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Direct Relationship between Stress and Employee Performance Medical science Essay
4 pages (1031 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Direct Relationship between Stress and Employee Performance" is a good example of a paper on the health system. Stress is a feeling of physical tension that makes one feel frustrated, nervous, or angry, whereas employee performance is the way workers can thoroughly do their duties as they are required.
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Cultural Competency in Health Care Medical science Essay
3 pages (592 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Cultural Competency in Health Care" is a worthy example of a paper on the health system. An individual’s income is a major factor in how they perceive and prioritize their health. Any person ought to adopt a healthy lifestyle and practice recommended plans to maintain or improve their health. People with higher income tend to be healthier and live longer compared to lower-income earners.
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General Health Charities Staffing Strategy Medical science Essay
5 pages (1454 words) , Download 0 , Essay
 "General Health Charities Staffing Strategy" is a wonderful example of a paper on the health system. Staffing involves hiring qualified candidates to take up different positions within the organization. This paper aims to create a staffing strategy for GHC to ensure the organization recruits qualified personnel for various jobs. 
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EHR, Meaningful Use and HITECH in Improving Healthcare Delivery Medical science Essay
3 pages (954 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"EHR, Meaningful Use and HITECH in Improving Healthcare Delivery" is a decent example of a paper on the health system. Meaningful Use stage 3 comprises of the conditions healthcare providers must attain to get their incentives besides evading penalties. The program requires physicians, including APNs, to attain eight objectives. 
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Adaptation of the Electronic Health Record System Medical science Essay
2 pages (689 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Adaptation of the Electronic Health Record System" is a wonderful example of a paper on the health system. Several advantages come with the use of electronic medical records. The movement of medical information electronically may assist in providing safe and high-quality care for patients while setting up proper enhancement for the organization (Devkota & Devkota, 2013).
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Future of Engineering in Biomedicine Medical science Essay
4 pages (1121 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Future of Engineering in Biomedicine" is a delightful example of a paper on the health system. Biomedical engineering has evolved over the past 20 years (Mhanna & Hasan, 2017). With the emergence of complicated diseases such as Coronavirus, the employment of biomedical engineers is projected to rise by seven percent from 2020 to 2028 (Rosenthal & Badylak, 2016).
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Methods of Measuring Healthcare Quality Medical science Essay
4 pages (1111 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Methods of Measuring Healthcare Quality" is a worthy example of a paper on the health system. Quality measurement in healthcare helps project the performance of healthcare, thereby providing room for improvements in the quality of care. The defined quality standards are evaluated against healthcare providers' and health plans' performance data.
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Medicare and Medicaid Medical science Essay
3 pages (875 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Medicare and Medicaid" is a perfect example of a paper on the health system. Following turbulent early years in the healthcare industry, various programs and policies such as Medicaid and Medicare have been developed to ensure that there is managed care and that there is a reduced cost of care, high quality of care, and improved access of care.
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Statistical Analysis of Community Health Data: Lincoln Heights Medical science Essay
4 pages (752 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Statistical Analysis of Community Health Data: Lincoln Heights" is a perfect example of a paper on the health system. The statistical analysis of public health is one of the recent trends in nursing. For instance, analysis of community health data has been evident in many states across the world. 
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Corruption in the Healthcare System Medical science Essay
4 pages (1012 words) , Download 1 , Essay
"Corruption in the Healthcare System" is a worthy example of a paper on the health system. The emergence of technology and its advancement has helped in fighting diseases and enhancing lives. The healthcare sector is doing various randomized trials to establish if a particular intervention works or a specific new drug effective.
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Evidence-Based Practice and the Quadruple Aim Medical science Essay
2 pages (585 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Evidence-Based Practice and the Quadruple Aim" is a decent example of a paper on the health system. The healthcare industry is one of the most fragile and essential industries, and this has been the case for a significant amount of time. A healthy population is a productive one, and productivity within the human race will always be a priority.
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Accidental Falls Among Elderly Patients Living in Healthcare Facilities Medical science Essay
4 pages (1232 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Accidental Falls Among Elderly Patients Living in Healthcare Facilities" is a perfect example of a paper on the health system. It has been observed that accidental falls among elderly patients living in healthcare facilities are becoming increasingly common. Reports from the World Health Organization indicate that 20 to 30 percent of elderly residents in long-term care facilities experience minor or major injuries from falls.
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Hospital Falls Among Hospitalized Adult Patients Medical science Essay
2 pages (616 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Hospital Falls Among Hospitalized Adult Patients" is a good example of a paper on the health system. Evidence-based practice is an involvement of 3 components meant to improve the results and quality of life generally. The external evidence includes various steps aimed at achieving desired results, which are; systematic reviews, best practices, randomized control trials, and changes in clinical practices supported by clinical guidelines.
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Relational Inquiry in Clinical Reasoning Medical science Essay
3 pages (881 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Relational Inquiry in Clinical Reasoning" is an outstanding example of a paper on the health system. In the healthcare field, relational inquiry refers to an approach that enables medical personnel such as nurses to thoroughly examine and understand different healthcare situations that may arise in various healthcare contexts and how to deal with such situations using critical thinking, reasoning, and theories.
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Biopolitics and Philosophical Issues Around the Body Medical science Essay
1 pages (1065 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Biopolitics and Philosophical Issues Around the Body" is a great example of a paper on the health system. The term biopolitics might have several overlapping meanings; nonetheless, the definitions can be joined together to form one concentrate and universal meaning to enrich our understanding of biopolitics.
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Healthcare Workplace Wellness Medical science Essay
4 pages (1055 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Healthcare Workplace Wellness" is a decent example of a paper on the health system. The growing healthcare costs are prompting the need for high population coverage through employer-sponsored insurance coverage to improve employees' wellness and promote a healthy workplace culture.
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Industry Challenges to Healthcare Analytics Medical science Essay
2 pages (578 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Industry Challenges to Healthcare Analytics" is a wonderful example of a paper on the health system. Healthcare analytics is implemented in the healthcare industry with the objectives of improving the general quality of care provided to patients, reducing the costs of operations, and increasing revenues.
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Doctors' Experience in Urban Areas Medical science Essay
2 pages (731 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Doctors' Experience in Urban Areas" is a great example of a paper on the health system. Health care is everybody’s concern. With the rapidly changing health industry, it is essential to recognize the various problems that emerge in distinct parts of the country. Urban and non-urban areas face different challenges medically due to their location and the population differences.
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Improving the Safety of Care Medical science Essay
3 pages (340 words) , Download 0 , Essay
One healthcare outcome I have chosen to discuss is the safety of care. One of the core elements of healthcare professionals is to ensure that they deliver better primary care to patients. There should be the safety of care delivered to patients by all healthcare professionals irrespective of their ranks or positions. 
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Importance of Diet and Exercises Medical science Essay
3 pages (775 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Both diet and exercise are very crucial for one’s healthy life. Diet or nutrition is a process that involves providing or taking food essential for health and growth. At the same time, exercise is the process that consists in taking some activities to develop or maintain physical fitness and overall health by reducing weight.  
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Health Effects of Vegan Diets by Winston Craig Medical science Essay
3 pages (886 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Health Effects of Vegan Diets by Winston Craig" is a remarkable example of a paper on food and nutrition. My research paper thesis statement argues that a vegan diet can reduce the severe health factors that face Americans from different diversities and the nutritional benefit that is accompanied by a vegan diet is associated with significant health benefits.  
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Coca-Cola's Response to Obesity Medical science Essay
2 pages (577 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Coca-Cola's Response to Obesity" is an outstanding example of a paper on food and nutrition. Coca-Cola is the largest beverage producer globally, with lots of its products sold in more than 200 countries. The company is best known for its Coca-Cola product. The company remains one of the most valued brands in the world today.  
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Key System Concepts on Health Care Medical science Essay
3 pages (886 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Key System Concepts on Health Care" is a marvelous example of a paper on the health system. Healthcare is the improvement of people's health through the diagnosis, prevention, recovery, treatment, or healing of injury, diseases, illness, and other mental and physical impairments.  Health workers deliver health care in allied health fields.
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Competition in Health Care Medical science Essay
3 pages (862 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"Competition in Health Care" is a great example of a paper on the health system. Competition is essential in checking and balancing any industry.  It provides an incentive for advancements in the industry. Firms compete on various grounds, which specifies the types of competition within an industry. The same applies to the healthcare industry.
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The Role of Technology in Ensuring Security and Efficiency of the Health System Medical science Essay
4 pages (1046 words) , Download 0 , Essay
"The Role of Technology in Ensuring Security and Efficiency of the Health System" is a perfect example of a paper on the health system. Hospitals and health systems have improved the quality, accountability, and efficiency in the health care fraternity hence minimizing costs. The best way to enhance the quality in hospitals is by using the available resources in better ways that leverage technology.
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Alzheimer Check-Ups, Tests, and Investigation Medical science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 1 , Essay
'Alzheimer Check-Ups, Tests, and Investigation' is a great example of a paper on the disorder. The Alzheimer's condition is quite difficult to detect at early stages as it is usually mistaken as an aging signal. It is characterized by speech difficulty, memory loss, and behavioral changes.
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The Effects of Streptomycin and Ampicillin on Serratia Marcescens Medical science Report
7 pages (1972 words) , Download 0 , Report
While carrying out comparison tests on the effectiveness of antibiotics, specialists, or professionals in the stated field have in the past usually made use of certain particular methods in performing the same. One such method is the Disc Diffusion method which measured the effects of any antimicrobial agent against bacteria growing in culture.
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Effects of Cannabis on Cognition Medical science Coursework
9 pages (2418 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The results of this study indicate that when chronic cannabis is actively used, it led to slower performances in the tasks related to the speed of psychomotor as compared to those individuals who don’t use drugs. The individuals who consumed cannabis showed lesser lingual gyrus activation but still had greater superior frontal gyrus activation.
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The Wonders of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 3 Tesla MRI and the Challenges of Going to Higher Field Medical science Report
8 pages (2307 words) , Download 1 , Report
In installing the 3T, surface coils are attached to the patient’s body in order for SNR to be closer to the signal. These surface coils compose the imaging matrix whose primary function is to achieve SNR gain. The distance between the signal source and the coil determines the SNR gain. (Nitz, 2007, p. 12). A technique in the application of the coils.
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Clinical Practice in Medical Imaging Medical science Report
7 pages (2027 words) , Download 1 , Report
An ethical doctor, guided by honesty, integrity, and competence is an asset in society. To his patients, such a doctor means less cost in medical bills and confidence in the doctor’s work. In a nutshell, physicians under the umbrella of Medical Imaging ought to observe the four main concepts outlined in medical ethics.
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The Causes of Medical Errors Medical science Report
7 pages (1912 words) , Download 3 , Report
Critics assert that root cause analysis is time-wasting since time must be spent on analyzing all the incidents that have occurred in the health facility. RCA is not an effective risk management technique since it focuses on past medical errors and how to prevent the reoccurrence, but does not anticipate new forms of errors in the medical processes.
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Risks Associated With the Use of Substances Medical science Essay
7 pages (2302 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Cocaine, Ecstasy, Heroin and Cannabis cause significant adverse effects on the body’s cells at the biomolecular level. This is evidenced by numerous researches and studies. This fact somehow makes scientists and medical experts conclude one thing about these four drugs – that they cause diseases and risk factors by attacking the cell.
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Effects of Drugs on the Brain Medical science Essay
6 pages (1801 words) , Download 2 , Essay
All drugs have an impact on the human brain. Most of the effects of these drugs on the human brain tend to be similar. However, some effects are varying from one drug to the other. It is, however, of great importance to understand that all the drugs impart negative effects and none impart positive effects on the human brain.
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A Reflective Account of Client-Centered Theory Medical science Essay
8 pages (2337 words) , Download 2 , Essay
CCT gives priority to the need for clients and therapists to be more self-aware. Hence, reflection is essential in their journey towards the achievement of authenticity and congruence. Should they develop this skill well, then therapy is more likely to be a success not only in providing solutions and healing but also in developing a more positive disposition.
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Biomedical Engineering Medical science Coursework
8 pages (2344 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
In the industry of biomedical equipment, scientific and engineering disciplines come together, which lead to innovations that are of great benefit to both the society and healthcare system (Biomedical Engineering Technology). In this industry, companies now have to meet the problem of offering a range of products that are of high quality.
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Applying Lean Methodologies in Private Dental Practice Medical science Report
16 pages (4233 words) , Download 1 , Report
A similar plan is carried out in healthcare, where these same phases become individualized according to the nature and type of the department under consideration. This is because not all principals are applicable in all areas of healthcare simultaneously, and lean methods focus on individualizing the issues of each compartment in order to work effectively.
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MRI of the Elbow Joint Medical science Assignment
8 pages (2442 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
A number of bony surfaces are involved in the formation of the elbow joint. The distal end of the humerus has two condyles, one on its medial side and another on the lateral side. These condyles, along with their epicondyles provide the site for attachment of the ligaments and tendons. Apart from these condyles, which are bony prominences, the distal end of the humerus has two depressions as well.
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Connection of Cancer to Microbes Medical science Research Paper
10 pages (2926 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Infectious bacteria play an important role in causing cancer disease. Some of the common bacteria microorganisms which can cause cancer are Strepcoccus Bovis, Salmonella typhi and Helicobacter pylori. Cancer can be caused in different regions of the body like carcinoma is skin cancer, lymphoma and myeloma are originated in cells of the immune system and sarcoma is linked to bones and muscles.
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Relationship Between the Mind and the Brain Medical science Essay
7 pages (1906 words) , Download 1 , Essay
These complex examples of nerve cell terminating and concoction discharge are called neuron marks, and they closely influence the physiology and natural chemistry of the body. These folds and convolutions build the surface territory of the brain, immeasurably expanding the number of conceivable associations between brain cells, and accordingly expanding the figuring force of the brain.
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Pediatric Euthanasia Medical science Essay
6 pages (1568 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Proposals to amend the laws on the legalization of pediatric euthanasia have been on the rise in recent times.  The legislative committee that examines such pediatric aspects is based in Quebec. The law that legalizes euthanizing children in nations practicing it insists that it is only applicable if the child is under unbearable and constant suffering.
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Cosmetic Surgery Medical science Coursework
13 pages (3911 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The social organizations in the United Kingdom have proposed different measures which shall assist in the determination of the fact that whether the youth is “qualified to have the surgery or not”, such measures shall be executed in the form of psychological tests or by conducting risk studies. It has been standard practice in the United Kingdom.
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Clinical Trial Drugs Regulations and Manufacture Medical science Thesis
41 pages (10443 words) , Download 1 , Thesis
Trials allow the same medicines to be established as safe for different populations. For instance, if one treatment is effective in children, could it be equally as effective with adults. Trials confirm what treatments are being used safely and satisfactorily on individuals. Their importance is limitless amongst the population of the medical world.
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Health Literacy and HIV Treatment Adherence in HIV Patients Medical science Literature review
17 pages (5436 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Non-adherence to the treatment is one of the biggest hurdles in tackling the AIDS pandemic. Among the different factors contributing to non-adherence, health literacy is considered one of the major players. We carried out a literature survey using search terms “ “Health literacy” and HIV”,  “Treatment adherence and HIV”, “Literacy and Treatment Adherence” and “Literacy treatment adherence HIV) in the databases of OVID and Pubmed.
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Rogerian Argument: The Case of Electroconvulsive Therapy Medical science Essay
6 pages (1657 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Although it is true that doctors have not yet come to a  unified decision as to exactly how  ECT  works, they do have several theories about its mode of action  (Behrman). ECT  might affect the way the neurons respond to the neurotransmitters released in the brain changing the perception of the individual and elevating the mood  (Behrman).
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Principles of Law, Accountability and Ethics to a Patient-Prescribing Medical science Report
6 pages (1894 words) , Download 8 , Report
The scenario is that a colleague who is not a prescriber asks to have a pill prescription signed for a patient who needs a contraceptive pill.  However, the dilemma is that the prescriber (me) has not seen the patient.
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Small RNA Biogenesis and Role in Gene Expression Regulation Medical science Essay
6 pages (2180 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Their function is primarily regulatory in nature ranging from translation, message stability, RNA degradation, and signaling epigenetic modifications in DNA and histones 1, 2, 5. The process by which small RNAs target mRNAs for degradation is now commonly referred to as RNA interference or RNAi 2.
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Reflection on Experience Studying Postgraduate Bioethics Course Medical science Personal Statement
6 pages (1580 words) , Download 1 , Personal Statement
The bioethics postgraduate course that I am going to describe in this paper has been a wonderful experience for me as I learnt many personal and professional ethical considerations in this course. The most important lesson for me was that reflection upon ethical considerations form a basis for many clinical judgments and decisions that critically affect the life quality of the patients involved.
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Neuroscience and Identity Theory Medical science Essay
7 pages (2094 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Neuroscience is founded on a philosophy of mind known as identity theory. John Searles asks, "Why do we think of ourselves as mindful, rational, conscious, free agents in a world which science tells us consists entirely of mindless, meaningless, physical particles being influenced by forces in a determined way? This is the mind dilemma that we, as psychotherapists, face in clinical work every day.
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Medical Cases: renal transplantation, tetanus Medical science Case Study
6 pages (1721 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
According to a University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) communiqué, “A living donor kidney will probably be functioning two years after the time of transplant 95% of the time. The chance of a cadaver transplant continuing to work one year after the transplant is about 85% and 50% at five years.” There is cause for concern when such patients develop other complications depending upon their genetic predisposition, immune status, and lifestyle. 
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Psychopathology - Suicide in Gay and Lesbian Adolescents Medical science Thesis
13 pages (3811 words) , Download 1 , Thesis
Adolescence is a difficult and challenging period for young people. One of the most important features is forming one's sexual identity. Usually, all children try to search and understand sex characteristics as part of normal growth. It is possible that sexual tendencies may be with members of the same or opposite sex.  Many adolescents experimenting with the same sex may cause fear and anxiety about their sexual orientation.
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