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U.S Food and Drug Administration - Essay Example

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Oxycodone oral is relatively sensitive in its nature, and can prove to become a toxicant if taken in a contrasted proportion other than one in which it may be prescribed. The main impact it may have can be on the breathing of an individual. It is effective and prescribed in…
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U.S Food and Drug Administration
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Extract of sample "U.S Food and Drug Administration"

"U.S Food and Drug Administration" is a great example of a paper on drug therapy. Oxycodone oral is relatively sensitive in its nature and can prove to become a toxicant if taken in a contrasted proportion other than one in which it may be prescribed. The main impact it may have can be on the breathing of an individual. It is effective and prescribed in cases of back pain, bladder pain dysentery, and Earache to name a few problems.


 It is categorically prohibited in a number of cases. Low blood pressure patients, stomach problems, kidney diseases patients should avoid its usage.

Side effects:

The side effects can be in form of dizziness, low blood pressure, throwing up, other cases of side effects which can be of serious nature can possibly include swelling of the vocal cord, hallucinations, headache, and numerous other problems some issues(WebMD, 2013).


OxyCODONE HYDROCHLORIDE: (ANDA# 076168), strength: 80m.g

OxyCODONE HYDROCHLORIDE: (ANDA# 076446), strength: multiple strengths (FDA 2012 )

(DEA2011) provides details that every year a large number of patients die not because of lack of treatment, rather an overdosage of drugs.

The findings reveal that over 40 patients die on daily basis from the overdose of oxycodone. To more severe notions, the overdose is more dangerous and alarming than opium and other addictive habits.

Reasons stated:

The reasons stated are multi-fold, one being the nonprescribed usage, unchecked usage, and unchecked sales permission. The nonmedical usages of similar drugs are on the rise and causing the most havoc.

Seeing this alarming growth and the slow decay, over 45 states(CDC 2011) have taken steps towards the control over drugs and their abuse which is killing dozens of people on daily basis and all this is going under the radar in a most silent manner.

Remedies suggested:

Vigorous policies have been suggested in this regard to ensure its unprecedented growth and its abuse. Steps are being suggested by C.D.C, one of the pioneer and major health-related agencies along with F.D.A is grouping up to ensure that the check is maintained over its sell and spread at the same time further measures are prescribed to promote its usage only when in severe cases and that too under the authorized prescription of the physicians.

State-wise comparison:
Washington Town:







Most consumers paid:




435 East Broadway                    Lowest:






Most consumers paid:




Lowest: $ 2.88

Highest: $15.57

Average: $4.72

Most consumers paid: $5.10






Lowest: $ 2.88

Highest: $15.57

Average: $4.72

Most consumers paid: $5.10


Pharmacy wise details:


RITE AID PHCY #1917 (RX) *13 NORTH DELSEA DRIVE$4.88$439.009021-May-12CLAY DRUG I (RX) *216 N. DELSEA DRIVE$5.22$469.509014-May-12





















Lowest: $ 2.88

Highest: $15.57

Average: $4.72

Most consumers paid: $5.10



RIVERSIDE DRUG (RX) *37 SCOTT STREET$4.53$136    .003015-Jun-12PARAMOUNT DRUG (RX) *54 SCOTT ST$5.41$486.60908-Jan-13 (Calcagni, 2013)



Were you surprised at the change in the rate?

The relative change in the rate of products provided by various pharmacies was due to the local surroundings, the locality, the distance from central places and metropolitan stores and transportation, and other factors. The local taxation system and various other variables resulted in the relative fluctuation of the rates amongst the pharmacies.


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