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Most of the refugees face problems especially in health, security, and human rights. In Australia, refugees’ access to health care is a problem to some refugees due to the language barrier and lack of trust. Most of the refugees also face problems with material security such as housing and employment and human rights violations through discrimination.
Cultural differences are also a crisis for immigrants living in a new country. Culture refers to the beliefs, norms, values and attitudes, perceptions, and behavioral patterns of the people living in the country (Wise, 2010). Understanding cultural background practices in one's society is one of the steps in understanding all the principles being observed in that country.
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Racism reigns in a society where people view one race to be superior to another through virtue of economic merits or express accomplishments they have completed. In such a situation, one race may intimidate another by making them feel inferior and consequently lead to a tumble in their aggregate output by the victims of racism.
7 pages (2325 words)
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, Literature review
The focus of the text by Alden Le Grand Richards is, on the one hand, on the biological-psychological growth of the student while on the other, it also takes in the societal variables which influence the distinctive nature of each person. The first is a psychological perspective while the second is sociological.
10 pages (3023 words)
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, Literature review
Following European settlement, Australia was predominantly Anglo-Saxon with most migrants exclusively originating from the British Isles (Mosler & Catley, 1998, pp. 43-45). Although the Aboriginal and Torres Islanders people were Australia’s original inhabitants, European settlers domineered and imposed their culture on these indigenous communities.
13 pages (3785 words)
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, Research Paper
The author of the paper will begin with the statement that the topic of the affairs of the indigenous people in Australia and the tension between the maintenance of Indigenous culture and the achievement of equity in matters socio-economic has been a recurring theme for many years: predominantly, self-determination versus assimilation.
6 pages (1619 words)
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, Literature review
In fact, funding for this entity was drastically reduced, while a simultaneous enhancement was made in the funding for community harmony programs. This latter initiative of the Australian government has as its principal objective the promotion of interconnections between groups and the production of social cohesion and mutual obligation (Wise, 2007).
The production of genetically modified organisms fails to present the needed solution to the problem of food scarcity in various parts of the world. At the time of the discovery of this technology so much was expected in terms of what it can do to protect plants and supply food to the hungry populations of the world.
12 pages (3343 words)
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, Research Proposal
The issue of whether or not capital punishment is the best method of deterring crimes has also been addressed. Opponents argue that there is no credible proof that capital punishment discourages crimes more effectively compared to other punishments such as long-term imprisonment. Millions are being killed and it is argued that it is due to the fact that the justice system is not efficient.
The well-being of the communities is undoubtedly affected by the harms drugs used can produce (Devlin, 2007, pp. 53). The Australian government is well placed to coordinate society efforts to reduce the harms directed to the community from cigarette use, more especially from the youth within the community (AIHW, 2006).
Researchers have speculated that early identification and intervention of deafness will result in better bonding and family adaptation. This will aid the family to sort out proper emotional support and will be used to this situation at an early time. However, some may differ with this since they perceive that there will be a negative attitude from the time a child is born.
Moreover, more emphasis should be put on ensuring that the changing world affairs in the family setting do not jeopardize family relations. For example, the inclusion of maternal and paternal leaves would grant the parents ample time to be with their children to offer counsel and solve some of their problems, mostly in the adolescent stage of human development.
10 pages (2875 words)
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, Literature review
In most cases, teachers need to shed pre-conceived notions of racism based on color. Culture is no longer homogenous even when considered on the basis of ethnicity. Globalization has changed the entire fabric of global culture so much so that the interaction and communication between individuals across countries, even continents, has made culture even more heterogeneous.
8 pages (2193 words)
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, Literature review
Effective relationship constitutes a human being and other non-human things sharing the same resources, geological and geographical exposure from common attributes. Therefore, the social ties help in defining community through sharing the same identity, and institutions as family, government, humanity, occupation, and society gives a greater outlook of common attributes or concept.
Subjective health status was measured as a self-reported categorical variable using a Likert scale ranging 1-5. Results from survey question are likely to be subjective. Data from the survey indicates 2417 valid responses were received from the sample population. On a scale of 1-5, 1 being ‘Very good’ and 5 being ‘Very bad’, respondents gave an average rating of 2.07 regarding their health status.
8 pages (2494 words)
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, Research Paper
Individuals from black and minority ethnic (BME) communities have been identified as a population that faces various barriers in accessing services (Thoburn et al., 2004). Becher and Hussain (2003), define social barriers as socioeconomic practices and systems that hinder an individual which is defined by gender and ethnicity.
The use of type positions the viewer to focus on the message of visual text. Type/font is an important element in the written media. Variations in type such as italics, boldface, size, or all caps can direct the attention of the reader to the structure of the text as well as assist in highlighting the main points in the text.
6 pages (1783 words)
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, Literature review
The Australian Black power movement advocates and activists felt the need to demonstrate to whites that the aboriginals also needed to have similar rights and they had to have their freedom. The movement activists trusted that their time would be better spent instructing the natives on the importance of aboriginal freedom and away from the white’s control.
7 pages (2219 words)
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, Literature review
Leisure represents fiery “letting off steam” as well as unnecessary effort to substitute for the lack of talent experienced at work (Wilensky, 1960); a non-obligatory action (Harrington & Dawson, 1995) as well as preferring to satisfying one’s personal needs in place of monetary rewards in return of duties fulfilled (Kabanoff, 1980).
According to Foucault (2006), strict discipline is part of correct training. In his views, discipline succeeds through hierarchical observation, normalizing judgment, simple instruments, and examination. The paper tells that hierarchical observation refers to coercion through observation by those in authority.
7 pages (2422 words)
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, Literature review
There are wide variations in the way different cultures interpret the concept of disability. As a result of these variations, the approach in which disability is interpreted as different ways in which the lives of individuals having different forms of impairments are limited by prevailing social, economic, and cultural environments has gained prominence in many disability studies.
This critical review essay will strive to analyze the argument of Louise Merrington. It will focus on the effectiveness of the article in bringing across the main points of the author as well as its effectiveness in convincing a reader that the author’s side of view of the issue is in fact the true opinion.
The best way to support communication is to do things together during common free time. This will include switching off the media sources in order to have quiet time with no interruption and praying together. The best way to handle disagreements in marriage is to seek a marital counselor. The counselor must also be God-fearing and with a good reputation in society.
7 pages (2142 words)
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, Literature review
Raffaelli has remarked that for matters affecting children and for their voices to be heard, there have been renewed demands in recent years. Before these demands started getting registered, thanks to new sociologists, children were mostly thought about as a section of the society and socialization that were at the passive receiving end.
Attractive opportunities encourage illegal immigrants to find their way to America. Diminishing these opportunities through compelling employees to only employ legal citizens and encouraging aliens to register on the guest program will force many illegal immigrants out. The issue of birthright citizenship is being abused and children of aliens should not be given automatic citizenship.
Single parents are considered as primary caregivers meaning both the child and the parent interact most of the time. If a parent is divorced or separated, the children stay with the custodial parent and also receive a secondary residence with a non-custodial parent. Usually in western society divorce or separation, the child lives with the mother who is the primary caregiver.
13 pages (4022 words)
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, Research Paper
Females use terms mostly related to emotions and backchannel sounds than men. They both use taboo terms lacking a strong relationship with gender. Women are more indirect, use questions and tag questions mostly as a way of command and showing continuity in conversations while men are more direct and more authoritative in the use of their words.
Marriage is regarded as an important institution for both society and an individual since it marks the transformation in an individual’s life cycle from singlehood to a stage where an individual gets into the process of family formation. This paper will investigate the effects of higher education on marriage among women.
7 pages (2176 words)
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, Literature review
Nonetheless, this paper diverts from this paradigm to recommend three long-term interventions that can effectively address this issue. Particularly, enhancing preparedness and response to high refugee inflows, baked with refugee empowerment and support of affected host countries in managing impacts caused by refugees can facilitate the achievement of more sustainable outcomes.
Development of the GMO technology has failed to address the food insecurity and undernourishment problems in many parts of the world. The paper will try to find out whether the existence of GMO technology is helping to fight the problem of food insecurity and undernourishment and to determine the level of food insecurity in the world.
6 pages (1844 words)
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, Literature review
Many parents think that it is sometimes necessary to smack a child. Believing that it is indispensable and needed to communicate effectively with younger children, parents’ organizations, politicians, and educationalist support the right of parents to smack their children. However, they do not support smacking children on the head or shaking a child, or depriving the child of part of a meal.
7 pages (2168 words)
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, Literature review
It would less alarming if the government had not pushed for a mandatory insurance policy. The rule could only require those who need an insurance policy to have but not to make it a must. Also, the government was supposed to educate its people on the importance of having private insurance and the way to avoid abortion among young girls. This could be a better way of solving the problem.
13 pages (3845 words)
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, Research Proposal
There is a huge cultural distance between Australia and Saudi Arabia. This cultural distance implies that there are major differences in their national cultures. Such differences are manifested in the political systems, religion, education system, dress code, lifestyles, food and beverages, outlook in life, gender balance among others.
Various studies illustrate or demonstrate associations among false-belief understanding (FBU), executive function (EF), and the essence of social competence. In this review, the focus will be on the evaluation of ten peered-review journals in relation to the associations among false-belief understanding, executive function, and social competence.
6 pages (1717 words)
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, Literature review
The internet has been in use for several years now and it is being used in everyday life. People have embraced the internet to an extent that it has affected them negatively. The internet is not good for underage since there is bad content such as pornography and other bad sexual behavior that has affected social life.
Obesity is a term used to refer to an excessive amount of body fat in an individual. Since the turn of the new century, child obesity has been on the rise. Most people blame parents for this scenario, but are they responsible? One underlying factor that leads to obesity is the consumption of more calories than the body can burn (Smith 1999).
Though there is no contextual meaning of a class, it is simply an aspect of social stratification in which people are grouped according to economic success and accumulation of wealth (Gustavsen,2001). The most common social classes shown by different societies are the upper class, middle class, working-class and lower class.
Among processes that have emerged to help organizations to fully understand the nature of work and learning and attain their goals and objectives for continuous production of quality, improved capacity of production, enhanced customer loyalty and market share through effective satisfaction of customer’s needs, preferences and expectations include Taylorism and globalization.
8 pages (2278 words)
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, Literature review
To make sure there is continuity in the initiatives of curbing and unearthing bullying, certain regular initiatives should be carried out annually like informing the new parents, pupils, and employees on school policy regarding bullying. Follow up and revisions of the plan are fundamental in realizing the satisfactory procedures of preventing bullying in schools.
However, despite the great efforts towards increased awareness of their rights, people with intellectual disabilities continue to face many obstacles that prevent them from living fully inclusive lives. Adults with intellectual disabilities face social exclusion on a daily basis which results from the widespread misconceptions and stereotypes about adults with disabilities by society.
Both parents affirmed that they have inquired about the school’s safety resources. In as much, as both parents had somehow different motives for inquiring they felt it was important. The first interviewee keeps inquiring about the school’s safety resources because he feels like it his duty to know how safe his child.
Young children’s early education serves as a preparation for any formal education and aids the development of basic skills that assist children to deal with more challenging tasks such as learning how to read. Studies have demonstrated that play that is guided can be a method that is very effective for young children (O’Connor & Diggins, 2002).
The author discusses the case of the difficult child who was bound to mar the reputation of the school in which I had been newly appointed as the first male principal. It entailed a holistic approach through meeting the staff members, conducting formal and informal meetings and chats, and including some of the parent group in my inquiries.
When responding to the cultural demands of real men in society, men of south-central Tanzania will be involved in multiple sexual relations and take very little responsibility for their own health, as well as that of their families. In addition, they will exhibit less responsibility for the nature of the sexual decisions of women and control of their own sexual behaviors.
The levels of education have increased in Australia because I witnessed new farming ways and in this way, I think the land of Australia has been utilized effectively. The impact is that there were discrepancies between the aboriginal and non-aboriginal communities due to land differences. Colonization of Australia has led to discrepancies between the aboriginal and non-aboriginal Australians.
This paper analyses two groups; support groups and decision making, using group behavior concepts and theories, identifying their similarities and differences, and identifying destructive and functional group behavior. The author of the paper also will look at group development stages using Tuckman’s theory.
Corporal Punishment teaches revenge and violence as solutions to prevailing problems, and propagates itself, as children imitate what they ideally see adults doing. Many types of research substantiate negative consequences following parents using corporal punishment on their children. Parents need to abscond from corporal punishment and find other better approaches to punish their children.
According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) (2003) report, in Australia in 1999, approximately two-thirds of males and half of the females across all ages were overweight or obese, and there was a rapid increase in the rate of overweight and obesity among children and adolescents (AIHW, 2003, p. 229).
One portrays different identities on different occasions and depending on which role one is supposed to play. The different types of identities one has to portray are one being a son, dad, father, wife, daughter, mum, aunt, uncle, politician, manager, student, etc. One has to behave differently depending on the relationship of each person and the response is always different.
The major cause of absenteeism is the socioeconomic background of the pupil. Those learners who come from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds have a tending of skipping school during the examination time. Though such a cohort of learners is associated with high literacy levels as compared to their counterparts with high socioeconomic backgrounds, they fail to sit for the test due to a number of facts.