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Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
In the paper 'Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit ' the author analyzes the book of Hegel who sees the aim of Life being free itself from confinement "in-itself" and thus becoming "for-itself.... Hegel places this unfolding of Life at the very beginning of the dialectical development of self-consciousness....
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Is Britain Becoming Too Diverse
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Is Britain Becoming Too Diverse" states that diversity, seen in Britain today, is not what it was earlier.... Some thirty years of government policies public perceptions and social service practices have been framed by a specific understanding of multicultural diversity and immigration....
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Three Main Dimensions of Financial Institutions
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the paper 'Three Main Dimensions of Financial Institutions' the author analyzes the development of financial systems, which are affected by various factors, which are, financial institutions risk management policies, 'indebtedness' of both individuals and sovereign elements, the banking system....
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The Concept of Le Confessional
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In the essay 'The Concept of Le Confessional' the author analyzes the use of different films, which is one that is not only dependent on entertainment and gathering the attention of viewers.... There are several types of movies that combine cultural connotations that question a specific time frame....
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How is inclusion understoodan examination of different approaches to meeting diverse needs
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The development of diversity and inequality in societies worldwide has led to a severe problem: people who proceed to actions that are not fully justified by the local social ethics and morals have often to face the social exclusion – more severe punishment is also possible,.... ... ... At this point, the following issue appears: can social inclusion be adequately supported by the state in all countries worldwide?...
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Health Promotion Campaign on Alcohol Consumption
17 pages (4730 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
This research "Health Promotion Campaign on Alcohol Consumption" focuses on describing what alcoholism and binge drinking is and how Health Promotion Campaign helps to prevent them.... Within the UK, the group known as Alcoholics Anonymous works within the new framework of the Health Campaign.... ...
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Christian Responses to Islam
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author briefly discussed the reason why Christians prefer to convert to Islam and also gave answers to non-converters.... The main rationale behind the conversion is that they are impressed by the Islamic philosophies of 'legal justice', 'social equality', and 'moral accountability'.... ... ... Many Christians have accepted Islam, as we have discussed briefly above....
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20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The purpose of this report is to examine whether and to what extent the judgments issued against Pulman Technics by foreign courts will be enforceable in England.... Pulman Technics has been carrying out its operations primarily in the USA and India, two countries that are not.... ... ... But common law rules are still applicable to judgments given by courts in countries around the world, including the United States and Asia....
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Law Enforcements Need to Take a Proactive Approach to Non-ethical And Corruptive Behavior
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 4 , Term Paper
This paper talks that Senior officers in the law enforcement sector are well aware of police misconduct but unfortunately they punish them secretly leaving the society unsatisfied and in dire need of justice and integrity in the entire law enforcement sector.... ... ... ... According to the report the community believes that the police as law enforcers lack integrity, are corrupt, and practice a strange unethical behavior....
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The unique features of Newar Buddhism and their development
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
While the Newar have remained “the custodians of what is probably the oldest unbroken Buddhist tradition in the world”1, the Katmandu Valley was not less.... ... ... However, some Western writers consider Newar Buddhism to be “corrupt”2, and believe it to be an advanced stage of deterioration3. ...
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Working in Partnership in Health and Social Care
17 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This paper 'Working in Partnership in Health and Social Care' offers insights into the Stafford Hospital and death of Adult 'A' crisis by evaluating key factors which played out in the unfolding of the events.... It relies on health and social care services provision.... ... ... ... The paper looks at partnerships of working with health and social care as the major factor that caused the two crises....
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Revolution in russia 1917
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The term ‘revolution' has been used in many different contexts, but in the general sense, it refers to the fundamental changes with regard to the organisation or power in a relatively short period.... Additionally, revolution can also be termed as an overall change in a.... ... ... tion or making modification in the existing constitution (Zodiac and Baggins, “The State and Revolution the Marxist Theory of the State & the Tasks of the Proletariat in the Revolution”)....
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Use of Cognitive Theoretical Framework
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
The paper 'Use of Cognitive Theoretical Framework' looks at academic restraint help in developing social structure and different attributes of the community members.... The development of different qualities of the individuals eventually aids in strengthening the social structures by a considerable extent....
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The Effects of Interventions and Sanctions
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research 'The Effects of Interventions and Sanctions' focuses on the success of intervention and sanctions through education, vocational training, mental and psychological, substance abuse, and probation programs.... The Indiana Correctional Institution produced research on the effect of prison....
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The Marriage (Same Sex Couples)
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay describes that the trouble with characterizing marriage reflects the diversity of our society in terms of social, cultural, religious and ethnic terms.... The law in Britain has looked to perceive marriage as an agreement or a status symbol.... ... ... ... It is hard to characterize marriage in a manner that could apply to all marriages, because that marriage implies whatever the couples who are marrying take it to mean....
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Feminism and Socialist Politics
18 pages (4520 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "Feminism and Socialist Politics" serves the purpose of addressing issues of socialist and feminist politics within the context of America.... The analysis of the issues will be done by presenting a discussion for both the ideologies in distinctive sections and theory published so far....
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A Secret Death Waiting List
16 pages (4622 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
In the paper 'A Secret Death Waiting List' the author analyzes the historical scandal involving the nation's veterans.... The Veteran Affairs controversy involves the scandal that occurred within Veteran's care facilities where an estimated 1500 veterans were to eventually die because of negligence....
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Camera Movements
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The present paper "Camera movements" investigates the function of camera movements in suspense movie.... It is mentioned that film development is an extensive process that requires effective handling of the camera coupled with appropriate movements of the camera.... ... ... ... Suspense on the other hand refers to the pleasurable excitement mixed with tension, apprehension, fascination and anxiety that an audience develops when watching a movie or reading a novel....
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Security and Human Rights
14 pages (4141 words) , Download 4 , Essay
From the paper "Security and Human Rights" it is clear that the most important long-term remedy that the UN should endeavor to achieve is to ensure that no people flee their countries for fear of their security.... It no easy task, but the UN can use its power to pursue this long-term goal.... ... ...
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Rational Choice Theory
15 pages (4062 words) , Download 4 , Essay
From the paper "Rational Choice Theory" it is clear that maximisation of utility can arise when the politicians decide to maximise their own personal utilities.... This endeavour directly conflicts with acting in a manner that will be beneficial to society as a whole.... .... ... ... A propensity to choose the errors that are associated with comparatively low costs, instead of those with higher costs, can be considered as an inherent aspect of human beings....
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European Union Merger Control
19 pages (5008 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
The paper "European Union Merger Control" highlights that the current economic reality is that businesses and corporations are often borderless and large corporations are not confined to a single country their operations, as well as their product reach, are not concentrated.... ... ... ... : In the processed food industry, any product is supported by the farmers that produce the raw materials for the processed food product....
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The EU Environmental Policy and Why It Is a Success to Both the Environment and the Economy
17 pages (5011 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The author of"The EU Environmental Policy and Why It Is a Success to Both the Environment and the Economy" paper assesses the degree to which he/she feels the European environmental policy has been a success.... The European Union commenced its environmental policy with a program that was ambitious....
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Psychodynamic Explanation of Bulimia
15 pages (4344 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper "Psychodynamic Explanation of Bulimia" highlights that psychodynamic therapy is effective in treating bulimic patients, secondly, this is so, probably because the explanation of the disorder by psychoanalytic approach is very close to what is revealed during many cases.... ... ... ... Research studies based on individual case studies have revealed the effectiveness of psychodynamic treatment in dealing with bulimia in combination with other disorders (Richardson, 1994; Schwartz, 1992)....
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New States of Eurasia: Emerging Issues of Politica and Security
14 pages (4086 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"New States of Eurasia: Emerging Issues of Politica and Security" paper evaluates the characteristics that make these territories prone to conflict and if the instability these states face is bound to last forever or if there is the hope of resolving the factors that contribute to the instability....
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Maria Montessori's Theory of Education
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 4 , Dissertation
The paper 'Maria Montessori's Theory of Education' seeks to analyze the Montessori philosophy of education developed by Dr.... Maria Montessori.... Maria Montessori became interested in education while dealing with mentally challenged children in the course of her practice as a doctor.... ... ... ...
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CHN: Family Nursing Care Plan
8 pages (4722 words) , Download 6 , Research Paper
The paper "CHN: Family Nursing Care Plan" observes the Smith family (pseudonym) that is made up of Mr.... and Mrs.... Todd (52 years old) and Evelyn (45 years old), Smith, parents to four children: Susan, living at home, (20 years old), Todd, Jr.... (17), Adriana (12), and Roger (7 years old).... ....
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Presenteeism in the Workplace
16 pages (4107 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Presenteeism in the Workplace" is a perfect example of a management essay.... The research aims to investigate the key origins of presenteeism or employees going to work when ill as well as to help leaders aware of the existence of the increasing phenomenon.... ... ... ... The paper "Presenteeism in the Workplace" is a perfect example of a management essay....
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Treaty of Lisbon and Its Implications
16 pages (4703 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
The paper "Treaty of Lisbon and Its Implications" tells the rapid increase in the number of states joining the EU is attributed to various reasons - from economic to security, while some experts have presented varying reports that try to account for the fast increase in a number of EU member states....
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Sociology: Criminal Justice
18 pages (4715 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The paper "Sociology: Criminal Justice" discusses that generally, comparing law enforcement agencies and criminal justice systems in different countries can produce interesting insights into matters regarding law enforcement, crime, and incarceration.... ... ... ... In order to comprehend the factors, whether religious or constitutional that influence the creation of each nation's criminal justice and policing systems, it is critical to study each nation's laws and justice department system separately....
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Effects of Culture on Children
20 pages (5104 words) , Download 6 , Research Paper
"Effects of Culture on Children" paper argues that culture determines the social norms, perceptions, and perspectives of thought and practice that influence the environment and people around the child who through their roles eventually determine the destiny of the children.... ... ... ... Parents approach child-rearing in numerous different styles....
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Social Care Service Decision-Making
18 pages (4967 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The essay "Social Care Service Decision-Making" analyzes the need for service users in participating in social policy decision-making; the mechanism for effecting better user participation in social policy, and prospects for the better user or citizen participation in social service policies.... ...
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Corporate Governance in the United States
17 pages (4349 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
From the paper "Corporate Governance in the United States" it is clear that the United States and the UK both have evolved their corporate governance structures in response to scandals while developing countries in Asia have corporate governance structures which are tightly held.... .... ... ... Generally, managerial accountability is the same, however, due to two things – either manager are not accountable to shareholders, because there basically aren't any shareholders, as is the case in developing countries; or managers are not accountable to shareholders because of shareholder apathy....
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Belgian Colonialism in Africa
17 pages (4304 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Belgian Colonialism in Africa" discusses the period between the late 19th century and the early 20th century that is known for the campaign of colonization of a large area in Central Africa, which was later called the Congo Free State.... ... ... ... The absurd brutality of the King's regime often seems absolutely irrational....
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4-part Financial Accounting
15 pages (4038 words) , Download 0
The paper "4-part Financial Accounting" is an impressive example of a Finance & Accounting report.... On August 21, 2009, the Oakland Tribune reported that officials of the San Mateo County in California, United States of America, were deliberating on the laying off of some sixty court workers due to state budget cutbacks....
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Random Sample of ER Burn Dressing Cases at Queensland
8 pages (4531 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper "Random Sample of ER Burn Dressing Cases at Queensland" reveals deficiencies in the practices of nurses in their effort to attend to patients who complain about burns.... This paper provides that vital information prevents further underestimations of burn dressing cases.... ... ... ... A sense of agitation causes the nurse to coordinate with the Doctor on duty to prescribe a pain reliever minutes after the patient has been officially admitted to the ER....
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Effectiveness of Arbitration as an Alternative Dispute Resolution within the UK Construction Industry
15 pages (4797 words) , Download 5 , Literature review
The paper "Effectiveness of Arbitration as an Alternative Dispute Resolution within the UK Construction Industry" begins with the statement that the industrial and labor legislation enacted in the UK encourages settlement of disputes in the industries by mediation, conciliation, and arbitration.... ....
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The Delivery of Health Care
16 pages (4425 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "The Delivery of Health Care" states that health care delivery is a complicated process rich in standard procedures and processes.... Health professionals provide these services in the best possible way in order to ensure that the patient receives quality health services.... ... ... ... In communicating with the patient, there may be physical issues that would likely be encountered....
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Employment within Mental Health Services
16 pages (4270 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper 'Employment within Mental Health Services" promotes a program designed for people who have experienced mental health problems.... This program is comprised of two broad elements.... The first element is that there is a supported employment program.... ... ... ... The prongs of this first element are as follows: assistance with recruitment – the mentally ill individual is given information about job requirements, and the support available, as well as given assistance with completing applications and interview preparation; assistance with work transition – the individual is given advice about welfare benefits, workplace mentors, starting work, getting support, etc....
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Nokia and Microsoft - Differences in the National and Organizational Culture of Employees
16 pages (4514 words) , Download 0 , Statistics Project
Culture has a crucial role in the behavior and actions of the people.... Cultural values differ from one country to another.... Similarly, organizations have a specific culture and.... ... ... The paper 'Nokia and Microsoft - Differences in the National and Organizational Culture of Employees' is an engrossing example of human resources statistics project....
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Attitude towards Conflict Management
15 pages (4405 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Attitude towards Conflict Management" discusses that cultural differences play a great role in the management of an organization.... In the world today people have interacted due to migration from one continent to another.... This could be attributed to various reasons which may include,....
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Reflective Practice in Nursing Educational Strategy
17 pages (4288 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The essay "Reflective Practice in Nursing Educational Strategy" focuses on the critical analysis of the meaning of reflection and reflective learning and s/he will discuss the reflective practice as an educational strategy in Nursing.... S/he is a person interested in the healing arts.... ... ... ...
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Uniform Commercial Code
16 pages (4358 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The author of the "Uniform Commercial Code" paper examines the application of article 9 uniform civil code: security interest: category, and perfection of collateral, repossession of collateral question three, negotiability of an instrument, and joint bank account.... ... ... ... The second collateral at hand is the crops growing on 100 acres of land in Kansas which Massive Dynamics actively farms to provide organic food for its employees....
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The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
18 pages (4458 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper " The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia" discusses that the existence of the State policy is the best criterion for distinguishing crimes committed by individuals and belonging to national justice systems and crimes with their principles and special rules.... ... ...
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Business Organizations: Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, and Company Limited by Shares
19 pages (4520 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
"Business Organizations: Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, and Company Limited by Shares" paper focuses on the features and implications of choosing to operate a business under each of these business structures.... It also briefly distinguishes between a public limited company and a proprietary company....
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Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002
18 pages (4562 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 " discusses that there are very few cases relating to the right to refuse medical treatment which has been decided upon and thus these two court decisions offer much-needed help on legal positions.... ... ... ... It is essential to state that the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (NSW) controls the gathering and handling of clients' information by NSW private and public organizations....
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Comparative Insolvency Law in the UK
17 pages (4405 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Comparative Insolvency Law in the UK" states that a business may experience a downfall or a shake in its financial strengths.... This can be experienced in the case of cash inflow being affected in terms of debts not being paid or when its debtors fail to fulfill the promise of repayment....
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Free Movement of Companies
15 pages (4295 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The author of the paper "Free Movement of Companies" argues in a well-organized manner that there are directives enacted to control mergers across the border and the transfer of corporate addresses.... The right of establishment of free movement of companies is therefore a major issue.... .... ... ...
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Worth Investing in a Pension
29 pages (7900 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
With the advances in medical technology and better living standards, the overall life expectancy has improved.... This dissertation "Worth Investing in a Pension" perfectly describes that the overall population trends in the UK suggest that the population is aging fast and more and people are going to live a life of retirement for a relatively long period of time....
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Mentorship and work based learning and assessment
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
As per these standards, these learning and assessment processes, although designed to train the new entrants, applying the principles of learning theory, have important outcomes for.... ... ... This usually assumes the form of a developmental framework, and the development occurs in stages.... In this framework, students on NMC approved pre-registration midwifery education programme would enable The whole process of this developmental and assessment framework is required to be supported and assessed by mentors....
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Marketing Mauritius
32 pages (8000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
With the recent developments in the communication technology and the modes of transportation, tourism industry is poised to experience an exponential growth in this millennium.... It goes.... ... ... Hence the tourism industry is expected to usher in immense changes in the social, demographic and economic spheres the world over....
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