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Parental Drug Abuse and its Effect on Children - Thesis Example

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This thesis "Parental Drug Abuse and its Effect on Children" discusses the effect of parental drug abuse on children. In this context, we have identified the causes of drug abuse and also written about the effects of drug abuse on children…
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Parental Drug Abuse and its Effect on Children
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Parental Drug abuse and its effect on Children Introduction The project is a discussion about the effect of parental drug abuse on children. In thiscontext, we have identified the causes of drug abuse and also written about the effects of drug abuse on children. Further into the report, I have commented on all the previous researches done in this field. In the end of the report, I have looked the measures taken by several organisations and the government to ensure proper care of the children suffering from parental drug abuse and how effective these measures have been. So to begin with the project, let us first understand the concept of drug abuse. Drug Abuse: A theoretical overview Drug abuse is a serious problem in modern world. It can affect almost every family and community in same or the other way. Drug abuse is also known as chemical abuse or substance abuse which is a disorder and can be characterized by an unusual pattern of drug using that can lead to significant distress and various health and mental problems (Barnard & McKeganey, 2004). There are abusive drugs which include Anabolic steroids, Cocaine, Club drugs, Heroin, Amphetamines, Marijuana, Inhalants and often the prescriptive drugs (Barnard & McKeganey, 2004). Every year drug abuse affects millions of young people with serious illnesses in USA. Apart from these, drug abuse also causes some serious social problems such as violence, drugged driving, child abuse and stress. It can also lead to major crimes, homelessness, and problems in keeping job. If a pregnant woman is addicted to drugs then it can also harm her unborn baby and sometimes lead to miscarriage (National Library of Medicine, 2014). Drug abuse or addiction can be treated medically but the best way is to prevent drug addiction at very first time (National Library of Medicine, 2014). Effect of Drug abuse on Children According to National Institute on Drug Abuse (2012), drug addiction is chronic and often brain relapsing disease that leads to compulsive drug use, in spite of knowing its harmful consequences to the addicted person and his/her family. Although the initial decision of taking drugs can be intentional and non-compulsive for most of the people, changes in the brain occurs over time can inhibit the self-control of the addicted person and can hamper the person’s ability to resist him/ her from taking drugs. Drugs contain some chemicals which tap into the communication system of the brain and hamper the working process of nerve cells. There are two ways in which drugs can cause the disruption in brain- 1 by over stimulating the nerves of the brain and 2 by initiating the natural chemical messengers of brain. Some drugs such as heroin and marijuana have same type of structure to chemical messengers which are known as neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters are naturally produced by human brain and similarities of these drugs allow fooling the receptors of the brain and over activating the nerve cells to send some abnormal messages to the body parts (National Institute on drug Abuse, 2012). Medical science has shown that treatments are available to help drug addicted people to fight against the disruptive effects of drugs. Research has shown that combination of addiction treatment along with the behavioural therapy is one of the best ways to get rid of drugs for most patients. Treatment approaches which are designed for each patient’s drug addiction patterns along with meditations and psychiatric treatment can lead to a bright drug free and recovered life. Like other relapsing and chronic diseases such as asthma, heart disease or diabetes, drug abuse can be treated successfully, however, there is always a chance that the person will start using the abusing drugs again. This implies that addiction of drugs is very difficult to overcome. Although relapsing treatment (i.e starting of using drugs again) is not the signal of failure of the treatment rather it indicates that that the treatment should be readjusted or any other alternative treatment method should be enforced to help the person to regain control over his/ her instinct of using drugs and recover from the disease. There are various reasons why adults drink alcohol or take drugs. Addiction to drugs and alcohol of adults often has very negative consequences on their children and this is known as misuse of drugs. It is found that some people are at higher risk than others but more or less addiction to drug can cause problem to anyone. To develop normally and to be healthy, children depend on their parent (or guardian) for their basic needs; hence, it is the responsibility of their parents (and/or guardian) to meet their basic needs. This is a widely dispersed social expectation. However, if a parent (or guardian) is more concerned in funding his/ her addiction or he/ she is under an influence of drug or alcohol then it might reduce their ability to fulfil their children’s basic needs. A child learns from his/ her parents. If the parents are influenced towards drugs then it will have bad impact on the child. It has been that a disorganized lifestyle is the most common consequence of drug abuse. Parents may not able to cook, shop, clean, wash; pay bills and give time to their children. It can lead to a very disturbing home environment for the children. Children need to converse and play with their parents to stimulate their mental growth, but the misuse of drugs might affect the ability of the parents to engage with the children. It can also act on the ability of the parents to control their mental conditions, emotions. Their mood swings and outbursts of their anger can confuse their child and the child can be afraid of his/ her parents. It can increase the gap between the child and the parents. It affects on the mental development of the child and sometimes parents become dependent on the children for support. It can put immense pressure on children and they miss out their natural childhood experience where other parents are looking after their children. It can cause a bad impact on the mind of the child. Apart from these, there are other consequences of drugs misuse such as unsafe homes, lost jobs and broken marriages. Interference of local authority to help the adults can also negatively affect the child. Researchers have shown that there are various sign which can show that a person is in a problem caused by misuse of drugs such as adults who are drug addicted may become violent, confused, drink or take drugs every day, do not go to work or withdraw themselves from societal activities, neglect the health of own and their child and the environment of the house, try to hide their problems, cannot stop using drugs and feel alone. These signs show that an adult is addicted to drugs and it can negatively affect his/ her children. There are also some signs which indicate that a child is being neglected by the parents due to the result of their drug misuse such as the poor appearance of the child, slow mental and physical development of the child or a child who is taking unusual care of the parents (NSPCC, No Date). Studies have shown that, children of drug abused parents are always at a higher risk outside the home. Three out of four child welfare professionals (75%) state that children of drug addicted parents are most likely to enter in foster care and 73% out of them have stated that those children stay longer in foster care than the other children of normal parents. One study has shown that 79% of young adults are homeless as their parents are addicted to drugs. Every year approx 11900 infants are disposed of at birth or kept in hospitals, 78% of these are drug exposed as their mothers are addicted to drugs. The average day to day cost of these babies is approx $460. Studies have also shown that children of addicted parents have symptoms of anxiety and depression more than the children of non-addicted parents. Depression and anxiety are common problems in the children of drug abuse as they have seen their drug addicted father or mother who has not taken care of them properly or not met their basic needs. In addition, children of drug abused parents are also at a higher risk for increased rates of psychosocial or psychiatric dysfunction (NACOA, No Date). Research done so far Several researches have been carried out in regards to the effect of children whose parents have the problem of drug abuse. National Survey on Drug Use and Health Reports conducted a research in the year 2007 which looked into the negative impacts on the children. They reported that 8.3 million children live with no less than one parent who abused or was subject to liquor or an unlawful drug amid the previous year. This incorporates 13.9 percent of children matured 2 years or more youthful, 13.6 percent of children matured 3 to 5 years, 12.0 percent of children matured 6 to 11 years, and 9.9 percent of adolescents matured 12 to 17 years (Office on Child Abuse and Neglect, Childrens Bureau., ICF International., 2009). These children are at higher risk for abuse or disregard, and physical, scholarly, social, and enthusiastic issues (Office on Child Abuse and Neglect, Childrens Bureau., ICF International., 2009). Studies have shown that between 50 percent to 80 percent of youngster welfare cases include a parent who abuses liquor or different drugs (Bellis et. al, 2001; Famularo, Kinscherff, & Fenton, 1992; Murphy, et. al, 1991, it is evaluated that 8.3 million children live with no less than one parent who abuses liquor or different drugs (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, ([SAMHSA] 1996). Gauges likewise show that 4.3 percent of pregnant ladies use illegal drugs amid pregnancy and 9.8 percent of pregnant ladies use liquor amid pregnancy, with 4.2 percent being binge consumers (SAMHSA, 2003). Studies indicate that children in the kid welfare framework with parents who abuse liquor or different drugs are at an expanded danger of a mixture of poor results; they have an improved probability of being set in out-of-home mind, they invest longer times of time in out-of-home mind, they are more prone to have a case arrangement of reception, and have a tendency to be pretty nearly two years more youthful than children with parents who dont abuse liquor or different drugs (U.S. Branch of Health and Human Services [USDHHS], 1997). As tyke welfare frameworks the nation over face the issue of parental substance abuse, there is an expanding need to comprehend the sorts of treatment methodologies that have been discovered to be compelling for substance-mishandling parents. Examination proposes that agreeability with substance abuse treatment is identified with quicker reunification (Smith, 2003), however less is thought about the genuine adequacy of substance abuse mediations for parents in the children welfare plan. Although both mothers and fathers are similarly liable to abuse drugs or liquor, mothers make up the dominant part of substance-mishandling parents in the youngster welfare framework (U.S. Bureau of Health and Human Services [usdhhs], 1999). In that capacity, this organized audit concentrates on substance abuse mediations with substance-misusing parents in the youngster welfare framework, and additionally intercessions for moms and ladies all in all. Moreover, an audit of collective models between the kid welfare framework (CWS) and the liquor and other drug (AOD) frameworks will likewise be exhibited. With a specific end goal to give a connection to this audit, a concise diagram of the effect of parental substance abuse on kid and family working will be exhibited, and also a review of variables influencing treatment, including individual-level components, for example, the novel needs of ladies in substance abuse treatment, ladies histories of exploitation, financial issues, and mental and physical wellbeing issues, and framework related elements including poor joint effort between the CWS and AOD frameworks. Studies highlight that parental substance abuse is connected with an assortment of issues identified with tyke and family working. For children, the impacts of parental drug utilization can happen as an after effect of drugs in uterus, and a consequence of the impacts of drug use on parenting. Studies recommend that parental substance abuse expands the danger of poor formative conclusions in an assortment of areas (Mcmahon & Luthar, 1998). For example, in a study, children of methadone-kept up moms were found to score lower on discernment tests and measures of socially versatile conduct and that those children presented prenatally to drugs have a tendency to have more formative deferrals, perform crudely on insights tests and have lower statures and weights in relations to children of methadone-kept up moms not presented to drugs prenatally (Bauman & Levine, 1986). Other exploration has discovered that children in cultivate mind with pre-birth introduction to drugs score in the low normal run on discernment tests, and perform more inadequately on brainpower tests than encourage children with a family history of drug utilization (Mcnichol & Tash, 2001). Other studies utilizing a vast example of children whose moms were taking an interest in governmentally subsidized substance abuse projects were found that contrasted with national appraisals, children in the sample accomplished an excessively high number of danger variables, for example, encountering intricacies during childbirth, living in single parent homes, maternal maladjustment, low maternal training, and low-wage status. More so, Children had an improved probability of encountering asthma, and hearing and vision issues (Conners, et al., 2004). In another (longitudinal) study on adapting issues among children of heavy drinkers found that at age 18, 30 percent of the specimen had criminal equity framework records, and 25 percent had genuine mental wellbeing issues .There is likewise evidence which suggests that children with a family history of substance abuse have an altogether expanded danger for substance abuse themselves (Merikangas et al., 1998). Issues in family working have additionally been connected with parental substance abuse. There is evidince that suggest that maternal substance abuse is connected with expanded correctional nature to children (Hien & Honeyman, 2000; Miller, Smyth, & Mudar, 1997), additionally expanded inflexibility and overcontrol in parenting (Burns, et. Al, 1991), and dictator demeanour to parenting (Bauman & Levine, 1986). Other exploration recommends that parental substance abuse is connected with expanded parenting anxiety (Kelley, 1998). Some study demonstrate that parents who abuse drugs or liquor have a more noteworthy probability of careless or oppressive practices to their children. One study contrasting pregnant ladies utilizing liquor or drugs to non-utilizing pregnant ladies found that those utilizing drugs had higher scores on a measure of kid abuse potential and that in excess of 50 percent of the drug-utilizing moms scored within the "compelling danger" range (Williams-Petersen et al., 1994). Wasserman and Leventhal (1993) examined the relationship between maternal utilization of cocaine amid pregnancy and consequent kid abuse amid the initial two years of the tykes life and found that 23 percent of moms who utilized cocaine amid pregnancy had a substantiated occurrence of kid abuse amid the initial 24 months of the youngsters life contrasted with 4 percent in a matched correlation bunch. Furthermore, Kelleher et al.,(1994) utilized information from Wave I of the Epidemiological Catchment Area (ECA) Survey—an expansive group study and found that 40 percent of parents who reported conferring physical kid abuse and 56 percent of parents who reported submitting kid disregard likewise had a liquor or drug issue amid their lifetime. The creators found that the vicinity of a substance abuse issue anticipated youngster abuse considerably after the impacts of sorrow, family unit size, withdrawn identity issue, and social backing were measurably controlled. In a catch up study, utilizing Wave II ECA information, results demonstrated that the vicinity of substance abuse issue at Wave I unequivocally anticipated the event of tyke abuse at Wave II—recommending that substance abuse may be a causal variable in the event of youngster abuse (Chaffin, Kelleher, & Hollenberg, 1996). Despite the fact that there is confirmation proposing that parental substance abuse is connected with issues in parenting and family working, other exploration shows that moms who abuse drugs might likewise be emphatically dedicated to their children. Dough puncher and Carson (1999) conducted a qualitative investigation of the mothering practices of substance misusing ladies, keeping in mind the moms in the study unashamedly talked about some of their issues in parenting, they additionally examined their solid connections to their children and saw themselves as great moms who helped, ensured their children from mischief, and adapted to stretch. Kearney, Murphy and Rosenbaum (1994) questioned break cocaine utilizing moms and found that the ladies felt a solid obligation to their children, and portrayed sentiments of pride for their children. The moms likewise depicted various procedures they utilized to ensure their children from the impacts of their drug use, including physically dividing children from drugs, planning rare assets, separating from poor impacts and at last a group of mothers surrendered guardianship of their children keeping in mind the end goal to secure them. These discoveries propose that in spite of the fact that substance-misapplying moms may show issues in parenting, they might likewise be emphatically appended to their children. Methods used by researchers to investigate the impact of Drug Abuse The researchers have mainly used survey along with interviews to investigate the impact of parental drug abuse on children. In this scenario however, an extensive survey with several facts and figures are more helpful for the understanding of the issue, in the sense how badly are the children affected with this problem. Interviews conducted are also helpful in many ways because many parents or their children would not like to disclose their identity for such issues and would become hesitant of participating in surveys. For them, one to one interview was conducted to get a proper insight over the problem. Thus further research needs to be carried out in this field. Most of the research that have been carried out earlier are quantitative in nature and gives us the figures and numbers of effected children in the drug abuse. However, qualitative analysis will also be helpful with the help of focus group interviews so that readers who just want to aware of the issue can get a much better understanding of parental drug abuse. Awareness of Parents about the impact of Drug abuse on Children Living with parental drug and liquor abuse presents numerous difficulties for children. In childrens telephone calls to Childline about parental (or huge carer) wellbeing and wellbeing, parental liquor abuse was the most every now and again reported concern and, to a lesser degree, parental drug abuse. Huge numbers of the children calling Childline had not talked about parental substance abuse to anyone outside of the family; for those that had, companions were the most regular partner. The Scottish Government appraises that 40–60 000 children are influenced by parental drug abuse and 65 000 children (under 16) are existing with parental liquor abuse; nonetheless, later studies recommend these figures are thinks little of (Tunnard, 2002). Under the Children (Scotland) Act 1995, Local authorities have an obligation of consideration to protect and advertise the welfare of children who are in need in their general vicinity; along these lines far as is steady with that obligation, to push the childhood of children by their families by giving an extent and level of administrations fitting to the childrens necessities. Mystery and disgrace encompassing parental drug and liquor abuse are liable to influence parents and children looking for backing (Gillan, Wales, Hill & Robertson, 2009). In 2003, the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs delivered an original report, Hidden Harm: reacting to the needs of children of issue drug clients, that highlighted the scale of the issue; the genuine damages postured to children and the requirement for open and facilitated administrations. The Scottish Government reacted with definite arrangements of activity that broadened the Hidden Harm plan to incorporate children of issue liquor clients. In that year, the Scottish Government issued, Getting our needs right – Good practice direction for working with children and families influenced by parental substance abuse that prioritizes the welfare of the tyke (Scottish Government, 2008). The Scottish Government has highlighted the criticalness of consolidating these arrangements into the Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) national approach that expects to enhance the lives of all children. The standards of GIRFEC incorporate putting childrens necessities first; guaranteeing that children are listened to and comprehend choices that influence them; and guaranteeing that they get suitable co-ordinated help required to push their prosperity, wellbeing and development15. The new National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland 2010 distinguishes parental liquor and drug abuse as a potential danger variable for children (Scottish Government, 2010) Reaction of the Children Children regularly have a much larger amount of mindfulness about parental liquor and drug abuse than parents (and experts) may expect, in spite of the fact that they may not completely get it. Studies have discovered some children have an attention to parental liquor and drug abuse around the age of five. A few parents may attempt to disguise their utilization of substances and any related stuff (for instance, children are not permitted in the same room). More youthful children may be more inclined to witness parents taking drugs because of parental observations that they are so adolescent there is no option get it. On account of liquor, there may be less camouflage because of a more extensive social acknowledgement. Children may feel dazed, confounded, resentful and terrified by parental liquor and drug abuse and consequent practices. As children develop more seasoned, they may be progressively irate and baffled with a parent (Bancroft, 2004). Thinking about parental liquor and drug abuse does not imply that children will impart this learning to others. Frequently parents and children are concerned that other individuals "knowing" may prompt social work association and the evacuation of children (Hogan & Higgins, 2001). Now and again, children may feel startled about the outcomes of telling anyone outside of the crew. Children may stay away from circumstances where parental drug and liquor abuse may get to be all the more broadly known; for instance, not welcoming companions round to the house. Parental disavowal of liquor and drug abuse may be unhelpful as children may address their own particular capabilities and judgements. Parents may minimize the effect on children by guaranteeing that the examples of family life are not upset by their utilization of substances. In a few families, liquor and/or drugs can turn into the primary centre and life rotates around the obtaining, utilization and recuperation from the substance. Parents may be physically and relationally repressed to help; for instance, children may not being woken up in time for school, mealtimes are missed and resting examples can be aggravated. Some children may assume much more noteworthy liability inside the family, (for example, washing garments, cooking, watching over kin). Sufficient family wage to guarantee childrens necessities are accommodated can help to lessen the effect on family life. Parents may turn to unlawful exercises to get cash for substances. This can build dangers to children as they may be presented to unacceptable grown-ups, improper exercises and perilous circumstances. Childrens desires for typical family exercises may be influenced; for instance, not going on vacation, missing birthdays, Christmas and other family festivals have been discovered to be especially irritating for children (Scottish Government, 2010).. Children can even now be influenced by parental liquor and drug abuse actually when they are no more living in the same family as a parent (for instance, because of family division; private treatment programs; detainment). In childrens calls to Childline, tension and stress over a parent proceeded, and at times, expanded when they were no more living with a parent. Global studies on parental drug and liquor abuse was found to have an effect on childrens instruction. A minority of children exceeded expectations at school and acutely distinguished the preferences of completely taking an interest in school life; this has been especially likely for young ladies as opposed to young men (Laybourn, Brown & Hill, 1996). All the more usually however, school presents challenges for children and youngsters: poor participation, powerlessness to think, feeling unsupported in scholarly accomplishment by parents, being not able to finish homework, continuous school moves, troubles in keeping up companionships and encountering tormenting were regular. Some childrens practices may be troublesome at school and at home. Children may be at expanded danger of encountering viciousness and abuse when living with parental drug and liquor abuse. Reviews of Child Protection Registers have discovered a huge extent of children are existing with parental drug and liquor abuse; for instance, one London review of children of Child Protection Registers discovered parental substance abuse was a sympathy toward just over a large portion of the children and a comparable study discovered 75% of children had parents abusing liquor all alone or with different substances. There may be an improved probability of physical viciousness coordinated at different grown-ups, children, pets and furniture when a parent is utilizing liquor and, to a lesser degree, drugs. Family and companions were regularly the fundamental wellspring of backing for children. Having the capacity to stay with family and companions when essential was critical; grandparents were most as often as possible specified in giving pragmatic and passionate backing. Qualities recognized were having the capacity to trust them, feeling regarded and listened to. Notwithstanding, family circumstances could make these wellsprings of help delicate and it ought to be perceived that children may even now oblige help actually when parents are participating in treatment administrations and post treatment (Kroll, 2004). Educators, who were touchy to childrens home life, were especially esteemed, in spite of the fact that worries about protection and companion tormenting may keep children from looking for backing in school. Having chances to meet other children, take part in social exercises and time and space to chat with trusted grown-ups were additionally useful. Policies aimed on Children effected from Parental Drug abuse Many policies and regulations are set up to shield the children affected from parental drug abuse. It is the unwavering quality and capacity of all kinds of experts and orgs - including general professionals, wellbeing guests, specialists, birthing assistants, pediatricians, mental wellbeing administrations, family help administrations, treatment organizations, social administrations, police, instructive settings and deliberate segments – to shield and ensure children. Protecting is equivalent to keep children protected from mischief and abuse – both conscious abuse and in addition mishaps, tormenting and wrongdoing – and to advertise their prosperity and improvement in a solid and natures domain (HM Government, 2006). Everybody having contact with children must be mindful that it is not adequate to stay sidelined if a youngster is in need or danger of mischief (Batty, 2003). On the other hand, it is huge that every expert perceives and acknowledges the impediments of his own parts and qualities the crucial offer of others (Chandler & Lane, 2014) – overall everybodys obligation and the mission "to put a youngsters welfare first" soon gets lost and stays nobodys obligation (Inter-Agency Guidelines, (2008). In the United Kingdom, extensive administrative skeleton exists for this reason, with the Children Act 1989 and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child as the rudimentary and improving bits of kid law. As a rule, the Children Act (1989) concentrates on enhancing childrens lives and requests far reaching administrations to all children and in addition custom-made ones for those with extra needs. It additionally elucidates that if a neighbourhood authority "has sensible reason to suspect that a youngster who lives, or is found, in their general vicinity is enduring, or is prone to endure, noteworthy damage, the authority might make, or reason to be made, such enquiries as they consider important to empower them to choose whether they ought to make any move to shield or push that kids welfare" (Gibson, 2000). The Children Act likewise gives the lawful grounds to the five conclusions in law – be sound, stay safe, appreciate and attain, make a positive commitment, accomplish financial prosperity (Knowles, 2009). Later the Children Act (2004) actualized a necessity for neighbourhood powers and a scope of organizations captivating with substance mishandling parents to rank first the welfare and wellbeing of their children. Neighbourhood powers and orgs are made mindful to figure out whether a tyke is in need and/or danger and after that to make proper moves to ensure him from (further) huge damage. Further The Children Act (2004) concentrates on co-operation to enhance and secure the prosperity of children. Early mindfulness and intercession is basic to decrease the quantities of kid security cases yet evaluation is a colossally mind boggling methodology (Basarab-Horwath, 2010). At the point when evaluating the welfare of a youngster, experts must work delicately and kid focused, breaking down the parental substance abuse from the kids position to better comprehend the effect upon his advancement and life (Batty, 2003). Success of the Initiatives The issue with drug and liquor utilization is a real social and open wellbeing concern and numerous children and their families’ battle undetected. In the late years, a massive exertion has been attempted around the issue of parental substance abuse. The effect of and dangers connected with it have been broadly investigated and there is developing confirmation for an arrangement of undertakings, administrations and intercessions for children and their parents (Cleaver, 2007). As obviously expressed in this article, dependence on diverse substances has the potential and capability to meddle with all parts of a kids ordinary improvement and general wellbeing, prompting respectable long lasting antagonistic outcomes for them and their families. Further, substantial uncontrolled drinking and tricky drug utilize frequently have a disturbing negative effect on parenting abilities and parental consideration of their children bringing about relational issues and a mixed bag of different issues. The report highlights the higher danger to children of all manifestations of abuse where a parent is hazardously utilizing substances. Substance abuse by grown-ups who are additionally parents seldom happens in separation or is exclusively in charge of expanding danger for children (Mohan and Luthar, 1998). Environmental elements, for example, unemployment, neediness and social detachment increment both the danger of parental substance abuse and negative effects on children. Specific dangers connected with pregnancy and parents with substance issues who frequently had histories themselves of youngster abuse and disregard have been underscored. 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Parental Drug Abuse and its Effect on Children Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words.
(Parental Drug Abuse and Its Effect on Children Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 Words)
Parental Drug Abuse and Its Effect on Children Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 Words.
“Parental Drug Abuse and Its Effect on Children Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 Words”.
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The long term effects of drug abuse on the unborn fetus of a pregnant mother

A large volume of research exists on the phenomenon and its various dimensions.... drug abuse has emerged as a common problem in recent decades that has affected various spheres of life including pregnant women.... hellip; Prenatal and neonatal development has been shown to be affected negatively due to drug abuse.... It is no secret that drug abuse during pregnancy causes a host of physical and mental disabilities in children that persist with them throughout their lives....
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Perscription drug abuse

The term, prescription drug abuse refers to the situation where there is drug intake without the prescription or in the other case, taking it in for different reasons or dosages other than the prescribed ones.... Medicines that most commonly come under the criteria of drug abuse are pain killers, anti depressants and stimulants.... (Karla, 30) Experts still haven't been able to figure out the actual reason behind this kind of drug abuse.... drug abuse does not only lead to addiction and instability it can also give rise to harmful chemical reactions which can occur in the body due to medicine intake in inappropriate quantity....
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Use of Education for Controlling the Use of Illegal Drugs

“How Drug Trafficking Affects The United States and its Youth.... “Education and outreach are becoming major parts of establishing a more effective program to keep drug abuse out of the workplace” (Oliver).... Go states, “Illicit drug users are unaware of the fact that drug abuse indirectly or directly affects their family, their neighborhood, their business, their education and their health adversely”.... “Reduce prescription drug abuse by educating about ill-effects....
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The Impact Prison Has on Families and Children

effect on children's Behavior When parents are incarcerated, the reactions of children could be varied depending on demographic factors: their age, the social status of the family, the income level, peers, and the availability and access to forms of support.... The current essay hereby aims to determine and expound on the impact prison has on families and children by initially enumerating the effects of parental imprisonment on children in terms of their behavioral manifestations, in terms of financial situations and in the parent-child relationships or bonds....
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The proportion of women in drug abuse treatment programs or in need of drug abuse treatment has been increasing.... (Thadani, 2002) For example, parental alcoholism has been associated with child maltreatment (Hochman, 2003),… marital conflict (Coombs, 2001), domestic violence (Akers, 2001), and increased risk of long-term psychiatric and social dysfunction among children raised in alcoholics homes (Lawrence, 2000).... They can serve as the spur for substance abusers to seek treatment, to continue treatment, and/or to seek assistance for their children....
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