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Essays on spectroscopy

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3 pages (750 words) , Download 2
This is caused by emission of electric charges from excited atoms. This spectrum of colors produced consists of different waves of varying wavelength and velocity. It was found that the experimental values... According to Lardan H. understanding ‘Series of waves converges to series limit at an air wavelength of 364.60 mm …' (Lardan, 1998, pp. 49 -53) clearly reveals that the This may have occurred as a result of environmental conditions such as drop in temperature that maybe may have caused decrease...
MR Spectroscopy
17 pages (4502 words) , Download 0
This paper ''MR Spectroscopy'' tells that Localization in MR Spectroscopy can be achieved through the application of physical localization of the coil. This technique can be achieved through the application of simple surface coils. Surface coils are placed at the region of interest and hence are very close to the source signal.... An example of such waves could be small, ring-shaped, and made from a variety of wires and shapes. These surface coils usually have very high sensitivity and are limited...
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Absorption Spectroscopy
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2
The purpose of this experiment was to determine the amount of Allura Red dye present in sparkling fruit water and then comparing it with the dye's LD50 published in literature. A sample of the water with the dye was analyzed using absorption Spectroscopy. It was found that... Comparing it with the LD50 (6-10g/kg body weight), it was found that the level of Allura Red dye in the water is within normal levels. Absorption Spectroscopy is an important analytical tool that is It is valuable since it...
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
4 pages (1058 words) , Download 3
From the paper "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy" it is clear that the hydrogen nuclei are the most frequently observed in NMR Spectroscopy. Hydrogen atom is found in most organic compounds with the proton having high intrinsic sensitivity as well as being a hundred percent in nature.... The aim of the experiment is to determine the structure of the C10H18O molecule through the utilization of the NMR spectrum which has proved to be a significant utility in the elucidation of molecular structure...
Infrared spectroscopy structural determination
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3
Infrared Spectroscopy is the Spectroscopy that ideally, handles the infrared zone of the electromagnetic spectrum, which usually comprises of light that has lengthy wavelengths and generally has very short frequencies. This technique looks into numerous techniques that are in... It seeks to classify and research on chemicals. A lab instrument that is used to carry out this research is the Fourier transform infrared spectrometer. The Fourier transform Infrared spectrometer gives an electromagnetic...
Raman Spectroscopy of Toluene and Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Rhodamine 6G
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3
For a transition to be Raman active there must be a change in polarizability of the molecule. Polarizability is the change of the dipole moment with distance. Raman Spectroscopy involves the... However, photon that is incident is of much greater energy than the quantum energy in the vibrational mode. This loses its energy to the molecular vibration with the remaining energy being scattered as a photon with reduced a In Raman Spectroscopy, light and matter interacts. Both IR and Raman vibrational...
UV-VS Spectroscopy
5 pages (1384 words) , Download 2
The "UV-VS Spectroscopy" paper introduces the students to how the UV/VIS applies in the laboratory. It involved studying how the adjacent lights can help in determining the concentration of ions in solutions and an analysis of the performance characteristics of a UV/VIS absorption spectrometer.... UV-VS Spectroscopy is a concept referring to absorption Spectroscopy, usually through the help of light from the visible and adjacent ranges. A qualitative analysis of the performance characteristics of...
Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy
8 pages (2246 words) , Download 0
This paper ''Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy'' tells that This experiment was set up to achieve several objectives. Firstly, a sodium iodide scintillation detector doped with thallium [NaI was used to test gamma-ray Spectroscopy performance. To determine the nature of the interaction between the NaI detector and the gamma radiation.... This was done to view that NaI(Tl) detector often provides a reliable interpretation of the ϒ-radiation spectra and clearly shows the most salient features such as photopeak's...
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
8 pages (1980 words) , Download 3
The paper "Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy" explains that identification of unknowns can be carried out using the FTIR Spectrometer. Functional groups give significant peaks at particular regions of the frequency range or wavenumber providing data on the chemical properties of substances.... Positional isomers of xylene were scanned and the concentration of the unknown was linearly determined through the obtained peak responses. Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) is an analytical technique...
The Notion of Astronomical Spectroscopy
6 pages (1754 words) , Download 2
The paper "The Notion of Astronomical Spectroscopy" describes the calibration requirements of the data as needed by one's program, and one must perform the reductions in such a way that honors the data. A quantitative quick look at the telescope is essential for the process.... Gratings can be designed to concentrate most of the incident intensity into a particular order, by a process called 'blazing'. This is a process where the grooves of a grating are cut so that the reflecting surfaces are at...
Forensic Material Identification Techniques, Spectroscopy
8 pages (2241 words) , Download 2
The paper "Forensic Material Identification Techniques, Spectroscopy" highlights that the police department is faced with myriad situations in which evidence have to be presented and proved to be connected to the crime in questions. The role of forensic scientists and techniques is rather apparent.... Importantly, the various instrumental techniques that forensic experts may use to determine and characterise materials prior to their presentation as evidence are quite integral. Past and current technological...
Infra Red Spectroscopy in Chemistry
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2
In the following assignment, the writer intends to describe the use of infrared Spectroscopy in the chemistry field. Furthermore, the present essay conducts a research regarding the possibility of the Infrared Spectroscopy use as both a qualitative and quantitative tool.... Infra-red (IR) Spectroscopy is an experimental tool for obtaining information about the chemical structure. Molecules can absorb infra-red light of frequencies that match theenergy of changes in the molecular vibrations. Infra-red...
Fundamental Guidelines of Mass Spectroscopy
6 pages (1666 words) , Download 2
This essay "Fundamental Guidelines of Mass Spectroscopy" focuses on an analytical technique performed in the laboratory to divide constituents of a given sample according to their mass. A substance is subjected to electromagnetic forces that have sufficient energy to fragment the molecule.... The positive components that result from this electron bombardment are then accelerated into a vacuum through a magnetic field. It is in this magnetic field that the components are eventually sorted on the basis...
Sporopollenin: Imaging and Spectroscopy
11 pages (3572 words) , Download 0
This literature review "Sporopollenin: Imaging and Spectroscopy" reviews the existing literature on different aspects of sporopollenin. Which include properties of sporopollenin, extraction of components from sporopollenin including DNA among others, Its uses, and their antioxidant properties.... Wakil et al. (2010), state that the word sporopollenin was coined by Zetzschel in a description of the extremely resilient exine of spores and pollen as well as other microspores. Archeologists have found...
Evaluation of Three Different Types of Spectroscopy
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2
Ground state atoms absorb light energy of a specific wavelength hence causing these atoms to become excited. There is a direct proportion between the number of... atoms and amount of light absorbed, therefore, we can determine the concentration of the sample by measuring the amount of light absorbed (Karabegov, 2011). Samples have to be heated to extremely high temperatures in other to atomise them. The sample goes through a nebulizer Laboratory Report: Evaluation of Three Different Types of Spectroscopy...
Raman and Infrared Spectroscopy and Their Application in Disease Diagnostics
8 pages (2584 words) , Download 1
The paper "Raman and Infrared Spectroscopy and Their Application in Disease Diagnostics" present developments in the field of biochemistry that availed new techniques of diagnosing cellular diseases - are the IR and Raman spectroscopes that have been a milestone in optical science.... Developments in spectrometer technology have ensured great progress in Raman and Infrared Spectroscopy within the biochemistry field. They rely on the principle of molecular vibrations which depend on the structure...
Pharmaceutics: Drug Excipients Compatibility Analysis by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
7 pages (2017 words) , Download 0
The paper "Pharmaceutics: Drug Excipients Compatibility Analysis by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy" is a good example of a term paper on medical science. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) is one of the experimental techniques that can be used to optimize and analyze drug-excipients compatibility.... The paper "Pharmaceutics: Drug Excipients Compatibility Analysis by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy" is a good example of a term paper on medical science. Fourier Transform...
Fully discuss absortion and emission spectroscopy follows instruction below
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2
Atomic emission Spectroscopy and atomic absorption Spectroscopy are analytical techniques used to determine presence and concentration of certain elements in a laboratory samples. Atomic emission Spectroscopy utilizes an instrument called atomic emission spectrometer or flame... Basically, the flame is used to atomize the sample so that radiation emitted is measured. Understanding the principle of atomic emission Spectroscopy would require a brief description of the instrument used. This would offer...
IR Spectroscopy determination of xylene using an internal standard
2 pages (500 words) , Download 11
We used a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer to analyze eleven solutions: O-xylene, p-xylene, 3 concentrations of p-xylene in cyclohexane, 3 concentrations of m-xylene in cyclohexane, and 2 unknown samples. We analyzed our samples using o-xylene as our standard to determine... Standard curves were constructed from the ratio of absorbance of characteristic peaks. A trend line showing the least square fit helped to determine the ratio of concentrations in our unknown sample. The results We used...
Spectroscopy Method Utilized in the Lab
2 pages (579 words) , Download 2
From the paper "Spectroscopy Method Utilized in the Lab " it is clear that generally speaking, the objective of this lab experiment was establishing the percentage Mass of Copper (II) ion (Cu2+) in a sample of ore by using the Calorimetry technique.... Prior to working on the lab experiment, various perceptions should be comprehended such as the Spectroscopy method utilized in the lab. A calorimeter as also known as a spectrometer is a tool that is used in figuring out the quantity of light that...
Lipstick Analysis by Thin Layer Chromatography and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
5 pages (1638 words) , Download 1
In the "Lipstick Analysis by Thin Layer Chromatography and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy" paper, two methods are used to analyze six samples of lipsticks and then the origin of one unknown sample that has been gotten from a crime scene is identified. ... All industries that deal with the production of lipsticks must thus consider these considerations. Other factors other than the identification of the unknown sample can be considered. These factors are those that regard the methods that...
Surface Analysis and Materials Science
7 pages (2171 words) , Download 2
This essay "Surface Analysis and Materials Science" is about the primary objective of materials science is to develop materials that possess specific mechanical, electrical, magnetic, optical, thermal, and chemical properties.... Such materials are required to be exhibit stability under normal environmental conditions....
A Method of Mapping the Molecular Structures
12 pages (3708 words) , Download 0
he amount of energy changes experienced in the NMR Spectroscopy are quite small, hence sensitivity becomes a great limitations.... NMR, however, is also applied in the studies involving chemistry, mostly in the NMR Spectroscopy like the proton NMR, the phosphorus-31 NMR, the carbon-13 NMR, and the deuterium NMR.... The information regarding biochemistry may also be collected from the living tissue (for instance the brain tumors in human beings) by using a technique referred to as in vivo magnetic resonance Spectroscopy or even the chemical shift NMR Microscopy....
Physical Chemistry
9 pages (2325 words) , Download 2
In laboratory settings, methods used to quantitatively determine the amounts of heavy elements in alloys include Gravimetric analysis, Anodic Stripping Voltammetry, and Atomic Absorbance Spectroscopy among others.... n the experiment, Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy was used to measure the amounts of lead and copper in brass.... Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy is a versatile quantitative technique capable of analyzing presence of over 70 elements....
Validation Exercise in Measurement of Iron
6 pages (1809 words) , Download 1
"Validation Exercise in Measurement of Iron" paper focuses on four analytical techniques that include, Molecular Spectroscopy – Colorimetric assay, Volumetric - Redox Titration, Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy – Flame AAS and Cation Exchange Chromatography – Equivalent Mineral Acidity (EMA) method.... Similarly, Molecular Spectroscopy – Colorimetric assay, the results also are linear despite the fact that they do not possess a high degree of accuracy....
Molecular Fluorescence Analysis of Proteins
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2
Molecular absorption Spectroscopy is a chemical technique that enables the qualitative and quantitative analysis of atoms or molecules by utilizing the absorption, emission and dispersion of electromagnetic radiations (Valeur & Berberan-Santos 10).... The associations between.... ...
Nosologic imaging and its value for childhood brain tumours
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2
This research is being carried out to evaluate and present limitations of canonical correlation analysis (CCA); metabolic imaging and magnetic resonance Spectroscopy; classification of brain tumor utilizing magnetic resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) and magnetic resonance Spectroscopy value in imaging of childhood tumor.... In addition to that, magnetic resonance Spectroscopy data has been helpful in various techniques such as tissue segmentation....
Characterization Of Nanostructured Zinc Oxide For Energy Harvesting Applications
14 pages (3744 words) , Download 2
The case study is the ultraviolet-visible Spectroscopy.... The case study is the ultraviolet-visible Spectroscopy, which deals with the electronic transition, the electron microscopy and the X-rays.... here are many elements that are characterized and operate under the influence of the ultraviolet-visible Spectroscopy such as ZNO, electromagnetism etc.... ltraviolet–visible Spectroscopy (UV) ... ltraviolet-visible Spectroscopy is defined to as assimilation or reflectance in ultraviolet-visible spectral area, which means that light, is used in the visible and adjacent ranges....
Artifacts Associated with Breast MRI
10 pages (3084 words) , Download 1
Discuss the clinical usefulness of Spectroscopy in Breast MRI. ... agnetic resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) is often performed alongside magnetic resonance imaging to get information regarding the chemical composition of the breast lesions (Cady, 2008).... The previous magnetic resonance Spectroscopy studies have provided promising results and thus led to its adoption by many organizations.... he initial magnetic resonance Spectroscopy were conducted using phosphorus atoms, and the studies revealed that measurable variation of phospholipids was detectable and used in diagnosing and monitoring cancer treatment (Tse, 2009)....
Fluorescence Impacting Pharmaceuticals
7 pages (2446 words) , Download 2
Fluorescence correlation Spectroscopy: Among those that allow even single ... olecule measurements, is fluorescence Spectroscopy.... luorescence correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) is one of the many different methods of ... Two-Photon Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Microscopy: This method employes ... Scanning Two-Photon Fluctuation Correlation Spectroscopy: ... luorescence Correlation Spectroscopy: Method And Application To The ...
Atomic absorption emission
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2
The flame atomic absorption Spectroscopy where a beam of light with wavelength that can be absorbed by the ground stately atoms is let through the fire.... If a certain portion of the light is absorbed, then, this might lead to inference that the solution has Na+ ions. ... ... ext is the....
Should we mine this Ore
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2
Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) technique is used to determine the absorbance of the solutions.... Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) technique is used to determine the absorbance of the solutions.... onclusionAtomic Absorption Spectroscopy technique is used to determine the concentration of more than 68 metals in their naturally occurring ores.... Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy: A Practical Guide....
Hannebachite- a rare and important Sulphite
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2
The structure of hannebachite mineral was studied through Raman Spectroscopy by Frost and Keefe.... Comparing the Raman Spectroscopy of hannebachite and Orschallite, the latter has an extremely complex structure owing to band overlapping of sulphate and sulphite in Orschallite.... Relatively the structure of Scotlandite is simpler whose band in Raman Spectroscopy is attributed to stretching of S03.... XANES Spectroscopy (X-ray absorption near end structure Spectroscopy) studies was conducted in Asia (KEK,2010) which showed the presence of hannebachite in the interiors of aerosols which shows that oxidation of sulfur dioxide has occurred which means that adsorption of sulfur dioxide on the surface of mineral aerosols such as calcite which was followed by oxidation....
Mass Spectrometry: How Is It Works
8 pages (2096 words) , Download 2
Employing mass Spectroscopy though for analysis of galanin levels in the digestive tract comes with a risk of contaminating the samples (by foreign particles such as dust) to be analyzed.... Mass Spectroscopy makes use of the fact that many protein molecules can be adequately displayed on a single gel.... In the analysis of galanin using mass Spectroscopy: 1.... It is also compatible with tandem mass Spectroscopy.... This is when used with tandem mass Spectroscopy....
Ni-Phosphine Complexes
19 pages (5333 words) , Download 1
UV-Visible Spectroscopy.... V-Visible Spectroscopy 6 ... nfra-Red Spectroscopy (IR) 9 ... UV-Visible Spectroscopy and the calculation of magnetic moments are methods used to determine the geometry of complexes while NMR Spectroscopy and Infra-Red Spectroscopy are used to determine the structures of complexes.... V-Visible Spectroscopy ... V-Visible Spectroscopy has been used for a long time in the determination of the coordinate geometries of transition metal complexes....
Studying the Sun
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0
One of these methods is through the use of Spectroscopy.... Spectroscopy is a method of looking at the composition of a star or other celestial object by observing differences in the electromagnetic radiation patterns that are picked up.... The author of the paper "Studying the Sun" will begin with the statement that the Universe is a vast embodiment of unknown knowledge in which our tiny planet is a part of the giant picture, which makes individual humans insignificant in the grand scheme....
Disadvantages of Laser Applications in Homeland Security
6 pages (1801 words) , Download 0
The THz-TDS Spectroscopy imaging is mostly used in individuals screening, checking the parcels and baggage and also in ships and shipping containers.... aser induced breakdown Spectroscopy has detection limits which are generally 1-1—times poorer than conventional techniques.... "Single Pulse-Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy in Aqueous Solution.... " Plasma-Particle Interactions in a Laser-Induced Plasma: Implications for Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy....
Methods Used For Magnesium
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 3
here, in above pie chart (Fig 3) ICP-MS stands for Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, LIBS for Atomic Emission Laser- Induced Breakdown Spectrometry, AAS for Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, ICP-AES for Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry, PIXEfor Particle Induced X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy, XRF for X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry, NAA for Neutron Activation Analysis, IEC for Ion Exchange Chromatography, and AES stands for Atomic Emission Spectrometry. ...
Introduction of research
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2
Name: Lecturer: Professor: Course: Date: Scattering signals of anilines using their meta-substituents Abstract: One of the most constructive ways of analyzing organic compounds is through Raman Spectroscopy.... Research has shown that the plasmonic influences of Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) contribute a very significant role in improvement of the signal, the importance of the chemical effect as a result of analyte chemisorptions on the surfaces of silver and gold is not widely acknowledge due to scanty research on the subject....
Fruit Content of Fruit Juice and Apple Juice Content of Cider Using DNA Methodology
10 pages (2973 words) , Download 2
The near- infra red transflectance (NIR) Spectroscopy was used for the identification of the apple juice adulterations in the samples.... The author states that the guarantees that the fruit juice is very safe are the most important thing for the customers.... The author analyzes the analytical techniques of food safety which include multivariate compositional analysis, UV –visible, AAS, AES, IRMS, GC-IRMS, DSC....
Toxic Liquid Waste Incinerator
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3
Analysis of the trap is carried by thermal desorption purge-and-trap by gas chromatography / mass Spectroscopy.... Gas chromatography – mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS) is one of the so-called hyphenated analytical techniques.... GC separates the components of a mixture and mass Spectroscopy characterizes each of the components individually.... As the individual compounds elute from the GC column, they enter the electron ionization (mass Spectroscopy) detector....
Synthesis and Characterisation of ZnO Nanostructure for Photocatalysis Applications
7 pages (2298 words) , Download 18
Some of the characterisation techniques mentioned include: X-ray diffractometer, Proton-induced X-ray emission and UV–vis Spectroscopy as the most important for photocatalysis. ... (2013) states that most of the methods applied in the characterisation of ZnO nanostructure for photocatalysis are; X-ray diffractometer, Proton-induced X-ray emission and UV–vis Spectroscopy.... Photoelectronic Spectroscopy induces photo-ionization according to Kumar (2013)....
Characterisation of Nanostructured ZnO for Photocatalysis Applications
8 pages (2416 words) , Download 1
Some of the traditional microscopic methods of characterization include the combination of Spectroscopy and microscopy with ion etching methods.... cientists have used photoluminescence Spectroscopy to study the optical properties of different forms of ZnO.... Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) Spectroscopy has been used frequently to identify paramagnetic defects.... A combination of photoluminescence and positron annihilation Spectroscopy is also useful in the study of defects in ZnO (Liu et al pp....
Fluorescence Water Quality Assessment
8 pages (2422 words) , Download 3
Since water is customarily evaluated using physical, microbial and chemical tests, Fluorescence Spectroscopy has been found to provide a reliable technique to analyze and monitor wastewater.... Characterization of dissolved organic matter in a cave and spring waters using UV–Vis absorbance and fluorescence Spectroscopy.... Time-resolved fluorescence Spectroscopy in biochemistry and biology (Vol.... Fluorescence Spectroscopy opens new windows into dissolved organic matter dynamics in freshwater ecosystems: A review....
Electron Microscopes
8 pages (2208 words) , Download 0
The aim of this study is to provide a brief overview of morphological and elemental investigation of non-conductive samples by Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy. ... Addition to it, Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) has also rapidly evolved as crucial tool for elemental analysis and characterization. ...
X-Ray Chromatography
8 pages (2493 words) , Download 2
11 Properties: 11 Analysis 12 ANALYTE 2: Uranium (U) 13 Properties 13 Analysis 14 CONCLUSION 16 REFERENCES 17 X-RAY Spectroscopy INTRODUCTION X-rays are electromagnetic radiations comprising of photons formed as consequence of emission of an inner orbital electron followed by transition of atomic orbital electrons from high energy to low energy state.... Figure 1: Energy Dispersive & Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescent Spectroscopy PROPERTIES OF X-RAYS X-rays form a part of the electromagnetic spectrum between the wavelength ranges of 0....
Photo-Induced Cytotoxicity and Bio-Distribution of Prostate Cancer Cell-Targeted Porphyrin
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0
Measurement of electronic absorption spectra was done using Perkin-Elmer Lambda 35 UV-vis Spectroscopy.... Mass Spectroscopy was performed using Bruker Proflex III MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer.... As the paper "Photo-Induced Cytotoxicity and Bio-Distribution of Prostate Cancer Cell-Targeted Porphyrin" outlines, the compound of type porphyrin makes up pharmacological agents under investigation to be utilized in the early examination and cure of cancer by photodynamic therapy....
Magnesium analytical methods
25 pages (6250 words) , Download 2
Magnesium is an important element in medicine, industry, consumer products and biology.... nderstanding the analytical methods for interpreting magnesium levels is crucial to chemical analysis across a diverse range of scientific and industrial endeavors.... ... ... ... In order to better understand magnesium and its interactions, it is important to examine fundamental of the element that have been previously pioneered....
Physical Chemistry Lab Report
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2
The main objective of this experiment involved quantitative determination of Mn in steel using two methods; visible Spectroscopy technique, and volumetric analysis.... In theory, colorless Mn ions in steel change to the deep purple MnO4- ions which can be quantitatively determined using the visible Spectroscopy technique....
Chemical Detection Technologies Operational Considerations Of First Responders Unit
15 pages (4224 words) , Download 0
Hernandez-Rivera (2007) stated that some of the remarkable ones are the vibrational Spectroscopy (infrared or Raman) which can give accurate chemical information.... Most importantly, the Raman Spectroscopy can distinguish molecules with high similarity degrees.... (2015) used the Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR) Spectroscopy and laser induced breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) to analyses the substrates that they believed that was contaminated and decontaminated....
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