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The knowledge is gathered in the form of assumptions that have prevailed through historical periods and tested against the real facts of life. Science symbolizes a wide range of reliable knowledge in different fields of study that have been gathered with the help of assumptions and explained in a logical manner through the application of knowledge.
The paper gives detailed information about goals and objectives applied to resource, activities, assignments, or tasks to assist client in achieving these goals and objectives. The job seekers are helped with writing and uploading effective resumes and cover letters that would help them target the right employer.
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Marisha proposes a strategy that will ensure that all professionals practicing psychology should be fired or suspended, or their ability to offer services to be limited. This is a poor approach to ensuring that ethical violations do not happen in the field of psychology. Marisha is also wrong in her statement where she stipulates that psychologists do not advertise using false information knowingly.
4 pages (1276 words)
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, Research Paper
The interview focused on the personnel department where I targeted the personnel manager Mr. Jack Goldsmith. As a personnel manager, Mr. Goldsmith is concerned with the organization, planning, directing, coordinating, and controlling of the employees. The organization lacks proper employee recruitment and retention policies that will help get the best and keep the employees working for them for a long time.
It is observed that the organization has the world’s largest connotation of psychologists estimated to be more than 134,000 individuals, primarily entailing researchers, educators, consultants and students as an active member of APA. It is believed that the main mission of APA is to develop the foundation; communication and solicitation of psychological knowledge of individuals present in the study that would in turn facilitate them to live a better life (American Psychological Association, 2013).
On the other hand, an addiction is, according to Kowalski &Westen (2011) a chronic disease in which the brain is motivated by rewards and reinforcement, thus causing a person to continually engage in a givenbehavior. Using the classical and operant conditioning theories of learning by Pavlov andSkinner respectively, it is possible to demonstrate how phobias and addictions develop.
7 pages (1750 words)
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, Research Paper
Asperger syndrome abbreviated as AS is a condition under the Pervasive developmental disorder(PDD) umbrella that influences immense social interaction difficulties and non-verbal communication with those affected by the condition exhibiting repetitive behavioral patterns.
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, Research Paper
Parker (2003) defines substance use disorders as disorders, which occasions the abnormal use (abuse) of either one or even more substances with the result being impairment or distress clinically. The term is used to dependence on or overindulgence in a drug or any other chemical that leads to detrimental effects to both mental and physical health.
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, Research Paper
According to the study conducted, trust versus mistrust is one of the eight stages of Erikson’s psychosocial theory and Erikson argues that this is the most fundamental stage in a person’s life, and it occurs between birth and twelve months. More so, Erikson argues that at this stage, children are uncertain about the world they are living in, and they can only avoid this feeling of uncertainty.
Many within the psychological community believe wholeheartedly that human emotion is really an illusion; the reality is that our actions are dictated by genes, hormones, and biological imperatives that influence our behavior, unconsciously.
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, Research Paper
The author pointed out that marijuana, cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants, and some prescription drugs are the most popular used by abusers in America. He has quoted a 2010 National Survey on Drug Use and Health and pointed out that more than 22 million Americans age 12 and older - nearly 9% of the U.S. population - use illegal drugs.
Margaret is someone who is unsure of herself and needs someone rooting for her constantly. She willingly stayed with Henry in the beginning even though he abused her because that was what was expected of her, what everyone else in a similar situation did. She gets a splurge of confidence and leaves.
11 pages (2750 words)
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, Research Paper
Owing to contemporary urbanization and globalization, the last few decades have witnessed escalating prevalence of drug addictions that have called for instant intervention to offset the severe drug addiction side effects (Wiseman, 2011).
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, Research Paper
In order to study Dissociative identity disorder, we first must know as to what dissociation really means in the field of psychology. It is defined as “the disconnection or lack of integration between the normally integrated functions of memory, identity or consciousness (American Psychiatric Association 1994).
10 pages (2500 words)
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, Research Paper
Estimates of point prevalence indicate that at any given moment of time, 0.5-1 percent of population falling into pediatric category suffers from this condition (Freeman 337). Many children develop impairment of social, family and academic functioning.
Chemical dependency, defined as the physical and/or psychological addiction of the human body to a psychoactive substance, such as narcotics, alcohol, or nicotine, is one of the least understood, and frequently misunderstood, of all chronic diseases. Chemical dependency is a process that is caused by a malfunctioning cascade of neurotransmitters.
There are many theories about intelligence, intelligence quotient or IQ, multiple intelligence, emotional quotient or EQ, etc. James R Flynn put forward a theory in which he argued that On average, IQ test scores worldwide have been increasing over time: younger generations perform better than older generations.
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, Personal Statement
The profession requires a lot of dedication to innovative and inventive ideas. In as much as this may sound absurd, I consider it very essential, as it is always my desire to develop such inventive and innovative ideas. It interests me to have a task that does not follow mere known procedures, but those that require irregular approaches.
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, Literature review
What is intelligence? A normal person will definitely answer it as the ability to think and understand things. Intelligence is the capacity of the person to understand situations, solve and answer problems, ability to read and write and comprehend ideas. Students sometimes regard intelligence as one of the vital or major determinants of success.
Social norms mostly relate to cultures, such as when people from a particular group may not share the same values and ways of doing things with other culturally different groups. The complexities arising from such patterns have often been used to explain the presence of schizophrenia amongst immigrant groups in the USA and UK.
Improper sleep habits hurt the educational performances of students. The reason is that improper sleep affects daytime alertness, a significant factor behind low academic performance. Both quantity and quality of sleep are essential to determine whether a child has adopted a proper or improper sleep pattern.
Egypt is currently in a state of political emergency. The lives of thousands of civilians are being put at risk due to the turmoil that is occurring in Egypt. The military has vowed that the elections will not be postponed. The rage is building up and on November 28, 2011 Egypt will not be a safe place for voters if the disobedience continues.
Compassionate caretakers are most preferable to taking care of the sick or those who have lost hope in life for a number of reasons. First, a compassionate caretaker is important in promoting individual well-being, which extends to kind words and actions thus, augment healing of the mind, physical body, and soul.
The drugs are potent and can have adverse affects to different systems, including the cardiac system, thus leading to death when improperly used. Heath Ledger’s death is an example of the abuse of CNS depressants as his heart stopped when the drugs were misused.
The participants were males and females, mixed ages, recruited using opportunistic sampling. The sample quota was determined by running a power analysis. Significant results were found in both studies but there was a different effect size, which shows reporting effect size, has to value as it supports the importance of replicating research.
The Psychodynamic approach focuses on the analysis of the unconscious motives and conflicts in explaining behavior. It supports the premise that personality proceeds with the shifting changes and interest in each stage of psychosexual development. The oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital phases comprise the stages of psychosexual development.
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, Research Paper
Generally, there is no cure for schizophrenia but doctors have been able to treat the patient with antipsychotic medication and psycho-social therapy. It has been found that patients introduced to the two treatments have a higher success rate compared to patients without access to such medical attention.
However, approaches towards measuring cognitive development amongst infants and toddlers have been varied to the extent that suggestions’ proposing that thinking from these groups is significantly different from that of pre-schoolers and other young children (Chen & Siegler, 2000).
According to the research findings, borderline personality disorder is a disease condition in which the victims experience a long-term pattern of turbulent or unstable emotions on self and others. An individual suffering from borderline personality disorder experiences low self-esteem, unstable relationships, and impulsive behavior which begins at an early stage of adulthood.
The middle-aged female nurse is a mother of two. She lives with her partner and has a possibly busy work life. Her work entails walking and standing a lot. Rheumatic arthritis makes it extremely painful to walk around and hold stuff. Rheumatic Arthritis causes her a lot of pain as she works. At home, the pain is from bonding sessions with her family, personal grooming and doing house chores.
While one group (N = 194) was exposed to a nice person (high value), the other (N = 187) was exposed to a nasty one. The data collected verified both hypotheses and suggests that people who are considered high value elicit more empathy and more instances of prosocial behavior. Concerns and further possibilities for research are discussed.
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, Research Paper
Substance abuse among the youth is one of the most critical health issues encountered during recent times. The issue is highly critical as well as challenging due to the fact that drug abuse and delinquency are highly inter-related. Research suggests the most common factors that emphasis the relationship between drug abuse and delinquency
This essay attempts to discuss in detail Freud’s psychosexual theory, including its relationship with adult neurotic behavior. It also tries to evaluate the extent to which Freud's psychosexual can assist in understanding a client’s presenting issues. Freud put forward his theory of child development as a series of “psychosexual stages”.
Erikson’s theory provides important concepts and issues that apply to each age group and which can be used to enhance the relevance of the advertisements. Several articles showed, nevertheless, that his theory can be broadened to include female perspectives and attachment concepts during adolescence.
Lifespan development is an intra individual changes corresponding to age (Cherry, 2012). The development occurs in a manner showing the level of functioning. Researchers have contended that, life cycle consists of 25 years of era. The developmental periods encompass childhood, adolescence, early adulthood and late adult hood where each distinct stage comprises of changes that are evident in one’s life, and it takes six years for a complete change.
Emotional experiences create a feeling within a person to share them with others in a process termed emotional disclosure. During the process of sharing, the holders of the experiences search for a deeper understanding of them. The listeners are eager to know what exactly transpired and will likely display varied responses.
The difference involving classical and operant conditioning relates to the focus on behaviors being intentional or unintentional, whereby classical conditioning involves establishing a relationship between stimuli that are involuntary, while the operant condition concerns identifying the relationship between voluntary behaviors and their consequences.
However, there are suggestions that the SPE has handed down an ‘ambiguous legacy’ (Haslam & Reicher, 2006, p55) because of some methodological weaknesses and an improbability that it will ever be replicated perfectly due to ethical considerations. Despite these issues, the SPE is indubitably important in highlighting the effect that context has on behaviour, and indicated that there may be more to tyranny than simply being ‘evil’.
Self-directed Learning (SDL) has created interest in literature on adult education, fuelled by the SDLRS scale that measures the readiness of a person for SDL. Not enough research has been done on older adults and self-directed learning. Accounts on comparisons between older adult life satisfaction and SDLRS have been rare.
Toward the beginning of the article, the authors assume what traditional teaching methods are when approaching how to teach psychology. These are merely assumptions and there is no supporting evidence as to what defines “traditional.” The authors stress the importance of research methodology when teaching the introductory psychology courses.
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, Research Paper
The characteristic features of the disorder are impairments, especially in social interactions, verbal communication skills as well as general interests in some activities. This could be dangerous especially when not recognized at the early stages as a child may develop adverse complications especially when it is already too late.
It is a development of the late 1930’s made by psychologist Starke R. Hathaway PhD. and psychiatrist McKinley, J.C. MD of the University of Minnesota. Their humble development in the early 20th century has gone a long way in shaping modern psychological testing in the 21st century.
When I enrolled in the MSc Clinical Application of Psychology program I had very high expectations of the hypnotherapy course because I hoped it would provide me with the foundations for a future career in this area. At first, I had some worries about whether or not I would manage all the academic and research elements of the course.
Howard Stern Apologized to Bruce Springsteen After Being Desperate To Get Him on His Show as Musician Was Pissed Due to Talk Show's Earlier Comments. It took a really long time for Howard Stern to turn into a Bruce Springsteen fan. His interview with Stern on his show.
Hate sites aim to corrupt the correct moral judgement of the mind to construct biased truths. E.g., the hate site ‘GodHatesFags’ portrays anti-gay material and information that is aimed to generate hatred for the gay community; the site seeks to incite the public into hating the gay community on religious bases thus the name “GodHatesFags”.
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, Research Paper
“Hope for SIDS Kids and Their Parents,” reports some of the most important advancement that has been found concerning Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) (Breus, 2010). The condition has wreaked havoc in most instances with the causative agent of the condition being at large; hence, crippling any effort to find a lasting remedy for the condition.
In the field of psychology, interventions are often used in assisting patients to discard unnecessary or potentially harmful behaviours. These interventions are rooted in the belief that the persistence of such behaviours and their enforcement without focusing on the underlying causes allows the behaviour’s repetition, continuation and habituation (Adams, et al., 2009).
Why are more men than women convicted of crime. Sometimes it is so unfortunate that people have to be locked up in the very many prisons that are there in this country, I really feel sorry for them since some of the are even locked up for their entire life but if the is the cost of social peace as far as criminals are concerned then it is a worthy course that I am in so much support of.
10 pages (2860 words)
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, Research Paper
It involves the transmission of signals in the nervous system as a result of physical stimulations of sense organs. When light strikes the eye, the retina causes an individual to see using the eye, the hearing sensation is triggered by waves of pressure. Perception is shaped by learning, expectation, and memory as an active signal of passive receipts.
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, Research Paper
Experts from Columbia and Harvard University proved that because of the dependency on the internet, and knowing the fact that information can easily be obtained by just using a computer, people do not give much importance to how things can be remembered but the main focus is where to get that information.