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Superficial- this where is where the skin epidermis is affected but blisters do not form
Partial-thickness - burn is where the skin epidermis and dermis are affected and this type of burn is deep. Blisters are formed in these partial degrees burns which take between two to three weeks to heal.
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, Research Proposal
The wavelength at which this absorbance takes place is an indication of the particle size of the element. Most peak absorptions of the solutions occurred between 500 nm and 600 nm of wavelength. This optical spectrum of the nanoparticles is due to surface plasmon absorption. Characterization of metal nanoparticles is very important when it comes to their applications in various fields.
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The mix of favourable chemical, electrical, mechanical, optical, surface, thermal, and toughness properties make sapphire a favored material for high-performance systems and design components. For different semiconductor applications, sapphire is the best decision in correlation with other engineered or synthetic single-crystals.
Nitrates and nitrites are extracted from a soil sample by shaking the soil in a 0.01 M CaSO4 followed by filtration. The nitrate is reduced to nitrite, which then reacts with sulfanilamide in acidic conditions to form a diazo compound. The diazo compound couples with N-1-Napthylethylenediamine dihydrochloride to form a purple dye.
This experiment illustrates the formation of silver nanoparticles using a wet chemical method at room temperature and analyzing their size and optical properties. The vial solutions of silver nanoparticles had distinctive colors, which means that the particle size in each color solution was different.
A complex compound of Ni (NH3) n (H2O) 2+6-n is produced when aqua-Ni2+ ion, Ni (H2O) 2+6 interacts with ammonia in water, where n=1 to 6. Apart from (NH3) (H2O) 2+5 no other complexes have been isolated. An investigation by the use of a spectrophotometer and potentiometer indicates the existence of these complexes in the solutions.
To prepare 1L of stock solution 1 g of electrolyte copper was dissolved in 5ml of redistilled HNO3 and was further diluted with distilled water. To get the calibration curve various level of stock dilutions are prepared. A sample solution is also developed to compare the calibration curve and to find out the copper content.
The mechanism that is involved in the reaction is a thermally sigmatropic reaction. The high temperature breaks the existing bonds within the molecules thereby leaving molecules free and nitrogen molecules escaping to the atmosphere. The remaining molecules rearranged sigmatropically forming a new compound.
The method of synthesis of adipic acid is easy and upholds the principles of green chemistry. The objective of the lab, which was to synthesize and characterize adipic acid, was successfully achieved. The melting points of the products yielded are close to the range in the literature. The product yield and recovery was very low.
Four constituents were identified in the essential oil extracted from clove; Eugenol, Carvacrol, Benzoic acid, and 2-Heptanol. Eugenol comprises the largest percentage of the essential oils extracted from the cloves. It comprises more than 85% of the essential oil. Eugenol is the compound that is responsible for the strong aroma of the cloves.
The method is very simple and it essentially consists of immersion of a solid substrate into solutions of a surface hydroxyl group, organosilane polymer, and immobilization of polymer. Gold particles are powerfully bound to the surface of polymer functional groups by covalent bonds. The functional groups provide active sites where Au is attracted.
Surface texture is defined by four main features: flaws, lay, waviness and roughness. All the surfaces have a surface roughness of different values, meaning that the surface topography is not completely straight and smooth. There is also a pattern resulting from the machining operation carried out on the workpiece.
Changes in one variable may lead to a change in another variable which may resultantly affect the surface roughness of the final product. The study of these changes gives an impression of how manufacturers can make use of such illustrations to make quick decisions on the product sizes and shapes that they intend to make.
Water is vital for hygiene, health plus the output of the community. Safe and clean water is important in our daily life. The process of treating water may differ a little at various places depending on the expertise of the plant plus the water it requires to treat; nevertheless, the fundamental techniques are basically the same.
Early experimentation of Dye-sensitized solar cells deployed dyes, which were only sensitive to the high-frequency end of the solar spectrum. Newer dyes respond to a wide range of frequencies. These newer dyes have a higher chance of photon conversion into electrons that has an overall efficiency of 90% (Agrawal and Tiwari, 2011).
While breaking the hydrogen molecule into protons and electrons as earlier mentioned, a catalyst is used which in PEMFCs, is usually made from platinum. Typically, PEMFCs function at 800C which is very low thus slowing down the reactions. This necessitates the use of platinum catalyst at the anode and cathode sides to speed up reactions.
Plutonium-238 with a half-life of 87 years undergoes alpha decay. it is used in thermoelectric generators which are used in the generation of power for some space crafts. Plutonium-239 is considered the most important isotope of plutonium. It has a half-life of 24 thousand years. It can sustain a nuclear chain reaction since it is highly fissile.
Polymethyl methacrylate is a polymer which is its repeating unit. PMMA has a brittle behavior that makes it fit for car windows; in the case of an accident, no glass cuts to victims. PMMA produced via radical polymerization is very amorphous. Rubber toughening has been applied to it, making it tougher owing to its brittle value.
It is also used in the manufacturing industry for perfume manufacturing, surface coating operations employing lacquers, synthesis of adipic acid in the manufacture of nylon, synthesis of caprolactam and in the extraction of essential oils. Its multi-industrial use has led to large scale manufacturing of cyclohexane.
Location of a firm means the selection of the site where the proposed firm would be established. While establishing the firm, an appropriate decision has to be made. Site selection has a significant impact on firm profitability. A good site would lead to success while a bad site would lead to failure of the business enterprise.
The drug is a broader term that covers any chemical substance with specific biological effects when taken by humans as well as animals. However, a clear definition depends on specific usages such as recreational drugs, or specific fields of study like pharmacology. From whichever viewpoint or definition, a drug is defined by its biological effects or the effects on the normal operation of the body cells.
Microfluidics is a technology that deals with the technology for manipulating small volumes of fluids usually ranging between microliters and picoliters, inside microsystems that have artificial fabrication. Microfluidic systems allow consistency and generic parallelizing, automating, integrating, and miniaturizing of chemical and biological processes.
Oxidation processes are mainly involved during the production of carbonyl compounds, which are often found in substances such as aldehydes and ketones. For instance, the oxidation process induced by the permanganate easily converts the primary alcohols into products such as aldehydes, and in other cases, also lead to the production of carboxylic acids. Similarly, the secondary alcohols may also be converted to ketones.
The paper 'Safety, Health and Environmental Issues of Ethylene from Full-Range Naphtha" is a good example of a chemistry essay. Ethylene is a chemical compound taking the formula C2H4. The compound is the number one produced organic compound worldwide. From the World Health Organization, the production of this product in 2005 exceeded 107 Million Metric Tonnes.
The paper “Risk Assessment for Storage and Processes of Formaldehyde” is an affecting example of the term paper on chemistry. The table below shows the physical and chemical properties of formaldehyde. The risks that are likely to occur during the storage of formaldehyde can be assessed based on their likelihood of occurring and the consequences.
The paper "Health and Environmental Effects of Asbestos" is an outstanding example of a chemistry essay. In recent times, technological innovations and development have improved work operational efficiency (Li., et al, 2015). While some entities still operate using traditional ways some of which expose workers to various types of health and safety risks, some new technological innovations further enhance these risks.
Human activities that result in GHGs production include industrial production, farming, motor vehicles, aviation, and electricity production among others (Scientific Assessment 2010). The United States of America contributes greatly to the global carbon emissions with other fast-developing nations the following suit due to increased burning of fossil fuel.
This shows that carbon dioxide is important for sustainable living in a balanced world. Moreover, carbon is only harmless to the atmosphere at controlled levels that do not exceed its percentage proportion in the atmospheric composition.However, various human activities escalate carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, posing dangers to the environment (Charles, & Varma, 2010, p.13).
Apart from playing the important role of photosynthesis in plants, it is also a weighty component in the adjusting of the globe’s temperatures in what is commonly referred to as the greenhouse effect. Co2 is one of the greenhouse gases, hence plays a vital function as far as warming of the planet is concerned.
They possess the same atomic structure, physical properties, and chemical composition that real diamonds have. The diamond is also known as CVD diamond or HPHT diamond after the two common production methods referred to the chemical vapor deposition and high-pressure high-temperature crystal formation methods respectively.
The absorbance wavelength is between 250 and 300 nm, which means that the screens protect the skin from ultraviolet rays in the UVB region. The Active dry touch lotion shows slightly better UVB absorbing capability compared to the rest of the sunscreens, followed by kids' sunscreen and sport respectively. Below are the active ingredients in each of the sunscreens, and their proportions.
In this study, AgNPs were synthesized via the reduction of silver nitrate (AgNO3) using sodium borohydride (NaBH4) as a reducing agent. The influence of concentration and flow rate on the shape and size of the AgNPs produced in an ultrasonic micro-reactor was investigated using Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) for the determination of surface plasmon absorbance.
In transmission, the LP parameter is contained as additional information and is also seen as a problem in the process. During LP analysis, the intelligibility and the quality of speech which is coded heavily relies on how accurate the estimated power spectrum envelope is, which is later used in the determination of its LP’s parameters.
11 pages (3572 words)
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, Literature review
Wakil et al. (2010), state that the word sporopollenin was coined by Zetzschel in a description of the extremely resilient exine of spores and pollen as well as other microspores. Archeologists have found pristine pollen grains that have survived inside sedimentary rocks for periods agreed upon as being over 500 million years.
11 pages (3210 words)
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, Literature review
in 1980 carbon aerogels were created and have become the most preferred aerogel. This is attributed to the fact that carbon aerogels have numerous applications in the industrial world. These applications are dependent on the various properties of carbon aerogels. However, in order to understand these applications, it is equally important to understand how carbon aerogels come into existence.
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, Literature review
Both artificial and natural polymers play a significant and pervasive role in everyday life. Polymers are inclusive of a wide variety of categories from the common artificial plastics which include polystyrene to natural biopolymers which include DNA and other proteins that are very significant to biological composition and roles.
Commercial magnetite fluids consist of micro-meter particles that cannot be suspended by Brownian motion, but instead, will settle after some time due to a difference in inherent density between the particles and the carrier fluid. The surfactant used overcomes the attractive magnetic and Van der Waals forces between particles in a ferrofluid (Pant, Rashmi, and Krishna).
6 pages (1974 words)
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, Research Proposal
The volatile liquid evaporates due to heat. This alters the chemical composition of the liquid. As a result, the chromatogram of the liquid that has been evaporated would be different from that which has not been evaporated. To solve these problems, the standard collection can be expanded to include different levels of evaporated chromatograms of liquid.
7 pages (2020 words)
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, Research Proposal
Potassium and sodium are very important elements as they perform vital biological functions in the human body. They are required by the body for cellular stability, but levels that are out of normal range can result in severe problems with neuromuscular, cardiac, and renal function (Peate & Dutton, 2014, 201).
Considerable attention has been drawn towards clusters of noble metal supported on metal oxides due to their wide applications in catalysis. Illumination of semiconductor particles in a solution of metal salt in the aqueous phase leads to the deposition of nanoparticles of metal oxide on the surface of the semiconductor material.
In recent years, nanoparticles and nanoclusters of noble metals supported on metal oxides have drawn a lot more interest due to their wide applications in heterogeneous catalysis [5]. According to Chusuei, et al. (2001), Gold (Au) in particular nanoclusters supported on Titanium dioxide (TiO2) has the capability to catalyze some industrial reactions.
7 pages (2169 words)
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, Literature review
In fact, the ability to establish whether or not there are body fluids present and consequently, determining it provides a sample that is later subjected to a series of laboratory tests that extends to DNA analysis, which is deemed to be a fundamental step in a great number of investigations (Virkler & Lednev, 2009).
13 pages (3253 words)
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, Research Paper
The ore is wet screened on vibrating or inclined screens. Materials lower than a certain size are rejected by wet screening which also washes the fine material(attached to larger pisolites) and is high in silica. In Queensland Australia, there is Weipa bauxite that is a pisolitic ion in nature and the silica level is decreasing as pisolite size increases.
Options of the third approach are almost independent of the ore. Lime sintering is not viable economically compared to the normal Bayer process but at least produces silica and soda with little quartz, which is an environmental bonus. Acid leaching and especially the SO2 process to recover soda is possible but has a cost element, which is still lower compared to leaching with CO2.
13 pages (3549 words)
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, Literature review
The polymer diffusion coefficient can be calculated for each molecular weight through monitoring intercalated mass uptake as a function of time. After comparing the diffusion coefficients as a function of Mw, it is found that the larger polymer moves by reputation while the low weight polymer normally diffuses through the pores.
The sulfonamides’ least inhibitory concentrations (MIC) against Actinobacillus pleuropneumonia, a veterinary pathogen that is gram-negative, were used. Liquid chromatography of high performance was used to determine the hydrophobic and electronic parameters. Empirically established relationships indicated the dominant function of the ionization’s degree.
There are some random errors that were exhibited in the experiment as indicated by the outliers but the general trend is an increase. With the same solution not being used in the entire experiment, the reaction times are likely to be faster or slower than is expected and this is likely to bring about random errors.
8 pages (2638 words)
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, Literature review
Biodegradation is the chemical process that involves the breakdown of substances via the physiological processes into the environment. The process has been commonly used in organic materials but recent studies have identified processes that can biodegrade synthetic materials. Polystyrene is one of the materials that have been difficult to biodegrade.
7 pages (2103 words)
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, Literature review
Water desalination is a water treatment process used to remove dissolved salts from the water. The increased water demands, as well as the increased susceptibility to drought and the waning availability of water supply sources, signifies the importance of developing alternative water supply sources, and desalination is a viable water supply source
As mentioned by Church and Parsons (1995, p 143-152), the blended gas is known to slow down the process of product aging to enable reduction in color loss, nasty or unpleasant taste and odor that results from product spoilage, deterioration, and rancidity that are collectively caused by microbes and molds.