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Annotated Bibliography on Finance
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Annotated Bibliography
This new edition of “Who's who in economics” includes a larger number of changes when compared to its previous versions.... he author of this edition, Mark Blaug is considered to be one of the top British economists with several publications and has critiqued about almost every section of economics....
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Enterprise Architecture Annotated Bibliography
8 pages (2751 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
The study "Enterprise Architecture Annotated Bibliography" examines the literature highlighting the flexibility of enterprise architecture and its openness to alterations, according to the business environment, collaborative EA, the strengths/ weaknesses of EA systems used at federal level.... ... ...
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Annotated bibliography for a study
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
(2011).... The effect of mothers ASL skill level on the English Literacy of their Children.... Journal of the American Deafness & Rehabilitation Association , 45 (1), 174-207. ... ... uchholtz, Lachs, and Boudreault conducted a study that.... ... ... This case study involved mothers together with their deaf children who were in grade in 6 through 9 undertook the Test of Grammatical Annotated Bibliography s Buchholtz, S....
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Organizattional Structure Presentation Annotated Bibliography
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
According to Buchbinder & Sharks (2012) the management is required to possess technical and interpersonal skills in order to carry out managerial functions.... They must also maintain internal and external perspective in order to influence growth of the organization. ... ... allon et al.... ... ... ...
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Annotated Bibliography on Environmental Issues
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
This paper "Annotated Bibliography on Environmental Issues" focuses on various literature sources relevant in terms of the environmental topic, such as Aiken, Katherine G.... ... "Not Long Ago a Smoking Chimney was a Sign of Prosperity:" Corporate and Community Response to Pollution.... .... ... ...
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Company profile and Annotated Bibliography
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
It soon expanded to cover other cities all over the world, and they stand at 56 (Baker, 2013).... In 2013, BarChick launched an app working on iPhones and Android with different functions.... It can tell the user the bars, which are.... ... ... BarChick App functions by guiding drinkers all over the world through providing the best and glamorous bars in their surroundings....
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Annoted bibliography
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
In this book, Galeano's analysis of the effects and foundations of capitalist under progress in Latin America bring to fore an understanding of Latin American history.... Galeano elaborates how overseas companies gained huge earnings through their dealings in Latin America.... He.... ... ... ounds on the politics of the Latin American undertakings and their links to overseas authorities, and how they interrelated to create more and more imbalanced capitalist cultures in Latin America. ...
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Annotated bibliography for book Parenting after divorce
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Annotated Bibliography
This is a research conducted by Ahrons in which he studied the effect on children after twenty years since their parents got divorced and this research even tried to figure out the impact of remarriage or relationships that are recognized as cohabits of one of the parents after.... ... ... The researcher figured out that even after 20 years of divorce and remarriage, children had a stressful relationship with siblings from step mom, grandparents and step mother and this was mostly true in cases where the Annotated Bibliography Annotated Bibliography AHRONS, C....
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Annotated Bibliography- Verbal Behavior
9 pages (2495 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
This paper ''Annotated Bibliography- Verbal Behavior'' discusses the bibliography that gives a summary of each of the entries.... The paper provide s the reader with a summary and an evaluation of each source and has sixteen annotations.... ... ... ... This depicts verbal behavior postulate as a growing area of study, with the capability of integrating with modern theories to make it relevant in the modern context....
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Analysis of the U.S Immigration Sources
10 pages (2734 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
he debate regarding the effects that immigration has had on the American economy has intensified in most societal settings that include classrooms and the Media.... "Analysis of the U.... Immigration Sources" paper contains an annotated bibliography of such articles as "Path to Citizenship for Immigrants Draws Support Across Party Lines, Survey Finds" by Preston, "Uncontrolled Immigration and the U....
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Racial Segregation in American Schools
10 pages (2657 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
While news Media frequently heap attention on high-poverty schools that work, study displays that middle-class schools are twenty-two-times more likely to be doing exceedingly well than high-poverty learning centres.... While news Media frequently heap attention on high-poverty schools that work, study displays that middle-class schools are twenty-two-times more likely to be doing exceedingly well than high-poverty learning centers....
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Green Computing- Annotated Bibliography
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
The article asserts that though public awareness of the environmental sustainability is undoubtedly growing, economic costs attracts concern of shifting to a greener economy.... The article also talks.... ... ... The article asserts that increasing carbon productivity infer that economic growth may possibly be sustained as emissions are minimized....
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Annotated Bibliography on Contemporary Urban Planning
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
Albrechts and Mandelbaum discuss theoretical and practical perspectives on the contemporary organization of social, economic, cultural, political and physical spaces in this book designed for graduate students taking up courses in urban studies, city and regional planning, and urban design.... .... ...
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The Incorporation of Immigrant Migrants in Growing Urban Areas in Saudi Arabia
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
Some of his recommendations in this respect are that countries should set up a national licensing office, individuals and employers should be empowered through the establishment of an international consumer organization, and Media campaigns should be used to inform the public on the salaries prescribed by different countries....
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Annotated bibliography/ Intelligence and Emotional development and self-esteem
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
Emotions are complex psychological experiences of an individual whereas self esteem is the self opinion, confidence and value as a person, possessed the person himself.... Emotional development and self esteem are interlinked.... Feelings or emotions normally involve psychological.... ... ... Emotional development, intelligence development, social development and the development of self esteem normally go hand in hand so that the child development is in the proper track....
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Annotated Bibliography Counterterrorism on Terrorist Groups
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
This article demonstrates the role that the center of gravity (COG) concept in military science has played in combating the menace of terrorism.... COG has been considered a fundamental planning factor by the author of the literature in all sciences of joint military doctrine.... ... ... ... In this literature, the author serves to demonstrate his personal views on the role that president Barack Obama and other politicians and individuals in positions of power in fighting terror....
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Critical Annotated Bibliography on Cybersecurity
6 pages (1615 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
The author of this paper "Critical Annotated Bibliography on Cybersecurity" discusses the literature concerning the problems of cybersecurity, criminal and fraudulent motivations, the security implications in information communication, critically analyzing the bibliography.... ... ... ... Companies together can cooperate and coordinate their efforts with the collaboration of governments....
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Annotated Bibliography of 5 different online sources
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Annotated Bibliography
Their sharply criticized push is guided by federal records showing that 157 college students aged between 18 and 23 drank to death between 1999.... ... ... With no much maturity difference between 18 and 21, lowering the legal drinking age would expose students to responsible drinking at a younger age such that they would not freak out in college and engage in irresponsible drinking habits that has seen a culture of Is it OK To Lower the Drinking Age from 21 to 18?...
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Annotated bibliography for analyzing a concept paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Annotated Bibliography
Using online text-based posts, this puts together a framework that can detect “psychological signals related to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).... ?? It goes ahead and explores some techniques that are being introduced such as ‘sentiment mining' which can highly assist.... ... ... This book is an exceptional one in this field as it explains a system performance that is real-time in its analysis....
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An Annotated Bibliography on Controlling Menopausal Symptoms
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Annotated Bibliography
This paper deals with annotated bibliography on controlling menopausal symptoms in a natural way with diet, exercise and vitamins.... 'Hormones and Your Health' book discusses the importance of hormones and hormone replacement therapies in the management of menopause.... ... ... ... ... Book is a scholarly as well as a popular work and is written by Winifred Cutler who obtained her PhD in biology from University of Pennsylvania and did her postdoctoral work in behavioral endocrinology....
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Annotated Bibliography for Intellectual Property Rights
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
V.... (1998).... Benefits and Costs of Following Comparative Advantage.... Discussion Paper #423, Research Seminar in International Economics, School of Public Policy, Univ.... of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan ... ... ublic projects and policies, including its implications are.... ... ... The mechanism in trading motivates business managers should conduct benefit-cost analysis to quantify and compare potential gains and losses in the market, thus, facilitate the determination of what are plausible, risky and impossible (Deardorff, 1998)....
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Annotated Bibliography on The Peloponessian War
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
In his volumes, Diodorus spends a great deal of time transforming mythological stories into factual components of the Athenian history.... The book generally combines.... ... ... Many of his stories seem to be far-fetched although play important role in the preservation of many old stories which are hard to be found anywhere else....
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Annotated Bibliography on Hospital Emergency System
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
Due to the changing trends of time, experts believe that it is also imperative for hospitals to modify emergency incident command systems for better management during emergency situations like nuclear attack, among many others.... .... ... ... An article that tackles the possible negative health effects that the detonation of portable nuclear devices will cause to the people both near and far from the area of explosion....
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Death Penalty annotated bibliography
3 pages (750 words) , Download 8 , Annotated Bibliography
his is a mass Media source that has been taken from the popular publication of ABCNews.... he benefit of using peer reviewed scholarly journals over non scholarly journals such as news paper reports and reports published in electronic Media is that the information provided in mass Media form are not peer reviewed by other researchers and thus they are not contradicted or further research on them is conducted.... On the other hand reports produced in Mass Media are much biased and only opinion based, they include researches done by the government and other academic sources but the entire report is written through the personal opinion of the author....
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Annotated Bibliography: Of Mice and Men
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
The aim of the paper 'Annotated Bibliography: Of Mice and Men' is to analyze the form and themes of the novel and what literary approach the writer takes.... The author of the paper explores the setting and its impact on the perceptions of universality of powerlessness and dreams.... ... ... ... The author of the paper provides details about how George and Lennie interrelate to demonstrate their intimate relationship....
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Annotated Bibliography on the book Damned by Chuck Palahniuk
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
Hephaestus Books symbolizes a new publishing paradigm, permitting different content sources to be featured into informative, relevant, and cohesive books.... To date, the.... ... ... tents of this book has been curated from articles in Wikipedia and images in Creative Commons licensing, though as Hephaestus Records continue to increase in dimension and scope, more licensed and public realm content is being added in....
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Annotated Bibliography: Lifespan Characteristics and Development
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 4 , Annotated Bibliography
This article will be used in the paper to provide a general overview of lifespan psychology as well as the different assessment methods that are used to assess developmental processes within the natural context by using micro-longitudinal designs.... ... ... ... This paper will be used to demonstrate the importance of lifespan characteristics and development studies and especially so the role that is played by the results of these studies in the development of effective health policies that are able to promote better lifespan health choices, control and independence....
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Annotated Bibliograpghy
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
It has various negative effects – both long term and short term – on the victim.... These effects range from severe mental trauma to physical injury that may take a very long time to heal.... Among the most common effects of sexual.... ... ... According to the organization, RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) (2014), 15 percent of the rape and sexual assault victims are children aged under 12 years....
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Annotated Bibliogrphy
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
It also claims that FEMA has power over the resources of the state as well as local authorities.... Apart from giving experts in various specialized fields to the local governments and the.... ... ... Additionally, the article claims that FEMA assists people access loans at low interest. ... ... he article expounds on the strength of the homeland security in the U....
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Digital Marketing annotated bibliography
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 5 , Annotated Bibliography
The applications involve with digital Media, advertising, financial markets, consumer products and marketing.... Arthur, Lisa.... Big Data Marketing: Engage Your Customers More Effectively and Drive Value.... , 2013.... Print.... ... rthur Lisa's book discusses big data as a topic that involves many individuals throughout the organizations....
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Performing Needs Assessment: an Annotated Bibliography
7 pages (1877 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
This paper ''Performing Needs Assessment: an Annotated Bibliography'' discusses the bibliography that gives a summary of each of the entries.... The paper has fifteen annotations for articles, seeks to give the requirements for sustainable assessment.... ... ... ... This needs to evaluate the specific and immediate needs of students and allow students to undertake their individual assessments....
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Annotated Bibliography For The Topic Affect Of Fast Food Restaurant
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
The article assesses the effect of the New York City regulation on the trans and saturated fat content of food in fast food restaurants.... The research targeted adult restaurant customers in the city.... New York City had passed a regulation that restricted trans fat use in restaurants.... .... ...
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Annotated bibliography for christ hymn which is phillipians 2:5-11
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
This verse has always been regarded as doctrinally significant both the Philippians and Christians today, which has resulted in a lot of literature been done around it.... The.... ... ... or of this book, studies the passage for two reasons: as an example an early the early Christian literature known as cultic, and to understand what Paul thought of the person of Christ1....
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Annotated Bibliography - Children's and Adolescent Literature
11 pages (2790 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
This paper ''Annotated Bibliography - Children's and Adolescent Literature'' discusses the bibliography that gives a summary of each of the entries.... The paper has twenty annotations for articles.... One of the books shows the costumes of her movies and tells more about her life and how she became a star....
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Biology Annotated Bibliography
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
The research studied the distribution patterns of three New Zealand flatworms from the genus Arthurdendyus (A.... triangulata, A.... australis and A.... testacea) through manual mapping and lately, via Global Positioning Sytem (GPS) tracking in native forest and modified habitats (e.... .... ... ...
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Political Science Annotated Bibliography
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
It is also at the fore front of efforts to understand and help various governments respond to new developments and concerns, such as information of.... ... ... Beyond the reach, of fiscal tools such as monetary loosening and fiscal spending, wide spread and lack of trust threatens to keep the global economy in doldrums....
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Annotated Bibliography and Thesis
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
The interest of United States towards Vietnam intensified after the collapse of China Nationalist government in 19489.... Therefore, it sought to use the same.... ... ... This is through employing a collective security organization, providing the country with economic aid, and offering military assistance....
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Education Trends, Theories, and Practices
35 pages (8750 words) , Download 5 , Annotated Bibliography
This research paper studies and analyzes the computerized learning environments and addresses various problems and challenges associated with the same such as those associated with their design and their impact on influencing the future of instructional technologies.... .... ... ... This article is intended to offer critical guidance and insights to the teachers and policy makers with regard to problems faced while dealing with and installing technology in classrooms, and the prospective implications of the same....
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Annotated Bibiliography 5
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
Using cell phones while driving has serious consequences on the road: in 2012, driver distraction resulted in more than 3,000 people killed and more than 400,000 wounded.... Also, it has been found that texting while driving creates risk 23 times worse than driving without.... ... ... Today, Federal Communications Commission is working to educate inform the public about how dangerous distracted driving is....
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Annotated Bibiliography 2
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
Today, with the evolution of technology, the number of people who use cell phones is increasing, and the number of situations when people use them tends to increase as well; driving a car should not be one of them, though. ... ... he bill introduced by McCarthy will allow using.... ... ... The bill also establishes the standards every state should adopt as well as grants the states the opportunity to introduce even stricter standards if necessary. ...
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Annotated Bibiograpgies of 6 SPANISH works
6 pages (1583 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
En efecto, Soledades, por si mismo, es una obra destacada que celebra el periodo barroco y todos sus vinculos necesarios.... Es un ejemplo de literatura superior que alcanza niveles de excelencia en su desenlace. ... ... demas de su fama inicial, en lo cual el poesia debe mucho a los nombres grandes de poesia espanol del siglo XIX-como otros poetas famosos de su epoca-esta poesia es reflectiva de las influencias de Bcquer. ...
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Annotade Bibliography on IQ
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
In this book, the author explains the mains issues involved in criticism of different methods of IQ test and what people say about the biasness of mental testing.... He puts the criticism in five categories and discussed one by one in details explaining how fair the methods are.... ... ... He concludes that the methods used in IQ test are not biased since the amount of research evidence is sufficient for an objective determination of bias....
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Annotated Bibliography for paper already written
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Annotated Bibliography
The author has underlined the sole purpose of the congress coming up with new laws which was making each state comply and work in unison.... Marinelli brings into context a case.... ... ... Deborah has put this activity on the sport light to emphasize the danger this act could have caused by threatening the healing efforts after the civil Marinelli, Deborah A....
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Annotated Bibiliography 8
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
While driving, drivers spend more than a half of their time at the wheel on secondary activities, among which using their cell phones is the activity number one; and texting while driving results in 16 percent of fatal accidents which happen during one year.... Overall, every.... ... ... Also, Car and Driver Magazine conducted a study during which they compared how risky and dangerous texting while driving, reading messages while driving and drunk driving can be....
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Annotated Bibliography in APA style
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
This is annotated bibliography.... The authors of this work have focused on a variety of techniques like using students as resources, combining skills with language and word recognition as means of effectively delivering the benefits of teaching in ESL classrooms.... .... ... ... The author of this work has taken into consideration number student-centered approaches that are effective for teaching English as a second language....
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The Cognitive and Emotional Aspects of Fibromyalgia
20 pages (5690 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
This paper ''The Cognitive and Emotional Aspects of Fibromyalgia'' tells us that this research study reveals about inter-linkage between mood disorders and fibromyalgia, which generate a process of pathophysiological in the brain.... The study also describes the difference between depression and fibromyalgia....
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Environmental Rights Annotated Bib
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
This article by Krutilla and Alexeeve (2014) focuses on the costs and the uncertainties that are involved when establishing the right over the use of resources.... In short this paper deals with the risks and transactional cost that are involved during the establishment of.... ... ... Regulations that work to improve health, environment, safety, homeland security, sustainable forestry, and the management of natural resources are important in helping to establish rights over resources....
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Alzheimers Disease Compiled Bibliography
7 pages (1991 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
This paper 'Alzheimer's Disease – Compiled Bibliography" focuses on the articles on the medical subject, namely, one of the articles explicitly explains each stage of AD, focusing on its course and the changes experienced by individuals.... The seven stages are derived from the work of Barry Reisberg....
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The Incorporation of Immigrants in Growing Urban Areas ( Annotated Bibliography AAAG Style)
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
In this journal article, Bangqin, a scholar affiliated with the London School of Economics (U.... .... , and Yongmei, a scholar affiliated with the Lanzhou University in China, seek to establish the role played by the state, the market, and employers in housing migrant workers in.... ... ... The authors note that in China, close to 1....
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Jorge luis Borges the gospel acorrding to mark: An annotated bibliography
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
Jorge Luis Borges is considered an Argentine literature master who authored “The Gospel According to Mark.... ?? It is evident from the title itself that the story is related to the Biblical Gospel of Mark.... However, Borges creates a narrative full of paradoxes of the original.... ... ... The four sources provide different analysis on Borges and his work in a way that the analysis range from the text itself to the author....
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