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Perfume Advertisement Adaptation - Literature review Example

This literature review "Perfume Advertisement Adaptation" focuses on Benjamin Chan Yin Fah, Yeoh Sok Foon and Syuhaily Osman, Bradley Barnes, Maki Yamamoto and Oleksiy Makarychev, Hans Kaufman, Haritini Tsangari and John Temperley's research papers and works. …
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Benjamin Chan Yin Fah, Yeoh Sok Foon and Syuhaily Osman , “An Exploratory Study of the Relationships between Advertising Appeals, Spending Tendency, Perceived Social Status and Materialism on Perfume Purchasing Behavior” The main goal of the study is to research consumer’s behavior in Malaysia under the influence of four marketing factors, such as advertising appeals that is considered to be external indicator and three internal characteristics among which are tendency to spend, perceived social status and materialism. According to literature’s statements, however, every consumer of young age can be a part of impulsive or compulsive group of buyers; nevertheless, each final decision concerning potential purchase is made under the influence of three major factors, such as price, quality and advertisement. According to consumer’s reaction to these factors, positive or negative attitude is formed and analyzed goods and services are accepted or denied. In addition, consumer’s purchasing decision is made with the help of emotional appeals, which are pride, fear, affection, thrill and humor. Also, there are such rational appeals as product attributes, refreshment, logics and educative information, which influence the process of attention, purchase and re-purchase; meanwhile, emotional appeals are considered to be significantly influential only at the phase of purchasing. It has been found that deep informational and emotional advertising appeals are able to create favorable consumer’s attitude to advertised brands and bigger number of sales. Furthermore, various authors claim that materialism and tendency to spend have direct relation. This means that people with high level of materialism believe that expensive products are essential to emphasize their social status. Buying such goods, people feel satisfaction because of the fact that society can see their possessions and therefore judge them due to acquired luxury. Such consumers consider that purchase of products help them to be accepted by desired social layer and such ostentatious behavior encourages to successful communication with other individuals. Consequently, a higher level of materialism leads to a higher level of spending. For being able to find out whether mentioned in literature conclusions are true, in one random state a shopping mall has been chosen, where three age groups of both sexes have been interviewed. Age boundaries of each group were from 21 to 25, from 26 to 30 and from 31 to 35 years old. The maximum number of each selection was up to twenty interviewees. The results showed that there was a considerable connection between monthly income and gender. Also it was found that majority of interviewees was affected with advertising appeals, among which the most significant appraisal was given to such factors as romanticism, refreshment and great taste. More than a half of respondents confirmed that they were impulsive consumers and that usually it was hard for them to resist shopping. Nevertheless, more than sixty per cent considered to have moderate spending tendency. In addition, research has showed that Chinese people have higher level of materialism than any other Asian nation. Also majority of respondents confirmed the fact, which stated that they had high level of perceived social status. And finally, the study has found that purchasing behavior is in direct relation with spending tendency, perceived social status and materialism, consequently, presumptions mentioned in literary works of different authors have been successfully proved. Bradley Barnes, Maki Yamamoto (2008), “Exploring International Cosmetics Advertising in Japan” The main purpose of the study is to research the attitude of Japanese people to advertisements of international cosmetics. The urgency of the current research is based on the fact that its findings will give assistance to foreign companies to successfully expand their performance in other Asian territories because, despite the rapid process of globalization, entering foreign markets requires careful cultural adjustment of advertising strategy. To check reliability of numerous specialists’ claims concerning Japanese perception of international advertising campaigns, among various data collection methods, internet survey has been chosen as the most appropriate one. Potential respondents received the URL link sent on their e-mail addresses with a request to visit website and give answers to presented questions. Results of the survey showed specific disparities between real attitude of consumers and consumptions presented in literary works. Hence, despite the general opinion of many authors, about seventy per cent of respondents confirmed that presence of celebrities in advertisements was not significantly important. Respondents have stated that price should be indicated in ads of cosmetics because Japanese people are more influenced by information and mentioned in advertisements product’s benefits than by the name of the offered brand. Supporting literature’s statements, it has been found that overall advertising image plays a significant role in purchasing behavior of potential consumers. In addition, respondents have confirmed that their decisions are sufficiently influenced by doctors and specialists as much as by colleagues and friends. Opinion of sister is considered to be more important than mother’s point of view, meanwhile, judgments of male representatives are accepted as insignificant and therefore do not influence of final purchasing decision. Respondents have admitted that they are quite accustomed to watching advertisements in English. That is why there is no use to make translation. Moreover, contradicting literature, it has been concluded that consumers prefer Japanese models that are more appropriate than western faces. This happens because more often than not foreign models propagandize such beauty, which, in people’s opinion, can not be obtained. Therefore, Japanese models are more real and they give quite believable hope to ordinary women to become as beautiful as they are. Further, according to the final results of the survey, western music in ads is preferred to national artists. Due to the majority of respondents’ opinion, the most cost-effective type of advertising is placing ads in magazines, while radio and newspapers are considered to be less appropriate because of poor visual presentation. Consequently, advertisement should be highly informative and image-orientated with indication of price and characteristics of proposed product. However, it is recommended to provide coherent, short, clear message with implicit and more often hidden meanings, because of Japanese rejection of hard-sell approach. Oleksiy Makarychev, Hans Kaufman, Haritini Tsangari and John Temperley (2011) “Influence of Corporate Branding on Launching Organic Cosmetics Brand in Cosmetics Chain in Cyprus” The article investigates positive influence of corporate branding strategy on successful launching and selling of organic cosmetics in stores of Cyprus. To research the stated thesis, both qualitative and quantitative methods have been chosen. For being able to receive qualitative data, eight senior managers have been selected as interviewees. In addition, ten employees of the stores have been interviewed for the purpose of finding out their attitude and opinion about company’s corporate spirit and image. Quantitative data has been received with the help of a survey conducted with 120 customers. The major purpose of the study was to research whether organic cosmetics would match and harmonize with company’s concept and all the rest individual brands. Corporate branding has been defined as successful concordance of top management’s goals, employees’ visions and shareholders’ perceptions. It helps to single out the company among a dense mass of competitors and increase enterprise’s reputation and people’s awareness oft its performance. In addition, successful company branding leads to stability of personnel and ensures loyalty of valuable workers. Despite the opinion of different authors concerning the fact that product-brand strategy can be more preferable and cause fewer losses in case of individual brand’s failure, company-brand strategy makes customers less sensitive to price changes, this create loyalty, which is extremely important for diversified company. Eight managers had mutual answers concerning company’s vision of organic brand launching. Hence, it has been concluded that the company aims at raising awareness of potential consumers about new brand, emphasizing low prices of proposed products and propagandizing protection of environment. Also, most respondents have agreed with the fact that low prices of organic cosmetics can be explained with low advertising budget that limits promotion. Adds are placed mostly in own magazine and website along with sending press-releases to advertising agencies. However, more than half of interviewed customers called marketing budget of the company as quite sufficient. Also most managers considered that organic brand did not match with chain’s concept, while about half of 120 respondents contradicted this statement. More than half of interviewed employees gave the same replies about the company’s image. It has been revealed that the company offers insufficient professional development and low salaries that cause high levels of personnel fluctuation. Furthermore, there is poor communication between levels of hierarchy, according to which staff’s suggestions do not receive required attention. Proving literature’s statements, it has been concluded that mediation of leaders is initially needed for improving the communication process between administration and workers. However, despite the mutual opinion of many authors, research has shown that corporate culture does not favor successful corporate brand. Consequently, study’s results have shown that found gaps of product-brand strategy can be fulfilled with a help of company branding, which will coordinate marketing strategy of organic cosmetics with entire company’s philosophy. Malaika Brengman, Maggie Geuens and Patrick de Pelsmacker (2001) “The Impact of Consumer Characteristics and Campaign Related Factors on Brand Confusion in Print Advertising” Brand confusion is able to give birth to a counterproductive effect of entire advertising campaign damaging company’s budget with totally unjustified financial losses. Most frequently consumers manage to confuse advertised product with goods of totally different market group as well as sometimes, slogans can be referred to incorrect brands. Also using the same colors, packaging and similar visual appearance of the products are considered to be one of the most significant factors that lead to confusion. It has been found that more often consumers confuse insignificant market share brands with market leaders. To investigate the frequency and major factors that increase brand confusions, facial care products and perfumes have been chosen as samples with the biggest and most accessible number of print ads. More than 150 Belgian women from 20 to 50 years old were interviewed concerning their personal information and nine advertisements that had been demonstrated one by one supported with relevant questions about female’s attitudes and impressions. Results showed extremely high level of brand confusions that happened because of negative emotional context of advertisements. In this respect, it had been found that the more ads are considered to be attractive and unique, the less often their brands are confused with others. Moreover, according to statistical data, facial care brands are prone to be more confusing than perfume brands. It has been revealed that much less consumers manage to confuse brands if they see models in advertisements of perfumes, while the presence of characters in ads of facial care products causes an inverse effect. In addition, supporting literature, it has been recommended that marketers should thoroughly take into account the fact that overloading advertisements with too many information cues increases probability of brand confusion. Results have shown that brand loyalty influences on confusion drastically, while people who prefer diversified brands and use products of different companies obtain higher level of brand awareness and therefore make less mistakes in defining the correct ads. Confirming literature, it has been found that the more frequently a woman reads magazines, the less often she is prone to err concerning demonstrated advertisements. Moreover, frequency of exposure does not influence on results, this means that it is quite enough to see an ad once for recognizing it correctly in the future. Despite that the education and professional level of females have not showed any influence on results, it has been concluded that women whose age exceeds 35 years confuse brands more frequently than younger respondents. Consequently, brand loyalty and age of respondents play the most significant role in brand confusion. New brands of perfumes are confused more often than established products, while facial care goods have showed totally inverse statistics. Moreover, those companies that use multimedia campaigns have less brand confusion due to wide consumer’s awareness of advertised products. However, to ensure this, firms should have high budget for diversified advertising campaigns. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is inverse relation between budget and brand confusion. Daniel Milotic (2001) “The Impact of Fragrance on Consumer Choice” The research conducted on bar soap aims at finding out possible influence of scent on consumer behavior. The study is essential for strengthening market position of those companies that produce body and facial care products, beverages, fabric care products, household care goods, food products and cigarettes. Fragrance is rather an individual factor that is hard to describe, but its impact more often than not stays underestimated by many specialists. Selling products with odor, it is important to elaborate language with relevant expressions and classifications that will be understandable for consumers. Consumer’s attitude to fragrance depends on various factors, such as first impression, level of concentration, quality characteristics and place of sampling. Research states that description of odors can be supported by colors, which make a great assistance to consumers in order to explain what kind of product they are looking for. It has been found that to achieve a successful sale, it is essential for producers to provide correspondence between basic characteristics of goods, including packaging, color and fragrance. There are several main traits which every consumer of bar soap is interested in, such as fragrance, price, brand name, packaging, functionality, color and added ingredients. The case of Palmolive brand showed that due to the company’s decision to substitute paper wrap for boxes with cellophane, there was a significant decrease in consumption level of bar soap. This happened also because despite the fact that colors were left intact, marketers changed the description of the products, for example, aloe was substituted for olive. In this respect, because of occurred mismatch between colors and fragrance, consumers stopped buying products of this brand. The process of creating new fragrance should take into account its three main characteristics, such as pleasantness, arousing nature and intensity, which cause a major impact on the consumer’s choice. Product designers should always keep in mind that elderly people percept fragrances with less effectiveness because aging significantly decreases person’s ability to recognize scents correctly. It is well known that each odor manages to change person’s mood and instill specific emotions. Study revealed that consumers without ability to identify scents did not face any changes in mood, while groups that were able to recognize fragrances immediately felt inner alteration of their moral condition. Also, as opposed to pleasant odors, unpleasant fragrances managed to cause a considerably bigger impact on people. In addition, it has been concluded that the same fragrance is able to influence male and female differently. Hence, lavender stimulates relaxation in women and causes physical arousal in men simultaneously. There are specific odors defined by specialists that can reduce stress or increase concentration. It has been found that scent of rosemary and lemon causes positive influence on person’s memory. Moreover, fragrances are closely connected to fantasies that they are able to arouse. Therefore, there is a strong emotional link between consumer’s perception and proposed odor that should be taken into account by product designers and marketers. Study Authors Methods Results Study on the Relationships between Advertising Appeals, Spending Tendency, Perceived Social Status and Materialism on Perfume Purchasing Behavior Benjamin Chan Yin Fah Yeoh Sok Foon Syuhaily Osman Interview of 120 respondents within three age groups (from 21 to 25, from 26 to 30 and from 31 to 35) in randomly chosen shopping mall – considerable connection between monthly income and gender; – significant influence of such advertising appeals as romanticism, refreshment and great taste; – big number of impulsive consumers with moderate spending tendency; – high level of materialism among Chinese people; – high level of perceived social status among respondents; – direct relation between purchasing behavior and spending tendency, perceived social status and materialism. Study on international cosmetics advertising in Japan Bradley Barnes Maki Yamamoto Internet survey – insignificant importance of celebrities in advertisement; – imperative indication of price in image-orientated adds; – considerable influence of reference groups; – using English language as traditional for adds in Japan; – preference of Japanese models and western music; – placing adds in magazines as the most effective method of promotion; – providing short and clear messages with hidden meanings; – wide use of soft-sell approach. Study on corporate branding influence on launching organic cosmetics brand in cosmetics chain in Cyprus Oleksiy Makarychev Hans Ruediger Kaufman Haritini Tsangari John Temperley Interviews with 8 senior managers, 10 employees of the stores and 120 customers – significant role of corporate branding strategy in providing solid reputation, determinate image of the company and low levels of personnel fluctuation; – considerable influence of corporate branding to provide customers’ loyalty and make them less price-sensitive; – contradictions between managers’ and customers’ opinions concerning low advertising budget of the company; – disagreement between managers and respondents concerning mismatch of organic cosmetics with other individual brands; – homogeneity in employees’ answers concerning company’s image; – significant role and importance of leader’s influence and mediation in communication between top management and staff; – lack of direct relation between corporate culture and success of corporate brand. Study on the impact of consumer characteristics and campaign related factors on brand confusion in print advertising Malaika Brengman Maggie Geuens Patrick de Pelsmacker Interview with 153 females from 20 to 50 years old and demonstration of 27 perfume and facial care product advertisement samples – higher level of confusion of firms with small market share; – significant number of confusions due to negative emotional context of the ad; – inverse relation between brand confusion and attractiveness of the sample; – higher levels of facial care brand confusion than perfume confusion; – decreasing brand confusion of perfumes with a help of models presented in ads; – negative influence of overloaded ads with information cues; – direct relation between brand loyalty and brand confusion; – negative influence of age; – inverse relation between brand awareness and brand confusion; – significant influence of budget and multimedia advertising campaigns. Study on impact of fragrance on consumer choice Daniel Milotic Analyses of specific brands and their consumption levels, observations over consumers’ behavior – necessity to elaborate common classification of fragrances; – significant influence of first impression, concentration and place of sampling on fragrance perception; – close connection between fragrance and color; – necessity to provide correspondence between packaging, color and fragrance; – considerable impact of fragrance pleasantness, arousing nature and intensity on consumer’s choice; – significant influence of aging on ability to recognize odors; – strong correlation between character of fragrance and emotions; – difference of the same odor’s influence on sexes; – various reactions and influences of fragrances on human’s body; – connection between fragrances and fantasies. Reference List Barnes, B. and Yamamoto, M., 2008. Exploring international cosmetics advertising in Japan. Journal of Marketing Management, 24(3-4), pp. 299-316. Brengman, M., Geuens, M. and Pelsmacker, P., 2001. The impact of consumer characteristics and campaign related factors on brand confusion in print advertising. Journal of Marketing Communications, 7, pp. 231-243. Fah, B.C., Foon, Y.S. and Osman, S., 2011. An exploratory study of the relationships between advertising appeals, spending tendency, perceived social status and materialism on perfume purchasing behavior. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2(10), pp. 202-208. Makarychev, O., Kaufman, H. R., Tsangari, H. and Temperley, J., 2011. Influence of corporate branding on launching organic cosmetics brand in cosmetics chain in Cyprus. International Journal of Management Cases, pp. 190-199. Milotic, D., 2001. The impact of fragrance on consumer choice. Journal of Consumer Behavior, 3(2), pp. 179-191. Read More

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