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Move Yourself by Tedd Mitchell - Essay Example

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In the essay “Move Yourself by Tedd Mitchell” the author analyzes the book, which discusses steps, which can be taken slowly to enhance exercise behaviors at any activity level, rooted in the exercise survey. This volume was chosen for review after going through a short account of it…
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Move Yourself by Tedd Mitchell
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"Move Yourself by Tedd Mitchell" is an engrossing example of a paper on fitness and exercise.

Part 1: The Book

Move Yourself is a book by Tedd Mitchell, Martin Zucker, and Tim Church, on the importance of exercise, which was published in 2008. The book discusses steps, which can be taken slowly to enhance exercise behaviors at any activity level, rooted in the exercise survey done by the authors. This volume was chosen for review after going through a short account of it. I thought that I would gain more myself. After studying other views of the book on how it changed people’s exercise attitudes, I was sold. The book was helpful, interesting, and packed with many tools, which I intend to execute on a daily basis. While I was reading the book, I discovered just how simple and small transformations can make a huge significance. I liked that the authors incorporated practical scenes better to clarify some of their concepts.

Part II: Topics of Interest

One topic that overly interested me was the step counting and logging exercise. Mitchell et al. (2008), in Plan A, suggested that someone buys a step counter that “monitors their physical movement through counting the steps they take. This was from page 98 to page 102 of the book. A few years ago, I purchased a pedometer but thought that it would not offer to provide me any vital benefits, so I opted to stop using it. But, after going through this section of the volume, I started to use my pedometer once more while at work. I found out that I, in reality, do not walk as much as it seemed while at work. Hence, this was a proper revelation for me. Also, it offered me the motivation to begin taking the stairs rather than the lift, roaming the halls when I get sleepy, or parking my car outside our work parking so that I could walk to work (Mitchell et al., 2008, p.107).

The other topic that totally caught my interest was the Move Yourself Plan B Nutrition. This consisted of the 14-day menu suggestions (Mitchell et al., 2008, p.201). The menu dictates what one should eat during this 14-day period from breakfast to the AM snack to lunch to midday snack and finally to dinner. All these foods are meant to health someone reduces significant weight in a span of 14 days.

Part III: Corroboration or Contradiction

One source that I found comparable to this book was The Pocket Food & Exercise Diary by Allan Borushek. This source is easy to use and extremely effective. It bases its findings on university studies, which show that individuals who have a food diary did not just lose extra weight, but they also keep their extra weight off. However, unlike Mitchell et al. (2008), Borushek (2009) did not date his menu, but it can go up to a period of 12 weeks. There are different columns for exercise calories and food calories. End-of-the-day columns are summed up, and exercise calories can be removed from food calories. An extra column permits fat grams. What interested me about Borushek’s book is the Weekly Summary Page, which provides room for a counselor to comment on the progress of the dieter. At least one would be able to know his/her progress through the notes.

Part IV: Practice Application

I used to consider myself quite active and sensibly smart when it came to nutrition, however, after going through this book, I was shocked by how much I needed to learn. I was not actively exercising, as well as eating healthy before, but this book definitely convinced me that I needed to do so right away, and this is not something I intend to stop soon.

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