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Understanding of the Trends of Voting in the British Population
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Statistics Project
The answers to the questionnaire questions were analyzed statistically to provide the following descriptive statistics: ... /statistics=MEAN STDDEV MIN MAX .... /statistics=MEAN STDDEV MIN MAX .... /statistics=MEAN STDDEV MIN MAX .... /statistics=MEAN STDDEV MIN MAX .... /statistics COEFF OUTS R ANOVA ... /statistics COEFF OUTS R ANOVA ...
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Perfume Advertisement Adaptation
12 pages (3237 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "Perfume Advertisement Adaptation" focuses on Benjamin Chan Yin Fah, Yeoh Sok Foon and Syuhaily Osman, Bradley Barnes, Maki Yamamoto and Oleksiy Makarychev, Hans Kaufman, Haritini Tsangari and John Temperley's research papers and works.... This literature review also discusses Malaika Brengman, Maggie Geuens and Patrick de Pelsmacker's 'The Impact of Consumer Characteristics and Campaign Related Factors on Brand Confusion in Print Advertising' and Daniel Milotic's 'The Impact of Fragrance on Consumer Choice'....
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A Critical Review of Competitor Analysis Concepts
7 pages (2242 words) , Download 6 , Literature review
The paper "A Critical Review of Competitor Analysis Concepts" states that competition is about facing challenges in the market place for new products and customers so as to sustain and improve current business.... The technological revolution has created greatly enhanced opportunities as well as threats....
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A Review of Alexander the Great
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Review: Alexander the Great by Phillip Freeman INTRODUCTION The ancient king of Macedon, Alexander the Great has always allured the minds of the scholars and general inquisitions equally since ages.... The potent reason for such great popularity of the king across the ages is the amount of fantasy, enigma and mystery associated with the life and kingdom of the great king....
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Article reveiw, corrections
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Name Date Course Section/# Title: Article Review Moster, A.... N.... & Jeglic, E.... L.... (2009).... Prison Warden Attitudes Toward Prison Rape and Sexual Assault: Findings Since the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA).... Prison Journal, 89(1), 65-78.... doi:10.... 177/0032885508329981 Article 1: The first article which will be analyzed, summarized, and discussed is that of Moster and Jeglic's 2009 piece entitled, “Prison Warden Attitudes Toward Prison Rape and Sexual Assault: Findings Since the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)”....
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Adapter, Adoptive, and Birth Relatives in New Concept of Kinship
8 pages (2344 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The conclusion presented in the literature reviews show that there are some parity between the available literature and the findings from the responses of the participants.... From the study of the literature review it can be concluded that open adoption does make an impact on the relationship between all the three entities. ... In social research, reading forms an important component as it helps to provide interesting examples from the literature available (Wysocki, 2007, p....
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4 page literary criticism-book review on the The Tale of Genji by Royall Tyler (2001),
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
It is often treated as the world's first novel by the historians.... Others treat it as the first modern novel rather the first psychological novel.... All these debates regarding its stature arise because of its.... ... ... The work is attributed to the Japanese noblewoman Murasaki Shikibu, in the early eleventh century around the peak of the Heian Period. ...
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Historical book review on Gods Battalions the cas for the crusades by Rodney Stark
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The book focused on the practices of crusades that were used as a positive step to punish the then present day Muslims of their Barbaric.... ... ... The writer depicts the myths of the barbaric threats that were launched by the “Christian West” on the Islamic civilizations to win their territory and trade....
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Mathematics, Science and Gender as Subject Areas
7 pages (2040 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The authors also used different literature materials in the development of two survey instruments used to facilitate the study (Shiu, 2004, p.... The authors used two sources of VCE data in their study, where published summary statistics and related databases were requested from the Victoria Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA).... However, in situations where schools had many students, it could not allow the authors to get the right statistics about chronic illness....
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Data Analysis
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Statistics Project
he following table shows the statistics, retrieved from Appendixes A, B, and C that are excel outputs.... able 2: statistics ... ppendix B: Descriptive statistics ... This paper deals with the Gross Domestic Product data analysis.... According to the text, different sources of data exist on subjects and even though data creates awareness and informs decisions, only reliable data should be used....
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Review of an Academic Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Review of an academic research paper Name Institution Tutor Date Review of an academic research paper TITLE: Educational validity of business gaming simulation: A research methodology framework OBJECTIVE: As seen from the paper, Johnson, Stainton & Borodzicz (2010) aim at assessing the various criteria and the strategies of dealing with business gaming....
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Book review on Good Strategy/Bad Strategy
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The book revolves around the concept and true essence of strategy and its right implication in the world of business, politics and economics.... The author has tried.... ... ... Strategy is not something that one can consider as his list of wishes but it is the way through which one can utilize his energy and his resources to attain his The concept of Good Strategy unfolds the idea that strategy can be implemented outside the world of business and organizations....
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Dark Tourism
6 pages (1711 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
This literature review "Dark Tourism" focuses on a form of culture that involves people visiting places of death, human tragedy, and other forms of atrocities done to people in the world.... This paper recaps various literature on the motivation, shades and the attraction of this kind of tourism.... literature review (Dark Tourism) literature review Dark tourism is a form of culture that has taken form recently.... In this literature review, there will be a recap on various literatures on the motivation, shades and the attraction of this kind of tourism....
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Research Methodology and Research Design
6 pages (1640 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
In which case, reviews of literature that does not use original manuscripts could be termed as weak. ... The paper 'Research Methodology and Research Design' is a perfect variant of the literature review on science.... The literature review section in Pang's et al.... 8-100) opted to use some rhetorical practices and present their literature.... The paper 'Research Methodology and Research Design' is a perfect variant of the literature review on science....
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Westar beverage
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Statistics Project
876-2E-163E-16-03E-16From the regression statistics, the high value of adjusted R square indicates that the regression model explains a high percentage of the considered data, more than 95 %.... Regression analysis, as a statistical tool, provides a basis for establishing relationships among variables....
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Community Oriented Policing Service -Website Review (AllGov)
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
This paper, Community Oriented Policing Service -Website Review (AllGov), declares that the use of websites for information searching has grown significantly in the past few years.... This follows the growth of the internet and computer technology.... .... ... ... According to the study companies and organizations are in competition to get high traffic of visitors to their website....
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Review of The Conquests of Alexander the Great
9 pages (2280 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
This book review "Review of The Conquests of Alexander the Great" has a goal of providing a realistic overview of Alexander's accomplishments and their importance to today's leaders is carried through the major chapters of the book.... .... ... ... Even though the book focuses on military conquests, Heckel also doesn't go very strongly into the deep details of the battles he discusses....
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Health Implication of Body Modification Tattoos
8 pages (2515 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The purpose of this literature is to examine health implications brought forth by the practice of body tattooing.... After examining all the literature and issues related to body tattooing, the paper will provide recommendations to harmonize these practices.... Health implication of body modification tattoos Health implication of body modification tattoos Purpose of the literature ... he purpose of this literature is to examine health implications brought forth by the practice of body tattooing....
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Review of Fight club under thoughts of Z.Freud
8 pages (2068 words) , Download 0 , Movie Review
The paper "Review of "Fight Club" under thoughts of Z.... reud" presents that Fight club is a 1999 American film that provides a perfect scenario for the study of psychology.... The conflict in the film originates from a personality crisis in the film's main character.... ... ... ... Sigmund Freud is among the iconic contributors to the development of psychology....
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Sociology essay Book Report/Review
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Emile Durkheim revolutionized the study of human relationships by establishing sociology as a separate branch of science, distinct from psychology and philosophy.... For this reason, he is called the father of sociology (www.... mile-durkheim.... om).... Some of his works like The Division of Labor (1893), The Rules of Sociological Method (1895), Le Suicide (1897) are considered to be very important to in-depth understanding of modern sociology....
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Adjustment Issues of International Students Enrolled in American Colleges and Universities
2 pages (650 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
The paper "Adjustment Issues of International Students Enrolled in American Colleges and Universities" tells that Abrahao Andre de Araujo conducted literature research to figure out the issues that lead to failure of adjustment and increased stress among international students.... brahao Andre de Araujo conducted research named 'Adjustment Issues of International Students Enrolled in American Colleges and Universities', in this research he conducted a search and review of various pieces of literature in accordance with the issues experienced by foreign students when they are admitted to educational institutes located in America (Araujo, 2011, p....
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Independent Samples Test
1 pages (453 words) , Download 8 , Statistics Project
deviation, P-value, and t-valueThe descriptive statistics for the group of students who watched the fictional movie are as follows:Mean empathy score = 79.... 6573The descriptive statistics for the group of students who watched the documentary are as follows:Mean empathy score = 61....
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A Review of an Evaluation Book
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The Basics of Project Evaluation and Lesson Learned by Willis Thomas provides an easy-to-flow technique for carrying out lessons learned for different projects, in different organizations.... .... ... ...  A Review of an Evaluation Book.... The Basics of Project Evaluation and Lesson Learned by Willis Thomas provides an easy-to-flow technique for carrying out lessons learned for different projects, in different organizations....
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Movie review on the way way back
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
It is about a fourteen year old boy called Duncan, who goes for summer vacation with his mother's boyfriend (Trent), his mother (Pam), and his mother's boyfriend's daughter (Steph).... Duncan.... ... ... However, Duncan meets Owen, the manager for Water Wizz Water Park who introduces him to a whole new “different” world, a world he would not wish to forget. ...
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Masters of Small Worlds Book Review
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Masters of Small Worlds- Book Review Introduction The book ‘Masters of Small Worlds' was written by Stephanie McCurry in 1997.... The author of this book is a specialist in the history if the United States of America during the nineteenth century.... ... ... ... She focuses on South America, especially during the civil war era....
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Restaurants and Happiness/Life Satisfaction
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Statistics Project
 Much of the literature supports the interchangeability of life satisfaction, happiness, and subjective well-being.... The rest of the supporting subjective utility variables have the same positive signs (with the exception of age being negative) as previous literature and parallel results from column (2) on Table 4 (Helliwell, 2004; James, 2000; Diener & Biswas-Diener, 2002; Easterlin,1974).... Age is negative as expected; therefore, it is squared to account for the U-shaped aspect discussed in previous literature, which states that individuals are happiest at their youngest and oldest ages (Helliwell, 2004)....
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The Benefits of Formal Manual Handling Healthcare Programmes
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
ethods: A literature search strategy of 30 studies and the use of CASP's systematic review tool as guide.... The aim of the paper 'The Benefits of Formal Manual Handling Healthcare Programmes' is to determine the effectiveness of manual handling programmes in minimizing work-related injuries and the benefits and predisposing factors for the success in healthcare workers....
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Review of Us and Others: Social Identities across Languages, Discourses, Cultures
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Also mixed methods of qualitative aspects and data already put in journals, literature itself are used to collect data.... This paper discusses the topic of the importance of association oneself in the scope of a particular book.... This research will help to understand the importance brought by identity, what steps lead us to have an association or similarity to something and the various types of identities....
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Investigating Aspects of Early Language and Literacy for Children
39 pages (10467 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
In addition, the key objectives of this study will be to identify challenges in early language and literacy for children and thereafter review relevant literature in order to find solutions.... The literature to be reviewed in this study will revolve around the main impediments to developing language and literacy in children.... Basically, this study proposal seeks to provide a systematic framework for a discussion paper with a literature review based on a set of questions....
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Summary and review of Selma movie
1 pages (250 words) , Download 12 , Movie Review
Martin Luther King Jr with the assistance of President Johnson started a risky movement to ensure that the Americans had equal voting privileges.... In the movie, David Oyelowo and Tom Wilkinson.... ... ... Black people were still denied voting privileges.... King intimidated the government by stressing that they would hold their demonstrations in Selma, Alabama....
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A Review of the Meta-Cognitive Strategy in EFL Writing
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This literature review "A Review of the Meta-Cognitive Strategy in EFL Writing" discusses the difference between successful learners and weak learners can be based on the conscious capability to understand their knowledge and their learning processes, or simply 'meta-cognition'....  This literature review examines and evaluates meta-cognitive strategy in EFL writing.... literature Review 2....
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Book Review: 1776 by David McCullough
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
1776 is a story consisting of intriguing characters such as, among others, George III, George Washington, soldiers, as well as their families.... This paper will provide an examination of the non-fiction book providing a succinct review and assessment of the author's key points.... ... ... ... David McCullough's non-fiction book 1776 presents an intricate description of the year 1776, which signified the birth of the US....
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Book Review on War at Sea A Navel History Of World War Two
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Nathan Miller is considered as a writer who has the enormous talent to present historical facts and events for the general.... ... ... This book therefore is also considered as one of the most important steps towards presenting historical account of how naval warfare took place during WWII.... What is also important to note that this historical account is also extensive in nature covering most of the details From the overview of the book and the details shared along with the overall style of writing, it is clear that the key purpose of author was to present the history of Naval War during WWII in concise form so that the general readers are able to understand the historical accounts while at the same time are being entertained while reading....
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Business stat project
2 pages (500 words) , Download 7 , Statistics Project
The discussion is based on the hypothesis that Cadillac has retained control of the segment of older men and has lost the other segment to its competitors and that this is April 27, Business statistics project Statistical analysis is important to managerial decisions as it offersinsights into data.... 19Summary statistics on customers' age identifies highest statistics with Cadillac whose mean is for example 61 and Lincoln's mean follows this at 59....
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The River That Harms: A Movie Review
1 pages (292 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The paper "The River That Harms: A Movie Review" discusses that environment has been important to every living creature because it depends upon nature for its survival.... Once the environment is destroyed, survival would not be as easy as before and it may lead to extinction.... .... ... ... Taking care of the environment must be done at all times as nobody knows when natural calamities will hit although sophisticated tools can predict the upcoming surge of the devastating monstrous calamities....
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Review of the movie Outbreak 1995
1 pages (250 words) , Download 18 , Movie Review
The film directed by Wolfgang Petersen focuses on an Ebola-like virus outbreak in Zaire, and later in Cedar Creek, California.... The virus known as Motaba had been reported in Zaire twenty eight years ago,.... ... ... The primary settings of the film comprise government disease control centers, CDC and the USAMRIID, as well as the fictional-small town of Cedar Creek....
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Quilitive article
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
by the researchers sourced relevant literature and research materials conducted on the topic from 1990 to 2004 in order to keep up with emerging trends in children and adult engagement in sports and physical activity. ... 8-DataData was collected using qualitative research method whereby the researchers sourced relevant literature and research materials conducted on the topic from 1990 to 2004 in order to keep up with emerging trends in children and adult engagement in sports and physical activity....
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Analysis of the University, Ltd: Changing A Business School Article by Parker
6 pages (1852 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
he purpose of using statistics in research of an inductive nature is to represent the degree of validity in the acquired information.... statistics runs on the principles of probability, it determines the possibilities and likeliness of an event to occur or helps in measuring the truthfulness of the acquired assumptions....
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Review of Technology Opportunities for GLM's Information
10 pages (2775 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This review ''Review of Technology Opportunities for GLM's Information'' discusses that the company's information system has improved the management of the company.... It also gives an opportunity to the employees to check their status concerning payment, personal information, tax information and employment data....
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Power Listening by Bernard Ferrari Review
6 pages (1778 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The review "Power Listening by Bernard Ferrari Review" focuses on the critical analysis of the importance of listening within an organizational setting with focus placed on the book Power Listening.... Listening is an essential instrument for any organization to move forth.... ... ... ... The book Power Listening as authored by Bernard Ferrari is an argument of how several organizations operate from wrong decisions which can be blamed on issues of failures in listening....
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SPSS Homework
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Statistics Project
he statistics suggests longer training among Michigan officers than among Ohio officers.... It therefore coincides with interval level of measurement that measured the two properties of direction and differences between equal intervals. ... ... ifferent offences.... ... ... This identifies the property of direction and magnitude only that the ordinal scale measures. ...
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The Role of Middle Managers in English Primary Schools
4 pages (1101 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
"The Role of Middle Managers in English Primary Schools" paper gives a critical look at various relevant literature that has explored the role of middle managers in English primary schools, it is apparent that different views have been provided.... There no consensus in the literature on what the role of middle managers in English primary schools entails.... Perhaps based on the contrasting views presented in the literature, it is plausible to argue that there no definite role of middle managers in English primary schools....
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History of Advanced Practice Nurses and Role of Advanced Practice Wound Care Nurses
5 pages (1840 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature reviews and analyzes various literatures with regard to the development of the advanced practitioner role while focusing on the role of the wound care nurse in various settings.... The paper 'History of Advanced Practice Nurses and Role of Advanced Practice Wound Care Nurses' is a worthy example of a literature review on nursing.... literature Review ... A clear distinction of APN role in the current literature is clearly lacking (Griscti & Jacono, 2005)....
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The Role of Resources in Success and Survival of a New Venture
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
?Research in organizational behaviour: an annual series of analytical essays and critical reviews, 17(17), pp.... The paper evaluates various literature articles in this regard.... The following section discusses key literature related to growth of new venture and scale barriers.... he convergence of resource based view and structural dimensions of Singer's triad of causal constructs deriving from the liabilities associated with smallness and newness of a new venture through the notion of scale barriers can be presented in two manners in various literature related growth of new venture....
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Dispatches from the Edge book review
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The wise saying from the Orient goes ‘to help those in need is the greatest act of merit and to cause intentional pain to others is the greatest act of sin'.... The contents of.... ... ... The first few pages are pointers to his spiritual bent of mind and the inquisitive spirit.... Cooper (2007) writes “Geologists may have mapped out the planet's tectonic plates—hidden shelves of rock that grind, one against the other, forming Efforts of the scientists to investigate nature are fine but it is foolhardy to think that nature can be challenged, ultimately be conquered and its forces can be held under human subjugation....
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Critical Review on Ralph Naders Book Unstoppable
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
This book review talks about the Ralph Nader's book "Unstoppable" analyzing the aspects of the author's battle to defend the free markets.... The paper also analyzes the opinions of renowned economists, the votaries of free-market, whom author gives credence in this book.... ... ... ... Nader rightly argues that ideologies take the back seat when privileged interests play their cards and put pressure on the government to make the funds available, supposedly in the interest of the national economy....
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Credibility and Trust of the College Students towards the Use of Facebook
7 pages (1860 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The reliability of quantitative research method can be associated with the fact that it comprises of any data which is in the form of numerical such as the percentages and the statistics hence making the interpretation of the results easy.... However, in the social sciences, the term quantitative in most cases relates to the empirical methods which usually originate from the history of statistics and also from the philosophical positivism.... "Interpreting Economic and Social Data: A Foundation of Descriptive statistics....
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The Determinants of Household Poverty in the USA - 1980
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Statistics Project
For the following analysis, the four factors/ determinants of poverty include family size, urbanization, unemployment rates and median household.... ... ... Accordingly, they are the independent variables.... The data corresponds to the average 1980 values calculated for fifty eight (58) counties in the state of California....
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Share This by Deanna Zandt Book Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
I recently read the book ‘Share This!... How You Will Change the World with Social Networking' and I must say that it was very enlightening for a person like me.... I believe this book will prove to be an effective tool for those are still confused about what all this social.... ... ... She writes, “We're living through the emergence of complementary form of information distribution through social technology tools, one that has the potential to shift and, in many cases, dissolve the information hierarchies that have existed for Share This!...
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Review: The Lucifer Effect by Philip Zimbardo
2 pages (500 words) , Download 6 , Book Report/Review
The book report reflects how an ordinary human being is compelled to indulge in evil action and face himself as the sprite of the civilization.... Inspired by the Old Testament's story of Satan, the Lucifer Effect raises a deep-seated question about the disposition of human nature.... ... ... ... Philip Zimbardo, the author of the book the Lucifer Effect attempted to answer the question how good people can turn evil, a research which penetrates into the working definition of evil and its effects on humanity....
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