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Key Components of Addiction Treatment - Essay Example

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How did you research them? What type of programs do they have? Who do they serve? Provide a summary of each program (name, location, services, etc.).
One local resource is an organization called Gateway…
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Key Components of Addiction Treatment
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"Key Components of Addiction Treatment" is a perfect example of a paper on addiction.
What are some key components to an effective treatment program? List them.

  1. Assessment of the patient
  2. Presence of a qualified staff
  3. Specific treatment for the problem
  4. Family assessment
  5. Competence in gender differences
  6. Evaluation of the outcomes of the treatment
  7. Follow-up of the patient after treatment

Locate at least 2 local resources to treat addiction in our community. How did you research them? What type of programs do they have? Who do they serve? Provide a summary of each program (name, location, services, etc.).

One local resource is an organization called Gateway Foundation which deals with alcohol and drug treatment of teenagers specifically. I came to know of its existence through an online advertisement about its existence and got further information about it from its website and more from calling the foundation. They specialize in alcohol as well as other drugs treatment for teenagers. They however also have mini treatment programs for males and females drug addiction programs for those who started the drug problem while young.

They have programs tailored towards individual and group therapy and counseling, recreation therapy, family therapy among other types of therapy all aimed at ceasing the alcohol and drug use problem. Their treatment also involves relapse prevention as that is the biggest problem recovering addicts usually encounter and this is what makes the foundation so unique and its success rate to be around 90%. Their treatment is carried out through services such as outpatient, inpatient, and aftercare (which are meant to offer follow-up services, support after treatment, and monitoring to prevent relapse). It has different locations including in Chicago (Northwest and West), Belleville, Springfield, Aurora, Lake Villa, and Carbondale.

The other local resource is Rosecrance which is a non-governmental, Christian-foundation drug addiction and recovery center. It is located in 20 different locations in Chicago and offers treatment services to all groups of individuals. Some of the services they offer include prevention, interventions, outpatient, inpatient, detoxification, experiential therapy as well as family therapy.  I learned of its existence from an ally of mine who resides near it and has friends who have used its services before and achieved excellent results. Further information I obtained from its website which even has some photos of the beautiful sceneries in some of their branches which are quite fascinating and seem very serene.

It also has mental healthcare services for different ages as well as starting from children. This mental health service is mostly for the addicts or children living with addict parents and guardians and they have developed mental health problems as a result of this. The success rate of the organization is magnanimous with service being offered to over 14,000 different families each year. This indicates that it is one of the best Christian-based addiction treatment and recovery centers in the US and which a very useful and efficient local resource for the communities in these areas where it has its branches.

In summary, the two discussed local resources include the Gateway foundation specializing in teenage alcohol and other drug addiction treatment and therapy. It is located in Chicago and offers services such as relapse prevention and family therapy. Rosecrance is a Christian-based drug addiction and recovery center also located in Chicago and dealing with drug addiction problems as well as mental health. It offers counseling services as well as different types of therapies to its all-age patients including family therapy.

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Homwork Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words - 1.
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