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Ethical Issues in Qualitative Research - Essay Example

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The paper "Ethical Issues in Qualitative Research" highlights that while the confidentiality of the participants helps in ensure that participants remain anonymous, all these efforts help in ensuring that the study remains relevant and achieves its purpose…
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Ethical Issues in Qualitative Research
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? Ethical Issues in Qualitative Research Ethical Issues in Qualitative Research Research is the process of collecting information and data regarding a particular issue or a social phenomenon (Gregory, 2003). In most cases, research aims at finding new information about a certain topic of study. Additional information of the issue or topic of study helps in establishing new and reliable information, crucial in the process. As a process, research relies on the participation of the parties involved in the research, which include the participant and the researcher. Failure of the parties to play their part renders useless efforts in research. Research experts indicate that the process should take place systematically, from the preliminary sages to the final step (Gregory, 2003). To be successful, the research process relies on either the researcher/participant and participant/participant interactions involved in the study. Communication is an essential integral in the research process. Without communication, no research would take place. Because communication is an essential part of the research process, data collection process, interviews as well as participation rely on proper communication between the researcher and the participant (Gregory, 2003). Through research, different parties interact in the research process. Although these parties in a research rarely interact, they do, especially in the data collection stage. There are different ways in which the involved parties could interact in the research process. Through data collection process, researchers and participants interact with each other. Since research requires the collection of the relevant data and information from the respondents, a researcher has to visit the field, and from the target population, select the participants who take part in the study. This is one of he was in which participants and he researcher could interact with each other. There are different tools and techniques used by the researchers in collecting data from the field. One of these methods is questionnaire method. A questionnaire is a set of questions, issued to a participant in a study to fill in or answer. Interviews are yet another method of data collection in the field. Unlike in the questionnaire, which does not necessitate the presence of the researcher in the field, he researcher has to be present in an interview, where he/she asks different questions and fills hem in afar a respondent gives information. Observation is yet another method of collecting data from the field of study. A researcher assumes the role of an observer in the research process, where he/ she does not have to interview he participants, rather, but live with the participants and observe their behaviorisms, mannerisms or even practices to establish various characteristics. Participants in a research also interact with one another. Efforts of the participants are essential in various was in the research process. While providing information for any research, participants interact with one another. In some cases, too much interaction between the participants potentially affects the quality of data collected, as they could discuss on the various answers to provide in the research. General research process involves conformity to a general guiding ethics. Research ethics is the application of the fundamental ethical principles in different areas requiring scientific research (Citroet et al. 2003). Areas include research design and implementation, and research misconduct. Researchers and participants both as a requirement have to conform to the ethical requirements of scientist research (Citro et al, 2003). Such a research involves a number of ethical considerations from the two parties involved in the research. One of the factors to put into consideration is the principle of voluntary participation, which prohibits any form of coercion of the people into taking part in the research. This seeks to curb the problem where researchers in the past relied on certain groups of people like students in a school to do research. Researchers, since the study involves collecting data from schools, may decide to take advantage of the students, making them participants without their own personal will. Closely related to the issue of voluntary participation is the concept of informed consent. This requires that nobody should be coerced to take part in the study. Rather, they should be willing to take part in the study with the full understanding of the issues involved. In essence, the prospective participants should receive adequate information on the procedures and risks involved in research. As such, they should give consent of their participation. Confidentiality of the information provided is yet another important factor to put into consideration in this study. In the process of data collection, man participants reveal substantial information about themselves. A researcher must therefore endeavor to maintain confidentiality in this information. Researchers should ensure that parties not involved or interested in the research do not have an access to the information. Deception is yet another type of ethical consideration in this research. Deception in research is the misrepresentation of facts related to the purpose, nature or the outcomes of a research study. Similarly, omission of certain facts acts as a form of deception in research. It is imperative to acquaint participants with adequate knowledge on the research to give consent of the research topic and requirements. In case of a misrepresentation of any part of the study where participants have no prior knowledge makes the researcher morally wrong in his/her study. Any research conducted in a haphazard manner in most cases does not achieve is purpose. Objectively, a research should focus on accomplishing the purpose intended, especially collecting new information or establishing the solution to a problem or explain a phenomena. It thus should do this by applying ethical ways and means of doing research. While establishing the causal differences between the two groups, the researcher should ensure that he operates within the principles of ethical research. These make his research valid and meet the objectives of his research. However, since any researcher may suffer from ethical issues in the course of research, the following is the most significant way of militating against these ethical issues. The researcher, while identifying a target audience should select a group of people well versed with the knowledge of the research topic. This helps in avoiding any form of coercion that may arise during the recruitment period. Additionally, it helps in minimizing the time and costs of informing participants on the issues related to the study. A population with prior knowledge on the topic of research is best for use. This helps in reducing the number of omissions made by the people in filling of questionnaires. Confidentiality of the research is a very important ethical consideration in research. His is possible by ensuring ha only people taking part in the study have access to the participant data or data collection instruments. If his is not possible, then, none of the participants should indicate their personal details to ensure anonymity. This way, there is no potential harm to the individuals involved in the party. While the confidentiality of the participants helps in ensuring that participants remain anonymous, all these efforts helps in ensuring that the study remains relevant and achieves its purpose. References Citro, C. F., Ilgen, D. R., Marrett, C. B., National Research Council (U.S.)., National Research Council (U.S.)., & National Research Council (U.S.). (2003). Protecting participants and facilitating social and behavioral sciences research. Washington, D.C: National Academies Press. Gregory, I. (2003). Ethics in research. London: Continuum. Read More
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