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Differences and Similarities of Theories of Punishment Sociology Essay
8 pages (2323 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Punishment involves correcting wrongdoers to set an example for others. It involves the use of force or persuasion. To punish wrongdoers ethically, the state should determine the circumstances under which one deserves punishment and the most appropriate method of punishment that is morally acceptable in society (Duff, 2014).
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Globalist and Sceptical Perspective on Globalisation Sociology Coursework
8 pages (2093 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The issue of globalization is truly a rather controversial one which means that in order to understand it fully, one should pay attention to both sides of the discussion. What is also essential is that both perspectives, globalist and skeptical one, are able to bring a lot of evidence that is rather convincing which means that one can hardly choose a particular side.
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Poor Relief and Social Insurance Sociology Assignment
7 pages (2023 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The gratitude expressed under the perception of poor relief is expected to trickle down to the concern of social insurance. Such is advised by the prospective impact of such relief in the shaping of the social dynamics. Kenneth J. Gergen highlights the essence of such actions towards the promotion of an ideal but functional society through the involvement of comprehensive policies.
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Values and Attitudes Sociology Assignment
7 pages (1878 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
Conflict-handling skills might assist performance in leadership roles since a leader understands that they do not have to react. This way, one avoids sinking to the same level as those in conflict by exercising patience, strength, and detachment from ego. In addition, a leader manages to respond to conflict situations from a sad position other than anger.
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The Protest in London in 1980 Sociology Article
7 pages (2160 words) , Download 1 , Article
London’s protest of the 1980’s is considered a massive social event, which contained all features of revolution. It’s influence on social processes revealed in the protests, which affected much of London’s population. Despite the disobedient objects, used for attraction of mass attention, the process did not achieve much success.
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Family as an Important Social Institution Sociology Coursework
9 pages (2713 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Various facts, researches, and studies about growing rates of divorce, parenting without wedlock, declining social and family values and its negative effects on children in a combination of increasing violence, crimes, substance abuse, poor mental and psychological health, and poverty have shown strong existence of a family crisis in modern societies.
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The Family Crisis Sociology Coursework
10 pages (2519 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The traditional family structure of mother, father, and the children has replaced by various new arrangements and family types triggering a new broader and erratic concept of a ‘family’. Various sociologists and researchers acknowledge the existence of the ‘family crisis’ in the developed countries.
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Introduction to Sociological Theory Sociology Coursework
7 pages (1826 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The contribution of Christine Delphy to the debates within feminism is tremendous. First of all, she engaged the elements of Marxist theory into the theoretical support of this movement, projecting some of the most fundamental concepts of it, such as the role of capitalism, social conflict and mode of production, to the feminist issues.
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Olympic Games and Villains Sociology Article
8 pages (2142 words) , Download 1 , Article
During the preparation of the games, Germany was under a political heat. The country had a strained relationship with other nations arising from the aftermath of the World Wars. Hosting the Olympic Games was one of the opportunities that had been bestowed upon them. It was an opportunity for Germany to rebrand its dented.
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Bells Insights and Personal Experiences Sociology Book Report/Review
6 pages (1731 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
Our perceptions of reality are blurred by the kind of material possessions that money can bring to us, and we forget our main life purpose. The career journey is just like a roller coaster, which takes one to the highest point then comes down to start again at the lowest point. It is depicted in one’s life as he goes through high school, college until one gets a job.
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The Concept of Risk Society Sociology Coursework
8 pages (2135 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The idea of risk society is extremely important is it is able to explain properly the peculiarities of the contemporary world. It takes into the account the process of modernisation and the impact that it has on nature. It points out the peculiar ability of the modern society to reflect on its own nature and introduce the necessary changes.
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Models of Discrimination, Power and Oppression Sociology Coursework
9 pages (2407 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Quite often, we are made to believe that we live in a society where we are all equal. In actual sense, there exists a big distinction within the society where the disparity is measured by things such as age, sexuality, race, earnings and most evidently, gender. The three most significant divisions in society are race, class and gender.
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Video Games Influencing Violence and Aggression in Today's Youth Sociology Essay
12 pages (3485 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Currently, few papers exist which have thoroughly studied the connection between violent video game and subsequent violent actions. “Although the belief that the media are causing a harmful effect is wide-spread in the public, knowledge about the nature of the negative effects and how they work seems to be lacking.
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Minimum Wage and Living Wage in the US Sociology Case Study
7 pages (1907 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
We can come to the conclusion that the difference between a living wage and minimum wage exists, and these two notions regard payment from a little bit different perspectives. It is clear that these concepts often use together and provide parallel meanings. Still, the living wage is not necessarily minimum wage.
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Issue of Teenage Delinquency Sociology Essay
6 pages (1631 words) , Download 1 , Essay
We are bound to human error and the number of people required to solve such a wide issue cannot all have the same skillset in solving problems. In this context, the root cause of the problem is actually unknown for there are many causes. Therefore, we need to first identify the components of the problem.
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Are We Living in a Postmodern Society Sociology Essay
8 pages (2333 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Modernism is perceived as the positive and promising state of the society, whereas postmodernism proves uncertain and more pessimistic. Many spheres of life are still dominated by modernist ideas, whereas postmodernism controls others, for instance, art and culture in terms of cultural diversity and identity.
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Is Gender Identity Acquired or Ascribed Sociology Essay
6 pages (1657 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Identities are formed based on ascribed identity and acquired identity. The identity of a person may be regarded as his/her self-creation, which is determined based upon the traits acquired from others. There remains ambiguity amid the people and the variables upon which gender identity gets determined in this present-day context. 
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Is the Chinese One Child Policy Worth It Sociology Essay
9 pages (2465 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The One Child Policy has a determinative influence on the Chinese social institution of family and marriage. The Policy firstly affects current parents’ generation, forcing them to change a place of natural residence and the ethnic structure of a family in order to give birth to more than one child legally.
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Sustainable Development in the Social Environment Sociology Essay
8 pages (2186 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The fact that the global population is increasing will make sure that those who are performing a work will become more flexible, interchangeable and effective. In other words, such organization of the working place is likely to boost the performance as this will be the only way to maintain it on a sufficient level and make sure that the company is not operating well.
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Abortion and Infanticide Sociology Essay
7 pages (1792 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Sometimes it has been argued that abortion can be secured if the life of the mother is in danger so as to save her life. The issue is about destroying one life to save the other. The fundamental objections for abortion to save the mother’s life advance the arguments that the fetus is a life that should not be terminated. Infanticide, on the other hand, is the act of killing a born child within a year of birth.
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Differential Ageing Impact on Women and Men Sociology Essay
6 pages (1733 words) , Download 1 , Essay
United Kingdom’s population is rapidly ageing with the government and the society woefully less prepared. Longer lives should really be a benefit but on the contrary, there has been detected a collective failure in addressing the implications, which if not taken into consideration urgently, could easily turn into the occurrence of miserable outcomes.
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Can Women Have a Career and Be Mothers Sociology Essay
8 pages (2132 words) , Download 2 , Essay
There are greater strides that women need to take and make before they can fully be free from oppression but at least they are on the right road to reach that independence. Women are good manages of their homes and as such are also good managers of their work. In the workplace, more women are getting positions due to their ability to handle the job description.
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Sociological Imagination Sociology Essay
8 pages (2216 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The concept was developed in 1959 and meant “the vivid awareness of the relationship between experience and the general society.”The concept provides insight into the outcomes within the society that are based subjectively by our actions. Based on McIntyre the concept provides that certain activities or things people do leads to a particular outcome.
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Limited Value of Anomie Theory in Criminology Sociology Essay
6 pages (1745 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Some scholars might suggest that anomie theory has rather limited value (Horwitz, 1999, p. 114). To a certain extent they might be true while pointing out some of the restrictions of application that it has. On the other hand, these restrictions should not be seen as disadvantages, but rather as characteristic features of the theory (Simpson, 2009, p. 35).
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Fathering and Caring Sociology Essay
7 pages (2069 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The need for the father’s active participation in caregiving cannot be overemphasized. The traditional passive parenting role of fathers needs to be replaced with a caring man. Social policies put in place to promote the involvement of women in gainful employment have helped to empower women to play a bigger role in the public sphere.
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Feminism and Its Successes in Public and Private Spheres Sociology Essay
6 pages (1820 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Technically, feminism is a theory of civil liberty where members of society collectively strive to create and establish gender equality in all aspects of life. Feminist movements are occupied with one basic principle: the achievement of equal rights in political participation, occupational positions, and ownership of economic resources.
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The Concept of Relativism Sociology Coursework
9 pages (2484 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The concept of relativism acknowledges the presence of cultural differences in the society. Moreover, it accurately explains how different societies perceive what is right or wrong based on their cultures. Some researches view this theory as being vastly opinionated and general. Critics of this theory state that the world does contain absolute truths. 
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Good Health as a Social Construction Sociology Assignment
8 pages (2318 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
This assignment also discusses some of the ways the passage from childhood to adulthood, analyzes these experiences, using micro and macro approaches to examine the process of becoming an adult. It discusses how might airport security screening look different through the lens of Labeling theory and critical theories.
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How the Notion of Social Harm is Connected with Ideas of Social Justice Sociology Essay
8 pages (2117 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Our personal practices are affected and also contribute to globalization. Globalization is made up of processes that tend to impact on the ideas of, struggles over and social justice. As consumers of global goods, the decisions we make on a personal basis and commercial operations affect the lives of the poorest people in the world.
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Immigration to Irish Society Sociology Coursework
8 pages (2566 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The income tax from immigrant wages has also helped to improve the public services provided to the locals. Further, the immigrants in both parts of Ireland have also contributed to the establishment of a culturally diverse society. Immigrants in both North and South have also brought FDI to Ireland through investing in various sectors of the Irish economy.
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Multiple Poor Health Outcomes in New Zealand Sociology Coursework
8 pages (2844 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
The political studies emphasize the need for effective public health strategies to deal with the limitation of individual healthcare. This perspective also outlines the major actors or stakeholders in the health policy framework. These actors could be individuals, organisations such as the World Bank or multinational companies or states and governments.
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Best Interest Assessment Sociology Case Study
6 pages (1964 words) , Download 31 , Case Study
Authorization cannot be granted if it conflicts with an applicable and valid decision made in advance that denies the particular treatment or care. The decision arrived by an attorney that is under a Lasting Power of Attorney or the decision of a deputy appointed by the court. In Ann’s case, she has always expressed a desire to never staying in a care home.
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Womens Rights in American and Afghanistan Cultures Sociology Essay
7 pages (1986 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Various theories have emerged to explain the concept of women’s rights. Some of these theories are standpoint theory and feminist theory. Standpoint theory implies that a person’s views are determined and shaped by his/her political, cultural or social experiences (Harding, 2004). Therefore, standpoints tend to be generally multifaceted.
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American Society and Oppressive Circumstances Sociology Essay
6 pages (1624 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Whatever the color of the skin and hair, whatever the upbringing, human beings respond similarly to similar circumstances. It can be seen that often women are the worst affected but still they tend to be more peaceful at Manzanar and even in the cotton farms or the non violent agitations of Birmingham. 
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Should the Drinking Age Be Lowered to 18 Sociology Essay
6 pages (1617 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Teenagers strongly support that they should be allowed to drink at very young an age because they get inspired by what their elders are doing; whereas, many parents and teachers oppose this strongly because they focus on health issues that are related to drinking especially at so young an age.
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Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games Sociology Report
9 pages (2434 words) , Download 1 , Report
In some instances, the characteristics of the online environment may also be harmful, because it may encourage the development of negative aspects of personality. Individuals can shed their moral inhibitions and not be held accountable, therefore they may become mean and manipulative while role-playing in the games.
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Conducting a Semiological Analysis Sociology Report
9 pages (2378 words) , Download 1 , Report
Clearly, the signifier in this context becomes joyous and carefree moments of human life that are becoming rare in the modern age of cutthroat competition and signified is the consumption of beer from the particular beer brand that helps in accelerating the germination of such moments. However, the entire process of signifier and signified becomes evident only at the denotative level.
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Charities Act and the Public Benefits Test Sociology Coursework
13 pages (3696 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
Let us look at the Charity Act, to begin with, in order to define and understand the meaning of charity under its ambit. Section 1(a) of the Charity Act 2006 defines a charitable institution as the following: “Established for charity purposes only”. The act somewhere fails to denote a concrete meaning of charity. 
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The San Marcos Senior Center Sociology Capstone Project
8 pages (2156 words) , Download 1 , Capstone Project
The San Marcos Senior Center is located in the city of San Marcos where it serves its senior citizens. At this center, active adults are catered care of in regards to the resources, programs together with the programs that are geared to responding to their endless needs. Apart from catering for the well-being of the senior individuals, San Marcos Senior Center also organizes and sponsors trips, tours, and vacations for the senior people. 
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Adolescent Suicide and Adolescent Social Groups Sociology Research Proposal
9 pages (2847 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
In 2001, suicide accounted for 11.7% of all deaths for this age group. This makes suicide the third leading cause of death for adolescents and young adults after unintentional injury and homicide (NCIPC, 2004). The awareness about the high frequency of suicides has become a major concern for young people.
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The Success of Multiculturalism in Australia Compared to Other Parts of the World Sociology Term Paper
8 pages (2213 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Multiculturalism in Australia has been met with a myriad of differing attitudes and opinions. While some of those in the country are accepting of the idea and are at ease with it, others feel it has created strife and a mixture of confusion. What was previously known as a country with just an Australian Outback is now one that is becoming rich with other cultural viewpoints.
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How Do Gender Roles Differ within the Contemporary Australian Adolescent Group Sociology Research Proposal
10 pages (2870 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Aside from ensuring anonymity, all of the interviews will be conducted in a solitary environment, consisting of only the researcher and the participant. This will be done to ensure a higher degree of willingness to participate in all elements of the study and to avoid corruption of the responses by external social influence. 
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The Role of Women in African Society Sociology Term Paper
12 pages (3235 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
the African woman can be said to be playing a major role in the development, enhancement and growth of her society regardless of her geographical settings and social and familial challenges. Nevertheless, in spite of this debilitating position, relentlessly continue to strive against all odds to resist and overcome the challenges in the patriarchal society they live in. 
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Teenage Drivers Sociology Research Proposal
11 pages (2993 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The Model T, as well as other automobiles, began to have a pronounced effect on the American people and their way of life (Elliot), as has been well elucidated by E.B. White: “Everything in life is somewhere else, and you get there in the car” (The Quote Garden). The automobile provided Americans a heightened sense of personal freedom without consequences.
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Several Perspectives on Same-Sex Families Sociology Term Paper
6 pages (1817 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Redefining the term family for the gay parent household is considerably difficult, as the evidence has indicated that social beliefs regarding this institution vary widely. New definitions that spring from necessity, such as the need to place disadvantaged children into a stable home environment and running out of traditional nuclear families.
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Human Rights Can Not Be Both Universal and Political Sociology Term Paper
6 pages (1597 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Its people have been subjected to the most inhuman of conditions, where they have been massacred due to one reason or the other, women and children abducted from their homes, women raped and their heads eventually cut off to put up on the signboards near the city’s centers to demonstrate that the same act was done in the name of honor are just some of the aspects that need to be studied in the proper perspective.
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Moral Development Sociology Term Paper
8 pages (2140 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
In his lecture, Bernard Lonergan addresses the sorts of methods that ought to be taken by society in order to avert social decline, which includes a synthesis of moral theory and economics, the synthesis of creation with healing, and the abandonment of secular materialism which only sweeps the problem under the rug.
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Poverty as One of the Biggest Social Problems Today Sociology Research Paper
7 pages (1908 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
 One of the biggest and most influential factors that have caused major social issues has been the proliferation of our species during the last century. In 1900 the world population was 1.6 billion, in 2009 that figure has skyrocketed to 6.6 billion humans on Earth. As more people inhabited the earth the economic production of the over 200 nations across the world has not been sufficient.
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The Prevalence and Effects of Bullying in Public Schools Sociology Research Proposal
7 pages (1833 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
Bullying is present in all school systems in America, but it is disproportionately higher in public schools. This is both middle school and high school. It is not prevalent in colleges though it does exist in some institutions of higher learning, especially those that require the student to board. 
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Collaborative Practice Sociology Term Paper
7 pages (1994 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
I passionately took up the challenge of experimenting with everything that differentiated a great actor from a poor actor. It also sent me on the path of self-discovery, and I unearthed many of my latent abilities. So profound was my SDP experience that it not only changed me as a person, and as an actress, but also broadened my outlook.
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