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History of Prostitution in Thailand and the Introduction of HIV in the Country - Essay Example

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Thailand is one of the countries in the world with a long history of prostitution – dating back to several centuries ago. In fact, its economy has largely depended on prostitution, which has been a big…
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History of Prostitution in Thailand and the Introduction of HIV in the Country
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"History of Prostitution in Thailand and the Introduction of HIV in the Country" is a great example of a paper on virus. Prostitution refers to the act of soliciting sex in exchange for money. Thailand is one of the countries in the world with a long history of prostitution – dating back to several centuries ago. In fact, its economy has largely depended on prostitution, which has been a big tourist attraction. Unlike in other societies where prostitution is seen as an immoral act, Thailand has embraced prostitution for centuries to the extent that it is no longer despised harshly. Thailand people have always considered prostitution a normal profession, which anybody can pursue to earn a living, regardless of whether the prostitute is a child, woman, transsexual, homosexual, or transvestite. Since prostitution contributed largely to the economy of Thailand, the Thai government legalized it in the 14th century, to enable the government to collect taxes from the prostitutes. The legalization of prostitution at this time attracted so many prostitutes into the prostitution business. As a result, the presence of the high number of prostitutes in Thailand today is partly attributable to the legalization of prostitution in the 14th century (Ghosh, 2012).

Research shows that the legalization of prostitution then increased the demand to a point where it would even surpass the supply available in the market. This was particularly experienced in the 18th century. Prostitution remained legal until 1905 when it was banned by the government. The report shows that, after about five decades, soldiers engaged in the Vietnam War began searching women for sexual desires. This resulted in a significant increase in prostitutes in order to meet the growing demand. Even though the number of prostitutes increased significantly, this was not enough forcing the Thailand government to contribute to the sex market resulting in the exportation of sex workers to Vietnam (Ghosh, 2012).

Currently, Thailand has about 20,000 child prostitutes with the number continuing to rise every year. Ghosh (2012) noted that at least 95% of Thai men above the age of 21 years have slept with prostitutes in the past. This is partly due to the long-standing culture of prostitution in Thailand where the society has embraced it. In fact, most Thai men believe that they have the right to have cheap sex, which is readily available from the many poor Thai women. Research conducted recently on sexual behavior in Thailand found that at least 450,000 Thai men move to the streets every day to solicit sex from prostitutes, according to Ghosh (2012).

The fact that society embraces prostitution has resulted in the spread of homosexuality in the country. Currently, Thailand is regarded as the home of gays on earth. Research conducted in the country showed that Thailand has the highest number of homosexuals on the planet. In Thailand, homosexuality does not matter and people engage in it out in the open. This is because the Thai society accepts it and believes that sexual orientation is genetically determined, thus not a mental problem as other cultures view it (Ghosh, 2012).  

In fact, most Thai men and women still consider prostitution a normal thing in society. This has resulted in the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (ATDs), Aids, and HIV. Research indicates that many youths, women, men, and homosexuals who engage in prostitution continue being diagnosed with HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases daily. They mainly contact HIV/AIDS and other sexually transited diseases from the foreigners with whom they have sex. It is believed that HIV was brought to Thailand by foreign tourists who arrived in the country to solicit sex from Thai prostitutes. Since then, HIV and AIDS have continued to spread among Thai men and women who engage in prostitution. As a result, AIDS has become the number one killer disease in Thailand today and this is attributable to the high prostitution rates in the country (Ghosh, 2012).

The rate at which the HIV/AIDS pandemic is increasing in Thailand is worrying. As such, the Thai government needs to act with speed to stop prostitution in the country; otherwise, Thailand will become an HIV/Aids nation in the near future.














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