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The paper “Radiographers Attitudes towards Radiation Protection and Safety” is a persuasive example of a medical science annotated bibliography. This report is an annotated bibliography on radiographers’ attitudes towards radiation protection and safety. Radiography is a field that entails viewing non-uniform matter or material using x-rays, where the ray is used to create an image with distinct density.
Children with autistic disorders have difficulties understanding others' social behaviours, making it challenging for them to deduce socially acceptable behaviours. Chang and Kasari explain that their literal thinking and language interpretation identify autistic children. Besides, they find it difficult to understand the social context of language.
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Although designing a dementia-friendly environment in a library is expensive regarding money, time, and resources, the benefits are more than the costs. The number of staff in the library used to direct people with dementia will be reduced. The affected will have confidence while in the place and will be calmer and respond positively to the environment.
"Prevention Program Scavenger Hunt" is a great example of a paper on addiction. A review of DrugWarFacts.org reveals nicotine as the highest-rated with regards to dependence, scoring six on the table scale. From the same table, heroine scores five on dependence after nicotine. This makes heroine the most difficult for a user to give up with the highest relapse rate for those in the process of quitting.
"Foundations of Addictions Counseling" is a wonderful example of a paper on addiction. This week’s reading has been of great importance to my life as a student and a person concerned about social issues. From the reading, I have realized that drug addiction and substance abuse is a more serious problem than people take it.
"Medical Laws and Errors" is a wonderful example of a paper on medical ethics. Medical errors occur especially early stages of doctors’ careers when they are fresh from college. In order for health care to learn from these mistakes, it is worthwhile for them to put in place a system for managing errors.
"Medical Error in Relation to Care Delivery" is a wonderful example of a paper on medical ethics. Undeniably, medical errors cause harm or death to many Americans every year. A medical error is preventable and includes an adverse effect of care, inaccurate diagnosis, or incomplete treatment of a disease. It involves the failure of a planned action.
"Disaster Relief - Ethical Issues Related to Relief Operations" is a perfect example of a paper on medical ethics. The occurrence of catastrophic disasters always involves not only the community affected but also the State. CDRP should be evaluated by the State and other mutual aid agencies.
"Nutrition and Overweight Concerns in Rural Areas" is a wonderful example of a paper on social and family issues. Contrary to common belief, rural residents experience an increased prevalence of obesity and overweight compared to their urban counterparts in the US. However, statistical data prove that this is indeed true.
"Fungi and Food Spoilage" is a great example of a paper on food and nutrition.a) Mechanical digestion is the breaking down of food into smaller parts by mechanical body movements, like chewing. Chemical digestion involves the breaking down of food particles into smaller molecules by enzymes, acids, and other substances.
"Life-Course Approaches to Socio-Economic Differentials in Cause-Specific Adult Mortality" is a great example of a paper on social and family issues. Social and economic conditions have been listed as the main determinants of health. This is in regard to risks associated with social setups and strictly excludes risks associated with individuals.
"Philosophical Underpinnings of Law and Ethical Principles" is a great example of a paper on medical ethics. In a health setting, the need to operate within the ethical and legal frameworks cannot be disregarded. It safeguards not only the patient but also the stakeholders from exploitation practices that would otherwise cause harm to them.
"Advantages and Disadvantages of the Four Technologies of Training Equipment" is a perfect example of a paper on fitness and exercises. The four basic types of physical exercising equipment are constant resistance equipment, variable resistance equipment, static resistance equipment, and accommodating or supportive resistance equipment.
"Individual Rights and Infectious Disease" is a perfect example of a paper on medical ethics. Andrew Speaker was diagnosed with asymptomatic drug-resistant tuberculosis in the spring of 2007. He was required by law to report back to county health officials for further screening. Those officials knew he was planning on traveling, and Speaker was aware he was infected with TB.
"Treatment of Chemical Dependency" is a great example of a paper on addiction. Chemical dependency is defined as an addiction to any type of drug that causes mood disturbances, abnormalities in cognitive and behavioral responses. Chemical dependency can be caused by alcohol, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, and hallucinogens.
"What is Blood Cancer" is a great example of a paper on cancer. Blood cancer is the type of cancer that attacks and damages the blood, bone marrow, or lymphatic system (wiseGEEK, 2012). Blood cancer hinders the production and functioning of blood cells.
"Ankle Injuries and the RICE Protocol" is a great example of a paper on injuries and wounds. A sprain is an injury caused by the tearing or too much stretching of a ligament while a strain is caused by too much stretching or contraction of a muscle or even a tendon (Starkey and AAOS, 2012).
"Pharmacy: Top 200 Drugs and Calculations for the Days’ Supply" is a wonderful example of a paper on drug therapy.
The brand names of the drugs that are going to be analyzed here are Lamotrigine; Abilify; Lunesta; Depakote; and Topamax.
What is the generic name of the drug?
The generic names of the drugs mentioned above are Lamictal; Aripiprazole; Eszopiclone; Divalproex; and Topimirate.
"Positive Babinski in Adult Trauma" is a wonderful example of a paper on diagnostic tests. To stimulate the Babinski’s reflex, the physician hits the foot’s lateral plantar surface from the heel to the toes with the handgrip of the reflex hammer. The positive Babinski diagnosis in adults exhibits ‘extension of the first toe with abduction and flexion of the other toes’ (Faiz, Blackburn, & Moffat, 2011, 197).
"What Is the Difference among Dysplasia, Metaplasia, and Anaplasia" is a great example of a paper on cancer. Primarily, the formation of a tumor is caused by abnormal growth in cells or the state of cell growth that proceeds beyond control. This would occur when the genes responsible for cell growth undergo alteration or mutation due to DNA coding error that renders such genes unable to function properly.
"Huntington's Disease" is a wonderful example of a paper on genetics and birth defects. Huntington's disease refers to an inheritable disorder that occurs when nerve cells within given brain parts degenerate or waste away. Individuals are sometimes born with a gene that is defective; however, symptoms generally do not appear till individuals reach middle age.
"Heart Transplants Ethics" is a perfect example of a paper on transplantation and donation. Animal organs may be used for heart transplants in humans where the process is referred to as xenotransplantation. The process involves alteration of genes and has its own benefits in the way the process allows mass production of donor organs thus eliminating the demands for human organ needs.
"My Family Disorder: Blood Cancer" is a perfect example of a paper on cancer. I have a family disorder of blood cancer. My parents are healthy by the grace of God. They have only one child, and that is me, and I am in perfect health by the grace of God. I have no siblings. My grandfather was a patient with blood cancer. My grandfather was diagnosed with blood cancer at age 55.
"Hygienic and Ecological Risks" is a wonderful example of a paper on poisoning, toxicology, environmental health. The luck of mankind and livestock pathogen bacterial microorganisms has been proven to increase the attention of the public as a potential contaminant to the ecology.
"The Reward of a Surgeon" is a great example of a paper on surgery and rehabilitation. Dr. Joan Scott is a cardiac surgeon who considers her work very demanding and tiring but fulfilling. Asked why she became a doctor, Dr. Scott says that she is very passionate about human anatomy.
"Effects of Valerian Acupressure Relative to Sleep of Patients in ICU" is a wonderful example of a paper on complementary and alternative therapies. Valerian acupressure has been recorded to have aided several patients during sleep because severely ill patients experience insomnia.
"Robert Liston: the Surgeon Who Really Cared about his Patients" is a perfect example of a paper on surgery and rehabilitation. Robert Liston was a surgeon who introduced an ingenious approach towards surgery in an era when there existed no anesthetics. Liston worked as a Professor of Clinical Surgery at University College, London (Hollingham, 2009, 34).
"Subdivisions of Subcutaneous Abdominal Adipose Tissue and Insulin Resistance" is a great example of a paper on diabetes mellitus. Diabetes is a topic that continues to be discussed and researched in various regions of the world. It is basically happening due to the increase in the number of people suffering from the disease.
"Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and Healthy Negative Emotions" is a perfect example of a paper on the disorder. Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) is one of the most effective approaches being applied to help people resolve their mental problems.
"The Impact of Smoking and Drinking During Pregnancy" is a great example of a paper on pregnancy. Pregnant women within the United States are often made aware of the fact that they need to abstain from cigarettes and alcohol for the sake of their developing baby’s health.
"The Protest Psychosis: How Schizophrenia Became a Black Disease" is a great example of a paper on the disorder. According to Metzi (2011), schizophrenia is a serious mental illness in which any person who suffers from it is incapable of relating to their thoughts and feelings on what is happening. It is said to affect at least one percent of the world’s population.
"Physical Activity Behaviors among African American and Hispanic Students" is a wonderful example of a paper on child development. Child obesity is a prevalent and ongoing condition in America. Research shows that 17% of children between the ages of 2-17 are obese. This number has not changed over the last five years.
"Professionalism: Dental Care" is a wonderful example of a paper on dental health. When I was in grade 3, one day I got my front tooth broken at the corner in an accident while playing with my cousins. My mother took me to the dentist. The dentist greeted us with a smile. He shook hands with me. My mother explained to him what had happened to my tooth and how.
"Impacts of Natural Disasters on Healthcare: Hurricane Katrina" is a great example of a paper on depression. The impacts of Hurricanes stem from personal i.e. mental health care, general i.e. medications, and public i.e. public health. The effect on public health care is related to flooding and extensive damage to natural water. This compromises the safety of drinking water thereby creating threats to public health.
"The Period of Pregnancy and Prenatal Development" is a great example of a paper on pregnancy. The prenatal stage highlights the start of an individual’s life cycle, and it commences with conception. Conception is the period when a sperm fertilizes an ovary to form a solitary cell referred to as a zygote. The zygote goes through cell division to form a blastocyst that is attached to the uterine wall.
"Positive and Negative Feedback Mechanisms" is a wonderful example of a paper on the endocrine system. The presence of positive or negative feedback strongly suggests that a significant change in the homeostatic balance of the human body has just occurred.
"Common Genetic Disorders" is a wonderful example of a paper on neurology. Alzheimer's is a common genetic disorder that mostly affects old people, and its common symptoms are a gradual loss of memory, language breakdowns, mood swings, and confusion. This disease leads to irrecoverable memory deterioration and eventually death, and is believed that 36 million of the world’s populations suffer from the disease.
"The Role Nervous System Plays in Homeostasis" is a perfect example of a paper on neurology. The human body works in a complex manner so as to maintain a constant internal environment that is most suited for survival. This maintenance of the constant conditions within the body is known as homeostasis. All the organs of the bodywork together to fulfill this function of homeostasis.
"Major Surface Muscles" is a perfect example of a paper on the musculoskeletal system. The Latissimus Dorsi originates in the ilium, inserts in the humerus, horizontally abducts the shoulder joint, and is exercised by lateral pulldowns. The Biceps Brachii arises in the scapula, inserts in the radius, flexes the elbow, and is exerted by the dumbbell biceps curl.
They are “used to visualize the interior anatomy of the body. X-rays are beamed through the body and hit a recording medium on the other side. Images form because different tissues absorb x-rays differently as they pass through the body”. The exams are listed above: chest x-rays, and fluoroscopic procedures (Upper GI’s and Barium Enemas).
"Melatonin, Sleep Disturbance, and Cancer Risk" is a great example of a paper on the endocrine system. Melatonin is a chemical hormone found in the body and is charged with the responsibility of circadian regulation and facilitation of sleep, as well as the inhibition of cancer development and enhancement of the immune functionalities (American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2008).
"Cranial Nerves Tests" is a wonderful example of a paper on neurology. Damage to any of the 12 cranial nerves can be easily checked by observing a person or by talking to him and checking the abnormalities Cranial Nerve 1: Olfactory nerve can be tested by observing any deformity or a rash on the nose. It can also be checked by observing a person’s sense of smell.
"Effects of Cracking Knuckles" is a wonderful example of a paper on the musculoskeletal system. Many consider cracking knuckles as a dangerous thing while many others regard it as an activity that involves little risk. Popping our knuckles or back may relieve the pain temporarily. However, there is another view that says cracking knuckles can cause more danger than a little comfort.
"How Does Becoming Blind Affect Other Senses" is a wonderful example of a paper on ophthalmology. Nearly all people have heard the notion that blind people have a better hearing as compared to those who have their sights probably as compensation for their incapacity to see.
The paper "Benefits of Stem Cells" is a wonderful example of stem cell research. Stem cells refer to the cellular building blocks in the body of an organism used in treating spinal cord injury to repair damage to the said organ. In the treatment, they are administered to the patient intravenously, under the skin, resulting in a painless procedure unlike others (“Spinal Cord Injury Treatment”, n.d.).
Muscle atrophy results in muscle weakness, and hence the patient may not be able to exert any force or pressure using that muscle. Different reasons from chronic to simple were cited for muscle diseases. For example, cancers can cause muscle atrophy. Same way, a patient who has had a cast on his/her leg for many weeks will frequently have atrophy of muscle.
"Systemic Lupus Erythematosis" is an outstanding example of a paper on the immune system. Systemic Lupus Erythematosis is the most common and serious, of the four main types of Lupus (Seward, 2008). It is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes the individual's antibodies to attack the body’s cells, leading to cell damage and tissue inflammation.
"Pulmonary Tuberculosis" is a great example of a paper on the respiratory system. Pulmonary Tuberculosis is a disease of the respiratory system mainly affecting the lungs. The disease decreases the efficiency of the respiratory system to provide enough oxygen to the body. This is an infectious disease caused by acid-fast bacteria: Mycobacterium Tuberculosis.
"Neuroscience Careers" is a perfect example of a paper on neurology. The neurologist, the neuropsychiatrist, and the neuropsychologist should discuss the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment approach for the patient as a team. They must be clear of their expertise and experience background so that they can synergize their individual strengths.
The book mentions Tuskegee experiments in which blacks suffering from syphilis were studied but not given any treatment even though penicillin could have cured them. Washington while working at Harvard Medical School and Tuskegee University collected substantial papers that described how the smallpox vaccine was first tried on blacks before it was used on whites.