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The Benefits of a Sperm Bank Medical science Case Study
6 pages (1761 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
According to Falcone and Hurd the sperm used for artificial insemination has two sources; either the woman’s partner or an anonymous sperm donor. For the case where sperm is obtained from a donor, the woman does not obtain it directly from the donor, but the donor supplies a sperm bank which in turn provides the woman with the needed sperm.
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Classification of Leukemias and Diagnosis Treatment of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Medical science Term Paper
11 pages (3004 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The leukemic cells proliferate primarily in the bone marrow and the lymphoid tissues and then migrate into the peripheral blood. They interfere with normal hematopoiesis and immunity in the bone marrow and lymphoid tissue and after immigration into the peripheral blood, they infiltrate other tissues. 
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Analysis of Chriss Decision to Have Surgery Medical science Coursework
8 pages (2633 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "Analysis of Chris’s Decision to Have Surgery" is a great example of medical science coursework. Cosmetic surgery has gained root in recent years. Many people across the world are opting for this kind of surgery to change and adjust parts of their bodies as a way of self-improvement. This trend has as well elicited mixed reactions from different quarters on its eligibility and appropriateness.
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Analysis of Physiological Stress Response Case Medical science Case Study
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The pH of Mr. Hg is obviously in the acidosis range. The PaO2 is slightly lowered, the PaCO2 is raised, the bicarbonate is slightly low and the saturation is quite low. The low pH is due to metabolic acidosis. Ideally, to combat this pH, the body should have attempted buffering action by means of carbonic acid - bicarbonate system.
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Titanium Alloys as Implant Materials Medical science Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Since the physical properties of the element make it as strong as steel, but 45% lighter, it has found extensive use in external prostheses as well as internal implants. For both the short and the long term, titanium and its alloys are used extensively in creating calipers and artificial limbs for human use.
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Diagnostic Evaluation of Renal Abscesses Medical science Term Paper
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Renal abscesses are made up of intra-renal abscesses, peri-renal abscesses, para-renal abscesses. Both these abscesses normally are the result of bacterial infection moving up from urinary tract infections or from systemic bacterial infections transporting themselves through the blood into the kidneys.
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Critical Appraisal of the Research about Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture by Melchart Medical science Term Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The Melchart et al. (2005) study while commendable for trying to put in the possibility of the placebo effect of acupuncture is essentially a defective study. Melchart et al. (2005) study assumes that therapies only have long-term effects, which is contrary to the facts or science of how many medicines and therapies work.
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Epidemiological Significance of Cholera Medical science Term Paper
7 pages (2131 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The solar disinfection of water at the point of consumption is recommended by Conroy et al. (2001, p.293) as “an important first-line response to cholera outbreaks” and to reduce the risk of water-borne infection among children younger than six years of age. This intervention requires readily available minimal resources.
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Stem Cell Research Policies Around the World Medical science Research Paper
17 pages (4655 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
From the utilitarian view point right actions are those that result in the most beneficial balance of good over bad consequences for everyone involved in the process. In their view, utilitarian advocates the stem cell research because of the tremendous benefits that it would provide to millions of people afflicted with diseases worldwide.
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Organ Transplantation: Ethical Issues, Regulation and Illegal Sales of Human Organs Medical science Case Study
9 pages (2519 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Looking out for alternative measures and substitutes would work to help illegal donations come to an end (Cohen 15). Artificial substitutes for tissues and organs would prove vital in this case. Advanced technology has helped generate tissues that make false teeth, synthetic lenses and many more. Though it’s a costly alternative, it would serve to cut the shortage of these organs.
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Why Euthanasia Is Unethical Medical science Case Study
7 pages (2005 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
So many challenges come up on mentioning euthanasia, coercion, loss of autonomy, the difficult to enforce and monitor all work to the disadvantage of euthanasia. The technical aspect of euthanasia will disapprove in most cases the practice, this is in consideration of diagnostic errors and medical advancements in curing conditions initially considered terminal.
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Antibiotic Resistance of Bacterial Agents of Disease Medical science Research Proposal
7 pages (2157 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
After exposure to the antioxidant, the bacteria will be plated to selective nutrient agar plates laced with antibiotics, fusidic acid, and mupirocin. The number of antibiotic-resistant colonies that have survived will be counted and adjusted to the viable cell count, which has been simultaneously determined.
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Work in Medical Laboratory Technician Medical science Resume/CV
6 pages (1872 words) , Download 2 , Resume/CV
Modern diagnostic medical laboratories have state of the art automated instruments leading to efficiency and reducing human errors in most of the diagnostics (Davidson and Mike 10). Consequently, technicians have been required to study the theoretical, technical, and technological aspects of the career. 
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Genetic Modification of Human Beings: Is it acceptable Medical science Research Paper
7 pages (2116 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Some people view human genetic modification as a technique that offers hopes of futuristic therapy and fantastic human enhancement. There are those that have fears that it will create a world where eugenics is commonplace, and the human genome is corrupted (Frankel & Chapman 02). Consequently, such contradicting views have elicited a raging debate over the bioethics of conducting HGM.
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Cardiovascular and Respiratory System and the Concept of Homeostasis Medical science Assignment
9 pages (2361 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Energy metabolism refers to the process of energy generation from various nutrients. It encompasses a series of interlinked pathways that tend to function either in the absence or presence of oxygen. The aerobic metabolism usually converts a single glucose molecule into various molecules. There are also countless chemical reactions that often take place within various cells.
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Clinical Skills and Nursing Roles Medical science Coursework
7 pages (2205 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
As medical science evolved, nurses are faced with an increasing number of tasks from communication, technical, clinical and even administrative. As the roles that nurses play increase, the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) issued the Code of Professional Conduct ( NMC, 2002) which provided guidance on the scope of a nurse's practice and the degree of integrity entailed.
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The Use of Artificial Nutrition and Hydration in Terminally Ill Patients Medical science Coursework
10 pages (2859 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
It is quite important to state that in medical practice, the health care team must bear in mind that the sign for applying technology is not the plain accessibility of that technology. Rather, clinicians should have evidently defined goals as well as endpoints of therapy in mind when relating such therapy. 
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General Electric Medical Systems Medical science Case Study
8 pages (2011 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Joe Hogan, the President, and CEO of GEMS were expected to decide for himself if he should alter the Global Product Company (GPC) concept launched by his successful predecessor while dealing with the pressures of rapidly evolving healthcare technologies. GPC was set up to cut costs, by shifting the design, engineering and production activities from high-cost countries to low-cost countries. 
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Metals in Medical Treatment and Poisoning Medical science Term Paper
7 pages (1986 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
According to this paper, it is clear that metals where formerly considered to be those elements which had a metallic luster and were good conductors of heat and electricity; this is still the standard adopted by the average person, to whom metals are not merely elements such as iron, copper, or gold but also the great class of alloys including such materials as steel, brass, bronze, pewter, or cast iron.  
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Molecular Genetic Diagnostics in the 21st Century Medical science Term Paper
8 pages (2534 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The newly available as the debate on the have given rise to legal and moral conundrums that have not been sufficiently resolved.  Just as the debate on the broader implications of genetic technology continues, the number of patients willing to avail of the technology is also on the rise. Such trends are witnessed here in the United Kingdom, as elsewhere in the industrialized world.
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Is the Autonomy of Children Upheld in Consenting to Medical Treatment Medical science Coursework
8 pages (2455 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
In general, the GMC guidelines “Withholding and Withdrawing life-prolonging treatments: Good Practice in decision making ” (the Guidelines 2) assert that where a parent successfully overrides refusal of treatment and gives consent, this consent cannot be vetoed by another person with parental responsibility.
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Tablet Formulation of a Low Dose Tablet and High Dose Tablet Medical science Assignment
7 pages (2133 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Tablets are solid dosage forms usually prepared with the aid of suitable pharmaceutical excipients. The excipients can include binders, glidants (flow aids) and lubricants to ensure efficient tableting; disintegrants to promote tablet break-up in the digestive tract; sweeteners or flavors to enhance taste, and pigments to make the tablets visually attractive.
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Paramedics and Intubation Medical science Literature review
8 pages (2719 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
It is essential to state that it is very imperative that sufficient training related to tracheal intubation should be given to paramedics, which should be accompanied by continuous practical experience, which is lacking currently due to a number of risks associated with the method of airway management.
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Issues Relating to Medical Negligence Medical science Coursework
10 pages (2747 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Generall, the court’s approach to the standard of care in medical negligence cases differs to other negligence cases and the Bolam test defined the standard of care as being “of the ordinary skilled man exercising and professing to have that special skill, a man need not possess the highest expert skill ”.
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Spectrophotometer & Immunochemistry Medical science Coursework
8 pages (2504 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
It is quite essential to state that the paper discussed some of the significant aspects of two specific techniques: Spectrophotometry and Immunoassay (Immunochemistry). It is an expectation that the paper will be beneficial for students, teachers, and professionals in better understanding of the topic.
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The Effects of Cannabis Addiction among 16-24 Years and Its Health Consequences Medical science Case Study
8 pages (2234 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Cannabis is one of the most abused drugs among young adults aged between 16 and 24 years in Europe. Notably, cannabis use leads to adverse psychological, social, and mental health problems. However, certain addiction and behavioral theories like the Prime theory and the Transtheoretical Model may help us in addressing cannabis dependence.
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Applications of Gel Electrophoresis and Flow Cytometry Methodologies to Clinical Medicine Medical science Coursework
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Coursework
Generally speaking, it is expected that the clinical applications of flow cytometry and gel electrophoresis technologies to clinical medicine will continue to expand and provide a greater understanding of the molecular basis of disease, as well as the clinical screening and management human diseases.
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The Risks Associated with Ionized Radiation Medical science Research Paper
9 pages (2380 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
It is recommended that the safety measures are necessarily taken so as to reduce the risks of radiography and produce effective results of it. In conclusion it can be said that radiography is a successful process which should be still followed but with immense care so that the lives of patients are not affected.
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The Effect of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder on Learning Medical science Essay
6 pages (1822 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Oftentimes, children who have been diagnosed with ADHD are slow to develop social skills and may have poor grades in school. It is estimated that one-quarter of children with ADHD have a learning disorder.
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Parkinsons Disease as a Common Progressive Neurodegenerative Disorder Medical science Research Paper
9 pages (3218 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Both metabolites lack neurotoxicity under normal conditions. Concomitant exposure of the cultures under oxygen-glucose deprivation, to a combination of either selegiline and -methamphetamine or rasagiline and 1-R-aminoindan, indicated that -methamphetamine, but not 1-R-aminoindan, blocked the neuroprotective effect of the parental drug (46).
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London Ambulance Service Medical science Assignment
8 pages (2266 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
This new system takes the information from ambulance crews for the formation of possible decisions. In this new system, the physical working and handling factors were removed to make the decision automatically and quickly. The new system of the London Ambulance Service has been implemented with a lot of potential opportunities.
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Ethics of Animal and Human Germline Genetic Modification Medical science Term Paper
9 pages (2459 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The use of laboratory mice to test the use of the tumor suppressors showed that success could be achieved with other animal species. It was scientifically proven through numerous tests and long periods of observation that the modifications carried out were a success. Chimpanzees are mammals, which implies that they could have different genetic makeup.
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How HeLa Cells Help Researchers Looking for Cancer Treatment Medical science Literature review
8 pages (2346 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The deadly nature of cancer has propagated various research studies to find out the effective treatment that would curb the resultant deaths in humans. HeLa cervical cancer cells drawn from Henrietta Lacks in 1951 and preserved in the laboratory have been used by various researchers on cancer treatment as an in vitro cancer cell model.
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Physiological Role of the Potential Biomarkers Medical science Assignment
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Signals from activins are vital in differentiation as well as regulating the proliferation of cells and apoptosis in tissues. Follistatin and FLRG help in keeping the activins signals in balance at various points of their signaling pathway by binding the secreted activins and making them incompatible with their surface receptors. 
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The Production of Urine in the Human Body Medical science Case Study
8 pages (2350 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Kelly (1988, pg.34) gave a detailed description of the urine composition: organic and inorganic constituents, physical and chemical properties, and its behavior in various circumstances. Urine is made up of more than 25% water, urea 9039/l, potassium 0.750g/l, chloride 1.87g/l, sodium 1.17g/l, and other dissolved ions and compounds (Putman, 1997, pg 5).
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A Renal Experiment Analysis Medical science Report
7 pages (2250 words) , Download 0 , Report
The body depends on the production of urine for the removal of waste products (Randal, Burggren, French & Eekert, 2002). This process is vital for the body to maintain health. urine is composed of various elements including water, electrolytes, and waste products filtered from the bloodstream (Fischbach, & Dunning, 2008).
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Needle and Syringe Services Assessment Medical science Case Study
6 pages (1798 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The prevention of new infections was estimated to be about 25,000 for HIV and 21,000 for hepatitis C. With the prevention is better than cure policy, the government saved approximately 2.4 to 7.7 billion dollars in treatment costs. This shows clearly that the prevention of these infections has saved more than 20 times the money that could have been used for HIV treatment alone.
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Factors That Cause and Control Diseases Medical science Coursework
11 pages (3068 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Poor diet or lack of enough food can lead to malnutrition that may lead to rising in poor health, vulnerability to diseases, delayed recovery from infections, and injury. A deficiency in minerals and vitamins influences almost every body organ, digestive system, and diminishes the functioning of organs along with mental processes. 
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Bowel Preparation for Excretory Urography: a Randomized Trial Medical science Research Paper
7 pages (2049 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The title of the study is "Bowel preparation for excretory urography is not necessary: a randomized trial." The title does reflect the content and also the method of the study as described below. All the 3 authors are radiologists with specialization in radiology, belonging to the Department of Radiology, Orebro University Hospital, Orebro, Sweden.  
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Chemical Dependency Medical science Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Chemical dependency is a growing problem in society that is affecting an increasing number of people. While the occasional experimentation with illegal substances is common for people, it brings up an entirely new set of problems when it occurs within a patient. Since the patient is given this medication by a doctor, he or she will often believe that it is acceptable to take as much as needed.
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Consent to Surgery or Other Procedures, and to Care Medical science Literature review
11 pages (3325 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
The patient is browbeaten into consent through the input of information giving oriented towards the procedure. Leino-Kilpi, et al, 2003 point out that such attitudes among nursing professionals arise from the lack of importance given by the nursing professionals to the values of the patient, on what they respect, and what they believe constitutes good nursing care.
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Women and Substance Abuse Medical science Literature review
5 pages (1661 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The study by Giglia and Binns looked at women from two public hospitals within Perth and the women were given a baseline questionnaire to complete. The questions were repeated when they were discharged and the women were followed up with phone interviews up to a year after the delivery of their children.
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Crystallization Process of Paracetamol Behaviour Medical science Term Paper
16 pages (4490 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The quantity of crystals formed grows with supersaturation while the size of crystals shrinks. However, low supersaturations or controlled cooling, as we mentioned earlier produced large crystals, and bioavailability of a drug is maintained when supersaturation of a growth medium is controlled (Thompson 2003, p.18).
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Effects on Metabolism and Nutritional Requirements Medical science Essay
7 pages (2019 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Allicin is involved in vasodilating activity within the vascular bed. In addition, within a meta-analysis on the impact of garlic in reducing blood pressure, it was shown that the general collective variation within systolic and diastolic blood pressure in comparison to baseline measures was higher within subjects that were treated with garlic. 
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Does Blood Pressure Matters Medical science Lab Report
7 pages (2053 words) , Download 1 , Lab Report
Day-to-day heart complications gave me the need to conduct this medical experiment. It is medically important for everyone to check the blood pressure to avoid heart complications. Blood pressure (BP) is one of the primary vital signs. It refers to the force that is exerted by blood circulation against the walls of blood vessels.
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H1N1 Bringing into Consideration Its History, Transmission, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Medical science Coursework
7 pages (1991 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The paper "H1N1 Bringing into Consideration Its History, Transmission, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment" is a perfect example of medical science coursework. Diseases come with different varieties (strains), which each affecting human race differently (CDC, 2010). One such disease is the swine influenza sometimes called pig influenza, which is a strain of influenza that is commonly endemic in pigs (Trifonov 119).
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Low Bone Density in Old People Medical science Coursework
11 pages (3571 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The most essential way of prevention of bone mineral through osteopenia or osteoporosis loss is exposure to appropriate exercises. Most studies using specific bone-loading exercises have shown substantial increases in bone density at the specific sites loaded, but elderly people seem incapable of responding favorably to vigorous exercise.
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Elbow, Forearm and Wrist Medical science Essay
6 pages (1681 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In golf, the muscles used range from those in the upper limbs, the trunk, and the lower limbs. The movement of muscles is aimed at developing momentum. Propelling of the golf ball to the desired target is facilitated by the provision of momentum. To achieve momentum, an effective swing requires the coordination of muscles to generate enough power to hit the ball.
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The Importance of the Human Nervous System Medical science Essay
7 pages (2137 words) , Download 2 , Essay
As science learns more about the communication system of neurons, efforts to correct these problems will intensify. Already there are many drugs available that can alter activity at the synapse. Correcting these errors can also lead to methods for the treatment of mental diseases. Clearly, the nervous system of the human body is of the highest importance.
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Should Google Organize Your Medical Records Medical science Assignment
5 pages (1477 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Should Google Organize Your Medical Records" is a great example of a medical science assignment. In this case, we are having a lot of aspects regarding corporate information and data. In this chapter main ideas and concepts demonstrated are based on corporate information handling and management.
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