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The Habitus of Internet Users Sociology Literature review
7 pages (2205 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Pierre Bourdieu defines habitus as: “systems of durable, transposable dispositions, structured structures predisposed to function as structuring structures, that is, as principles which generate and organize practices and representations”.  Nevertheless, issues about Internet usage and its effects on people’s attitudes and behaviors have warranted significant scholarly attention. 
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The Nuances of Human Psyche Sociology Literature review
7 pages (1824 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Citing the discernible distance between the fields of aesthetics’ and psychoanalysis, Freud has tried to explain the emotional aura of an average human being as regards the hidden thoughts and carried over perceptions from historical generations, which make some experiences in life seem ‘uncanny’ or different from what is naturally expected.
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Self-enhancing Comparisons in Aerobics Sociology Research Paper
11 pages (3010 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The study attempted to measure the effects of two independent variables - the subjects' performance standard, and the standard of the class – on the type of comparison made by the subjects towards particular and generic others.
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Understanding Crime and the Crime Problem Sociology Essay
7 pages (2059 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Crime denotes any breach of rules or laws that are punishable by some governing authority using mechanisms such as legal systems. Certain crimes may also carry fewer repercussions such as cautions or warnings and they might also be unenforced. Different human societies have different methods of defining what constitutes a crime.
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What will the World Look like in 25 Years Sociology Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Even these individuals never dreamed of companies such as Google or Facebook that we use each day.  We cannot predict everything, but with a little imagination, some technical knowledge and a look into the past, we can have a good idea concerning what the world will look like in twenty-five years.
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Critical Review of Three Articles Sociology Literature review
6 pages (1860 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
By examining, F. Baums ‘Changes Not for the Fainthearted: Reorienting in Health Care Systems Toward Health Equity through Action on the Social Determinants of Health’, J. Beards ‘Influence of socioeconomic and cultural factors on rural health’ and T. Eikemo’s ‘Health inequalities according to educational levels in different welfare regimes. 
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The Importance of Rituals in Modern Society Sociology Literature review
7 pages (1933 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Rituals serve to create and focus on the state that the mind and the land can be considered as one. Rituals form of everyday life in modern society. Durkheim ascertains that rituals form an essential component of a meaningful life. The modern society applies rituals in almost all activities.
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5 Sociological Journals Sociology Literature review
10 pages (2724 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This inversion happens when they shift their views from being the victim of massive, swift historical and social forces, to views that are in essence more positive, and in a way empowering. The so-called “sociological imagination”, as Mills asserts, allows for this inversion.
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Social Inequalities Sociology Literature review
6 pages (1792 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
These journal articles have been designated for analysis by the virtue of helping figure out answers to puzzling questions such as: why some races are predominantly rich; why some races such as the Hispanics and the African American have a higher affinity to particular crimes; and the most appropriate corrective measures to be administered as the best panacea to these seemingly racially-instigated disparities.     
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Mentoring Young People Leaving Care Someone for Me by Jasmine Clayden and Mike Stein Sociology Literature review
6 pages (1670 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The aim of the research was to make contributions to literature focusing on natural mentoring among high-risk youth (Munson & McMillen, 2009 pp108). The researchers felt the need to determine the existing findings generalized the samples of young people leaving care (Munson & McMillen, 2009 pp 108).
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Someone for Me by Jasmine Clayden and Mike Stein Sociology Literature review
6 pages (1560 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Natural mentoring is a delicate form of mentoring especially because it involves a highly vulnerable group in the society. This means that a high standard of ethical behaviour should be observed. The interviewers who conduct the research on the foster youth must observe due protocol and codes of ethics (Munson & McMille, 2009).
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Defenition of Chineseness as a Thing Sociology Essay
6 pages (1512 words) , Download 1 , Essay
In the morning at around 11:00 am, it is the time of breakfast at Xintiandi. Different restaurants offer breakfast menus from a variety of cuisines. In the morning, the place is still windy and cold as usual and it also frequently rains in the morning. The foreigners can also be located at Xintiandi in the morning at the restaurants.
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Harrison View of the Concept of Power Sociology Essay
8 pages (2367 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Power is viewed as the ability of powerful individuals to realize their will over the powerless individuals. Power is also seen as the ability to make the powerless individuals do the things they are unwilling to do. Power is also viewed as possession by individuals and individuals, who are powerless, to try and avoid the control by those in powers.
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To What Extent is Inequalities in Society an Inherent Consequence of Capitalism Sociology Essay
8 pages (2282 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Contemporary political thinkers, like Lash and Urry, try to move away from the Marxist perspective in their analysis of social inequality. Lash believes that Marx’s critical theory is no longer an accurate explanation of today’s social inequalities. Lash argues that the current world order is ‘information listed, yet more than ever capitalist’.
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Main Point of Queer Theory Sociology Essay
8 pages (2153 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Butler (1990) has written essays which are related to queer theory, and, in one of her essays, she explores how gender is a cultural construct, and how gays and lesbians often subvert the culturally “acceptable” meaning of the terms “man” and “woman.” For instance, she notes that the feminine pronoun “she” may or may not belong to an actual woman.
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The Decline of the Traditional Nuclear Family Sociology Essay
6 pages (1688 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The traditional nuclear family has profoundly changed over in the recent past decades. These developments will lead to a diminished form of family. The stable environment and behavioral stability practised in the nuclear setting will change to something undesirable (Popenoe 1988). Moral standards will always be questioned.
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Equal Chance of Educational Success Sociology Essay
6 pages (1738 words) , Download 1 , Essay
More scrutiny is given to the favored race translating to the lagging performance of the other students. If bright students are choosing not to attend some higher education institutions because they think their face does not fit the environment then that becomes a big constraint to educational success.
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The Broken Windows Theory Sociology Essay
6 pages (1864 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Every individual needs protection from crime because it affects young people as much as it affects the elderly group. The community and police officers need to be alert to detect any danger in any form that may cost the society dearly. In the community level, disorder and crime are perceived as linked activities in their development.
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Stereotypes Regarding Black Women Sociology Literature review
6 pages (1640 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The stereotype of black women being left by their husbands as a result of other parties in their relationships is vehement in the U.S. The problem that arises in the book Passing is that of lack of trust in pure African American relationships and consequently resulting to broken marriages and divorces.
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Ludwig Pongratzs and Bulman's Essays Sociology Literature review
7 pages (1874 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Among the individuals receiving the punishments especially younger ones, confusion or problems such as understanding why these punishments are dealt with and the legitimacy of doing so might be harder for them to comprehend, which might lead to the possibility of soft punishments to become ineffective.
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Teenage Hoodies: A Threat to Society or a Media-made Panic Sociology Research Proposal
6 pages (1718 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
In Australia and this case New Zealand, there is a day specifically dedicated to the hood. In 2008, in order to challenge the media and the youth stereotypes on the issue of the hood, New Zealand set a day as part of the annual youth week and named it the ‘hoodie day’.
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Social Environment for Foreign Students Sociology Report
8 pages (2234 words) , Download 1 , Report
It may be the expectation, given the scope of social change literary works, which frequently presumes the stressful and even neurotic nature of social and environmental transitions. Foreign students from places different to Nottingham would report some levels of frustration, stress, and in extreme cases, depression, although this was not witnessed in those interviewed in this research.
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The Key Housing Challenges faced by Prison Leavers Sociology Research Proposal
8 pages (2209 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
As per the government policy (Criminal Justice, 2009) on prisoners’ homelessness, they are supposed to fulfill a Housing Needs Initial Assessment (HNIA) for 90% of new prisoners within four days of their entry into the prison to facilitate attention to any of the offender accommodation issues, on keeping or closing tenancies.
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Public Health Issue Sociology Report
9 pages (2458 words) , Download 2 , Report
The problem has severe impacts on both the health and social aspects of the patients. In order to deal with this problem WHO recommends better awareness among the population and national policy of England asks for voluntary assistance from local businesses to help deal with the situation.
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Immanuel Kant and Friedrich Nietzsches Key Ideas Sociology Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Contemporary proponents of Kant’s relevance to international politics espouse the view that democracy leads to peace. But this position contradicts the philosophic foundations of Kant’s works.  Hence there is no straightforward account of how Kant’s works have influenced subsequent social thought.
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A Survey of Student Debt Sociology Statistics Project
6 pages (1722 words) , Download 2 , Statistics Project
This is because the sign of the college graduate degrees, which continues to grow significantly as the tuition fee, also continues to rise; hence, the signs for the continued growth in the numbers of borrowers and the number of loans borrowed.
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Approaches to Research in Social Sciences Sociology Report
8 pages (2036 words) , Download 1 , Report
These individuals had different answers according to their exposure to the different things that are according to internet usage in different places in the world. In response to the question of whether they had access to the internet, all the people said that they could access it through the different gadgets which they had or they could access from other people. 
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Karl Marx Theory of Social Class Sociology Essay
8 pages (2090 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The issue of social stratification is amplified by gender inequalities. In most communities, women are not considered in the inheritance of family resources. The society has held male gender as more powerful socially hence men possess a lot of resources than women. This has created social classes since women have to be obedient to their husbands.
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Comparison of Marx and Tocqueville and Weber Analysis of State Sociology Literature review
9 pages (2389 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Marx considers the state to represent part of the “superstructure” of society. Marx divided human society into a material base (foundation) and superstructure that rests on the structure. The base comprises of instruments of production, the social classes, primarily the exploiting and working classes of the society and the connection between the classes.
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Insights of Erich Fromms Escape from Freedom Sociology Literature review
9 pages (2557 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Fromm (267), brings in the perspective of personal sacrifice, which Fascism and Masochism proclaim to be the highest virtue a person can possess. He calls this an obsession that is in no way a reflection of freedom. Masochists believe in the physical sacrifice of the self, and the submission to a higher power; 
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Explanation of The Functionalist or Conflict Theory Sociology Essay
7 pages (2059 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The functionalist theory is applicable in the feudalism and communist countries such as China and Russia, where the scarce resources within the society are not shared on the basis of competition or merit, but based on the established social values that seek to stabilize the society through a social system of equitable distribution of the scarce resources.
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Death Penalty as an Issue of Controversy and Debate Sociology Essay
6 pages (1869 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author exhorts one to understand how capital punishment discourses in criminological studies are related to the ongoing legitimacy of power-exercises within the state. While states engage in other forms of death-dealing in their exercise of power they resort to crime control measures such as capital punishment to deter criminals.
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Issues of The Sociology of Mental Health and Illness Sociology Literature review
6 pages (1787 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Labeling and hospitalization have been found to cause depersonalization. Rosenhan gives it the approach of trying to find the difference between sanity and insanity given the often non-compelling evidence. Within the article, he argues that one may appear normal yet insane. Due to the attitudes, we exude towards others, depersonalization may crop in.
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The Core Ideas of Stuart Hall Sociology Essay
9 pages (2470 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Hall's 3rd definition is class-specific. The difference between Hall’s definition and the narrow definition of popular art is the class-specificity in hall’s definition is not negative (it is not negative, vulgar or insulting.) instead it is a definition derived from a Marxist perspective, which tends to be even positive (anti-hegemonic).
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Is Marriage a Public Relationship, a Private One, or Some Other Sociology Essay
8 pages (2160 words) , Download 1 , Essay
At this level, marriage seems to be a private relationship that is built on a limited number of individuals with the man and woman being at the epicenter. In redefining marriage, one must go beyond the existing marriage views and reject the truth. Marriage is restrictive and a mode of the creation of a children’s well-being in the society.
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What Does It Mean to Say that Obesity Is Socially Constructed Sociology Essay
7 pages (2238 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Social construction offers a counter to medicine’s deterministic logic in ways that can widen and enhance policy deliberations and decisions. The social construction of obesity has several benefits even though there are criticisms levelled against social construction. What does it mean to say that obesity is ‘socially constructed’?  
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The Heat - Ideologies of Gender Roles in Action Movies Sociology Movie Review
6 pages (1635 words) , Download 1 , Movie Review
There were few or no movies at all trying to suggest that women can do the same role too, and as effective as or even more than men. The ideology concerning women is equal with men continuous to grow forward to maturity, as revealed in a more sophisticated manner because this relevant issue can now be made clear in films like “The Heat”. 
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Organisational Analysis With Reference to Social Work Sociology Essay
7 pages (2053 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The consideration of the employee as a social person remains instrumental in warding off burnouts and frustrations at the workplace. This is because, the employee as a social person is accorded a realistic performance target and wider accessibility to information and tools of communication (Parton, 2008, 166-8 & (Jones & May, J., 1999, p. 34).
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How Norms Relating to Evil Can Change Sociology Essay
6 pages (1891 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Torture has been known with many new names like law enforcement agencies call it ‘enhanced interrogation techniques’ and human rights organisations call it ‘domestic or regional violence’, law abiders term it as ‘violation of fundamental rights of protection’. Similarly, it is still prevalent in some form.
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Weber Theory on Rationalization of the Society in Contemporary South Africa Sociology Essay
9 pages (2781 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Rationalization can be applied to improvements in the human body. This is through such activities as exercises, taking a balanced diet, maintaining good hygiene. The rationality of engaging in excises is to help improve the efficiency of the body and reduce the possibility of diseases associated with lack of exercise.
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Goffman and Foucault Approaches to the Ordering of Social Life Sociology Essay
6 pages (1678 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In 1991 the UK passed the Dangerous Dogs Act banning certain breeds of dogs considered aggressive and imposing strict liability on their owners for any bites they inflicted on people (Kelly and Toynbee 2009 p. 356). This apparently was the result of press reports of vicious unprovoked attacks by these breeds and the labeling of their owners as anti-social.
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The Field of Sociology Theory and its Application Sociology Essay
7 pages (1876 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Of all the constructs that can be measured and inferred upon, the issue of crime is perhaps the most relevant to discussing the differentials between all of the theories that have thus far been put forward. The proceeding section will analyze the way in which conflict theory, functionalism, and social interactionism explain motivations for and determinants to crime.
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Deviance is Regarded as the Behavior Which is Against the Norms Sociology Essay
7 pages (1989 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Frank Tannenbaum is known as the grandfather of this theory. He described the social interaction in crime and set the basis for modern criminology. He was the one who introduced the concept of tagging or labeling which he believed that a negative tag or label would contribute to further criminal activities.
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Commodities as the Principal Units of a Free Market System Sociology Essay
7 pages (1840 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The changes in farming, the revelation of new markets, whence procurements may be foreign, might for a period neutralize the inclination to an ascent in the cost of necessaries, and may even event their characteristic cost to fall, so will the same reasons prepare the journalist impacts on the common cost of work.
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Groups and Substance Abuse Treatment Sociology Research Paper
6 pages (1618 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Measurable Learning Objectives: To know whether or not the group members are finally independent and have learnt through the treatment. Another major objective of the last week of the treatment is to clearly understand that the models adopted and the leadership style practised has been effective or not.
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The Impact of Migration and Diaspora in Shaping Everyday Life Relations Sociology Term Paper
7 pages (2110 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
The migration influences the urban society of the UK locales. Different ethnic groups occupied different locations in UK cities, and this determined the multiculturalism. The migrants give up their culture and practice the host culture but remember their customs vaguely. The cultural clubs in modern urban society are seen as a way of retaining culture among the migrants. 
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Broom Street Academy in New York Sociology Report
8 pages (2027 words) , Download 1 , Report
The academy tries to make sure that it addresses the special needs of the students who attend school in order to help them overcome their problems. It has many programs such as reproductive health care and education. The school also provides the students with mental health counseling and crisis assistance and well as legal assistance.
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The Private Sector and Further Perpetration Sociology Report
6 pages (1838 words) , Download 1 , Report
One of the biggest challenges that governments are having to deal with is the increasing prevalence of corporate crimes. Apparently, more cases of organizational crimes are being reported across all political jurisdictions. The role of the government in ensuring that these types of crimes are not committed stems from its primary mandate of protecting the citizenry.
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Brixtons Thriving Gang Culture Sociology Report
8 pages (2246 words) , Download 1 , Report
Crime in Brixton is a reality since the region is home to some of the deadliest gangs in the UK, one of the leading crime areas in London. Street gangs and crimes have been a common phenomenon in Brixton from the 1980s, when Brixton’s predominantly African-Caribbean community began to experience serious social and economic challenges.
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Postpartum Depression of First-Time Teenage Mothers Sociology Research Paper
8 pages (2410 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Postpartum depression is a common disorder occurring in first-time teen mothers in the UK today. The disorder is caused by various predisposing factors and can be detected through observation of certain common symptoms. This depression is preventable especially when detected in its early stages. The therapies are essential in helping the young mothers.
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