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Medicinal Chemistry of Plants Chemistry Lab Report
4 pages (1270 words) , Download 2 , Lab Report
Acetyldigoxin Is an organic compound which is found in Digitalis lanata, which scientifically is called Grecian foxglove, woolly foxglove and it is used to treat heart-related diseases. While Aescin is a major active substance in Aesculus hippocastanum (plant) which is a horse chestnut tree. The plant is distributed everywhere because it is highly resistant to environmental conditions.
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Practical Experience of Routine Staining in Histopathology Lab Chemistry Term Paper
4 pages (1036 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
Each step introduces artefacts by distorting the cell natural appearance. Some artefacts are avoidable, while others are unavoidable. Among the most common artefacts are wrinkles. Scratched are caused by dirt on the cutting edge. The procedure should be carried out with care to avoid unintended artefacts since they can result in wrong diagnostics.
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Use of Gravimetric Analysis in Determining Mass Percent of Unknown Chloride Chemistry Lab Report
4 pages (1253 words) , Download 0 , Lab Report
Subsequent sections of this report contain detailed procedures used in determining the mass percent of chloride in an unknown sample. First, the introduction part of the paper covers intensively the theoretical background of quantitative analysis, precisely on the use of gravimetric analysis in physical chemistry.
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Imaging the Glycome Chemistry Report
4 pages (1316 words) , Download 1 , Report
Proteins can be easily manipulated with genetics to generate auto-fluorescent protein chimeras enabling them most accessible to in vivo visualization. Moreover, imaging can be done on small molecules and ions such as copper, calcium, lead, zinc, hydrogen peroxide, cAMP, and mercury using re-engineered fluorescent proteins or designed small-molecule fluorophores (Laughlin and Bertozzi 12)
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Effects of Low pH on Enzyme Amylase Chemistry Research Paper
4 pages (1324 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The pH change also leads to the stability of enzymes and as for the activity, each enzyme has an optimal region for pH stability and varies considerably in the enzymes. Thus, the hypothesis of the experiment was tested. The pH of any solution may have several effects on the activity and structure of a given enzyme.
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Microwave Synthesis of Phenacetin Chemistry Lab Report
4 pages (1293 words) , Download 0 , Lab Report
Microwave-accelerated synthesis reactions have produced amazing results that have made chemists be interested in developing this method as an alternative to the synthesis of different substances. Microwave radiation is efficiently converted to superheat at ambient pressure, hence, achieving enormous accelerations in reaction time.  
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Determination of Glucose in Coke and Gatorade Using Spectrophotometry Chemistry Lab Report
4 pages (1295 words) , Download 0 , Lab Report
The results were consistent with previous researches which shows that the concentration of glucose in Coke is higher than that of Gatorade; an outcome that opposed the hypothesis. The concentration of glucose in Coke from the calculation was found to be 4.912g/100mL while the concentration in Gatorade was found to be 0.759g/100mL. 
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Materials and Manufacturing: Surface Roughness in Turning Chemistry Lab Report
4 pages (1120 words) , Download 0 , Lab Report
The depth of cut and the cutting speed also affect the quality of the surface finish. The optimal combination of parameters for the manufacturing process of the work piece as related to the maximum surface finish or minimum surface roughness can be obtained with a cutting speed of 212.143 rpm, depth of cut of 1.778 mm, nose radius of 1.2 mm. 
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Global Problem of Substance Abuse Chemistry Essay
4 pages (1238 words) , Download 0 , Essay
I think the participants should regularly attend the meetings and become active members who speak in meetings and share from their experience. If they don't keep attending these meetings, or rather attend them but sit in the back and not talk and interact with others, it will do them little good, if any.
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Nutrition Facts of Food Chemistry Assignment
4 pages (1323 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
They are cellulose, lignin, and many hemicelluloses – found in vegetables, wheat, and most grains Sugar; 11 g (dextrose, maltose, high fructose honey). Knowing how to read an ingredient list puts you many steps ahead of a naïve buyer.
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Chemistry Chemistry Essay
4 pages (1149 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Taking a survey of such couples who have overcome a lot of trials in their lives such as the death of a loved one, disease, depression and the like, Claudia Glenn Dowling inquires of actor Carroll O'Connor of how couples survive hard situations, Carroll replied: "Need is the thing that holds a marriage together over the long haul."
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Applications of Polymer/Carbon Fiber Composites Chemistry Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The author states that aeronautical engineers find it important to reduce the weight of aircraft because heavy aircraft tend to consume more fuel. The development of composites has solved this problem and has greatly helped in building large spaceplanes like the Space Shuttle and high-speed forward-swept-wing airplanes like Grumman's experimental X-29.
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Direct Photosynthetic Recycling of Carbon Dioxide To Isobutyraldehyde Chemistry Assignment
4 pages (1223 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
It will be almost an ideal method for restoring the flow of materials through the natural cycles, avoid bottlenecks, and meet the ever-increasing energy demands. Since it’s a photosynthetic method the accompanying release of oxygen will also have the much desired cleansing effect on the atmosphere.  
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Osmosis and Weight of Potato Sticks Chemistry Essay
4 pages (838 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The results of the experiment showed that osmosis did occur based on the changes in the weights of the potato sticks. The experiment gave a correct illustration of how osmosis works. However, the results taken from the lengths were not reliable. Therefore, if the experiment is repeated, more care will be given in the measurement of the different variables.
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Fullerenes of Buckminster Fuller Chemistry Essay
4 pages (1136 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In an atmosphere of air, fullerenes decomposed at 444 °C, whereas the decomposition of diamond and graphite occurred at 629 °C and 644°C, respectively (Hirsch and Brettreich, 2005). Other researchers have found that in the presence of oxygen, C60 powder decomposes at 200 °C into an amorphous carbon-oxygen compound.
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Selected Bottles of Liquid Chemistry Essay
4 pages (1164 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Phenolic compounds are also somewhat toxic to the health of humans as they are cytotoxic agents. However, they do not affect the human pulp. Astringents also produce some side effects for humans. “[Astingents] do not have an antimicrobial activity to eradicate pathogens in moderate to severe cases and can be uncomfortable to the patient”.
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Health Effects of Cadmium and the Safety Standards Chemistry Essay
4 pages (1079 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In the workplace environment, the hazards of Cadmium are primarily observed. The workplace-related hazards that are related to Cadmium can transpire to fatal and critical health-related consequences. Cadmium-related hazards can appear in certain apparently unrelated materials and operations like batteries, paints and fertilizers.
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Vitamin C and Content of Soft Fruit Drinks Chemistry Coursework
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
In order to determine the amount of Vitamin C present in a new range of soft drinks and comparing the Vitamin C content of different soft drinks, titration can be carried out. Titration is a commonly performed experiment which is used to determine the exact concentration of a particular substance in solution.
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Structures of Amino Acid, Protein, Glucose, Carbohydrates and Fatty Acids Chemistry Article
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Article
A large number of beta glucose subunits are linked together via 1-4 glycosidic bonds giving rise to the polysaccharide cellulose, the most common organic compound on earth. It is a component of the plant cell wall. Complete breakdown yields glucose molecules while the partial breakdown of cellulose can give rise to smaller polysaccharides.
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The Kitchen Aid Opener Chemistry Essay
4 pages (1213 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Some of the products include everyday items such as knives, kettles, and electric kettles, just to mention a few. In their first year of study, a student has used this tool, of course, in their introduction to engineering and even project implementation.
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Heat, Energy and the Kinetic Theory Chemistry Assignment
4 pages (1088 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The study of heat relates to the Kinetic Theory of Matter as the theory draws upon the difference of kinetic energies held by individual atoms or molecules. The more the kinetic energy, the more the heat and the lesser the kinetic energy of the atoms or molecules of the matter, the lower is its temperature.
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Description the Difference between a Mixture and a Compound Chemistry Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Essay
A compound is a substance made up of two or more elements combined in a constant ratio (Campbell and Reece, 2004). By virtue of the law of constant composition, the proportion of the mass of elements forming a chemical compound is always fixed no matter the source of the compound.
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The Production of Acetic Acid via Carbonylation of Methanol Chemistry Coursework
4 pages (1093 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The proposed schematic process includes the addition of iodide salt, methyl iodide, methyl acetate, and water in facilitating the Rhodium catalyst so that the invention meets the principal objective of generating high-quality acetic acid wherein the designed reaction is capable of lowering the synthesis of undesired by-products while the rate of reaction is maintained. 
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Organic Compounds with Pharmaceutical Importance Chemistry Essay
4 pages (1190 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Lactulose is broken down in the colon by bacteria to short-chain compounds including lactic and acetic acids. The compounds increase the acidity of the contents of the colon resulting in high hydrogen ions (H+) in the colon. The acidic environment favors the conversion of ammonia to the non-absorbable ammonium ions thereby reducing blood ammonia levels.
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Procedures for Detecting the Presence of Residues of Explosives and Hydrocarbons Chemistry Essay
4 pages (1217 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The most appropriate method of detecting and identifying residues of explosives and hydrocarbons is through gas chromatography. It is recommended when an investigator wants to identify and categorize flammable residues. It is worth noting that, many cases of arson are accomplished through the use of kerosene and gasoline.
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Chemical Energy - Fuel Cells Chemistry Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The positive electrode, a cathode – the negative electrode and an electrolyte- a liquid that allows charges to move between the two sides of the fuel cell. There are different fuel cells that are grouped according to the electrolyte they use. They include a fuel cell, phosphoric acid fuel cell. The high temperatures cause a heat and energy loss. 
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Chemistry Issues Chemistry Assignment
4 pages (1233 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Spreading lime (CaCO3) reduces the excessive level of acid in the soil to promote soil fertility for plant growth. An excess amount of acid in soil lowers the growth of a plant by hindering the absorption of major plant nutrients such as potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. Such nutrients tend to dissolve in acid and leach to lower levels of the soil beyond the reach of the plant.
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Determination of Enantio-Purity of Products Chemistry Assignment
4 pages (1002 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Thin-layer chromatography is a technique used to separate components of compounds. The technique behind thin layer chromatography is placing a spot of the material to be analyzed on one end of the strip. The strip is made of a thin aluminum sheet that is coated with a thin layer of silica gel. The t.l.c technique was used to determine the identity of compounds in the unknown tablets.
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EDTA Complexometric Titrations Chemistry Assignment
4 pages (1069 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
An accurate volume of a sample solution which is referred to as aliquot is pipette in a vessel (titration vessel) and then there is titration of an analyte with a standardized solution that is appropriate to the titrant to the equivalent point of the titration. It is important that the endpoint be known for this procedure to be successful.
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Kinetics of Hydrolysis of Aspirin Chemistry Assignment
4 pages (1202 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The hydrolysis of aspirin is ester hydrolysis. The reaction may be both catalyzed by acid and a base. As a result, this will give rise to a composite rate law. The composite rate law is a summation of the rate constant for base-catalyzed reactions, acid-catalyzed reactions, and rate constants for un-catalyzed reactions.
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Theory of Solar Cell Chemistry Coursework
4 pages (1266 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Formation of the non-conducting layer has its attributes because electrons in the two semiconductors diffuse to each other thereby eliminating their charges respectively. Due to the electron movement near the p-n junction, an intrinsic voltage is created, as the electrons tend to diffuse into the p-semiconductor.
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Anode and Cathode of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells Chemistry Coursework
4 pages (1275 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Polymer electrolyte fuel cells are also known as proton exchange fuel cells. Generally, they have high power delivery as well as having an advantage of low volume and weight as compared to other types of cells.  PEM cells utilize electrolyte, which is a solid polymer, while the electrodes are porous carbon that contains a platinum catalyst. 
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Crude Oil Desalting Chemistry Coursework
4 pages (1325 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The crude oil entering the refinery processing system contains numerous undesirable impurities such as corrosion byproduct, polymer, drilling mud, inorganic salts, and sands. The amount of salt in the crude oil differs depending on the source and when a mixture of crude oil from different sources makes the salt content vary greatly. 
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Forensic Chemistry: Detection of Odorless Accelerants at a Fire Scene Chemistry Assignment
4 pages (1137 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
A fire arm’s noise is made up of two basic components. The primary noise is from the immediate and fats expansion of the propellant gas as it leaves the muzzle of the gun. The second noise comes from the crack of the bullet that happens at a supersonic speed. In a real sense, the supersonic bullet cannot be controlled. 
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Metabolic Pathway of Drugs Chemistry Assignment
4 pages (1087 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Drugs are metabolized by the following processes; reduction, oxidation, hydration, hydrolysis, condensation, and isomerization. All these processes make the excretion of drugs easier from the body like that of a human being. For metabolism to occur, enzymes must be present. Enzymes are present in body tissues but they are concentrated in the liver.
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Enclosure Fire Dynamics Chemistry Assignment
4 pages (1084 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Superficial Burns refers to the first degree burns. The skin is destroyed, but the epidermis is left intact, and therefore able to execute its function in the skin of the body i.e. protecting the inner tissues from injury, infection as well as temperature control. Superficial burns are characterized by; redness, slight pain, and no edema.
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Polymer Physics for Polymers Chemistry Assignment
4 pages (964 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The glass transition temperature of Nylon-6,6 varies with its water content expressed in the terms of a number of moles per mole of the constitutional repeating unit (Xwater) according to the linear equation: Tg(K)= 354-170Xwater, Nylon-6,6 can absorb up to 7% w/w of water.  Why is this good news for your laundry and ironing?
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Law What Valid for Practical Gases at Comparatively Low Pressures Chemistry Assignment
4 pages (1165 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Thus for the gas laws, there must be a relation between different factors which range from pressure, temperature, and volume. Therefore, for a low-density gas pressure is proportional to the temperature and changes with inverse proportion to the volume. This equation is summarized in ideal gas law with R, which is the universal gas constant.
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Canned Tuna Fish Chemistry Annotated Bibliography
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
36 cans are used as a sample for the analysis. In this regard, several researchers have taken the initiative to evaluate the ingredient, packaging as well as the price of the canned tuna fish. Both a white tuna and a light tuna are similarly packaged, but mercury level in white and light tuna varies 
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Water Reabsorption Chemistry Article
4 pages (1214 words) , Download 0 , Article
The cells of proximal tubular have a wide-ranging brush boundary on the apical (luminal) membrane, side and a far-reaching maze of basal and intercellular channels, all of which mutually offer a far-reaching surface area of the membrane on the epithelium’s basolateral and luminal sides for hasty convey of substances such as sodium ions.
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Fingerprint Image Enhancement Chemistry Lab Report
5 pages (1531 words) , Download 0 , Lab Report
As you know the synthetic or physical upgrade of fingerprints, including their ensuing imaging, is presumably a standout amongst the most widely recognized exercises in scientific science. It is not as a matter of course a clear process, as each substrate and each impression is distinctive, so a lot of expert experience and aptitude is eventually included.
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Clinical Biochemistry and Haematology Laboratories and Leukaemias Chemistry Essay
10 pages (2902 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The cancers of hematopoietic stem cells are associated with the clonal proliferation of one or more of the stem cell lineages. Particularly associated with the proliferation of white cells are known as leukemias. The increase in the number of white cells can be demonstrated in either the bone marrow or the peripheral blood, or both.
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Formaldehyde as a Chemical Agent Chemistry Essay
8 pages (2383 words) , Download 0 , Essay
A 30-year-old man works in a textile industry that uses formaldehyde-based resins as finishers so that the fabrics are resistant to creases. His symptoms began three weeks ago with gradual onset of local irritation in the eyes, nose, and upper respiratory tract. He was also experiencing shortness of breath and chest pain.
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Food Test Practical and Digestive Enzyme Experiment Chemistry Lab Report
7 pages (2096 words) , Download 0 , Lab Report
Physical breakdown of food can also occur through peristalsis which involves contractions of soft muscles in the digestive tract. Chemical digestion on the other hand is the process that involves enzymes catalyzing the further breakdown of various macromolecules (Uddin, Ahn, Kishimura & Chun, 2009).    
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Difference between Physical and Chemical Change Chemistry Lab Report
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 0 , Lab Report
In experiment 1, we aim to show a physical change where we can visualize crystals of copper sulfate when we heat it along with water but no new chemical compound is formed indicating that this is not a chemical change. In experiment 2, we show a chemical change where we burn magnesium ribbon in the air to form MgO.
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An Investigation of the Petroleum Industry Chemistry Assignment
5 pages (1701 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
In the process of petroleum manufacturing, a residual oil comes out in the distillation process that contains a large volume of naphtha, which is allowed to stand as long as necessary and is exposed to a low-temperature tank. The waxy components thus settle at the bottom of the tank. Then the naphtha is removed as overhead steam.
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Industrial Relations Chemistry Essay
5 pages (1491 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Iron ore and scrap are universally available and one common process design could be applied everywhere. Each society could fulfill its internal need and/or trade with regional neighbors. Industries using steel as raw material would enable the middle-class to develop. Such would be an achievable goal for impoverished denizens in having versus have-not societies and would therefore lessen the likelihood of insurgencies.
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The Melting Point of Pure Tin Chemistry Lab Report
5 pages (1173 words) , Download 0 , Lab Report
To keep the sample from getting oxidized, nitrogen was introduced into the furnace while ensuring that no oxygen entered it. Tin’s melting point was virtually determined through its transition from a solid to a molten state. A thermocouple sheath made of stainless steel was introduced into exactly a quarter of an inch above the crucible’s base.
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The Production of Cast Iron Chemistry Essay
5 pages (1526 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "The Production of Cast Iron" is an excellent example of an essay on chemistry. Cast irons contain 2% to 4% carbon, 1% to 3% silicon, and in most cases, the remainder is iron, which means that they are iron-carbon-silicon alloys. The presence of the silicon in the alloy promotes the formation of graphite.
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Hexavalent Chromium Chemistry Report
5 pages (1532 words) , Download 0 , Report
Most dyes, paints, and inks have this chromate in them, which forms the color pigment. In the manufacture of plastics, this compound is also used to give color variations in different plastics. Not only is Hexavalent Chromium used for coloring purposes, but it is also a preservative in paints. The compound ensures that stains and other coatings last for long on the surfaces they are applied to, especially metal surfaces.
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