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Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Essay Example

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The main section of this Act that will be specifically dealt with is section 4.2.3 which deals with the possible effects of this Act to the cost of healthcare(Miller,…
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Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
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"Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" is an outstanding example of a paper on the health system. This is a proposal that will be useful in making glaring changes in the Affordable Care Act PL 111-148. The main section of this Act will be specifically dealt with in section 4.2.3 which deals with the possible effects of this Act on the cost of healthcare(Miller, 2013). The proposal will seek to address this issue by pointing out the most probable loophole that it may have and how they can be solved.

The opinions will be articulated in terms of the disadvantages to the federal budget present law and how the changes will help in improving its content. OverviewThe proposed change in this particular section of the Act emanated from the fact that the expected down surge of the healthcare cost was not possible to meet by the federal budget(U.S.G.P.O, 2010). The legislation for the funding was not equally present in the constitution at that phase and in the near future. There was expertise to make it work it could not be achieved at the time though(Miller, 2013).

Therefore, the much-expected reduction of healthcare cost needs to be changed in order to accomplish its original purpose. Apart from, its feasibility at this time its longevity was also questioned(U.S.G.P.O, 2010). How long it would go slowing the rising cost was indefinite. There was much vagueness on how it could solve this problem over time. In addition, a consent on which of the given ideas is to be followed was not easy to arrive at(WSHCA, 2012). A much more appropriate way would provide the direction to follow hence calling for the change.

The change will be necessary to help the federal government on making a more informed decision on the way forward. It will also put the public in a limelight to know the reality that they may encounter in future. Proposed Changes and Schedule The change would be tackled the vagueness of the ideas proposed and to create a more clear path to follow. Actually, the Act was noted have possible reduction on healthcare cost especially with the insurance premium but over a period (U.S.G.P.O, 2010).

The change would therefore, be emphasized on the period of the full implementation of this Act and not the beginnings. The time to which the reduction effect on the cost will be felt was to be at the last stages of its execution(U.S.G.P.O, 2010). This would provide more time for the review many other Acts that will provide for its easy effecting. This will be by the year 2019(U.S.G.P.O, 2010). The federal government will therefore, be accountable for lack of any improvements given that time was a factor in the execution (Holland, 2010).

Budget The federal government will implement the change proposal and it is within their mandate to fund its completion (House Research Dept’, 2012). In fact, it will only need clear legislation to agree into the terms and condition that will prevail over the time of its execution. The ideas are already put across but only time is required to clear the vagueness. Furthermore, with the estimated insurance premium reductions per employee from 3000$ to 25 435$, the change will be worth emulating (House Research Dept’, 2012).

The government should however, be careful not to use the assumptions coined from the private sectors.

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