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Enterprise Architecture - Annotated Bibliography Example

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The study "Enterprise Architecture Annotated Bibliography" examines the literature highlighting the flexibility of enterprise architecture and its openness to alterations, according to the business environment, collaborative EA, the strengths/ weaknesses of EA systems used at federal level…
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Enterprise Architecture Annotated Bibliography
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Enterprise Architecture Annotated Bibliography Enterprise Architecture Annotated Bibliography A Comparison of the Top Four Enterprise-Architecture Methodologies, ObjectWatch, Inc., 2007 The specific study provides a brief history of Enterprise Architecture and presents four of the most common Enterprise-Architecture Methodologies. The study is supported by graphs and figures so that the content is made clearer. The value of the study can be identified both in its structure/ content and in its contribution in analyzing the potential modes of Enterprise Architecture, as applied in practice. OBASHI creates business clarity, OBASHI Ltd., 2013 The website of OBASHI Ltd is used for presenting an advanced IT appropriate for the monitoring of modern enterprises. The value of the specific website can be identified at the following point: the system presented has unique features, such as the provision to the user of the potential to develop simultaneously different tasks; the system is available in three different formats: as ‘a methodology, as a professional accreditation and as software’ (OBASHI Ltd 2013). Collaborative enterprise architecture: enriching EA with lean, agile and enterprise 2.0 practices, Bente, S., Bombosch, U., & Langade, S., 2012 The book explains the terms under which EA could become more effective. The combination of EA with certain practices is suggested as a way for improving the performance of EA. The book helps to realize the flexibility of EA and its openness to alterations, according to the business environment. Why doesn’t the federal enterprise architecture work? Gaver, S.B., 2010 The specific study presents the characteristics, including the strengths/ weaknesses, of EA systems used at federal level. The author aims to show that EA systems are quite demanding. In fact, if these systems are not appropriately monitored as in all of its parts, their power is significantly limited. The study is valuable for helping the readers to realize that the implementation and the monitoring of such system can be a challenging task that should be based on a carefully designed plan. IT architecture for dumnies, Hausman, K., & Cook, S.L., 2010 The successful implementation of an EA system cannot be completed unless the person that develops this task is aware of IT architecture. This book helps to increase the people’s capability of establishing/ monitoring an EA system. A comparison of the top four enterprise-architecture methodologies, Microsoft, 2007 Microsoft presents the most common EA methodologies aiming to attract the interest of the public and to strengthen its customer base. The study is valuable since it shows that there is no perfect EA system; a person can decide to choose the EA that best suits his needs, taking into consideration that failures will be inevitable. TOGAF the open group architecture framework 100 success secrets – 100 most asked questions: the missing TOGAF guide on how to achieve and then sustain superior enterprise architecture execution, Raynard, B., 2008 The study focuses on the implementation of a specific EA methodology: TOGAF. The key issues that are most likely to appear when implementing TOGAF are analyzed in the article. The study is valuable helping its readers to face effectively a series of critical problems related to the implementation of TOGAF. TOGAF or not TOGAF: extending enterprise architecture beyond RUP, Temnenco, V., 2007 The specific article explains the need for modifications in EA systems when existing IT infrastructure cannot support the requirements of an EA system. The study reveals the high level of EA systems’ flexibility, a characteristic that can be considered as these systems’ major advantage. TOGAF version 8.1.1 enterprise edition, The Open Group, 2007 The requirements of TOGAF, as an EA methodology are analyzed in the specific report. Emphasis is given on a specific version of TOGAF, the 8.1.1 enterprise edition. Other architectures and frameworks, The Open Group, 2013 The article presents a series of enterprise architecture systems, including TOGAF, NCR and the CORBA framework. The article is valuable since it offers to its readers the chance to be informed on the characteristics and requirements of different types of EA systems and to choose the one that can respond more effectively to their needs. Transit enterprise architecture and planning framework, TCRP, 2011 The book presents and explains the needs and the implications of EA systems that are used for covering the needs of the transport industry. The unique characteristics of these systems are presented and their differences from other EA systems are explored. The book helps to realize the variety and the complexity of EA systems. A comparison of enterprise architecture frameworks, Urbaczewski, L., & Mrdalj, S., 2006 Different EA systems are presented and analyzed, comparing their key characteristics and their requirements. The study is valuable in increasing the awareness of the public in regard to the different performance levels of EA systems. Data stores, data warehousing, and the Zachman Framework: Managing enterprise knowledge, Zachman, J.A. & Geiger, J.G., 1997 In this book emphasis is given on a specific EA framework: the Zachman framework. The key elements of this framework are presented and explained while its effects on an organization’s HR management are made clear. TOGAF: The Open Group Architecture Framework 100 success secrets: 100 most asked questions: the missing TOGAF guide on how to achieve and sustain superior enterprise architecture execution, Raynard, B., 2000 The successful implementation of TOGAF can be quite difficult. The article helps to understand the weaknesses and the demands of TOGAF. The article also provides information that would help to avoid critical mistakes when implementing TOGAF and to improve the performance of the software, even in the long term. The integrated architecture framework explained: Why, what, how, Wout, J., 2010 One of the most common failures when trying to implement an EA system is the lack of knowledge in regard to the system’s structure and implications. This book explains the key aspects of EA systems so that risks related to their implementation are minimized. Quantifying the value of RFID and the EPC global architecture framework in logistics, Uckelmann, D., 2012 The book refers to two EA systems: RFID and EPC systems. The potential use of these systems in logistics is analyzed. The book is valuable as it helps to realize the high variation and potentials of EA systems. Enterprise architecture using the Zachman Framework, Fishman, N. & Selkow, W., 2003 The book shows the characteristics and the operational implications of a specific EA system: the Zachman Framework. The different demands of EA systems are made clear. The book can be used as a guide for implementing the Zachman Framework without being exposed to risks. Requirements analysis: From business views to architecture, Hay, D.C., 2003 The book of Hay explores a common issue: the requirements of IT systems can be extensive, depending on the business need that these systems are asked to cover. BJ’s IT overhaul lays groundwork for BI, MDM, Beal, B., 2009 The specific study focuses on the reasons for which EA systems can fail to meet the targets set by their creators. The reason is that, according to the study, the implementation of these systems needs to be combined with specific tasks, such as appropriate data planning. Master data management, Butler, D., 2011 This paper, published by Oracle, aims to present the various techniques available to enterprise managers and systems’ users in order to manage organizational data. The EA systems are incorporated in this report, as systems that are vital for securing the effective management of data. The report is valuable at the point that it highlights the important role of EA systems in managing knowledge. Integration components, IBM Corporation, n.d This report presents the various elements of an EA system. Such system needs to be divided into parts, according to the business environment in which it will be implemented. The report is well structured based on the use of graphics and the extensive use of sub-headings, so that no misunderstanding occurs as of the issues under examination. 101 principles of enterprise architecture, Mar, A., 2011 Enterprise architecture is often difficult to be fully understood. In this article, reference is made to the principles on which EA systems need to be based, so that the validity of their findings is not doubted. Oracle retail point-of-service, Oracle, 2011 Oracle has developed an EA system that aims to support retailers: the system is named ‘Retail point of service’ and offers to its users the chance to develop all activities that normally take place at a physical point of sale. The report would be of high value to retailers who are interested in increasing the effectiveness of their sales department. Enterprise architecture principles, University of Birmingham, 2013 The principles of EA systems are often difficult to be understood, especially when referring to EA systems that are quite complex. The report of the University of Birmingham highlights the key EA principles and the terms under which these principles can be combined so that risks are reduced. From this point of view, the above report is valuable in setting the framework within which an EA system has been designed, implemented and monitored. ERP in retail, Aberdeen Group, Inc., 2013 The choice of EA systems that could be appropriate for a business operating in the retail sector should be based on certain criteria. The Report refers to the potential use of ERP in retail, a fact that can help the sector to significantly increase its performance. The Report provides important information for retailers who would be interested in incorporating an ERP system in their business. You’ll see in 2020, Accenture, 2008 The continuous changes that have occurred in the retail industry the last decades and the expected transformation of the sector’s in the future are presented in this report. Reference should be made to a specific fact, as explained in the report: the changes that will take place in regard to the relations between customers and retailers. It is noted that the advances of technology are expected to further affect the retail sector, making it more dependent on technology. The changing face of retail, Deloitte LLP, 2011 This report sets an important issue: the nature is retail has been highly affected by the advances of technology, as developed globally the last decade. Retail had to be alternated so that it is aligned with these changes. The introduction of EA systems in retailing is a fact that verifies the above phenomenon. The report is important since it helps to understand the influence that markets and technology can have on industries worldwide. Our price list, Fusionretailsoftware, 2009 This website shows the potential use of technology in the improvement of the retail sector’s performance. The site is used for promoting software that aims to support the daily operational needs of businesses in the retail sector. Keys to successful retail application maintenance, Quickborn Consulting LLC, 2010 Despite the fact that retail application can significantly contribute in business growth, the needs of the application, especially in terms of maintenance should not be ignored. This issue is analyzed in the report published by Quickborn Consulting LLC. The terms under which the maintenance of such application would be successful are presented and explained. The specific report would help retailers to realize the demands of their retail applications; in this way, major business failures can be avoided. Agile Enterprise Architecture, Agile Data, 2013 This website shows the characteristics and the requirements of Agile Enterprise Architecture, a system that it is considered as quite effective for addressing specific organizational needs. 8 Reasons Enterprise Architecture Programs Fail, Kabai, I., 2013 EA systems are quite important for business success. However, their effectiveness in supporting business activities is not standardized. This issue is highlighted in the study of Kabai (2013) where the 8 most important reasons for which an EA system can fail are presented. The study is valuable helping the readers to realize that despite their success the EA systems are not perfect; risks in their implementation/ use cannot be avoided. 21 principles of enterprise architecture for the financial sector, IBM Corporation, 2012 The characteristics and the demands of EA systems are not standardized. Rather, they can be differentiated according to the business environment characteristic. In the financial sector such case exists. The needs of this sector can be effectively covered by implementing a EA system that would be aligned with the needs of the financial services sector. This article is valuable in showing the availability of different modes of EA systems so that the requirements of each industry are met. Enterprise Architecture is Key to Business Success, Tinsley, T., 2010 Quite often, the implementation of an EA system is followed by important concerns in regard to the system’s expected performance. This article is quite important analyzing the role of EA systems in the enhancement of business performance. Implementing Enterprise Architecture, Den Haan, J., 2007 When having to implement an EA system it is necessary to be aware of the system’s requirements and its implications both in the long and the long term. Den Haan (2007) presents the phases of EA systems’ implementation, as these phases are incorporated in most projects of similar characteristics. Overcoming Resistance to Enterprise Architecture, Martin, R., 2011 The implementation of EA systems is not always welcomed within an organization. The article of Martin (2011) shows certain practices for overcoming resistance in regard to the implementation and use of EA systems. In this way, it is expected that the popularity of EA systems will be increased. Bibliography 1. ObjectWatch, Inc. (2007). A Comparison of the Top Four Enterprise-Architecture Methodologies. Retrieved from 2. OBASHI Ltd. (2013). OBASHI creates business clarity. Retrieved from 3. Bente, S., Bombosch, U., & Langade, S. (2012). Collaborative enterprise architecture: enriching EA with lean, agile and enterprise 2.0 practices. Waltham: Newnes. 4. Gaver, S.B. (2010). Why doesn’t the federal enterprise architecture work? Retrieved from 5. Hausman, K., & Cook, S.L. (2010). IT architecture for dumnies. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. 6. Microsoft. (2007). A comparison of the top four enterprise-architecture methodologies. Retrieved from 7. Raynard, B. (2008). TOGAF the open group architecture framework 100 success secrets – 100 most asked questions: the missing TOGAF guide on how to achieve and then sustain superior enterprise architecture execution. North Carolina: 8. Temnenco, V. (2007). TOGAF or not TOGAF: extending enterprise architecture beyond RUP. Retrieved from 9. The Open Group. (2007). TOGAF version 8.1.1 enterprise edition. Wilco: Van Haren Publishing. 10. The Open Group. (2013). Other architectures and frameworks. Retrieved from 11. TCRP. (2011). Transit enterprise architecture and planning framework. Washington: Transportation Research Board. 12. Urbaczewski, L., & Mrdalj, S. (2006). A comparison of enterprise architecture frameworks. Retrieved from 13. Zachman, J.A. & Geiger, J.G. (1997). Data stores, data warehousing, and the Zachman Framework: Managing enterprise knowledge. New York: McGraw-Hill. 14. Raynard, B. (2000). TOGAF: The Open Group Architecture Framework 100 success secrets: 100 most asked questions: the missing TOGAF guide on how to achieve and sustain superior enterprise architecture execution. S.I.: s.n. 15. Wout, J. (2010). The integrated architecture framework explained: Why, what, how. Heidelberg: Springer. 16. Uckelmann, D. (2012). Quantifying the value of RFID and the EPC global architecture framework in logistics. Berlin: Springer. 17. Fishman, N. & Selkow, W. (2003). Enterprise architecture using the Zachman Framework. Boston: Course Technology, a division of Thompson Learning. 18. Hay, D.C. (2003). Requirements analysis: From business views to architecture. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall PTR. 19. Beal, B. (2009). BJ’s IT overhaul lays groundwork for BI, MDM. Retrieved from 20. Butler, D. (2011). Master data management. Retrieved from 21. IBM Corporation (n.d.) Integration components. Retrieved from 22. Mar, A. (2011). 101 principles of enterprise architecture. Retrieved from 23. Oracle. (2011). Oracle retail point-of-service. Retrieved from 24. University of Birmingham. (2013). Enterprise architecture principles. Retrieved from 25. Aberdeen Group, Inc. (2013). ERP in retail. Retrieved from 26. Accenture. (2008). You’ll see in 2020. Retrieved from 27. Deloitte LLP. (2011). The changing face of retail. Retrieved from 28. Fusionretailsoftware. (2009). Our price list. Retrieved from 29. Quickborn Consulting LLC. (2010). Keys to successful retail application maintenance. Retrieved from 30. Agile Data. (2013). Agile Enterprise Architecture. Retrieved from 31. Kabai, I. (2013) 8 Reasons Enterprise Architecture Programs Fail. Information Week. Retrieved from 32. IBM Corporation. (2012). 21 principles of enterprise architecture for the financial sector. Retrieved from 33. Tinsley, T. (2010). Enterprise Architecture is Key to Business Success. Technorati. Retrieved from 34. Den Haan, J. (2007). Implementing Enterprise Architecture. The Enterprise Architect. Retrieved from 35. Martin, R. (2011). Overcoming Resistance to Enterprise Architecture. BA Times. Retrieved from Read More
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