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Sleep Deprivation, Disorders, and Drugs Introduction There are two theories for sleep: recuperation theories of sleep and circadian theories of sleep (Pinel, 2009). Recuperation theories explain why people need sleep, while circadian theories explain when we need to sleep (Pinel, 2009).
The disease of dementia can be categorized into two dimensions: cortical dementia in which the outer layer of the brain is affected which in turn affects the cognitive processing in the person. The other category is of subcortical dementia in which the part of the brain beneath the cortex gets damaged which then impacts the personality traits of the person.
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Development is a complex process that involves seven different dimensions. These are the physical, biological, cognitive, social, emotional, personality and spiritual dimensions. This paper looks at the developmental changes on the childhood and adolescent stages by focusing on the effects it has on psychological, social and emotional dimensions.
7 pages (1750 words)
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, Research Paper
Introduction ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a mental condition that initially appears during childhood stage.The affected child demonstrates unusual levels of inattention and hyperactivity. However, one or both of these two symptoms may occur at the same time.The prevalence rate of attention hyperactivity disorder among the children ranges from 3-5% (DuPaul and Stoner 2003).
In the paper different online (internet) and offline (non-internet) sources are explored in order to find out major factors that influence children's perceptions about gender and gender-specific roles. The process of socialization, internalization of information, stereotypes, and gender-specific behaviors is also discussed.
Sage also states that Yalum frames experiences through existence pain which means that in creating choices, the fear that this brings makes many people choose to deny their responsibility for their lives. In the case of Carlos, Yalum discusses a patient who is unwilling to accept his reality and therefore has difficulty reaching out to others as he shrouds his existence in creating the character of himself, rather than living in his truth.
Upon undergoing a closer evaluation, it was found out that nine months earlier he was unusually energetic and euphoric, as during that time he had two part-time jobs in addition to his regular job. However, over the last two months, he had lost twenty pounds, and it is apparent that his up and down periods had also occurred when he was in his early twenties.
Understanding that people tend to deny secondary emotions to the discriminated group explains the behavior but does not make it moral or just. To eliminate or minimize these tendencies, the management should take an active form in “humanizing” the face of the enemy as the first step towards diversity.
The principles and misconceptions in effective interpersonal communications According to Nie (2001), communication always involves two parties as information is passed from one party (sender) to the other, hence termed as interpersonal. However, for communication to take place effectively, the process has to be subjected to certain principles.
The extroverts are considered active, easy to interact with others, and outgoing, while the opposite introverts are reserved, thought-oriented, and like being alone. The sensing type personalities trust more data and tangible evidence or facts rather than relying on hunches to make decisions.
4 pages (1299 words)
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, Research Paper
Habituation is a form of simple learning in which behavior stops or decreases as a result of repeated exposure to a specific stimulus. This form of simple stimulus learning can occur within any level of the nervous system. Perpetual learning on the other hand involves the acquisition of skills and abilities which last for a lifetime and often employ high cognitive processes.
Information is stored in human memory for varying periods of time; from a few seconds to decades. The most transient memory store is the Sensory Memory which stores sensory data for as few as 3-4 seconds (Robinson-Riegler & Robinson-Riegler, 2008). Information attended to in the sensory memory moves to the short-term memory (STM).
6 pages (1500 words)
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, Research Paper
Hypnotherapy has likely been around as long as human civilization itself. During that time, this practice has been the brunt of jokes around the office water cooler, credited with solving countless medical conditions, and been fiercely debated in both academic and medical circles.
The aim is to provide a chance to work toward living a more satisfyingly and resourcefully life. Counselling relationships vary depending on the clients need but may be related to developmental issues, decision making, crisis improving relationships with others, developing personal insights and knowledge, running through feelings of inner conflict.
4 pages (1000 words)
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, Research Paper
Understanding ADHD. For such a long time, children who cannot sit still in class, will not stop talking and are often disruptive in class have been labelled as ADD, short for Attention Deficit Disorder. Over time, the word “hyperactivity” was inserted in the term, making it Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder due to the over-activity manifested by several of these children.
The latter means a vector quantity which meant ‘the rate of an object as it changes its velocity’ (Physics Classroom, 2012). Often, when the distance travelled by an object in a freefalling mode increases its time, this is ascertaining that the object is speeding up its fall to the ground.
Plasticity is like the ability of the brain to change because of a particular situation that the person undergoes. Because of a different experience or sensation, the brain neurons form new connections and break some old ones. This is plasticity and if the brain does not exhibit such a characteristic, then it must be fixed.
Forensic psychology is used in criminal investigation to help law enforcement agencies and courts of law to ascertain the real facts in any disputed matter. This includes providing expertise, second opinions and psychotherapy for victims of crime and assesses the mental capabilities of juveniles and adult offenders.
Ivan Pavlov’s experiments with dogs utilized a ringing bell as the neutral stimulus, meat as an unconditioned stimulus along with salivation of the dog as the unconditioned response (Feldman). The unconditioned stimulus (meat) tends to produce the unconditioned response (salivation of the dog) which is the natural reaction to the provided stimulus.
This can be caused by the inability for limb coordination sans external cues or failure to assign rhythmic movement by coupling external signals to motor responses, which affects the consequent coordination of limbs. Unlike bimanual coordination, i.e. coordination of hand movements or feet movements, hand and feet coordination is more complicated.
6 pages (1578 words)
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, Research Paper
Erickson’s theory of psychological development describes the eight stages of human development which a healthy human being should go through from birth (infancy) to the late old stage. Erickson argued that in each stage of development, a person confronts and should successfully conquer new challenges in order to avoid conflicts in the future.
5 pages (1930 words)
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, Research Paper
Vail (2009) adds that adults are often apathetic when their children tell them about bullying because many parents see it as something that is natural. Many parents were bullied in school at different times and they took the bullying. Because of this many parents think that their children can also get through the bullying.
Previous studies and data indicate that the phenomena of identification through accidental learning show ready behavior imitation of children from adults. Many researchers and authors who have conducted this experiment have ended up with the same results after the experiments. This is convincing evidence that behavior is influenced by factors.
9 pages (2250 words)
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, Research Paper
Corporal Punishment Name Subject Teacher Date Corporal Punishment According to the National Coalition to Abolish Corporal Punishment in Schools, or the NCACPS, the term “corporal punishment” refers to the “physical pain inflicted on the body of a child as a penalty for disapproved behavior” (Dupper & Dingus, 2008).
The author of the paper is of the view that if untreated, the anxiety disorder may be dangerous and may cause impairments and negatively affect one's relationship with peers or his capacity to study and work. In extreme cases, the disorders may cause problems in the performance of routine duties like shopping, playing, and others.
Mr. Michael Smith gave his consent for this mental status examination. Though he appeared at the stated age of 23, he was often repetitive and somewhat fidgety. He was well-groomed and did not display any bizarre attitude or mannerisms. Mr. Smith maintained eye contact all throughout the interview and seemed to relate well with the interviewer.
9 pages (2673 words)
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, Research Paper
Grief counseling in groups has proved to be an effective and successful procedure in assisting the transition of bereaved individuals to normal life due to reasons such as the provision of emotional assistance and the establishment of a network of support that constitutes of participants who have gone through similar experiences.
For this paper, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) will be described based on various models and its diagnosis will be presented, as well as its impact on various aspects of the individual. OCD is considered to be an anxiety disorder with DSM-IV code 300.3 from the Axis I disorders of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition.
Criminals of this category are generally termed as mentally disordered offenders and identifying such people and facilitating adequate treatment to them or “diverting them to the mental health system” will go a long way in preventing crimes (p.1). Sex offenders, on the other hand, are criminals who engage in any criminal activities such as rape, sexual assault, incest, defilement of children or “soliciting or importuning” children for the “commission of” any sex offence (The Management of Sex Offenders, 2009, p.6).
4 pages (1105 words)
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, Research Proposal
Obesity is a serious health condition whereby a person accumulates too much fat to the extent that they may face health challenges (Heshmat, 2011). An obese person normally accumulates farther around their waist and this may reduce their life expectancy in addition to predisposing the victims to various lifestyle diseases.
Priming is a method used to cause activation in spreading activation as a memory improvement method. Spreading activation is a process that activates an aspect of memory, and then other parts of the mind are also activated by the first activation. This gets the mind ready for processing of information.
Determination is the art of making or arriving at a decision. It is brought about by the willingness to change one's behavior/attitude for the better. The participator seems to have made a decision to come out of her situation and is willing to make a change in her life and she takes steps necessary for the change she wants even when it is most difficult for her.
Nothing is intrinsic about a research design that necessitates a particular data collection method. Though cross-sectional studies apparently equate to questionnaires and participant observation equate to case studies, a researcher can collect design data via any data collection method.
What can phantom limb pain teaches about the human brain?
Phantom limbs are legs or arms, for instance, removed in the cause of an accident or by the operation by a surgeon but continue to linger in the minds of the patients indefinitely. In most cases, the patients or people with the phantom limbs experience excruciating and intense pain in the phantom arm, leg, and hand.
I tried my best to fair in most of the things I did. Difficulties in my growing years molded my character when it comes to endurance which proved to be vital in a future stepping stone, the navy. There were times I felt so terrible because of disappointments to myself when I fail in an endeavor.
Ekman & Friesen main hypothesis reveals that there was more accuracy when observers attempt to detect deceit by merely viewing a liar’s body than when the observers attempt to view the face, or the face and gestures at the same time.
This essay begins with the presentation of the formulated questionnaires and interview guide to the targeted female participants. Pertinent information which was missed out in such methods was obtained through observation simultaneously carried out during the conduction of the interview and distribution of the questionnaire.
8 pages (2000 words)
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, Research Paper
This thesis reviewed literature about current treatments such as verbal therapy and pharmacological options for this population, as well as literature addressing the difficulties that can arise when treating these adolescents. It also attended to varying music therapy treatment options.
Olfaction refers to “the sense of smell and known as the perception of odorant” (Sarafoleanu et al., pp. 196-98, 2009). It is a scientific term used to express the sensory modalities present in the phylogenetic history of mammals. It acts as a chemical sensor, which involves the detection and perception of chemicals floating in the air that influence the social and sexual behavior.
5 pages (1250 words)
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, Research Paper
The improvements and developments in every field have led to many changes. The subjects of science, medical, IT, engineering as well as psychology has evolved tremendously. Since the advent of psychology, it has been seen that a lot of psychologists have come in the arena and each psychologist has put forward his own opinion about the subject.
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, Research Paper
The history of structural family therapy was designed during the 1960s and 1970s, framed by psychologies Salvador Minuchin who spent a great deal of time observing the family and the family in therapy to design his therapy system. The therapist's role in structural family therapy is to re-organise the family to move forward towards positive.
For all of these theories, however, there is a connection between learning language and using our cognitive skills and comprehension. We surely cannot learn how to speak properly without first comprehending what we need to do to ensure we are successful. Children using communicative routines with their caregivers, those using fast mapping, or imitation strategies, and those with someone willing to do topic collaborating with them are all using special cognitive skills and/or comprehension of the task in order to get their language skills up and running.
The author of the paper will begin with the statement that before we understand the communication process of neurons in the brain, it is very important for us to understand what a neuron itself is. A neuron can very simply be defined as a nervous system cell that is responsible for transmitting and receiving electrochemical information. (Huffman, 2008)
An immense collection of theories that have been postulated over the years have been made and studied along with various protocols and experiments that have been performed to resolve behaviour issues. Theories postulated are for different kinds of behaviour and not the same for all kinds of behavioural issues.
The stability factor would be completely different than what was in the previous situation. Here the stability factor is completely unstable. The team would not believe that they can win the game. They would give the credit of winning to themselves and declare that it was the hard work put in by the coaches and the players that lead to the victory.
Cognitive psychology focuses on the conscious part of the brain functions. This mainly deals with memory, thoughts, learning, and perception. They affect human behavior. Psychodynamic psychology on the other hand is hinged on the belief that the way that people act and the way they think can be traced back to their childhoods
Mental disorders such as Alzheimer's disease are devastating illnesses that turn a full-functioning adult into, by the end stages of the disease, an infant in cognitive as well as bodily function (Gwyther, 1992). The longitudinal study performed among 678 nuns on their physical and cognitive functioning provided essential findings for delaying or preventing the onset of dementia.
5 pages (1443 words)
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, Research Paper
The increasing complexities of society, worsening economic conditions, and polarization of families have motivated a number of persons to commit crimes. As a number of persons have been jailed and subjected to rehabilitation, the question crept amid criminal behaviors analysis if criminals are indeed raised to become criminals.
As old age sets in, one of the most common emotional disorders among people is depression. There are numerous factors such as diseases, loneliness, financial challenges and so on that influence depression. One among these factors is gender as it is seen that the rate of depressive symptoms is different in women when compared to men during old age.
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, Research Paper
The findings indicate children with higher levels of adaptation prowess showed lower percentages of academic problems and that the European American boys had higher levels of academic problems than girls as well as children coming from other minority groups. The findings indicate academic problems are related to the students’ adaptive skills.