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Baumans Concepts of Solid and Liquid Modernity Sociology Essay
7 pages (2021 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Bauman considers the current condition of our lives as liquid being transformed from its solid-state through the pressure of time and space. He believes that the current liquid condition of the society is like the shape of a liquid or fluid that is its shape is changing very fast and thus confronting the individuals with a situation. 
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Impacts of Homophobia on a Developing Nation Sociology Essay
8 pages (2302 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Lesbians and gay men have greater substance abuse problems as compared to straight persons. Additionally, it is estimated that of the total lesbian population, 30 percent have problems with alcohol abuse. When it comes to the rate of alcohol consumption, the LGBT people are evidently heavier abusers than heterosexual people.
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Solutions to Homelessness in the United States Sociology Essay
6 pages (1667 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The study of homelessness as a social concern, nonetheless, began in the 1980s. The first estimate for the number of homeless people in the United States was issued in 1983 by Mitch Snyder and Mary Hobbs (McNamara, 2008). Moreover, at this time, the estimated number of homeless people stood at 3 million. 
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Factors of Social Change Sociology Essay
6 pages (1749 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The factors of social change include the physical environment, demographic, cultural and ideas. Some geographical elements do initiate great social changes. The storms, social erosion, climate, floods, earthquake, and droughts, etc., do affect the social life to some magnitude and induce social change (Clarke 2013). 
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Sexual Violence Sociology Essay
6 pages (1702 words) , Download 1 , Essay
rape is a type of sexual violence that has extremely negative consequences for society. As a response, the latter imposes strict punishments on those who perform such action. There has been a lot of research made into the causes of rape which many scholars identifying various factors that contribute to its emergence. 
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Vulnerability in Elderly Sociology Essay
7 pages (2026 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Protecting the vulnerable elderly from abuse involves taking three measures that are carefully and sensitively listening to the vulnerable elderly people or the caregivers, who are actually concerned about them, making a direct intervention wherever possible when on sees that an elderly person is vulnerable to some sort of abuse.
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Homeless Situation Treatment Sociology Essay
8 pages (2178 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The definition varies from country to country, or within different jurisdictions in the same region or even country. The term ‘homeless’ may also comprise individuals whose night-time residence is primarily in a warming centre, a homeless shelter, a vehicle, a domestic violence shelter, a tent, squatting, tarpaulins, cardboard boxes, etc.
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Modernity and Self Identity Sociology Essay
8 pages (2184 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to Giddens 1991, modern life has affected people’s interactions and behaviors as compared to past eras. Societies’ which are modernized, leads to the inevitable change of self-identity. He outlines that even the people who deny about changes in their identity due to social change, at one point they must have been compelled to change.
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Introduction to Social Sciences Sociology Essay
6 pages (1668 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Some of the social issues that are experienced in society are discussed, differentiated between the terms, which are majorly used in the unit, the relationship between ideology and the behavior of humans in their daily activities too. The paper also discusses the benefits and challenges of multiculturalism. Finally, it discusses the issue of globalization briefly.
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Social Policy and Welfare State Issues Sociology Essay
6 pages (1780 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Social policy is a very important sphere of governmental policy and it concerns itself with the provision of welfare services. There are different approaches to the delivery of such services, for example, direct and indirect approach, monetary and non-monetary, promotion of education to the categories of society which have no access to it.
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Incarceration Versus Rehabilitation in the United States Sociology Essay
6 pages (1623 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Rehabilitation is not only important in the event when the court is making a decision on sentence but equally important in events of carrying out punishments. Therefore, the criminal justice system should seek to provide criminals with various meaningful skills and training with good behavioral treatment programs with much of counseling.
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How Our Lives Are Shaped by Rationality Sociology Essay
8 pages (2105 words) , Download 1 , Essay
There are several ways of showing that our lives are shaped by rationality. The rational choice theory is one way that insists on the rationality of our actions. Weberian theory of rationalization is another way and this leads to the McDonaldization theory. The rationalization theory by Weber gives four types of rationality. 
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Queer Theory and Intersectionality Theory Sociology Essay
8 pages (2230 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In Mexico, the limitations of family life usually prohibit homosexuals from securing unhampered freedom to move out of family prior to them getting married or even in extreme circumstances they are barred from renting an apartment together with a male partner. This hinders their freedom to engage in sexual activities freely in other locations such as loggias.
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Poverty and Social Justice Policy in the United Kingdom Sociology Essay
6 pages (1867 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The policy fails in attempts to handle the issue of drugs and improvement of the living conditions of the society members, especially the vulnerable groups. In addition, the target audiences tend to lack significant information or awareness of the aspects of the policy, thus limiting their attempts to exploit and utilize such mechanisms to address their conditions.
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Organizational Behaviour in the Sport Industry Sociology Essay
6 pages (1826 words) , Download 1 , Essay
I had a negative impression of the term bureaucracy. To me, it was a term to be associated with exploitation and misuse of power. But through the unit that has changed. I now understand how bureaucracy has an impact on me.  As a person with a nomothetic personality, bureaucracy affects me in many ways.
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Crime and Justice in Modern Britain Sociology Essay
6 pages (1669 words) , Download 1 , Essay
A proper structure should be developed that will ensure all trading activities that in one way or another may be found to support drug trafficking have been stopped. The use of legislation is very crucial. Legislating laws that give severe punishments to offenders of drug trafficking may help reduce the operations.
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The Story of Nate Kuo Sociology Essay
6 pages (1554 words) , Download 1 , Essay
My first year as a freshman was very rough because the school put me on probation making me not to study in that year and at the same time; I broke up with my girlfriend making me feel as if it was the end of the world to me though it was not. Then the time I returned to Taiwan during the summer, it dawned on me that my mother suffered from cancer for a couple of months.
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Children with Special Education Needs Sociology Essay
10 pages (2972 words) , Download 2 , Essay
For instance in schools in England, the real focus is given on the bureaucracy of inclusion and managerial approach which somewhat denies the very important role of the teacher in the schools. It, therefore, seems vital that a return is made to a focus on the work that teachers actually ‘do’ in classrooms (Farrell, 2003, p. ix).
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Fundamental Requirements for Human Existence Sociology Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 1 , Essay
In the course of the 20th Century, education was included in these needs and is now regarded as a basic human requirement. Gordon (2005, p.2) states that “Another classification of poverty is relative poverty which refers to the lack or incapacity of meeting the accepted social levels of income or resources in comparison to the rest or majority of the individuals in that region.”
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The Ability of New Social Movements and Identity Politics Sociology Essay
11 pages (3195 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The current study focuses on two key issues, as related to public life: in the first part of the paper, the emphasis is given on the expansion of oppressive practices as initiated by political forces in Britain. In the specific part of the paper, reference is made to authoritarianism and its relationship to the following political practices of the British government: the protection of human rights and the labor and trade union movement.
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Is General Deterrence Likely to Reduce Crime Sociology Essay
8 pages (2284 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Its efficacy as deterrence to crime, however, has been debated for its conception since the 1700s by moral philosophers such as Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham. Imposing punishment as deterrence to crime is a criminal justice philosophy that was first conceptualized by Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham who provided the philosophical foundation of the deterrence and rational choice theory.
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Legalizing Marijuana Sociology Essay
8 pages (2299 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Consequently, a large amount of actions intended in legalizing marijuana use has been gaining momentum in the recent past, with a huge number of people contending for its legalization. This is because, if the United States legalizes the use of marijuana, it will make an enormous sum of dollars in terms of taxes, while, at the same time, save billions of dollars in the legal system. 
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Social Theory and Social Welfare Sociology Essay
6 pages (1545 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Concept of liberalism is almost twenty years old and it is one of the catchiest phrases of political discussions or debates. Liberalism based on political theory that highlights democracy and other related ideas. It forms a structure of political matters, bureaucracies, rights of citizens, and the phenomenon of capitalism.
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Political Process Theory Sociology Essay
7 pages (1836 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Political process theory is basically a move towards political sociology examination which illustrates social moments and its outcomes. This is a very useful strategy that develops a great understanding of the subject. It is also referred to as the political opportunity theory.
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The Geneva Automobile Exposition Sociology Essay
6 pages (1593 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The offering of VIP services to higher-income professionals was not very surprising, based on sociological theories about class divisions and attitudes related to class distinction. Many Asian cultures are hedonistic, meaning that maximizing self-utility is a primary and the only goal of the social condition.
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The Concept of Identity as an Issue of Intense Discussion in Social Theory Sociology Essay
6 pages (1620 words) , Download 1 , Essay
In a different approach, changes through modernity have come to change some vital intimate and personal characteristics of people’s day to day existence. With modernity in place, the society is no longer the same as sociologists used to think; a unified and perfectly bound unit, totality generating itself through changes in evolution that come from within.
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The Originality of Frantz Fanon's Diagnosis of Colonial Subjects Sociology Essay
8 pages (2284 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Being a trained psychiatrist, Fanon was able to establish the psychopathological impacts of colonialism on the subjects which does not easily go away even with decolonization. Imperatively, Fanon’s works display a unique combination of sociological and psychological understanding in handling the issue of colonization.
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Social Theories Sociology Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 1 , Essay
People make a society. Thus, a characteristic of one determines the phenomenon or features of the other.  Over time, sociologists have attempted to map out what makes up a complete individual and what shapes up his activities and his psychology (A Structural Theory of Social Influence 2006, p. 3).
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The Environmental Justice Movement Sociology Essay
8 pages (2063 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The social movement in question can be referred to as a reform movement since it advocates for changes in some activities that happen in the country. This is because it addresses the issue of geographical and racial imbalance in the treatment of the citizen of the United States of America. Social movements have led to many political and social changes globally.
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Impact of Social Media Usage in Students Academics Sociology Essay
10 pages (3018 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Its success is based on the main idea that more information can be passed on to other people through the use of an extensive network, either closed or open and consisting of people proximate to or having close relations with the individual user, or similarly groups of individuals sharing the same interests and connecting with others (Boyd & Ellison, 2007).
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Diversity and Inclusion Sociology Essay
6 pages (1608 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The swift globalization demands more interaction among communities from wide-ranging cultural backgrounds more than before. Society or diverse cultures no longer work in a limited marketplace but they are now part of the global economy with increased competition from every region. Diversity has created obvious cultural differences.
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Minorities in American Society Sociology Essay
6 pages (1526 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Asserting from Shakespeare’s play The Tempest, early American settlers perceived the Native Americans to be uncivilized and treated them ruthlessly and further forcefully acquired their land. Takaki explains the existing racism relating it to Shakespeare’s play where the early settlers perceived the Native Americans.
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Poor Conditions in Prison Sociology Essay
8 pages (2252 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Recently in 2012, a fire breakout at a Honduras prison killed approximately 360 people due to overcrowding. In September 2012 news reports in Georgia showed a video clip of prison wardens verbally abusing, sodomizing and beating inmates in a prison. In October same year exchange of gun fire took place in a crowded prison between police commandos and prisoners, leaving 27 for death and 44 injured.
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The Role of Women in the GCC Countries Sociology Essay
8 pages (2163 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Studies have shown that the growing globalization is what has led Islamic conservatives to continually implement counteractive laws that work against the progress of women brought about by globalization (Abdulkhaleq, 2006). This has renewed its efforts to lobby for further rights that will facilitate and advance future gender equality.
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Shopping Malls as Forces of Control Sociology Essay
8 pages (2176 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Shopping malls can be construed as instruments of control. They seduce and draw in clients who have economic value to mall owners. On the other hand, they may be perceived as facilities that lockout vulnerable groups. The utilisation of shopping malls may thus be construed as a sociological experience.  
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Goffmans and Foucaults Views about the Ordering of Social Life Sociology Essay
6 pages (1692 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Social order entails the behaviour an individual expects the society to follow. It is crucial to highlight that the society constantly evolves and this changes how individuals articulate their lives towards new expectations. Moreover, this changes the face and the structure of social order as time changes. 
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Hall and Gilroy's Sociological Understanding of Contemporary Society Sociology Essay
7 pages (2091 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The notion of personal identity has modified its meaning over time. An important thinker in this discourse about the concept of ‘identity’ is Stuart Hall, who was a cultural scholar. Hall proposes a perspective that seems to be somewhat expected or usual of cultural scholars. Hall’s fundamental idea is that personal identity has transformed over time.
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Clear Link Between Social Policy and Criminal Justice Sociology Essay
7 pages (2266 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Criminal justice has been established purposely to fight crime in the society. This is made possible by apprehending criminal offenders or suspects, who are punished either through imprisonment or fined. This means that criminal justice deals directly with the existing social issues without looking at the causes of such issues.
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Understanding of Race and Ethnicity of Social Workers in Britain Sociology Essay
6 pages (1844 words) , Download 1 , Essay
England and Wales, in particular, have been infamous for their internal problems relating to minority ethnic groups as being labeled as ‘bad’ and are often termed as being controlled in a specific field. Racial and ethnic discrimination has often been a massive problem in the UK and there has been very limited consideration to solve this issue within the UK.
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Theory of Cultural Capital and Educational Success Sociology Essay
6 pages (1908 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The people of the upper class have the means of investing their cultural capital in the optimum educational setting, their investments are often profitable. From this perspective, educational institutions are able to provide the learner with optimal educational needs, such as private tuition and counselors until they attain academic success.
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Quebecois Notion of a State Sociology Essay
9 pages (2446 words) , Download 3 , Essay
There are several reasons why many Quebecois support the notion of an autonomous state. These notions are based on historical, social, economic and political reasons. Each reason will be analyzed in-depth in an attempt to find why the Quebecois support the notion of a state. Historically, there are numerous events that have occurred in the history of the Quebec-English Canadian associations.
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Dont Ask, Dont Tell Policy Sociology Essay
8 pages (2257 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Homosexuality has been a feature of human culture since its earliest history. As early as the Greek period, homosexuality has been recognized in militaries and accepted as a cultural norm. In fact, in Sparta and other ancient Greek city-states, each young warrior had to “take a lover and mentor from among the seasoned fighters as part of his military training” (Smith, 2010).
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Parental Involvement & Success of Youths in Canada Sociology Essay
7 pages (1831 words) , Download 1 , Essay
At the same time, many others are of the view that parents should not exercise much control over youths once they attain maturity. Lack of parental control helped Canadian youths very much in shaping their successful youth culture. Even in the absence of parental control, Canadian youths hold a good track record as far as crime prevention is concerned.
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Relationships between People and Traffic Sociology Essay
8 pages (2178 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The habit of forming queues and lines, waiting for one’s turn patiently, and even refraining from blowing the vehicle’s horn except in cases of emergency, are all hallmarks of an ordered society, used to obeying the law and conscious of each other’s rights and place in the social construct of the city.
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The Role of Language in the Argument that Race is Socially Constructed Sociology Essay
10 pages (2857 words) , Download 1 , Essay
People can be classified as belonging to the same race when they share common characteristics such as a common history, a common nationality, or a similar geographic distribution. A racial group considers itself a distinct unit. Race forms a fundamental aspect of people’s world view.
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Sociology - the Study of Society Sociology Essay
9 pages (2422 words) , Download 2 , Essay
There are a number of different approaches to investigating the sociological phenomena that have evolved over the years. The positivist approach to sociological investigation relies on the use of scientific methods in order to investigate social issues. On the other hand, the empirical epistemological approach deals with sociology through qualitative investigation. 
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The Significance of Methamphetamine Use in the Native American Culture Sociology Essay
8 pages (2587 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Methamphetamine was also used as an over-the-counter-medication for asthma, colds, and hay fever in the 1930s. During World War II methamphetamine was used by American soldiers to have the energy to keep fighting; and after World War II, intravenous abuse of methamphetamine became rampant as the military’s unused supply of the said drug became available to the public.  
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Human Suffering in Contemporary Media Sociology Essay
10 pages (2732 words) , Download 1 , Essay
“A global discourse of compassion has extended and developed at the point of intersection between politics, humanitarian organizations, the media, and the audience/citizens” (p.513). And it has been observed that it is the contemporary media that is playing the most significant role in the development of this “global compassion”.
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Sociological Imagination on Aspects of My Life Sociology Essay
8 pages (1873 words) , Download 1 , Essay
For instance, there are the scientific approaches to social status, which may vary from the perspectives of an economist or a theorist. All in all, social status has the significance of determining the behaviors of individuals as well as a tool by the society to classify individuals.
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Migration and Economic/Media Development Sociology Essay
6 pages (2246 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The neoclassical theory posits that migration is macro migration theories that explain migration is part of the economic relationship between supply and demand for labor. This means that when opportunities are dearth in one country, the tendency is to look outward to other nations that have achieved a certain level of affluence.
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