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Employee Health and Safety: Outlining Hazards in the Workplace Medical science Report
10 pages (2876 words) , Download 0 , Report
In this hazard analysis, four hazards have been identified. These include heat, asbestos, noise, and Solar Ultra-Violet Radiation. In outlining various ways that these hazards will be harmful to the workforce, there has to be an analysis of how they are absorbed and metabolized in the human body. There has to be a relationship between the hazard and health effects in the human body.
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Toxicology Issues Medical science Report
6 pages (1803 words) , Download 0 , Report
A lot of episodes of illicit use of drugs within the sport's settings have brought so much attention to this matter, involving both recreational and performance-enhancing drugs. In Australia for instance, the percentage of athletes who have been involved in illicit performance-enhancing use of substances has increased significantly in modern years.
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The Pharmacotherapeutics of Migraines Medical science Report
6 pages (2164 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "The Pharmacotherapeutics of Migraines " is an excellent example of a report on medical science. Date: Migraine headaches exhibit a neurological disorder causing episodic headaches and other associated symptoms (1). Sensory stimuli and sensitivity to the environment are critical factors for migraine headaches.
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Artifacts in Spiral X-ray CT Scanners Medical science Essay
6 pages (2019 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Artifacts in Spiral X-ray CT Scanners" is a perfect example of an essay on medical science. A computed tomographic (CT) image refers to a display of anatomy of the human body developed from numerous X-ray absorption measurements created around the periphery of the body. The CT image is created mathematically through the data that arises exclusively from the sections of interest.
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The Governmental Policies of Saudi Arabia and Australia Concerning Radiological Procedures Medical science Capstone Project
31 pages (8488 words) , Capstone Project
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The paper "The Governmental Policies of Saudi Arabia and Australia Concerning Radiological Procedures" is a good example of a capstone project on medical science. This research project is aimed to compare and contrast the radiation protection policy of Saudi Arabia with that of Australia. As part of this, the research project will focus on addressing four objectives, which are:
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Geographical, Taxonomic, and Morphological Characteristics of Astragalus Membranaceus Medical science Report
10 pages (2904 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Geographical, Taxonomic, and Morphological Characteristics of Astragalus Membranaceus" is a perfect example of a report on medical science. Astragalus membranaceus is an important and popular drug used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with attribution particularly to its tonic, diuretic, and a wide array of immunopotentiating features.
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Solid Phase Red Cell Adherence Assay Medical science Report
8 pages (2791 words) , Download 0 , Report
The technique of immunologic agglutination was realized by Stillmark in 1888 when he saw that the Ricinus communis seed extracts agglutinated erythrocytes [1]. Agglutination of bacteria by serum was observed by Durham.Later in the early 20th century, it was pragmatic that all antibodies could be used in erythrocyte agglutination. Landsteiner could discover the ABO blood grouping then.
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Bach Flower Remedies Medical science Report
17 pages (4495 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Bach Flower Remedies" is a perfect example of a report on medical science. Bach flower remedies have for a considerable period been used by people in treating various emotional and physical health problems. In his documentary Bach Flower Referencing Guide that Dr. Edward Bach developed 80 years ago, a list of thirty-eight flower essences contained.
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Cumulative Responses to Two Unknown Chemicals Medical science Research Paper
7 pages (1906 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Each data point represents the percent mortality of the three drug doses. The lowest experimental dose where there is no measurable effect is known as the No Observable Effect Level. This is the concentration that the experimenters failed to see any mortality. NOEL is a useful measurement for extrapolating risk and safe exposure concentrations.
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The Effect of Diet and Exercise Medical science Research Proposal
15 pages (3942 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Effect of Diet and Exercise" is an excellent example of a research proposal on medical science. This study would use six parameters to quantify obesity and the measure would eventually drop. The six parameters to be measured would be waist and hip circumference, blood pressure, BMI or Body Mass Index, weight, and the levels of body fat.
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HIV among African American Women Medical science Research Paper
9 pages (2380 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper "HIV among African American Women" is a good example of a medical science research paper. HIV is a disease that is extensively spreading all over the United States. Recent researches show that this spread is specifically seen in high percentages among low-income young African American women.
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The Impact of Antibody Developed for the Prevention of Acute GVHD upon B Lymphocyte Function Medical science Research Proposal
13 pages (2782 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper “The Impact of Antibody Developed for the Prevention of Acute GVHD upon B Lymphocyte Function” is a well-turned example of the medical science research proposal. Stem cell therapy is the use of stem cells to replace the damaged cells to produce new cells that can perform the same functions as the damaged ones.
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Exercise and Maintaining the Quality of Life Medical science Research Proposal
7 pages (2313 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Some of the common complaints that patients with COPD stress on are weakened exercise tolerance, dyspnoea, and diminished quality of life. However, research indicates that these problems arise not just because of the loss of pulmonary function. The decrease in exercise tolerance is mainly because of weak lung function.
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Cryopreservation Technology for Stem Cell Investigation Medical science Term Paper
10 pages (2873 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "Cryopreservation Technology for Stem Cell Investigation" is a great example of a term paper on medical science. During the past existence, the stem cells constantly used to get spoilt through freezing owing to the osmotic tension that they encounter. This was due to the application of salt to the cells as a way of conservation which regrettably caused dehydration and ultimately destructiveness of the cells.
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The Food Safety Management Programs Medical science Term Paper
16 pages (4193 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "The Food Safety Management Programs" is a good example of a term paper on medical science. Safety professionals and organizations confront real-world challenges. Regardless of whether or not targeting the environment, consumers, or employees, excellent safety performance is achieved through a well-developed safety management system.
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Effect of Alveolar Ventilation on Breath Hold Duration, O2 and Co2 Concentration Medical science Research Paper
6 pages (3266 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
During inspiration, the first gas that goes into the alveoli is alveolar gas from the previous breath which is usually in the dead space. This dead space maybe the bronchi and trachea. This is followed by room air. In a normal inspiration, the air in the alveoli has equilibrated with the gases in the blood vessels, and the composition of alveolar air.
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PCR Based DNA Fingerprinting Lab Medical science Research Proposal
6 pages (1664 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "PCR Based DNA Fingerprinting Lab" is a perfect example of a research proposal on medical science. In this case study, there is a robbery in the property. There were some witnesses who saw four men leaving the scene in a light blue ford focus. The men were in hooded sweatshirts thus their identity could note established.
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Automated Exposure Control and Anatomically Programmed Radiographic Devices in Radiology Medical science Term Paper
8 pages (2448 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "Automated Exposure Control and Anatomically Programmed Radiographic Devices in Radiology" is an outstanding example of a term paper on medical science. As the paper outlines, within a year of its discovery in 1895, X-rays have been incorporated in medicine to aid in the diagnosis of many conditions.
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Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography and Bone Scanning Medical science Term Paper
6 pages (1842 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography and Bone Scanning" is a great example of a term paper on medical science. Radiopharmaceuticals are drugs used in Nuclear medicine; they contain radioactive materials referred to as radioisotopes, which are put in the body of the patients as a way of treatment of their diseases. These radioactive substances use referred to as tracers.
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Natural and Synthetic Ingredients in Makeup Medical science Term Paper
7 pages (1900 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "Natural and Synthetic Ingredients in Makeup " is a good example of a term paper on medical science. This paper takes a look at the two types of facial makeup that are commonly used all over the world. The paper will define the nature and the synthetically made makeup. It will generally talk about why consumers prefer natural ingredients than artificial ones.
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Bioanalytical Techniques in Advanced Microscopy Medical science Research Paper
12 pages (3075 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
SEM, AFM, and confocal microscopes are specialized devices that allow scientists to view microscopic subjects. AFM involves imaging a specimen by the use of a cantilever tip or probe, having a radius of 20nm. The SEM is a device that creates a hugely magnified image by making use of electrons rather than light to build an image.
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Pharmaceutics: Drug Excipients Compatibility Analysis by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Medical science Term Paper
7 pages (2017 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "Pharmaceutics: Drug Excipients Compatibility Analysis by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy" is a good example of a term paper on medical science. Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) is one of the experimental techniques that can be used to optimize and analyze drug-excipients compatibility.
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Analytical Technique on High Performance Liquid Chromatography Medical science Research Paper
12 pages (3671 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (also referred to as high-pressure liquid chromatography, HPLC) involves the injection of a small sample dissolved in a solvent into a stream of solvent (mobile phase) pumped into a column packed with solid particles (stationary phase).
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The Role of Desmosomal and Corneodesmosomal Proteins on Skin and Hair Integrity Medical science Term Paper
10 pages (3236 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "The Role of Desmosomal and Corneodesmosomal Proteins on Skin and Hair Integrity" is a good example of a term paper on medical science.  Cellular junctions and corneodesmosomes derived from desmosomes and corneodesmosomes provide tough inter-corneocyte cohesion within the stratum corneum.
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Critical Appraisal of Antimicrobial Resistance Medical science Research Paper
10 pages (3057 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Microbial resistance to antibiotics continues to be recognized as the single-most greatest threat to human health, as a reversal to the pre-antibiotic era would imply that several routine infections would become untreatable. Antimicrobial resistance is therefore a critical concern, specifically because it has the potential to lead to difficulty in disease control.
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Fracture Resistance of Different Primary Anterior Esthetic Crowns Medical science Research Paper
38 pages (12577 words) , Research Paper
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Parents, children, and members of the dental profession continue to pursue aesthetic dental restorations. Yet as parents and caregivers are responsible for making dental care decisions for their child, it is important that they look beyond aesthetics and consider other factors that influence the success or failure of a restoration (Valandro et. al, 2006).
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Influence Antiplatelet Therapy Taken Medical science Research Paper
8 pages (2768 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Research shows what is the outcome of patients who are taking dual anti-platelet therapy prophylactically for coronary disease discontinuing it prior to cardiac surgery and the effects in respect to patient bleeding post-operatively. In this context, the dependent variable is bleeding and the independent variables are aspirin and Plavix (clopidogrel).
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Malpractice in Hospitals Medical science Research Proposal
12 pages (1978 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
A research study by Commonwealth Fund revealed that top-performing hospitals were different from others in that; they developed the right culture for quality to flourish, attracted the right people to promote quality, devised and updated the right in-house processes for quality improvement; and gave their staff the right tools to do the job.
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Critique of Situation X-Ray Analysis and Radiographs Medical science Term Paper
9 pages (2968 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "Critique of Situation X-Ray Analysis and Radiographs" is a good example of a term paper on medical science. Radiography is believed to be important in helping to overcome the many challenges that are faced by clinical imaging services. In the UK the services provided by radiographers are recognized in the medical fraternity.
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Fracture Resistance of Crowns Medical science Capstone Project
55 pages (14425 words) , Capstone Project
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Preveneered stainless steel crowns and zirconia crowns are new materials used in pediatric dentistry. Their use in the field of pediatric dentistry has been embraced because of its efficiency. The materials have different properties which are why they have different impacts when used. One of these properties is their ability to withstand external forces and resist fractures.
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The Impact of Technology on Imaging Departments Medical science Term Paper
8 pages (2894 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "The Impact of Technology on Imaging Departments" is a perfect example of a term paper on medical science. Medical imaging has undergone tremendous technological changes with time. The utilization of traditional hard copies of poorly processed and often difficult to interpret radiological films has evolved into sophisticated soft copies and groundbreaking technology films in 3D.
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Critical Discussion Medicare Medical science Term Paper
9 pages (2511 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "Critical Discussion Medicare" is a delightful example of a term paper on medical science. Medicare officially began on February 1, 1984, and is now an established policy enjoying strong public support. In spite of its success, Medicare has had a controversial and turbulent history.
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Formulation Development of Directly Compressed Orally Disintegrating Tablets Medical science Term Paper
9 pages (2390 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper " Formulation Development of Directly Compressed Orally Disintegrating Tablets " is a good example of a term paper on medical science. The aim of this project will be to investigate the effect of various factors that influence the formulation of directly compressed orally disintegrating tablets (ODTs), particularly the type and concentration of disintegrants.
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Modelling Blood Flow in the Veins Medical science Research Paper
12 pages (3388 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Most of the previous research carried out on the flow of blood in the veins was driven by different medical conditions that require the knowledge of fluid flow. Under this topic of discussion blood, rheology, and its property (non-Newtonian) will need explanation and the different modeling methods presented which takes a look at it as a mixed liquid.
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Formulation Development of Directly Compressed Orally Disintegrating Tablets: Role of Disintegrants Medical science Term Paper
35 pages (9267 words) , Term Paper
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In recent years, it has become apparent that conventional solid tablets are being avoided and don't tolerate by pediatric, geriatric, mentally retarded, and autistic groups of people, as well as people who have age or disease-related factors that have caused complications of the normal swallowing process; dysphagia.
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Analysis Antidepressants in the United States Medical science Term Paper
12 pages (3744 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "Analysis Antidepressants in the United States" is an outstanding example of a term paper on medical science. This essay discusses a drug in the group of antidepressants. The drug under study is Alprazolam, also known as Xanax in the United States. It is known by other terms in other countries.
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Justification and PCOS and Fertility Medical science Thesis
14 pages (4231 words) , Download 0 , Thesis
Demographic definition of infertility includes the inability of individuals of reproductive age to become pregnant or complete pregnancy to the term within 5 years of pregnancy exposure. Another demographic definition of infertility is the inability to become pregnant with a live birth in 5 years of consistent sexual intercourse.  
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Toxicity of Paroxetine and Escitalopram on Breastfed Infants Medical science Research Proposal
14 pages (3647 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Medical literature describes three types of postpartum mood disorders, which are postpartum depression, postpartum blues and, and postpartum psychosis. Whereas the last two are relatively common and account for nearly 80% of the postpartum mood disorder population, but resolve on their own and over a period of time; it is postpartum depression that offers a major clinical challenge since it is not self-limiting.
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Protein Structure determination employing multidimensional NMR Spectroscopic Techniques Medical science Term Paper
10 pages (2982 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "Protein Structure determination employing multidimensional NMR Spectroscopic Techniques" is a good example of a term paper on medical science.  Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy falls among one of the distinctive methods available for multidimensional molecular structure analysis.
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The Ways on Heart Transplants Medical science Research Proposal
11 pages (2818 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Ways on Heart Transplants " is a wonderful example of a research proposal on medical science. The number of victims with heart problems in many societies has sharply been on the increase, and this has led to an increase in research on heart transplants as a lasting solution to the problem.
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Human Factors in Aviation Medical science Term Paper
18 pages (4771 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "Human Factors in Aviation" is a good example of a term paper on medical science. The term ‘human factor’ has become significantly popular, as the commercial aviation industry has realized that human errors cause most aviation incidents and accidents rather than mechanical failures (Harris, 2011).
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Traditional versus Modern Food- Medical Cost to Society Medical science Term Paper
7 pages (2152 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "Traditional versus Modern Food- Medical Cost to Society" is a wonderful example of a term paper on medical science. The need to have a balanced diet is the most concern of most nutritionists always. There are frequent calls for people to avoid junk food and concentrate on more fresh and natural food.
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The Diagnostic value of DTPA Renal Scintigraphy in Diagnostic Kidneys Function Medical science Research Paper
9 pages (3346 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Diethylenetriamine peracetic acid (DTPA) is a medical radioactive scan procedure used in testing the functionality of the kidneys and checking whether the problem causes obstruction of urine flow in the ureters/ bladder. DTPA is also used in checking blood circulation in the kidney arteries as well as the reflux of urine back into the ureters from the bladder.
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List of Common Antibiotics and Types Medical science Term Paper
8 pages (2229 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper " List of Common Antibiotics and Types " is a great example of a term paper on medical science. There are many categories of antibiotics grouping by their mode of action on the bacteria or germs. Diverse antibiotics have dissimilar ways of action and mechanism while acting as a remedy for various bacterial infections.
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Development of Technology for the Delivery of Orally Effective Insulin Medical science Research Paper
22 pages (5861 words) , Research Paper
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As a matter of fact, current regulations have it that the manufacture of an oral dosage may not need to meet specialized regulatory requirements concerning such issues as pyrogenicity, sterility, and particulate contamination. This is the same case when it comes to insulin. The drug has a significant place in drug therapies for insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (categorized as type I).
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Orthopaedic Patients Experience in Perioperative Teaching as Reflected in Patient Satisfaction Surveys Medical science Research Paper
15 pages (4559 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper "Orthopaedic Patients’ Experience in Perioperative Teaching as Reflected in Patient Satisfaction Surveys" is an excellent example of a research paper on medical science. This paper seeks to develop into a research proposal, one of the research questions constructed in the previous assignment.
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Solid-Phase Red Cell Adherence Assay For Red Cell Antigen And Antibody Detection Medical science Term Paper
8 pages (2954 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "Solid-Phase Red Cell Adherence Assay For Red Cell Antigen And Antibody Detection " is a good example of a term paper on medical science. Detection and identification of the antibodies are purposefully done as a compatibility test during blood transfusions to avoid health complications that arise if an individual with antibodies is exposed to donor cells with corresponding antigens (5).
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Investigating Breast Cancer Risk Factors and Prevention Measures Medical science Research Paper
12 pages (3593 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Cancer has been a scourge that has affected millions of people and billions of others associated with them.  Though various types of cancers have been identified, breast cancer is one that has afflicted women more than any other. However, this cancer is not restricted to women only; men too can be victims.
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Aminoglycoside Administration Medical science Term Paper
28 pages (7958 words) , Term Paper
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The paper "Aminoglycoside Administration" is a brilliant example of a term paper on medical science. Aminoglycosides are a molecule that functions as antibiotics and is used in the treatment of certain types of bacteria. It is usually used to fight against Gram-negative caused infections. Types of aminoglycosides include apramycin, paromomycin, gentamicin, among others.
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Spinal Cord Injuries Medical science Research Paper
6 pages (1704 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper "Spinal Cord Injuries " is a perfect example of a medical science research paper. The spinal code is one of the most vital parts of the body since if offers the greatest support to the entire body. It is protected by a network of bones known as the vertebral column joined to each other via ligaments. The spinal code forms part of the nervous system and has a series of nerves connected to it.
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