianism, and consequentialism....
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Project Proposal - High Performance Organization
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Conway Inn & Restaurant: A Project Proposal Name: Institution: Conway Inn & Restaurant: A Project Proposal Overview of the Organization The organization that will be covered in my final project paper is Conway Inn & Restaurant.... The restaurant is a privately owned company, in which I work as a manager under the leadership of my father....
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Exploration of Change Management and the Reasons for Change
17 pages (7855 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Exploration of Change Management and the Reasons for Change" is a great example of a research proposal on management.... This report seeks to review the two learning logs that are attached as appendices, take the salient points, and further explore the management of change within an organization....
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The Major Differences in Leadership Approaches Used by Male and Female Leaders
47 pages (9855 words) , Research Proposal
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This paper ''The Major Differences in Leadership Approaches Used by Male and Female Leaders '' tells that The differences between male and female leaders can be used as a powerful tool to get the job done by placing the right leaders in the right places for the right careers.... ... ... ... Note that tables are numbered in sequence, beginning with 1....
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Biology (plant and people)- research proposal
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Annotated Bibliography Collins, R.... & Burns, J.... M.... (2007).... A history of sub-saharan africa.... Cambridge University Press.... The authors mentioned in their book that most of the major foodstuffs and crops grown in the African continent today were not indigenous crops, but are actually introduced species from the Americas such as root crops like cassava and grains like the maize....
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Emotional Intelligence, Training, and Leadership Behavior of Research Administrators
7 pages (1918 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The study "Emotional Intelligence, Training, and Leadership Behavior of Research Administrators" demonstrates the emotional intelligence, leadership behavior, and the role that training plays in enhancing the abovementioned characteristics in a research administrator.... ... ... ... In addition, research administrators play a crucial role in the future of an organization, and thus, the proposed research will focus on different aspects of research administrators, mainly their emotional intelligence, leadership behavior, and the role that training plays in enhancing the abovementioned characteristics in a research administrator....
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Windows Server 2012 Proposal
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
Windows Server 2012, that is also dubbed as “Windows Server 8” is the sixth publication of Windows Server.... Windows server 2012 is also recognized to be the server version of Windows 8 and again takes place of Windows Server 2008 R2.... ... ... ... Windows Server 2012 Proposal.... Windows Server 2012, that is also dubbed as “Windows Server 8” is the sixth publication of Windows Server....
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A Business Proposal to Increase Efficiency and Customer Satisfaction
7 pages (2045 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This work called "A Business Proposal to Increase Efficiency and Customer Satisfaction" describes the teamwork of the healthcare sector.... The author outlines that it is essential in many sectors since in all the above sectors interdependency, mutual trust, and commitment are necessary traits.... ....
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Application to Use Human Subjects in Research
13 pages (3741 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
From the paper "Application to Use Human Subjects in Research" it is clear that various community stakeholders and parents will be contacted for inclusion on the panel, and their permission to participate in the qualitative study will be sought via email.... ... ... ... Each participant will have the email address of the researcher and will be encouraged at every step of the process that they can contact me with any questions that they may have....
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Learning Organizations in the USA
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Centralized, bureaucratic structures within organizations tend to produce Politics within the organization and a formalized manner of doing things which in turn may not be conducive to creativity or the ability to think outside the box.... This report 'Learning Organizations in the USA' will examine one organization, the European headquarters of Teleflex Medical, which is a global supplier of medical devices, surgical instruments, and disposable medical products....
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Underachievement in Gifted and Talented Students with Special Needs
31 pages (8034 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Underachievement in Gifted and Talented Students with Special Needs" focuses on the critical, and thorough analysis and emphasis on the practitioners the need to explore the causes of students' underachieving and suggest appropriate intervention.... ... ... ... Gifted and talented special need students underachieve for various reasons, and in several different circumstances....
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Qualitative Research Design
12 pages (3042 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Qualitative Research Design" is a qualitative research proposal dealing with the topic of management of chronic conditions.... It illustrates various paradigms within the nursing concept.... It includes the methodological phenomena that will be used in the overall analysis or research process....
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Research Methods - Managing Change in Organizations
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
This paper 'Research Methods - Managing Change in Organizations" focuses on the fact that there are unique attributes in every individual which affects the manners with which relations are formed between the individuals (especially within the context of formal organizations).... .... ... ... Diversity and flexibility are essential for an organization's survival and growth as it ensures that there is adequate space for blending and forming of working teams that are a strong-point both within the organization's structure as well as serving as an incubator for creativity and innovation within the organization....
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Human resource management in Marine & Shipping Industry - Research Proposal
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The industry however, differs much from other global businesses in the sense that its physical capital is movable in a unique way.... This feature alone necessitates the institution of a human resource management.... ... ... Increasingly flexible tax regimes, the highly mobile workforce and advancing globalization are creating both challenges and opportunities for the industry....
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All Year-Round Soccer Pilot Program Grant Proposal
8 pages (2376 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This paper ''All Year-Round Soccer Pilot Program Grant Proposal '' tells about think Detroit PAL is humbly requesting for a grant of $ 18621 from Community Foundation of Southeast Michigan to fund its All Year-Round Soccer Program Pilot Project for the inner-city youths.... ... ... ... Through the program, 75 participating youths will be mentored academically in addition to participating in soccer tournaments thereby fostering a sense of pride, raise awareness of a better life, help youths learn to set achievable goals and ensure better physical and mental health....
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Research question
1 pages (250 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
The research will assess how designers of employee workplaces use the global concepts of marketing and high tech products and services in the design of commercial workplaces (Viswanath 28 and Gacenga et al.... 93).... This will be done by conducting a research that is based on primary.... ... ... Such will entail the use of a focus group, face-to-face interviews, observation and surveys (Shouhong and Wang 548)....
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Essentials of Marketing Research
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The following proposal "Essentials of Marketing Research" is focused on the business of Cheung Bei Computer Industrial Company Limited (abbreviated as CB) that is a Chinese based company that specializes in the production of computers and computer-related products.... .... ... ... CB has also been producing a particular notebook computer known as DIL....
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Topic Proposal
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
“The German declaration of war on the Unites States after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor used to be the final step in the bringing about of the Second World War”6.... ost of the world.... ... ... World war changed the political structure and social status of countries around world.... “Most people who lived through the Second World War drew a straight and clear line between Family History and Historical event Introduction Second World War known as World War II occurred during the period between1939-1945....
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Proposal outline
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
From time to time, wide fluctuations have been recorded in national income.... Early economists viewed the issue of economic progress from the viewpoint that a.... ... ... During a depression, an economy recovers automatically to enter a period of boom.... Most believed that the economy was usually operating under the employment levels of a country....
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Research proposal is feasible to delivering package with drone in the nearest future
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The information available on the use of drones whether in military or civil applications can aid in solving the problem of fatigue, and.... ... ... I propose a study that looks into the consequences and the possibility of adopting this technology in the delivery of parcels. ... ... nmanned aerial vehicles were introduced in the early twentieth century and commonly used in the Second World War....
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Treatment Proposals on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Treatment Proposals on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus.... It is one of the global predominant diseases.... Vitamin D and its receptors are present in almost 30 types of tissues.... ... ... ... Vitamin D is found to regulate insulin secretion along with calcium ions....
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Public Relations Campaign Proposal
9 pages (2520 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Public Relations Campaign Proposal" discusses Oppo, a Chinese firm will try to develop a PR campaign targeting potential Australian consumers with the objectives of changing their negative attitude towards Chinese technology.... ... ... ... Most importantly, the number of handsets sold would be the main benchmark on which the performance of the campaign would be based....
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Quanitative Research Method Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
They include those related to the ambiguity and limited scope of labor laws; the implied absence of the employment relationship; the uncertainty about who the employer is; lack of.... ... ... In other words the legally defined work place relationship between the employer and the employee has become rather individualistic to a greater extent g on a number of endogenous and exogenous variables such as employers' preferences, employees' willingness to accept such relationships and even time related economic pressures such as the current global economic recession....
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