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Mental Health Support after Pregnancy - Research Paper Example

"Mental Health Support after Pregnancy" paper focuses on the mental state of women after giving birth with an aim of ascertaining if more mental health support is needed after pregnancy. Stress and depression are major concerns to women after giving birth…
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Mental Health Support after Pregnancy
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Mental Health Support after Pregnancy al Affiliation Mental Health Support after Pregnancy Chapter Introduction Stress and depression is a major concern to women after giving birth. The physical and mental transformation undergone by a woman during the birth period needs management. The mental condition may be triggered by the manner in which a person perceives a given situation. Healthcare providers concentrate in maternal health provision. Most women get affected during their pregnancy period. The complex process could psychologically effect in most cases could be triggered by environmental factors. In some cases, the level of healthcare services offered after and before delivery could have a major effect on the mental and physical health of the patient. Healthcares all over the world provide a free or affordable maternal healthcare system. The package neglects the after birth healthcare service. The follow up treatment after a woman is discharged is a major concern. The society has ignored the essence of postnatal care. In most cases the child is given more attention compared to the mother. Weight gain and other psychical is major concern for a new mother. The nature in which society perceive weigh gain could psychologically affect a person after the birth period. The effect could also be caused by personal deceptions. The sensitive nature of females towards their body structure plays a role in affecting their psychological wellbeing after delivery. There is need to focus on this effects with an aim of creating a heath strategy to utilized during the postnatal care. The affected parties needs to be accessed and models designed to assist those undergoing stress and depression after delivery. Psychological effects in most cases are a recurring event. The new mother could reignite memories of earlier atrocities she suffered prior to the delivery period. The result is a psychological stress and trauma. In some cases personality disorder and other mental disorders could trigger trauma and stress after a woman gives birth. An example of such disorders is the maniac stress disorder. Females giving birth in such conditions are at higher risks of mental breakdown. The situation worsens when the affected party lacks the much needed help to enable her manage her situation. The focus is on how health policies address this situation. It is evident that the mind status of females after birth has been ignored across the world. There needs to be mechanisms that will aim at dealing with this problem. The essay will focus on the mental state of women after giving birth with an aim of ascertaining if more mental health support is needed after pregnancy. Chapter 2: Issues Postnatal care is a major concern to mothers. The levels of care given during this care will determine the levels of stress and other mental disorder among mothers. Risk factors involved in prenatal period of a mother needs to assessed and identified. In some cased medical history, environmental factors, social factors, public perception, and level of healthcare determines the prenatal heath of a mother. Attention is focus upon the new born child. The mandatory postnatal healthcare service indicates the property set by governments and other health institutions. The models ignore the need to monitor the mother with an aim of ascertaining the mental status and psychical wellbeing. Risk factors in this case determine the level of attention each party should be subjected (Baginsky, 2009). In focusing if more mental health support is needed after pregnancy. Focusing on the environmental and social risk factor the research will determine whether more postnatal care is needed. Postpartum depression Postpartum depression is a major mental disorder displayed by women during the postnatal period. The moods change symptoms displayed by this mental disorder are likely to be witness in the initial weeks of delivery period. The effect is highly likely to new mothers and women with historical occurrences. The nature of depression varies depending on environmental and social factors. The risk factors involved in this case are age and other psychical and mental conditions. There is need to focus on this issue as a major concern to mothers during the postnatal period. Other symptoms include loss of appetite, somatic symptoms, memory lapse and lack of concentration (Robertson et al, 2004). In most case, the symptoms occur after the discharge of a patient from hospital. Postpartum Psychosis The other factor is the Postpartum Psychosis. The condition occurs when stress and depression is not managed at a given level. The condition is a concern towards women during the postnatal care. The rare conditional highlight the role played by society and other environmental factors in managing different levels of stress and depression among women. The prevalence period to mothers is 12 months for Postpartum Psychosis (Baginsky, 2009). The level at which the condition is detected occurs at different levels. The health sector identifies the condition as independent. The number of maternal heath institution that assists women undergoing this condition is limited and hence remain a concern to women during their postnatal care. The situation would worsen in an event the patient experience a relapse. The condition is triggered upon by environmental factors. Ignored case of postnatal depression would calumniate into Postpartum Psychosis, in an event family member are unsupportive, and the patient is at a higher risk of falling victim of mental disorder (Tuohy & McVey, 2008). Anxiety disorders Anxiety disorder is a factor in which is ignored during the prenatal period of a patient. The ignored symptom could lead to server problems when a woman gives both. The lifestyle of mothers would determine the level of anxiety. In some case the mother, conceive a child of different sex as what she had expected. In some rare cases, the child is born with deformities. This implies that the mothers would likely express some case of discomfort and fear of stigmatization. The level counselling and psychiatric help offered during this period is limited. The prenatal care offers should offer the much-needed guidance to mothers expecting babies. However, most institution offer only medical care and only scans to ascertain the health of the child. Lack of guidance and counselling to mothers expecting children would negatively her postnatal period. The levels of health of a woman could be affected due to the anxiety and other disorders (Tuohy & McVey, 2008). Postnatal care Healthcare systems around the world have a unreliable postnatal services to mothers. The current systems fail to identify risk factors among mothers during their prenatal period. The lack of collaboration between health facilities has played part in promoting the current state of postnatal depression, stress and anxiety. The focus of the research will be to identify risk factors and identify the prevalence of mental disorder among the female population. The current system fails to offer much need care. There is a connection between prenatal care and the postnatal care. The level of care offered during the prenatal period influence the mental status state of an individual. The collective responsibility of nursing homes and community is needed to ensure a successful postnatal process. The amount of period in which the patient spends in prenatal care is essential and should be factor in designing models that will enhance the wellbeing of a patient (Baginsky, 2009). Chapter 3: Methodology The research will focus on different sources with aim of ascertaining if more mental health support needed after pregnancy. The research will focus on both females with mental disorders and those considered health risks prior to their delivery. The aim will be access the effect of the pregnancy to their mental status. The aim will be to identify the cause of postpartum depression. The research will focus on a number of previous research will conclude based on the findings. The aim will be to formulate a mechanism that will deal with postpartum stress. The research will deal with data provided for by other sources. The combination of these sources will assist in determining whether women are given enough mental care after giving birth. The research will focus on both negatives and positives of the health sector in dealing with this situation. In determining recuing stress in females with mental disorder, the research will focus data from National Institute for Health and care Excellence. The data focus on both postnatal and antenatal mental health statistics of women based on age and environmental status. The aim will be to determine the demographic factors in mental disorders. The concept of management is a major concern. The research will focus on proposals by NICE in managing the situation. This will be in line with what current health policies achieve. The failures of the system will determine if at all the system requires improvement. The success of current system will imply that measures deployed are effective and hence are ensuring the mental statuses of patients after delivery are managed appropriately. The source will identify different levels of stress with an aim of ensuring measures kept are effective in controlling different levels of stress. The source highlights the concerns of women with mental disorders. However there is the element of those women without mental disorders developing these kinds of postnatal stress (NICE 2014a & NICE 2014b). The research will highlight on factor that attributes to stress disorders to women without mental disorders. The focus will be on how prenatal depression increases in women in a given environment. The focus will be on data provided by health departments. The normal population will be compared to women who are exposed to stimulants and other forms of drugs. The level of stress will determine if at all depression exist in women after giving birth. The level of stress among these females will determine whether mental care should commence before delivery or during the postnatal care. Source will be effective as it will determine whether women who are exposed to stimulants over a long period of time are at a higher risk of mental problems compared to those who are less exposed to substance (Lee at al., 2001). Family history and environmental factors is a major concern while determining if more mental health support needed after pregnancy. The research will highlight on bipolar disorder and how it is triggered by environmental factors. The environmental factors will determine whether the current conditions are triggered by health history or environmental factors. In an effort to ascertain these claims the essay will determine the probability of a mental disorder recurring in both adolescent mothers and single mothers. The financial status and anticipation of financial stress will be assessed with an aim of determining if it could be a factor in postpartum depression. The analysis will focus on data provided by government and other nongovernmental institution. The aim will be to identify if a change of environment could be effective while dealing with this type of stress. The meta- analysis approach conducted by Robertson et al (2004) will be effective in establishing the cause of action to be taken to avert depression among women. The research focused on more than 14000 subjects, the research focused on prenatal and postnatal mental status of the subjects and determined whether it changed over the period. The result of this research will be used to ascertain whether women are affected by environmental conditions. In this case, a number of the subject where drawn from different types of hospitals. The focus of the research was determine whether different hospital offer mental health care to patients with mental disorder or those at high risk of developing mental disorders. The research identified risk factors and proposed on measures to be undertaken to ensure patients are stable even after being discharged from maternity hospitals. The prevalence rate of depression, anxiety and stress disorders will be determining though academic and government sources. The risk factors will be assed with an aim of setting models that will identify these factors and work on them during the prenatal and postnatal care. Chapter 4: Result and Analysis Women with bipolar disorder are at a higher risk of developing postnatal depression compared to other women. 1 out 2 women with Maniac disorder tends to display symptoms that suggest they suffer from postpartum depression. About 25 percent of this population develop these conditions within the first few day of prenatal care. The reach also incites that a number of second and third time mothers have experienced these symptoms across all pregnancies. The population indicates that the disorder persist beyond the maturity of the pregnancy. These symptoms persist over a given period and in some case turn chronic. The women with bipolar disorder experience normal delivery. The effects of mental disorder affect mainly second and first time mothers with bipolar disorder. Fifty percent of women with bipolar disorder register no symptoms of depression or stress during the pregnancy period. These symptoms surfaces once they deliver their first or second child. Adolescent mothers risks developing mental disorders. The research indicates that environmental and social factors are to blame for depression and stress among adolescent mothers. According to research data, more than 45% of adolescent mothers show signs of postpartum depression and stress. The rate is lower in adult in that 13% experience this condition. Most mothers exhibiting these conditions suffer from blue baby in the first few weeks of delivery. The rate is higher to single adolescent mothers. The presence of a father figure reduces the prevalence period in which adolescent mothers exhibit these symptoms. Mothers from a humble background tend to suffer more from depression compared to those from established families. The concept of maturity and early responsibility was a dominant factor in the research (Baginsky, 2009) Mothers with unexpected pregnancy tend to have a lower prevalence period compared to married adolescents. Adolescents would take up to 36 days at maximum to show signs of postnatal depression. The research also identifies prenatal care as a factor in determining the level of mental disorder in women after pregnancy. Women who attend prenatal clinics are at a lower risk of developing prenatal stress or depression. The amount of time taken and level of service determines the levels of depression among women during their postnatal period. Mature women frequently attend prenatal care compared to young women. The levels of postnatal services are limited to paediatric cares. In that, a number of health facilities ignore the health of women. The family role in postnatal care is minimal to young mothers compared to older women. The marital status also plays part in determining the level of postnatal and prenatal care offered to a mother. Single mothers tend to ignore the essence of postnatal care and hence stand a higher risk of developing postpartum psychosis. Chapter 5: Interpretation and Analysis of the Data A negative correlation between social care and postnatal depression implies that family members and mental healthcare system needs to ensure that the patients receive the much-needed moral support. Those developing postpartum depression due to lack of social support is high and there is need to work the patient’s welfare. The numbers of mothers attending prenatal clinics are at a lower risk of developing postnatal depressing. This is attributed to the fact that a number of issues are solved at this stage. The patient is prepared psychologically though the process and measures made for those mothers with other mental disorders to undergo cancelling and other psychological process (Dalton & Holton, 2001). The process is achieved as during this period as a number of issues are worked at including cognitive process aiming at mentally preparing the mother. The high rates of postpartum depression among adolescence are attributed to lifestyle and other environmental factors. Most adolescent pregnancies are either unplanned in this case the mother suffers from stress prior to delivery. The first time mother lacks the knowledge to identify the need for family support and moral support. The ignorance and stigma faced by these mothers culminate into depression (Reid V. & Meadows- Oliver, 2009). The matter worsens in an event the affected party delivers. The postnatal period is crucial in this case in that those who fail to get family support would tend to depress themselves. The other component is when the mother lacks financial support (Wisner et al., 2002). The mother then could face a possible postnatal depression due to financial inability. In some cases, life events that led to the pregnancy may recur in their minds. The failures to coup with the situation will eventually lead to psychological trauma that will calumniate into postnatal depression. The situation if not managed could lead to server depression. Family and social issues trigger the high rates among ethical grounds (Reid V. & Meadows- Oliver, 2009). In some case, the health history of a patient is essential in determining whether they are at higher risk of developing postpartum stress. Women with bipolar disorder tend to be at a higher risk of developing postnatal depression. The situation is complex to mothers who had experienced the similar symptoms in their previous deliveries (Department of Health, 2014). This means a recurrence of past event triggers the mind and individuals with such histories may be affected. A relapse could be the worst-case scenario in such a setting. The patient may exhibit behavioural changes caused by baby blues and other effects. The nature in which postnatal stress and depression is handled will determine whether the patient will recover or worsen. The economic status will determine the amount of care. The community plays an important role in setting grounds in which the postnatal care will take place (Women and Newborn Health Service, 1995). The period in which people exhibit these symptoms vary depending on age, environmental factors, and historical components. The young mothers tend to take a shorter period to exhibit these symptoms (Department of Health, 2014). The social and economic components could determine if these mothers experience initial signs of depression and postnatal stress. The family settings determine whether the mother will be received or stigmatised. The nature in which society accepts young mother will determine whether a patient develops postnatal depression. Immediate rejection will imply that mothers will exhibit earlier symptoms of postpartum depression. Later rejections imply that family members take a longer time to accept the current situation of the new mother. The mother in this case will take more than a year to show signs of depression. The mother could face stigma within her immediate environment. The mother will at first accept her situation but if the situation worsen the mother will become affected and hence develop later cases of postnatal stress (Poulin, 2006). Assessing risk factors is an initial step that needs to undertaken as part of maternal care. The individuals that are at high risk of developing postpartum stress and depression should be managed to avert this situation. The aim of risk assessment is to define models to be used in postnatal and prenatal healthcare provision. The failures by heath institution to identify the risk factors and determine how to asses these risk calumniate into postnatal depression triggered by environmental factors (Lobato et al., 2012). The correlation between the risk factors and postnatal stress indicate the need for the healthcare sector to reform their strategies to allow assessment of prenatal risks and work on the with aim reducing postpartum stress and depression. It is evident that the level of postnatal care will determine whether a given individual develops stress and depression (Dalton & Holton, 2001). Personality disorders caused remains a risk factor. These disorders could be caused by either fistula or other psychical changes. Weight gain among women remains high among risk factors. The young population is at a higher risk of developing personality disorder after giving birth. The adolescent population would be a victim stigmatization and lack of self-confidence. The situation could result into postnatal depression (Gress-Smith et al., 2011). The failures by society to guide and manage the situation will negatively affect the low rates of postnatal depression. The postnatal; clinic is a major concern. In that, the low rates of women seeking postnatal care are small. The low turnout plays a vital role in increasing the number of postnatal depressed persons. An increase in postnatal care will reduce the amount of patients developing postpartum stress disorders (Rosenfield, 2006). There is a negative correlation between the postnatal care and the levels of postpartum depression. Action plan based on risk factor is what will determine the levels of a postnatal depression recurrence. The vulnerable groups are defined based on their age and health history. The history of a patient will determine whether a given action plan should be applied. Social support remains a factor in dealing with postnatal depression (Dalton & Holton, 2001). In many cases, the social setting implies the immediate environment and the hospital setting. The model used it ensuring social support is effective in delaying with first time postnatal depressed patients. The Neurosis test enables the physicians identify historical components and will work in ensuring appropriate measures are taken against mothers after giving birth. The essence of medical history is to identify risk factors among vulnerable groups (Gress-Smith et al., 2011). Mothers with bipolar disorder tend to be at a higher risk in that postnatal depression prevalence is high compared to other groups. The postnatal care will reduce the chances of certain depression from becoming server. Chapter six: conclusion Recommendation Postnatal care should include psychiatric care. High rates of women developing postpartum depression and psychosis mean changes need to be in place within maternal healthcare. This means that institutions need to acknowledge the risk women are exposed to after giving birth. The period in which mothers are engaged in postnatal care should be determined upon prevalence period. The period take to display postnatal depression should determine the levels of prenatal care provided by a health facility. The models should engage the community in an effort of reducing risk factors. Risk factors in this case range from social to economic factors. The society could play an important role in ensuring moral and emotional support to mother after delivery. Risk assessment is needed to ensure type of prenatal care to be administered by a health facility. A nurse needs to identify the vulnerable groups and work on mechanism that will profile these groups in an effort of offering specialized care in situations where the condition worsens. Medical history is essential in determining vulnerability of a given mother. A postnatal care system should include environmental factors in designing action plans. It is evident that a large population of mothers especially young and those suffering from other forms of disorders are at higher risk of developing postpartum depression. it is the duty of the nurse to identify these risk factors and plan on ways to address the situation. The public and family members need to ensure the new mother receive the much-needed moral and social support. The health facility needs to facilitate the postnatal care by offering services to the new mothers. The government on the other hand needs to set legislations that make postnatal care mandatory and affordable to mother. Conclusion It is evident that women need mental health support is needed after pregnancy. The environmental and social factors are considered as risk factors in determining the health of a mother after birth. Women often suffer from postnatal depression and postpartum psychosis. The amount of care offered to during her prenatal period is high compared to postnatal care. There is need to focus on how women stand a high risk of developing complex mental disorders. The health institutions and the society need to provide the environments needed during postnatal period of a mother. There exist a negative correlation between postnatal care and postpartum depression. Increased prenatal care will mean that there will be a reduced case of mental disorders among new mothers. Reference Baginsky, B. (2009).Prevention of depression in postpartum adolescents. Journal of student Nursing research, 2 (1) 10-14 Dalton K and Holton WM. (2001). Depression after Childbirth: How to recognize, treat, and prevent postnatal depression. New York: Oxford University Press. Department of Health. (2014). Early Years High Impact Area 2 – Maternal (Perinatal) Mental Health. Local Government Association. Retrieved from Gress-Smith, J., Luecken, L., Lemery-Chalfant, K. & Howe, R. (2011). Postpartum Depression Prevalence and Impact on Infant Health, Weight, and Sleep in Low-Income and Ethnic Minority Women and Infants. Maternity and Child Health Journal, 16(4) 887-893 Lee, D.T., Yip, A.S., Chiu, H., Leung, T.Y. & Chung, T.(2001). A Psychiatric Epidemiological Study of Postpartum Chinese Women. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 158 (2), 220-226 Lobato, G., Brunner, M.A., Dias, M., Mareas, C. & Reichenheim,M. (2012).Higher rates of postpartum depression among women lacking care after childbirth: clinical and epidemiological importance of missed postnatal visits. Archives of women’s Mental Health, 15 (2) 145-146. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. (2014) Mental health problems during pregnancy and after giving birth. NHS. Retrieved from National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. (2014). Antenatal and postnatal mental health: clinical management and service guidance. NICE. Retrieved Poulin, S. (2006). The Mother-to-mother Postpartum Depression Support Book: Real Stories from Women who lived through it and Recovered. New York: Berkley Books. Reid V. & Meadows- Oliver, M. (2009)Postpartum depression in adolescent mothers: an integrative review of the literature. Journal of Paediatric Health Care, 21 (5) 289-298. Robertson, E., Grace, S., Wallington, T., Stewart, D.E. (2004).Antenatal Risk Factors for Postpartum Depression: A Synthesis of Recent Literature. General Hospital Psychiatry, 26 289-295. Rosenfield, A. (2006). New Research on Postpartum Depression. New York: Nova Publishers. Tuohy A, McVey C. (2008). Experience of pregnancy and delivery as predictors of postpartum depression. Journal of Psychology, Health & Medicine, 13(1):43-47 Wisner, K., Parry, B. & Piontek, C. (2002). Postpartum Depression. Journal of New England Journal of Medicine, 347 194-199 Women and Newborn Health Service. (1995). Prenatal Depressive and Anxiety Disorders. Kings Edward Memorial Hospital. Retrieved from Read More

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