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The paper "Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses " is a good example of a medical science essay. Systematic Review is the application of scientific strategies that restrict bias to the systematic assembly, critical appraisal and synthesis of all relevant studies on a specific topic. Meta-Analysis is a systematic review that employs statistical methods to combine and summarize the results of several studies.
The paper "Logotherapy in a Nutshell by Frankl" is a good example of a literature review on medical science. The primary motivation of man’s life is the search for meaning. Search for meaning helps the man to fulfill his will which gives him the strength required to move on in life. For example, everybody strives to find meaning for his life which is expressed in terms of “the purpose of life”.
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The paper 'Osteoporosis and Normal Bone Physiology" is a perfect example of a medical science essay. Osteoporosis is nowadays a serious disorder that has become prevalent particularly in developed countries due to the changing lifestyles standards that have rendered people to become less active and change their eating habits.
The paper “Strengths of the Рhаrmасеutiсаls Industry” is a worthy variant of an essay on medical science. The Australian pharmaceutical industry is an important part of the revenue contributors to the country (Peng 2011). It offers many employment opportunities to citizens of the country and has high growth rates among the sectors in the country.
The paper “Innovation in WHO, Streamlining Use of Auto Dishumifiers and Sterilizers with Who Capabilities” is a forceful variant of the essay on medical sciences. Human health is a great challenge in almost every part of the globe. There is an emergence of new and lethal diseases every day and from various regions found in the world.
Developments in spectrometer technology have ensured great progress in Raman and Infrared spectroscopy within the biochemistry field. They rely on the principle of molecular vibrations which depend on the structure and composition of samples. Infrared microanalysis has been historically used in the field of science for sample-chemical characterization.
According to recent literature and research, obesity has become a worldwide epidemic that has since brought considerable attention to public health aimed at understanding its epidemiology and the reasons for its current trend. Notably, diabetes has become one of the major global health problems and is far-reaching among all sets of populations.
In a woman’s life, the postmenopausal phase is significant as it marks the ends of the reproductive ability of women marked by biological, physical, and psychological changes. Most of the women in Saudi Arabia complain of symptoms such as aches in their joints and muscle while walking or performing physical activities.
One particular psychological intervention that has proved successful in the reduction of anabolic steroid abuse among women is that of self-efficacy training. Hyde, Hankins, Deale, and Marteau (2008) found that seven of ten studies in which a self-efficacy intervention was employed resulted in a significant reduction of independent behaviors.
By voluntarily signing the form, the researchers are satisfied that the participant is mentally competent. Just because the to-be-participant is available and vulnerable either by reason of infirmity or because they are already residing in a hospital, should not naturally make them subjects or participants.
The medics have fought for the approval to use medical marijuana and in most states, its use is supported in legislation. In this essay, the use of medical marijuana and its impact at the place of work is addressed. Medical marijuana is a drug administered to treat symptoms such as nausea, lack of appetite, and even pain.
It is indispensable to note that Tyrosine kinases exist as the enzymes that catalyze the movement of a phosphate group to the target protein from the ATP molecules. Tyrosine kinase molecules act as the membrane surface protein for the transduction of signals to the cytoplasm.
The development of computational cognitive modeling has not been without challenges. Aspects such as the development of cognitive architectures and the evaluation of cognitive models have been challenging. There has been a breakthrough in many of these processes, a factor that highlights the significance of computational modeling in understanding the brain processes that define cognition.
The paper 'Chronic Illness and Palliative Care" is a great example of medical science coursework. Chronic illness is identified as a disease that is persistent and long-lasting. It is usually referred to as recurrent disease. The term chronic refers to the onset and development of the disease in one’s body.
The paper 'Presence and Attributes of Diabetic Foot Ulcer Pain " is a good example of medical science coursework. The aim of the research in part 1 study was to explore the presence and attributes of diabetic foot ulcer pain while the aim of part 2 research study was to find out the effect of specific diabetic foot ulcer on life quality from the perspective of the patient.
The essay will be based on the hospital’s available resources, the requirements of the national guidelines and the clinical guidelines considering the program structure, exercise training programs, patient assessment, staff members and staff sessions, models of delivery of the program, the equipment used in the program, the involvement of patient family members, how continuity is achieved after patient discharge, the hospital’s department aims.
Autonomic Dysreflexia is a syndrome of huge imbalanced reflex sympathetic discharge happening in patients having spinal cord injury occurring above splanchnic sympathetic outflow (T5-T6). The first establishment was done in the year 1890 when it was demonstrated that excess sweating and an erythematous rash of the heads and neck triggered.
There are two theories of speech perception the Motor theory, Direct Realist Theory of Speech Perception. The motor theory is the hypothesis that one looks at the spoken words and this is done by identification of the vocal tract gestures and this is with which they have pronounced other than the identification of the sound patterns.
Tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) is a method used in analyzing diffusion tensor imaging data. It is important in the study of white matter within the brain during the process of its development. The target of the tract-based spatial statistics is the difference in white matter voxels that have high fractional anisotropy (FA) in the place of main fiber tracts.
Cancer disease has been a widespread epidemic across the world. According to Winer et al (2009), some cancers are resistant to treatment, while others cannot be detected until they reach an incurable state. The disease is characterized by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. These cells are also referred to as malignant cells.
In Africa alone, it is believed that more than 232,000 African children under five years die each year which is more than 600 children die every day. There have been various studies that have dictated that rotavirus vaccines are safe and effective against severe rotavirus disease and are the most cost-effective ways of intervention.
An injury can be defined as a form of poisoning, trauma, or any other condition that occurs rapidly and mainly instigated by factors or events external to the victim (Australian Bureau of Statistics [ABS], 2006). Injuries occur with severity ranging from mild to severe that may result in the death of the affected person.
Escherichia coli, a bacterium, is the main cause of UTIs, which are a rising health concern in hospitals and communities, costing about US$6 billion annually and accounting for more than 10 million visits to the doctor per year. Bacterial Escherichia coli that lives within the large intestine, particularly the rectum, causes most urinary tract infections.
This section will provide a detailed discussion on ovarian cancer. Cancer of the ovary is one of the gynaecologic cancers. Gynaecologic cancers are cancers that affect the female reproductive organs. The organs that are affected by such cancers include the ovaries, the cervix, the vagina, the cervix, the vulva, and the fallopian tubes.
The terms ‘endometrial’ cancer and ‘uterine corpus’ cancer stem from the fact that cancer affects the epithelial lining or endometrium of the body of the uterus (corpus uteri) (Greven, Markman & Miller 2014). In essence, there are two types of cancers that affect the uterus, namely endometrial cancer and uterine sarcoma.
Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a genetic disorder that is highly variable, and its prevalence is said to be in 1 in 10,000 or 1 in 30,000. Identified as neurobehavioral disorders, it is said to occur when the paternal chromosome 15q11.2-q13 lacks gene expression. When the paternal alleles are either silenced, missing, or defective, then PWS develops.
The Papanicolaou test is also called the Pap smear, Pap test, cervical smear, or smear test. It is a medical testing method. Aurel Babeş and Georgios Papanikolaou developed this method. Initially, the prime purpose of the method was to pre-cancerous and cancerous processes taking place in the ectocervix.
Bicycle use, just like the vehicles on the roads, has recorded cases of injuries and unfortunately, even deaths have been reported. It is surprising to learn that America has millions of bicycle riders yet the same country has very few people wearing helmets. In fact, teenagers wearing helmets have a zero percentage of compliance with the need for helmets.
Skill mix is evaluated basing on the necessity to recognize the care requirements of a precise patient population and then harmonizing these to the skills of the available staff. There are various shortcomings of skill mix and this includes more expenses since there are numerous costs related to skill dilution.
The paper "Mental Health Priority Areas" is an engrossing example of coursework on medical science. Mental health in Australia is a public health area that has attracted attention from policy formulators, health workers, and the society in general. Partly, the attention in the area is inspired by the serious nature of mental illnesses.
In most cases, patients diagnosed with temperate injuries in the brain usually get neckline and skull X-rays. This helps the medical specialist to comprehend whether the spinal and bone have been fractured. On the other hand, patients diagnosed with severe brain injuries normally get rehabilitation which entails different kinds of therapies.
Biomedical engineering is a field of engineering that utilizes biology, engineering, and medicine principles in order to improve human health. This aspect integrates the engineering principles that cut across the clinical practices and the biomedical sciences. This field uses the traditional engineering principle that helps in solving human problems.
A comparison of the traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine approaches will further cement and achieve a deeper understanding based on similarities, differences, and outcomes. This will then inform clinical practice for the better methodology of understanding both approaches.
A human body consists of blood, flesh, and bones. These things together work well and normally the body functions without any complications until there comes some disorders among these three components. In the cases of any complications in the flesh, the part of the body that the flesh has the problem is just fixed with flesh from another part of the body.
The importance of medical intervention in form of tests and treatments have been discussed and the importance of this approach in terms of the response time and the fact that the medications administered are supported by biological evidence. The essence of the psychological pain management approach in addressing the nondiagnosable causes of chronic pain.
A person’s esteem revolves around the image they hold to the public. This element is very vital to a child’s success. It is very important to consider the image of a child in relation to his/her future opportunities as an infant, child, or adolescent. This case is more delicate when dealing with children with special cases, such as Down syndrome patients.
This report will critically analyze the whole concept and consequently bring to focus relevant issues within the clinical management touching on biomechanical perspectives like the limitations associated with prosthetic designs. Generally, this report outlines the literature review pertaining to biomechanics issues relating to amputees.
Paramedics are likely to face different types of disasters including the damage they cause to those who have been affected. They deal with everything from broken limbs, epidemics, dehydrated individuals to recovering and transporting dead bodies. Australia has not fallen victim to horrible disasters of late, hence, if one were to happen, paramedics would be dealing with something new that they may have never experienced before.
Different people respond differently to drugs even though they might be suffering from a similar or related ailment. While some people will depict positive responses and improve health-wise, others will never show any improvement even on a similar drug while on the extreme, some people are harmed by the same medicine that cured others.
Pulmonary edema occurs when the extravascular water content in the lungs dramatically increases. This increase in water content level affects lymphatic drainage because the fluid filtration rate is higher than the lymphatic removal rate (Murray, 2011). Pulmonary edema may be cardiogenic or noncardiogenic.
The paper "Understanding of Infant Меntаl Неаlth Тhеоry" is an outstanding example of an essay on medical science. The study of infant mental health is mostly concerned with investigating and evaluating infants' and toddler's emotional and social development.
The paper "Maternal Mortality and Pregnancy Complications" is a great example of an essay on medical science. About 805 women die from pregnancy-related and childbirth-related complications around the world every day. In 2014, 293, 000 women died due to pregnancy-related complications and more than 72% of deaths occurred in low-resource settings (Wilkens, 2009).
Seizures are usually a manifestation of neurological disturbances in the discharge of neurons in the brain. Different brain areas can form the epicenter or origin of seizure. Their presentation varies depending on the type of seizure and the etiology behind the seizure (Sun, Selassie & Pritchards 2014, p. P5).
The paper "Psychopharmacology and Neurosciences" is an outstanding example of an essay on medical science. The author of the paper states that apart from the provision of a good social atmosphere and comfort for the patient, medication is one of the important steps in the treatment and recovery of patients with mental disorders.
The paper "Normalization of Cosmetic Surgery" is an outstanding example of an essay on medical science. Cosmetic surgery has been discussed by several feminists with an emphasis on how the practice took its roots in late capitalism. Its popularity and acceptance were very evident especially in the United States with a tremendous increase of about 293% between 1997 and 2003 alone.
Abortion can also occur on its own and in such situations, it is referred to as a miscarriage. Abortion is unadvised unless medical complications occur. Spiritually, many religions consider abortion a mortal sin. If performed by an inexperienced person, it can lead to the death of the mother and that of the fetus.
Blood is an integral component of the human body that is responsible for the circulation of oxygen and food particles through the body. However, blood is composed of red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, and platelets. The immune system of the human body plays a significant role in patrolling the circulation while taking note of any different red cells.
The dominance of scientific medicine within western societies is no doubt a major issue. Scientific medicine is trusted for treating various ailments and relieving pain. Scientific medicine is dominant as compared to other alternative sources of medicine. Scientific medicine has no holistic view of disease as is the case in holistic medicine.
The paper "Concussion in Adolescent Athletes" is a great example of an essay on medical science. A concussion is a common injury mostly underreported by adolescent athletes. It is a complicated pathophysiological process induced by traumatic biomechanical forces affects the brain. In most cases, either direct or indirect blow that results in structural disturbance to the brain causes a concussion.
Victims having spinal cord injury demand suitable management within the instant post-injury moment for the reduction of expensive and disabling permanent opportunities of neurological shortages. Surfacing time-essential neuroprotective psychoanalysis demands quick identification and patients’ transfer to centers having experts for the early intrusion.