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Aspects of Law and Regulations Relating To Management of Employees, People and Customers
9 pages (2625 words) , Download 1 , Essay
ollins 1993, recreation and the Law, E & F N Spoon. ... oyice, C and John, W 2010, Law for recreation and Sport Managers, Kendall Hunt Publishing. ... artley, H 2009, Sport, Physical recreation and the Law.... ronek, B 2002, Legal Liability in recreation and Sport, Sagamore Pub. ... inetics, H 2005, Introduction to recreation and Leisure, Human Kinetics. ... irden, R and Budruk, M 2011, Sustainability: Reflections on the Challenges of Providing Sustainable Leisure Opportunities in a World and Era of Scarce Resources, Journal Of Park & recreation Administration, 29, 3, pp....
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Physiological effects of recreational drugs on the human body
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Presently, there are few conclusive research findings on the long term effect of ecstasy on a person.... While this type of neurotoxicity is not very evident in humans, animal research indicates MDMA is not for human consumption (National institute on drug abuse, 2005b). ... Another modern recreation drug is Ecstasy, also known as MDMA or X....
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Analysis Concepts of Customer Satisfaction
8 pages (2277 words) , Download 2 , Essay
ntroduction Different research studies are designed to create specific details about an industry and the management relationships which occur from these outlets.... At the same time, there are differences in the details, all which are specific to the way in which the surveys are conducted and the focus of the research study.... This research paper will examine four different studies related to the sports retail industry.... The quantitative methods are limited to research and statistical data that provides harder proven methods to the study (Sale et al, 43: 2002)....
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Value Creation in Acquisitions
13 pages (3847 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In addition, the company should establish as to whether it has the necessary finance to fund the research and development for the creation of value in the combined business organization.... The paper "Value Creation in Acquisitions" is a decent example of a Finance & Accounting essay....
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Brief Information about Qatar
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper briefly explains the history, geography, education, religion, recreational activities, marine life, and sports activities in Qatar, one of the prominent Middle Eastern countries which are blessed with oil resources, marine products, tourism, real estate etc .... Qatar is famous for sports activities, recreational facilities, traditional clothing etc.... This paper briefly explains the history, geography, education, religion, recreational activities, marine life, and sports activities in Qatar. ...
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Port Privatization: Concession
11 pages (3283 words) , Download 0 , Essay
In 12th World Conference on Transport research. ... research in Transportation Business & Management. ... Transportation research Part A: Policy and Practice, 39(5), pp.... The essay "Port Privatization: Concession" discusses the factors influencing concessions, their impact, and risks associated with it....
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Effect of Television on American Family Life
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper "Effect of Television on American Family Life" is to compare and contrast the effect of television and another entertainment medium on family life.... How much they recognize these opportunities to change disjointed reactions to normalized predetermined cultural content into significant, constructive and socially common experiences is a concern that merits a lot more research efforts.... sports are selected as the other entertainment medium since it is one of the most popular leisure activities....
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Multinational Operation in Finance and Banking
11 pages (3024 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Multinational Operation in Finance and Banking' is a bright example of a finance & accounting research proposal.... research proposal on multinational operation in finance and banking Contents Contents 2 Background 3 Objectives or key research questions 4 Literature Review 5 ... The research study deals with the impact that FDI have on developed countries and the developing countries.... bjectives or key research questions ...
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The 2012 Olympic Games in Britain
6 pages (1690 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This is expected benefit because most of the overlooked legacies of these games give avenues for scientific research in science and medicine (Thornton, 2011:4).... The most profound of this sporting event is that it features summer and winter sports where the well-molded and crafted athletes from around the globe gather and showcase their superb talents (Davis, 2012:41).... The Olympic Games Effect: How sports Marketing Builds Strong Brands.... Great Britain Parliament House of Commons Culture and Media and sports Committee....
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Characteristics of Research Problems
7 pages (2046 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The problem statement directs the sub-problems that assist to respond to the problem, the sub-problems outline the research hypotheses and research questions, which then develops the research methodology that develops the findings that permit the conclusions, which at last respond to the research questions.... Ellis and Levy (2011) hypothesize that the research questions and research hypotheses will establish the methodology used in the research, which gives the results....
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Legalizition of Recreational Drugs
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Recreational drug regulation poses a challenge for the entire society.... How can reprimanding a person for behavior that injures or harms only himself or herself be explained and justified?... .... ... ... According to philosophy, current regulation on drugs is unjustified and that some drugs that have been made illegal are treated like alcohol or tobacco....
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Stem Cell Research Legislation
5 pages (1612 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This was a national law which established new public banking and research facilities; this law was also set to encourage medical practitioners in increasing awareness of cord blood donations to pregnant women (Cord Blood Banking, 2010).... The paper "Stem Cell research Legislation" describes that research is after all a broad area of study which includes rich literature for evidence-based practice.... Future research may still be denied public and legislative support depending on the political climate....
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4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Coakley (2003, p5) states that “ when people study sports in society, they deal with sports as social constructions – that is as aspects of the social world that are created by people as they interact with each other and live their lives in connection with social, political.... sports play a major role in every community.... sports is influenced by countless factors and these issues Culture and media---in many ways manipulate the ways of thinking of the society....
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Short analysis and response paper
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The photo is about the Virgin Mary, dressed in a red shawl and blue veil, holding a child and floating on an array of clouds above a group of souls in purgatory, who pursuit for her intercession for their freedom.... Close, a putto clenches a brown scapular, a Carmelite, a sign of.... ... ...
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The Stakeholders Involved in the Asian Games
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
It entails many sports activities, which attracts many athletes from all over the Asian continent.... It entails many sports activities, which attracts many athletes from all over the Asian continent.... For this scenario involving the Asian games, the stakeholders are majorly focused on sports tourism, which will bring a desirable outcome for them.... The sports council of Singapore was given this responsibility to ensure that the event would be a success....
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Creation and Evolution
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
With the theory of evolution rooted in biology it is important to first determine exactly what is meant and what can be concluded from the word ‘theory.... Many theories are simply ideas that have been used through countless generations so much so that whether they are.... ... ... A biological theory is an attempt to explain how a natural occurrence happens while a fact is actually something that is observable (Is…) With that being noted creationism involves beliefs in how something may Evolution, though scientific theory, is a much stronger argument when measured against creationism when viewed from a scientific point of view....
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New York Times, the Boulevard to Imperative Facts
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper's slogan is “All the News That's Fit to print” and currently has subdivisions on issues dealing with news, Arts, science, Style, sports, Home, and an extra section on Features.... New York Times, the Boulevard to Imperative Facts Introduction The New York Times (NYT) was established by two talented the pioneers Henry J....
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Analysing the industrial relations pressure in an industry or organisation in Australia
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
u/mgt/research/working-papers/2004/wp35-04.... According to the research professional sports in Australia have created a series of employment rules which have diminished both the human rights of players and also reduced economic freedom of thee people.... It is needless to say that the regulation of the industrial relations system in the sports sector has made it more professional and well regulated in the global front.... Analysing the industrial relations pressure Table of Contents Industrial Relations Pressure and problem Situations 3 Industry/ organisation 4 Options/solutions/strategies 6 Theory 9 Analysis 11 Reference 14 Bibliography 15 Industrial Relations Pressure and problem Situations The latter half of the twentieth century saw a progression of elite sports in Australia from the amateur and weekend pursuits towards the full time multi-million dollar enterprises....
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Developing a Quantitative Research in Bullying
8 pages (2160 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Writing Papers in Psychology: Proposals, research papers, Literature Reviews, Poster Presentations and Concise Reports.... Writing Papers in Psychology: Proposals, research papers, Literature Reviews, Poster Presentations and Concise Reports.... The Psychologists Companion: A Guide to Writing Scientific papers for Students and Researchers.... The Psychologists Companion: A Guide to Writing Scientific papers for Students and Researchers....
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Rhetoric analysis of select paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
He gives his opinions on the book of David Shenk, “The Genius in All of Us”, the books of Dawkins, Dennett, Randy Thornhill and Craig Palmer's “The Natural History of Rape”, Fodor and Piattelli-Palmarini's book, “What Darwin Got Wrong”, the work of Jean-Baptiste Lamarck and the research of Carl Woese and Nigel Goldenfield.... He refutes Darwin's research largely in his article but in the end, he acknowledges Darwin's work as being the stepping stone in further studies in evolution....
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Impact of Environment on Psychological Skill Development
5 pages (1353 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Impact of Environment on Psychological Skill Development" tries to find out how 'aware' a person feels himself in sports, discusses motivation to exercise based on self-determination theory and intrinsic and extrinsic continuum, goal orientation, and the environments related to sport.... The relevance of engaging in sports and physical activity can never be underestimated.... Most sports require well-tuned motor skills and a highly developed sense of spatial orientation where one's body is in action from one moment to another....
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Research Paper Prospectus on the Economic and Financial Impact of the Gulf Oil Spil
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
research Paper Prospectus on the Economic and Financial Impact of the Gulf Oil Spill Customer inserts his/her name Customer Inserts 11th November, 2011 Nature of the Issue The issue that this research shall attempt to investigate is the Gulf Oil Spill.... Economic concepts/approaches to be used in the research The economic concepts/ approaches to be involved are as follows: The concept of negative externalities: This concept explains the impact of individuals and/or corporations on a third-party (Hackett & Moore, 2011)....
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Port Security Improvements
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The current paper highlights that the 9/11 tragedy has given everybody a new perspective of what organizations engaged in terror can do.... We have known to be driven only by their unbridled hatred for people with a different perspective from their own have suddenly become an organized network.... ...
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European Union Creation
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
aid: “The first step in the recreation of the European Family must be a partnership between France and ... The European Union comprises of a majority of states in Europe.... Starting from a membership of 6 nations it has grown to 27.... The 1957 Treaty of Rome was the foundation for the European Union....
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Importance of Aloud Recitation
1 pages (329 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Importance of Aloud Recitation" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues on the importance of aloud recitation.... The essence and core goal of recitation during the study is to pass the timely message to a certain group of people, also called the audience.... ... ... ... Moreover, recitation ensures that one retains the content more than before....
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Creation of man- from a biblical standpoint
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The concept of evolution that is actualised with the help of natural selection and variability seemed the simplest way to explain.... ... ... Ch.... Darwin singled out the following factors of evolution: heredity, variability (both heritable and inheritable), natural Mutations were also claimed to produce a considerable impact upon the evolutionary processes, as they created certain differences within a species, thus producing possibilities for evolutionary transformations....
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Research Program Proposal
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
(Juvenile Justice FYI 2008) A proposal of change for the possible resolution of the social malady will be justify by a study and research process.... research shows that there are 70% of juvenile delinquent was caused by educational disabilities (Wright & Wright 2007).... research-Based Effectiveness of the Peace Education Foundation Model.... These are the FSU Afterschool sports Academy and Mentoring Project....
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Compare & Contrat (ancient) greece &rome
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Moreover, the women community also had their own ways of recreation.... Many of the sports and games at present are the modifications of the ancient Greek and Rome recreational activities.... The term western civilization has wider meanings; it refers to ethical values, social norms, heritage, traditions, customs, religious beliefs etc....
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Recreational Beach Water
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Besides drinking and industrial use, water is also used for recreational purposes.... Recreational water may be found in swimming pools, water parks, lakes, oceans, rivers, hot tubs, water play area among.... ... ... These are disease- causing germs and may cause a variety of illnesses. ... ... ecreational water illnesses are caused by a variety of micro-organisms found in these Recreational Beach Water Recreational Beach Water As an essential component of life, water is used for various purposes....
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Peoples Management and Human Resource
7 pages (2032 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Bibliography 1(Albert Mehrabian, 2009, Non Verbal Communication, New Jersey, Transaction Publishers) 2(Michael Fielding, 2006, Effective Communication In Organizations, Cape town, Juta publishers) 3(Michael A West, 2004, Effective Teamwork: Practical lessons from Organisational research, Oxford, Blackwell Publishing) 4(Ann P Young, Marry Cooke, 2002, managing and Implementing decisions in Health care, London, Harcourt Publishers) 5(R.... This paper "Peoples Management and Human Resource" aims at identifying the reasons for general employee dissatisfaction reflected in high turnover rate, poor service, downfall in profitability, decline in repeat business, and other signs of deterioration in the sports complexes....
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Australian Trade in India and China
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The rapid advancements in the production and consumption capacity of China have resulted in buoyant annual economic growth rates in excess of 10% per annum for the past 5 years running, as of 2007.... For the period ending in 2007, China's economic growth rate stood at 11.... % (Prospects for the Global Economy....
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Theories of Human Behavior
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Education Awareness and research , 1.... This paper will attempt to describe the three key theoretical paradigms that dominated the research and study of sociological behavior in the 20th and 21st Centuries.... This paper describes the three key theoretical paradigms that dominated the research and study of sociological behavior in the 20th and 21st Centuries.... As part of this paper, I have also done a personal reflection research on my knowledge about the three theories, and the significance of their principles....
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Creation versus Evolution
5 pages (1498 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Philosophical speculation and research do not acknowledge God, make skepticism to being attractive to the human mind.... Philosophical speculation and scientific research do not acknowledge God, make skepticism to be attractive to human mind, and they are deceived (White, 1999).... research Method in Social Science: A Realist Approach.... University of Cincinnati Public Law research Paper No....
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Plan of Undergraduates of the University of East London for Their Future
10 pages (3382 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper 'Plan of Undergraduates of the University of East London for Their Future ' is an inspiring example of an education research paper.... Small Scale research Project Table of Contents Introduction 3 Background of research 3 research aims and questions 3 research Methods 4 research Designs 4 ... ackground of research ... The university prides itself in providing the best research based education to their students....
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Response paper
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The two things that I like are Shen's struggle to maintain a balance between the old and new identity, and Melix's love for the dialect she had received from.... ... ... Shen was using many Chinese words when she started writing in English, and after her professor pointed her out like by saying, “Why did you always use ‘we' instead of ‘I'?...
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TELEVISION STUDIES Library Research Project
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
his chapter from an academic book was written by a Professor from Amsterdam in the Netherlands who leads a research center for research on children, adolescents and the media.... The authors were prompted by the first showing of the British Teletubbies series on Australian television to reflect upon its potential reception....
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Analysis of Enzyme-Linked Assays
3 pages (1006 words) , Download 2 , Essay
"Analysis of Enzyme-Linked Assays" paper picks up one enzyme class, namely oxidoreductase, or understanding the linked assay reactions.... Oxidoreductases are enzymes that catalyze the oxidation-reduction reaction.... The substrate that is oxidized is regarded as a hydrogen donor.... .... ... ... Enzyme-linked assays are immunoassays; specific antigen binding is used to identify substances....
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How would Fredrickson Explain Alexies Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The following paper highlights that manifest destiny is the belief held in the 19th century by the Americans proclaiming expansion across North America.... This expansion was inclusive of progressive liberty, territorial enlargement as well as personalized economic chances.... ... ... ... Although most people thought of it as a policy, it is essential to realize that manifest destiny was a general notion....
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Examining Gender Bias in Children's Merchandise
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The themes for bedding for boys were sports (i.... Some of the images I found for infant boys were trucks and sports.... I looked at the crib sets and found one for boys with a sports theme; two for girls that had the little mermaid on one, and one solid pink set.... I also noticed that some of the girls' sports themed clothes were mixed in the boys' department.... Penney included the following: trucks and heavy machinery, superheroes, sports, teddy bears, sharks, legos, trains, dinosaurs, video games, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Avatar, guitars, and Scooby Doo....
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Health Families, Localities and Societies
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The past years in British schools have been marked with the growing health awareness and the implementation of a greater variety of sports options than in the past (Finlay, Pearson & Ram, 2009).... sports facilities have not only proven to be a great way of enhancing individual health and fitness, it has also been of a greater attraction...
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Research Paper on Native Son by Richard wright
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Since many athletes participate sports over a long period (from adolescence straight to middle adulthood), a lot of wear and tear happens.... Middle Adulthood Sherese Campbell Class: Seasons of Life Instructor: Dr.... kokumo April 2, 2013 Middle adulthood is the stage in life when new questions about one's life emerge....
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Figurational and Feminist Perspective on Alcohol Culture
12 pages (3452 words) , Download 4 , Essay
So it cannot be expected that the type of explanation needed for research in developmental sociology will be just like explanations which conform to the pattern of traditional models of causality.... here is a warning that the research is mostly focus on what is the violent nature of these sports and that the "other aspects of the development of sport such as the formal organization and standardization of sport, its diffusion in national societies and throughout the world and professionalization and commercialization" (Dunning, Malcolm & Waddington, 2004, p....
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Family Counseling Approach Research Paper
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Family therapy has for a long time been used as a pillar through which couples and families are nurtured and their intimate relationships restored through a myriad of techniques relevant to their situation.... It was started as a way of improving on family relationships and.... ... ... Before this field was created, clinicians defined the aspect of family interactions under narrow perspectives which were only viewed as including parents and children....
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Summary and response
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
“Children Need to Play, Not Compete”: A Summary Summary: It is impossible to attend a children's t-ball game or any form of sports geared toward young children without seeing the unhealthy level of competition that is injected into these games by the adults who oversee and foster their children's participation within such a construct.... Ultimately, long before reading Statsky's piece, the reader came to an understanding that the unimaginative nature of competitive sports has served to constrain the abilities of children and harness their otherwise eager and unbridled sense of wonder and discovery....
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Research Methodological Approaches
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Despite the difference in study scope and research questions in the qualitative studies, a close analysis reveals that the results are descriptive in nature.... This research is being carried out to evaluate and present qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods as the three common approaches used by scholars.... research Methodological Approaches ... he nature of research being done dictates the type and kind of methodology which is to be employed....
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Credit Cards and Financial Management among Teens
7 pages (1981 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Alternatively, credit companies can target students leaving college, as they are the one who start earning an income with their papers. ... ?According to Teenage research Unlimited, the number of teenagers with credit cards in their own name is on the rise.... According to Teen research Unlimited in Northbrook, III, "Teens are reluctant to swipe those magnetic strips, either....
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Strong Links of Religion in Sport
5 pages (1503 words) , Download 2 , Essay
sports always bring together people of various religions, political positions, social classes and myriad beliefs.... In sports, several people always link their winning beliefs to supernatural powers linked to their gods.... From the paper "Strong Links of Religion in Sport" it is clear that the emergence of Islamic conflicts in Egypt has recently contributed to fear in investing, conducting international trade, involving negatively influencing international transportation....
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Creating a Database Management System: Mountain Bike Rentals
6 pages (1590 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Mountain Bike Management and research: An Introduction.... Arguably, further research was required the environmental effect of mountain biking on recreation trails and how these effects are connected to trail aspects, and utilization levels, in order for recreation.... research Question Question: How does the mountain bikes interfere with the trials?... The objective was to chose trails that provided typical circumstances in that region, although the results could not, with any more research, be extrapolated....
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Community Corrections Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Generally due to budgetary constraints and lack of research, prisons in the other parts of the world have very strict code of conduct.... Community Corrections Paper I.... .... Name of the University Community Corrections Paper What Are Community Corrections?... Community corrections can be described as a holistic framework of several processes that are aimed at rehabilitating an offender....
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Impact of the Development of Tourism
12 pages (3529 words) , Download 2 , Essay
International Journal of Event Management research, 1(1), 1-12. ... Annals of Tourism research 24(2), 402-424. ... sports fans that are interested in a specified sport event or art buffs willing to travel in order to see a Van Gogh exhibit would visit a destination for the first time due to the the event that would satisfy their needs (Getz, 1997).... However, the sports events produce similar effect and destinations make bids actively to host such events....
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