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Three Specific Interviews of Various Probation Officers - Essay Example

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"Three Specific Interviews of Various Probation Officers" paper contains the interviews that were carried out among 23 professional probation officers and program directors concerning the advantages and disadvantages of using volunteers in intermediate punishments…
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Three Specific Interviews of Various Probation Officers
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THREE SPECIFIC INTERVIEWS PAPER ONE INTRODUCTION A lot of crimes are perpetrated in the society everyday. Some offenders are brought to book while some escape and never get caught to face the consequences of their offences. To reduce crimes to the barest minimum or to control it, governments of any society draws up rules and regulations to govern how things are and should be done. Every offence or crime has a low guiding it and offenders are treated under such laws according to the level and seriousness of their crimes and offences. In addition to the laws, various organizations are in place to handle cases of law breaking and offences in a society. Depending on the level of crime, some measure of punishment are meted out to serve as deterrent; while some punishments are capital and involve life of the offenders and or the victims, others are meted out for correctional purposes to help the offender become a better citizen of his community following some correctional therapies. Such punishments are referred to some voluntary correction organizations instead of being sent to prison. Although prisons are supposed to be reformatory places, it is not all crimes that attract jail terms in the prison. It should be noted that many prisons harbor criminals who are so hardened that their lifestyles badly influence other inmates. For this reason, it is sometimes advisable to consider the level of certain offences before deciding where to send the offenders. Apart from government prisons there are also detention schools for juvenile criminals, NGOs who help to look into crime cases. There are still paraprofessionals such as Psychologists, Psychiatrics, and religious organizations who get involved in crime control measures and remedies. The following interviews were carried out among 23 professional probation officers and program directors concerning the advantages and disadvantages of using volunteers in intermediate punishments. The first question and the rest of them are recorded as follows: S/N NAME OF OFFICER POSITION QUESTION ANSWER 1 Mr O Awoyale PPRO Whose duty is it to mete out intermediate punishments to law breakers Government and some NGOs, and paraprofessional organizations 2 John Shagaya ICPC Why do we have volunteers handling certain criminal cases in the society Because the government cannot do without them 3 Justice Bello Information Officer - ditto - Volunteers are involved in secondary punishments because they are important in crime control issues 4 Barr. Tunde Banjo Law Officer - ditto - Volunteers' main duty in crime issues is reformatory and correctional 5 Samuel Ade Commissioner of Police - ditto - When crimes are committed, punishment cannot be meted out with thorough investigation to establish the level and what punishment it deserves. From there we know where to refer it to be treated. 6 Johnson Chuks Divisional Police Officer In this case, whether it should be handled by the government or probation organization Yes. In the event that the offender requires some counseling, rehabilitation training or some vocational knowledge acquisition, the appropriate organ will be consulted. 7 Timothy Wilson Magistrate - ditto - Cases are referred to voluntary organizations for various reasons. One of them is the fact that the prisons need to be decongested. There are cases which ought to be treated with dispatch, but which continue to linger, with the offender left to languish in the prison which in the end may turn out not to be the appropriate place for him. 8 Tobenna Mike Barrister What type of cases are treated by the volunteers and paraprofessional organizations Rape is a serious case, but several things could lead a person to rape someone. A rapist could be referred to A psychologist, psychiatric, a counselor or even a religious leader for examination before judgment/punishment 9 Esther Diwu Magistrate What can you say about a street fighter This offender is better handled by these voluntary organizations. One thing or the other could be responsible for street fighting. 10 James Aziza Police Investigation Officer Just like other crimes are committed with some motives, what can you say about street fighting In a way. A street fighter might just be displaying a good talent! 11 Bode Thomas Divisional Police Officer Is street fighting a display of talent of a crime Street fighting is a crime punishable under the law of this land. 12 William Muyideen PPRO What type of punishment can you recommend for a street fighter Reformatory detention. A street fighter can be reformed and made to use his fighting talent in a more honorable way, e.g. boxing, wrestling, karate, etc. 13 Evangel Minima State Sector Commander [FRSC] Do you agree to involving volunteers in secondary punishment It is the work of the law enforcement agencies. They should do their job and leave out these volunteers. 14 Mojisola Daniel Highway Regulatory Cabinet Officer Do you subscribe to the use of volunteers in intermediate punishment I do not. It breeds more criminals in the sense that those criminals are not adequately rehabilitated before being left off the hook. 15 Bishop Amucha Johnson Professional Counselor What are the advantages of having volunteers get involved in intermediate punishments There are a lot of advantages, but major among them is the training given to offenders during their period of incarceration. Another is that it creates employment for miscreants and make them responsible when they have served their terms. 16. Hamza Majeed Family Counselor What can you say about using volunteers in intermediate punishments It is a good option. Their services are necessary. 17. Kaine Iwu Law Officer Which agency is the best option to handle a drug addict Drug addiction is a special case which involves doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, etc. Who handles it depends on the condition of the addict. 18. Emeka Nnabuike Law Officer Which is a more serious offence; drug addiction or drug peddling The latter is a more serious offence. In some cases they are made to face capital punishment. They are the cause of drug addiction in the first place. The society can do without such people. 19. Philomena Hamza Marriage Registrar Is wife battering a secondary offence It is a secondary offence where no serious damage is done. It becomes serious when a life is lost in the process. 20. Philemon Hadiza Marriage Registrar Which organ is best suitable to handle wife/husband battering Such individual will be better handled by paraprofessionals. Marriage issue is sacred. A religious cleric can be of better help. 21. Silas Livinus A Unionist Willful destruction of employer's property by an aggrieved employee is best handled by which organ The rules governing such things are clear. The employee will face the full weight of the law. Most of the time, it is the police and the courts that are entrusted with this offence. 22. Kunle Lawal Commissioner For Forestry How can the issue of bush burning be treated with regard to punishing the offender Bush burning is a serious offence against the state. It is a matter that must be handled by the highest government law agency. 23. Jude Arinze Law Officer Marriage Registry Is child abuse an offence that should be handled by volunteers Yes. Because of its nature as a family matter. Everything possible must be done to keep the family together. ANALYSIS OF DATA COLLECTED QUESTION YES NO NEUTRAL TOTAL QUESTION YES NO NEUTRAL TOTAL Is it good to employ the services of volunteers in intermediate punishments 13 6 4 23 Is drug addiction a criminal offence 12 7 4 23 Does this crime require the attention of paraprofessionals 14 3 6 23 Can you give example of offenders who have been handled by volunteers successfully Sensitive information Can't recall 16 Not sure 3 4 23 What is the percentage of success by volunteers 16 70+% 3 20% Not much 4 23 Can volunteers handle such cases as street fighting, burglary 16 4 3 23 Why do we need the use of volunteers in secondary punishments They are helpful professionals 16 Not needed 4 Don't care 3 23 How many people have been successfully handled by volunteers in the last 3 years Over 2000 inmates 16 Can't remember 7 - 23 What are the advantages of using these volunteers Inmates learn vocations and come out more responsible 20 Not noticeable 2 Don't know 1 23 How much does it cost government to engage volunteers Nothing Nothing Nothing 23 Total: 77.4% 20% 5.6% 100% CONCLUSION: From the analysis above, the advantages of using volunteers and paraprofessionals and community based correctional programs to solve certain crime problems out-weigh the disadvantages. From respondents, those in favor of the use of those organizations and professionals in solving certain crime problems are 77.4%. Those who are against it is 20% and those who are neither here nor there are 5.6%. From this analysis, I can conclude that certain criminals cannot be adequately treated by applying outright capital punishments. For instance, a rapist is likely to be rehabilitated and reformed through the examination, counsel and professional touch of a psychologist, psychiatrist, or even a religious cleric. The same thing can apply to a street fighter, an addict and other lesser criminals. The case of a petty thief e.g. pick-pocket or burglar can easily be solved by the same means or even through the provision of better means of livelihood such of job, training in simple to learn vocations that could yield decent incomes. Incarceration in a prison community in most cases hardens a criminal and could make him worse than he was at the point of entry. This is because of other inmates who could influence others to become worse, thereby making them to return to even worse crimes after release or even during parole. [PAPER 2] INTERVIEW OF PROBATION OFFICERS ON SURVEILLANCE AND CONTROL What are the roles and responsibilities of Probation Officers The roles and responsibilities of the probation officers in the program include: To develop and effectively implement crime prevention and control programs. Effectively administer criminal justice. Help reduce over crowding in the prisons due to lack of adequate space in the prisons and poor state of facilities in the prisons. Conduct crime victimization survey within the country to have a fair picture of crimes and crime victims. Survey on the extent and pattern of criminal victimization, fear of crime, perceptions of crime and the police among residents throughout the nation. Conduct lectures and enlightenments on issues concerning combating terrorism and other crimes. Working in concert with the prisons to improve prison facilities and condition of warders and prison inmates. To complement the shortage of staff in the prison which is at the moment at the ratio of 200 warder: 2000 inmates. They do this by ensuring that offenses which have options of fine are treated and the offender left off the hook to reduce the over population in the prisons. For instance, a man who has battered his wife or a wife who has battered her husband need not be put in a prison custody. His family still needs him around to carry out his responsibilities to them. Therefore all he requires is a counselor - a marriage counselor, a psychologist, a psychiatrist or a religious minister. Any of these could bring him back to his right frame of mind to live peaceably with his household again. There are lesser offenders who are left to rot in the prisons without being charged for any offence which is not supposed to be; ours is to ensure that no one gets higher punishment than he deserves for the crime he has committed. What limits should be established for surveillance and control [Intensive Probation Officer]: Crime control cannot be left to the central and state governments alone, because of the high wave of various crimes. NGOs like the Cleen Foundation which works in collaboration with the Ford Foundation is out to get statistical information on crime in the country. So far, official statistics from the police, the prisons and the courts are indicators of the criminality and victimization commonly available in most societies. So far we are still working to get the true picture of crime. For instance, there are some dark figures [i.e. unreported crimes], grey figures [reported but unrecorded crimes] and manipulations of records to satisfy political and/or institutional interests. These are bottlenecks, but we are determined. The Inspector General of Police has revealed that the police is being re-equipped at least to match the fire power of such criminals as armed robbers. He said that this has become necessary because of the "spiraling" crime rate and the sophisticated weapons being used by the men of the underworld. According to him, the "palliatives" members of the force are being given are only touching the symptoms and not the cause. He therefore suggested setting up a Police Trust Fund to be able to properly equip the police force. The police will be provided with better patrol vehicles, bullet proof gadgets, including armored vehicles, 28 Armored Personnel Carriers [APC] are required for each of the states in the federation. It is estimated that each of the APCs will cost approximately $2million. The police in the federal capital territory require a total of $1 to $2 million to contain and control crimes there along. A total of $11 million has been allocated to the police to institute proper crime control measures. Police phone numbers are regularly advertised on radio, television and newspapers for distress calls. Every police station and post in the country is red-alert 24 hours a day for such calls and other crime information. The police has also set up a program to curb police brutality and violation of human right, personal liberty and fair hearing to give the nation a community friendly, corruption free, professionally competent and disciplined police force. The following are some of the organizations put in place for the purpose of checking crimes in the country and states: [1] The Federal Road Safety Corps [FRSC] [2] The Kick Against Indiscipline [KAI] [3] The Federal Legion [5} The Civil Defense Corps [6] The NAFDAC [7] The NDLEA [8] The Customs These Federal and State agencies and other NGOs are set up for the purpose of controlling crime in the society. From records, in recent times, the police force and other paraprofessional organizations have fallen short of expectation in crime control and surveillance programs. There are a thousand and one criminal activities in all the nooks and crannies of the country. Violent crimes take place and are carried out with impunity. To prove that the police crime control and surveillance methods are not yet effective, some armed bandits visited the residence of a couple and their children recently, and spent about four hours; they had all the time and confidence to prepare breakfast for themselves and had a nice time eating it without any interruption. They then emptied the refrigerator of its content and satisfied themselves with the edible things found there. While all that was going on, all calls to the police did not produce any helpful result. The bandits operated in a world of their own, and made good their escape before the police arrived in their archaic rickety police patrol van, which should have long been a relic somewhere in the museum. The only thing they were able to do was to bring out the couple and their children from the toilet where they had been locked up by the bandits. This scenario puts to question the effectiveness of distress calls through the telephone to the police. Another program is the road blocks and vehicle checks in strategic places on the roads. Apart from the traffic jams this process causes road users on the road and the hardship to drivers and passengers, the police check points have been converted to toll collection centers as those who are supposed to check criminals on the roads have discovered a lucrative business, including collecting money [call it bribery if you like], from commercial vehicle drivers and sometimes from the very criminals they are supposed to check, even helping them to escape. In this way, the police help to expose the hapless citizens to the whims and caprices of criminals. Looking at the whole thing, it is only the voluntary agencies and NGOs that are working hard to control crimes. To be able to effectively police the society and control crime, the police need to be reoriented and retrained on modern crime control measures and innovations as obtainable in the more developed and advanced societies. While the armed robbers boast of modern sophisticated weapons of mass destruction, the police are still going about with ancient type hunter's guns and tear gas. There is however some hope with the pan to provide armored vehicles, bullet proof gadgets and modern sophisticated weapons, this is in addition to some workshops, seminars and enlightenment campaigns for the police force throughout the country. There is also the program in place to collaborate with other international agencies such as Microsoft, and other computer and internet service providers to monitor and nip in the bud the activities of the Advance Fee Fraudsters and other crimes committed via the internet. Worthy of mention is the crime control program already put in place by the Customs around the border areas of the country with neighboring countries to check the activities of smugglers and human traffickers. This is the only government program that seems to be working. The customs have modern facilities to monitors and detect any untoward movements and transactions within and around the border areas and their environs. A lot of arrests and seizures are made on a regular basis by the customs. Through the efforts of the customs, the cases of child and woman trafficking across the borders have reduced drastically which smuggling activities have equally reduced. The NDLEA [National Drug Law Enforcement Agency] is another government organization that has worked so hard to curtail the menace of drug traffickers and peddlers in the country. Offenders are never spared. Their drugs are confiscated and destroyed in public while they are charged to court and punished accordingly. NAFDAC [National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control] is another agency doing good job in crime control. Under this agency, the activities of fakers of good and drug products have brought under manageable control. Many arrests are regularly made and goods worth millions and billions in monetary term are destroyed outright in public while offenders are made to face the full weight of the law. From records and statistics, the successes of these agencies are heads and shoulders high and above those of the police. CONCLUSION Based on these revelations and facts, the it can safely be concluded that the need to involve these organizations in crime fights and control cannot be over-emphasized. Unlike the police, these organizations do not tolerate bribery and corruption. They carry out arrests, and dish out the appropriate penalties as commensurate with offence committed, no mater whose ox is gored. The same cannot be said of the police which is bereft of ideas and equipment good enough to fight and control crimes. If the measures the police have proposed can be put in place in the next one year or there about, it would be great for crime control. The usual snag could still persist and delay or turn it to moribund. The fear of the usual government establishment due process procedures before any decision is made is true. Bureaucratic bottleneck associated with government expenditures and provision of legitimate services is a serious snag. Another thing to look into is the tendency for higher officers to embezzle public funds and divert them to private ventures or other uses other than those originally intended. The issue of out dated equipment in the police for instance cannot be a result of non-provision of necessary funding by the government, but the question of corruption within the police force both among the officers and the rank and file. A case in point is the current jail sentence handed to the former Inspector General of Police which will see him spending the next six months behind the bars because of embezzlement of money meant for the running of the police force which was under is administration. With this type of situation, it may take longer than we think for things to become normal in this sector of the economy. So far, there is no sign that the situation is about to change. The rank and file of the police do their money collection on the roads as if that was their main duty. The go about it with all forms of brutality. Several innocent people have been killed by those junior officers for refusing to give them bribe. Some have had their lives cut short for daring to protest such a shameful activity. The crime control and surveillance cannot be limited to the general public along, organizations such as the police force, importers and exporters, homes where servants are abused with child labor and maltreated; should be put under surveillance to check their excesses. . PAPER 3 INTERVIEW OF THREE PROBATION OFFICERS S/N NAME POSITION QUESTION ANSWER 1 Timothy Wilsn Magistrate What intermediate or community based correctional programs are available in your area There is an educational program for juvenile offenders who are still under the age of 21 years. It involves both elementary, high and vocational schools with highly trained and professional teachers in various fields. 2 O. Awoyale Police Public Relations Officer [PPRO] Which programs use criteria other than recidivism rates to determine program effectiveness Education and skill acquisition are the main aim of our programs. The objective is to have the inmates equipped to be gainfully employed to be able to live responsibly at the end of their terms. Recidivism cases are very remote and hardly occur so long as the inmates did not have any reason to relapse back to fresh crimes. 3 Justice Bello Information Officer Which programs are most effective The educational and skill acquisition programs are most effective in the sense that government grant the inmates some interest free loans to set up their own businesses, especially agriculture oriented businesses, carpentry and fashion designing and the likes. 4 Samuel Ade Commissioner of Police For community corrections programs, how important is recidivism as an effective outcome measure Most of our programs are for low risk offenders whose terms of incarceration are short and sometimes do not require prison detentions. This category of offenders do not usually have the tendency to repeat crimes after release. Recidivism is therefore not an important outcome measure 5 Samuel Ade Commissioner of Police Why do you consider the program in your community effective The outcome of this program is clear. The success level is measured by what the inmates become at the end of their programs. The most effective are the juvenile programs because they have a long term positive effect on the lives of the inmates and the society at large, in the sense that, as youths, they stand to be useful to their motherland for a longer time than the adult offenders. From the above data, there are three main models of probation programs viz: Juvenile Detention School for younger and older youths and then the older offenders' long term detention program. For the juvenile programs, the youths are put through a long period of basic education and vocational training. From records, a majority of these young offenders has successfully passed through their programs and come out to live decent and responsible life. Very important is the acquisition of various skills and even up to university and college levels. Those who acquire vocational skills are usually granted some interest free loans by the local government or community in the form of farm implements, including fish fingerlings, day old chicks, farm equipment and tools to start their businesses. This has worked effectively and there has not been cases of recidivism. For the older offender offenders whose offences are borne out of greed and other violent activities, not much is expected of them. And even at that, when they serve their terms, they hardly come back to the open to be heard. Most of them prefer to live quiet life out of public view. Cases considered high risk are such as Advance Fee Fraud, Embezzlements, Money Laundering, Financial Misappropriation, Murder, Rape, Armed Robbery and the likes. This category of people are the ones who one hears is either sick, or is in the hospital or even have died suddenly of hypertension. This is because of the sudden change of environment from the safety, freedom and luxury of their palatial homes to a colony like environment away from kits and kin, friends and associates and their luxury lifestyle. Their problem on incarceration has always been that of psychology. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION As mentioned above, the issue of recidivism can be tackled mostly through effective programs rather than simply incarceration, particularly of low risk offenders. This is because it is easier for low risk offenders to commit new offences than high risk offenders. Some studies have suggested future criminal activities would reduce if incarceration of low risk offenders is reduced or avoided, in which case certain programs could be applied as better correction measures. According to John Howard Society of Alberta, Canada, "possible programming include life skills, academic training, employment readiness or other training for life outside the prison walls." It went further to state that "Reintegration plan may vary according to the needs and circumstances of individual offenders"the improvement and expansion of these existing interventions is critical, making the continuous evaluation of their effectiveness necessary; keeping in mind that incarceration alone is ineffective in reducing recidivism, the prediction of recidivism is of obvious importance, and the development of appropriate and successful interventions is key." RECOMMENDED IMPROVEMENTS [1] Limitation or avoidance of incarcerating those low risk offenders who are more likely to commit more offences after serving their terms. [2] Development of intense, high quality programming that focuses on dynamic factors such as attitudes, values, companions, social achievements, etc. [See my report on the attitude of older offenders above]. [3] Correctional services [both federal and state] should collaborate to develop a uniform centralized information gathering system to determine the risk factors for criminal involvement and recidivism specifically among short term inmates in the country. [4] Provincial correctional services should, on an ongoing basis, critically evaluate the effectiveness of existing interventions that are ostensibly intended to reduce recidivism Read More
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