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Pregnancy Complications Medical science Essay
3 pages (848 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Pregnancy Complications" is a wonderful example of a paper on pregnancy. I would recommend that Mrs. G consider using family planning methods such as periodic abstinence. Mrs. G. A period of eighteen to twenty-four months between pregnancies will reduce a mother's risk of pregnancy complications.
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The Abortion Debate in the US Medical science Essay
4 pages (1175 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Abortion Debate in the US" is a perfect example of a paper on pregnancy. The abortion debate in the United States seems to take another course as citizens seem to be divided concerning pro-life and pro-choice campaigns. Some people tend to support the issue that abortion should be legalized while others are for the opinion that it should not be legalized.
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Therapy for Pediatric Clients with Mood Disorders Medical science Essay
4 pages (1090 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Therapy for Pediatric Clients with Mood Disorders" is an outstanding example of a paper on child development. Pediatric mental health issues ranging from bipolar disorder to depression are referred to as affective disorders or mood disorders. Current studies have tried to make a relationship between anxiety disorders among adults and affective disorders in children.
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Childrens Development and Parental Input Medical science Essay
2 pages (599 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Children’s Development and Parental Input" is a perfect example of a paper on child development. Various biological and genetic factors have shaped my development, together with some varying environmental influences. My parents' genetic influences were ideal in that their family history and parental conditions were appropriate and did not show any indication of genetic counseling.
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Intervention in the Treatment of Psychotic Disorders Medical science Essay
3 pages (830 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Intervention in the Treatment of Psychotic Disorders" is a wonderful example of a paper on the disorder. To effectively manage psychiatric conditions, the use of group therapy has been, over time, deemed as one of the best interventions. To develop a formidable team to institute therapy, some stages are followed, and formation is the first stage.
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Autism Spectrum Disorder Treatment Medical science Essay
3 pages (809 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Autism Spectrum Disorder Treatment" is a great example of a paper on the disorder. Individuals diagnosed with intellectual disabilities, such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), exhibit this form of stereotype, which is highly stigmatizing in society. Such individuals have limited social interactions that interfere with their leisure engagements and involvement in self-care tasks.
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Borderline Personality Disorder Medical science Essay
2 pages (718 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Borderline Personality Disorder" is a perfect example of a paper on the disorder. Being a patient who has Borderline personality disorder (BPD), and looking at the situation described upon her visit to the clinic, it is evident she has developed several defense mechanisms. The first defense mechanism she has is what can be broadly defined as an image distorting defense, specifically the devaluation defense mechanism.
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Psychotherapy as a Biological Treatment for Mental Disorder Medical science Essay
2 pages (610 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Psychotherapy as a Biological Treatment for Mental Disorder" is a well-written example of a paper on the disorder. Professionals from the psychiatric field have been searching for effective ways to treat mental disorders such as anxiety, stress disorder, behavioral changes, and depression.
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Mental Health Recovery: Schizophrenia Medical science Essay
2 pages (617 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Mental Health Recovery: Schizophrenia" is an outstanding example of a paper on the disorder. The Quiet Room: A Journey out of the Torment of Madness by Lori Schiller and Amanda Bennett (2008), is Lori Schiller’s account of her struggle and recovery from schizophrenia. 
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Anderson Cooper Tries a Schizophrenia Simulator Medical science Essay
2 pages (643 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Anderson Cooper Tries a Schizophrenia Simulator" is a well-written example of a paper on the disorder. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that affects a person's cognitive ability. A person who has schizophrenia is not able to think, act, or feel clear.
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Differentially Diagnosing Personality Disorders Medical science Essay
2 pages (662 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Differentially Diagnosing Personality Disorders" is a perfect example of a paper on the disorder. Borderline personal identity (BPD) entails a pattern of unstable personal relationships, including intense emotions impulsivity as well as poor self-image while antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) entails a pattern of violation or disregarding rights of other individuals.
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Anxiety and How It Can Be Solved Medical science Essay
4 pages (1218 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Anxiety and How It Can Be Solved" is a delightful example of a paper on the disorder. Anxiety is a state of mental disorder that leads to panic, phobia, social anxiety, illness, and stress. The state of anxiety encompasses the mind in most cases. This feeling is a state of mind brought about by potential circumstances in an environment (Junprasert et al., 2016).
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Should Animals Be Used In Experiments and Tests Medical science Essay
3 pages (900 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Should Animals Be Used In Experiments and Tests" is a wonderful example of a paper on medical ethics. Issue: Should animals be used in research experiments and tests in the medical field to help human beings develop safer treatment procedures? Position: Animals should be used in research since they are the best alternatives for the human body based on genetic arrangements.
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The Benefits of Marijuana Legalization Medical science Essay
3 pages (888 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Benefits of Marijuana Legalization" is a wonderful example of a paper on medical ethics. The number of individuals who support the legalization of marijuana is increasing daily. The prohibition of the drug is ill-founded since other substances that are legalized, such as alcohol and cigarettes, are more lethal to human life than marijuana.
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The Ethical Areas in the Medical Field Medical science Essay
2 pages (737 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Ethical Areas in the Medical Field" is a marvelous example of a paper on medical ethics. Healthcare ethics is the field of ethics whose primary concern is the wide array of ethical decision-making situations which occur in the nursing practice besides the policies and procedures designed to guide such practices.
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Late Life Depression Treatment Medical science Essay
4 pages (1143 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Late-Life Depression Treatment" is a wonderful example of a paper on depression. In terms of gender, men are more likely to be affected by depression compared to men.  This being the case resolving mental health is a crucial step, especially depression; hence improving the care is vital. 
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Case Conceptualization of Bipolar Depression Medical science Essay
4 pages (1049 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Case Conceptualization of Bipolar Depression" is a perfect example of a paper on depression. Peter is a 40-year old African-American ex-con who checked in at our office earlier this week. Peter wore a shattered look, and from his appearance, he looked unhappy or stressed.  
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What Factors Increase the Risk of Getting ADHD Medical science Essay
2 pages (556 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"What Factors Increase the Risk of Getting ADHD?" is a wonderful example of a paper on the disorder. The sharp tone is used to caution growing potential mothers not to be ignorant about the effects of ADHD that they have come across; hence as they grow must appreciate that ADHD is a concern to them by linking them to ADHD risk factors.
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Understanding Mental Illness Medical science Essay
3 pages (776 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Understanding Mental Illness" is a marvelous example of a paper on the disorder. Mental illness, as a health condition, affects the normal functioning of the brain. Mental illness is associated with a wide range of conditions from the individual's behavior, mood, and thinking. The fact that mental illness affects normal brain functioning can prove to be deadly to the affected individual.
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What is the Difference Between Bipolar 1 Disorder and Bipolar 2 Disorder Medical science Essay
2 pages (562 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"What is the Difference Between Bipolar 1 Disorder and Bipolar 2 Disorder?" is a perfect example of a paper on the disorder. The difference between bipolar 1 and 2 disorder lies in the severity of the manic episodes caused by each. For instance, a person with bipolar one experiences full manic disorder while an individual with bipolar two only experiences fewer symptoms which are less severe than a full manic episode.
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Supportive and Interpersonal Psychotherapy Interventions Medical science Essay
2 pages (620 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Supportive and Interpersonal Psychotherapy Interventions" is a remarkable example of a paper on the disorder. Psychotherapy is a general approach used to treat mental health problems by talking with a psychologist, psychiatrist, and other mental health professionals. There are several types of psychotherapy, each with its approach.
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The Yeast Cells Shift from Anaerobic Respiration to Aerobic Respiration Medical science Essay
2 pages (594 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper 'The Yeast Cells Shift from Anaerobic Respiration to Aerobic Respiration" is a perfect example of genetics research. Some researchers used DNA microarrays or biochips or DNA chips to experiment on Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The DNA microarrays experimented with the gene expression and its temporal program alongside metabolic shifts to respiration from fermentation.
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Maternity Podcasts Medical science Essay
2 pages (726 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Paying attention to mums during this period ensures that they have the right people to talk to keep their babies safe. IHI also took other steps to prevent the mother from shying away from speaking up. There is no mandated toxicology screening alone; it's not grounds enough to call children's services; this is to avoid discouraging mothers.
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Consumer Driven Healthcare Medical science Essay
4 pages (1097 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Consumer-Driven Healthcare" is a great example of a paper on the health system. The Healthcare system has seen several changes over the years.  These changes range from services offered, mode of operation, technology, and even insurance. Like any other sector, healthcare systems have to adapt to new ways to improve service delivery.
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Urban Doctors Versus Non-Urban Doctors Medical science Essay
2 pages (575 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Urban Doctors Versus Non-Urban Doctors" is a worthy example of a paper on the health system. In today’s world, there exists a unique demand for primary health care. Even though studies prove that the quality of health care in non-urban areas is better than in urban areas, the common belief that great quality health care is also found in urbanized areas
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Healthcare System in China Medical science Essay
3 pages (907 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Healthcare System in China" is a perfect example of a paper on the health system. Since the 1980s, the health care system in China has transformed as a result of the changes in the country's economic policy and administrative system. The health system was majorly centralized, and it successfully played a vital role in improving the general health of the Chinese people.
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A Policy Proposal for the Affordable Care Act of 2010 Medical science Essay
5 pages (1249 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"A Policy Proposal for the Affordable Care Act of 2010" is a marvelous example of a paper on the health system. The U.S. health care system is made up of three main stakeholders. They include the public, the government parties, and the healthcare facilities and professions. The goal is to ensure quality, affordable and accessible healthcare in the country for all citizens and individuals.
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Health Systems Partnership with Retail Clinic Market Medical science Essay
2 pages (719 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Health Systems Partnership with Retail Clinic Market" is a wonderful example of a paper on the health system. A team should be brought together to analyze the situation and propose a solution. The team should include the institution's leadership, members of different departments, and some of their customers to get a wholesome view. A patient-centered team would be ideal in this case.
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Protecting Healthcare Workers during the COVID-19 Outbreak Medical science Essay
4 pages (1280 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Protecting Healthcare Workers during the COVID-19 Outbreak" is an excellent example of a paper on the health system. The world is facing serious challenges in the healthcare sector due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All over the world, various governments have come up with different measures to help them curb the spread of the virus.
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Public Health Theory and Practice Medical science Essay
3 pages (963 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Public Health Theory and Practice" is a decent example of a paper on the health system. Health is a term that is used to describe a state of being physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally wellbeing (Huber et al., 2011). It can be used to describe the absence of any disease that may affect a person in any way.
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Evidence-Based Mental Healthcare In Chicago Medical science Essay
2 pages (530 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Evidence-Based Mental Healthcare In Chicago" is a great example of a paper on the health system. Mental health issues affect around half of the adult population in the US at some point in life. Launched in 2011, Uptown Psych is a practice dedicated to providing quality and evidence-based mental health services to patients in Chicago and the greater Illinois area.
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The Trends Healthcare informatics Medical science Essay
4 pages (1033 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Trends Healthcare informatics" is a wonderful example of a paper on the health system. Healthcare informatics has currently been an evolving and emerging technology being incorporated in current patient healthcare service administration and health education. Various factors like economic and social changes have led to an increase in value and difficulty in access to healthcare services.
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Hand Hygiene Compliance in Intensive Care Units Medical science Essay
3 pages (790 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Hand Hygiene Compliance in Intensive Care Units" is a great example of a paper on the health system. The FOCUS-PDSA model would guide my task force. It would begin by identifying the problem, analyzing and understanding the problem, and agreeing on a possible solution (Stan, 2018).
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New Hospital in North Baton Rouge Medical science Essay
4 pages (1226 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"New Hospital in North Baton Rouge" is a great example of a paper on the health system. Health care services are essential services for human beings. Access to quality life and comprehensive health care services is vital as it helps in the prevention and management of disease, reducing disability incidence and premature deaths (Andersen, Davidson, & Baumeister, 2014).
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Electronic Health System Medical science Essay
4 pages (1116 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Electronic Health System" is a wonderful example of a paper on the health system. The Electronic Health Record System (EHR) is digital software that allows medical practitioners to keep track of patients’ records. According to Seymour et al. (2012, p.201), a patient's HER is created, recorded, managed, and stored by an organization that provides healthcare services.
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Health Care Marketing Medical science Essay
2 pages (645 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Health Care Marketing" is a great example of a paper on the health system. Health care demarketing refers to all the attempts aimed at discouraging the consumers of health care services and products from getting a particular product or service either permanently or temporarily (Berkowitz, 2016). Several aspects serve as the primary tools of demarketing.
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Immunization Among Teens Medical science Essay
5 pages (1270 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Immunization Among Teens" is a perfect example of a paper on the health system. The health plan that is addressed in my community is immunization among teens. Approaches that are initiated to enhance immunization are directed on majorly the young population. The plan to curb both various ailments that result due to lack of vaccination or immunization is vital due to its prevalence in society.  
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Family Health Interventions Medical science Essay
3 pages (825 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Family Health Interventions" is an outstanding example of a paper on social and family issues. Health care is essential in maintaining a healthy status for a family. However, understanding the social determinants of health (SDOH) determines health outcomes.
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Ethnicity and Antidepressants Medical science Essay
2 pages (628 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Ethnicity and Antidepressants" is a wonderful example of a paper on social and family issues. Since the diagnosis of the patient has already been established, my focus would mainly be to understand his situation more. The first question I would present to my client is, what activities do you still enjoy doing?
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Mental Health Counseling for Latin Americans Medical science Essay
2 pages (671 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Mental Health Counseling for Latin Americans" is an exceptional example of a paper on social and family issues. This paper seeks to explore mental health within the Latin American population and identify reasons why mental health counseling is imperative. Mental health is a prevalent issue in this community for several reasons but, more specifically, because of the life challenges they face and the past trauma.
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The Disparity in Healthcare in the African American Community Medical science Essay
5 pages (1344 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Disparity in Healthcare in the African American Community" is a perfect example of a paper on social and family issues. The public health and healthcare system should be one of the biggest concerns of our government today. Efforts should be made in the pursuit to make a clear understanding of the kind of disparities that exist in our medical sector.
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Improving the Health of the Nation Medical science Essay
2 pages (576 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Improving the Health of the Nation" is a great example of a paper on social and family issues. In recent years, the health care system in Canada has come under Sharpe scrutiny. In this regard, many people question the various achievements made through the introduction of the Medicare health system.
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Six-Dimension Wellness Model Medical science Essay
2 pages (595 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Six-Dimension Wellness Model" is a perfect example of a paper on wellness and lifestyle. The six dimensions of the wellness model is a model developed by Dr. Bill Hettler in 1976 (Hettler, 1976). It comprises fixed factors that are interconnected, and each element has a particular contribution to the general psychological health of an individual.
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Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle Medical science Essay
4 pages (1222 words) , Download 0 , Essay
For a healthy lifestyle, individuals are advised to have a healthy meal to benefit the body and keep it in good shape. However, most individuals fail to attain good health because they misunderstand the meaning of healthy food. Some might assume that good food is based only on quantity, which turns out to be wrong.
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Preventing Food Allergies in Infants Medical science Essay
2 pages (597 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Preventing Food Allergies in Infants" is a delightful example of a paper on child development. The beginning of weaning for infants can be an exciting and significant step for parents and their toddlers. However, taking this step comes with its share of challenges, a major one being food allergies.
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Obesity-Related Hypertension in Children Medical science Essay
2 pages (618 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Obesity-Related Hypertension in Children" is a worthy example of a paper on child development. High blood pressure BP and Overweight or high BMI are becoming a concern among several children in today's world. Therefore, it is encouraged to have a routine check on every other visit they have.
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The Debate around Legalizing Euthanasia Medical science Essay
3 pages (914 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Debate around Legalizing Euthanasia" is a wonderful example of a paper on medical ethics. The research process required me to identify a topic from a list of problems shared by my professor. I chose to address the topic of Euthanasia after reading a report by the Institue of Medicine that suggested that it was essential to understand the options available for dying patients and their families and understand the experience of dying.
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Physician-Assisted Suicide Medical science Essay
3 pages (796 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Physician-Assisted Suicide" is a perfect example of a paper on medical ethics. Vermont, Oregon, Montana, among other states, have all passed laws authorizing physician-assisted suicide. In essence, physician-assisted suicide (PAS) involves a physician assisting the patient to die by providing them with prescriptions or injections that are lethal.
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Characteristics of Healthcare Managers Medical science Essay
3 pages (846 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Characteristics of Healthcare Managers" is an exceptional example of a paper on the health system. Healthcare managers are the topmost leaders who hold the mandate to control every activity and oversee the facility's proper running. The success of the organization will all depend on the leadership style of these managers.
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Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic Medical science Essay
4 pages (1075 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Introduction "Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic" is a marvelous example of a paper on the health system. Coronavirus disease 2019, commonly referred to as COVID-19, was first reported in Wuhan China in January 2020 before spreading to other parts of the world. COVID-19 has been declared a world pandemic.
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