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BAI 151 first paper
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The article discusses how the Nokia Company in its second quarter had its profits plunged by 14% as a result of competition from other mobile companies.... The profits drop despite the company having sold a new line of smart phones (over 2 million of them).... The article discusses.... ... ... further losses were incurred when the company had to reimburse $100 to each phone owner of the new smart phones in the USA as a result of lack of internet connectivity....
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Week 4 Assignment Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Chapter 9 dissects the issues of community involvement and social responsibility, asking the soul-searching question as to whether these.... ... ... Chapter 10 delves into the issues of global diversity and inclusion, which acknowledges that inequality is pervasive but not necessarily Diversity and Inclusion in Organizations Assignment No....
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Mental Process Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Creative intelligence is a term used to refer to the framework that uses intelligence to assure creativity, which turn produces innovation (Samet, 2010).... As a result, creative intelligence does not cater for imitation, mimicry or duplication, but for originality in coming up.... ... ... Intuition as an aspect of creative intelligence in the decision making process depends on the experiences of the individual (Innovative Thinker, 2010)....
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Forensic science paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Ubelaker and Smialek in this article address cross-disciplinary collaboration, and from this, a reader learns to appreciate the importance of collaborations across different disciplines.... The authors dwell on relationship between forensic anthropology and forensic pathology.... The.... ... ... Both forensic anthropologists and forensic pathologists work collaboratively in interpreting trauma in human remains....
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Media Messages Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The groups are not treated in proportion to their numbers instead they are treated according to the way they have been known; the Jewish as people who normally would have their way even when on the wrong, that is why others would rally to try and make sure the Jew in question.... ... ... The Latinos and blacks are known to be criminals hence even when they perform dismally in school, the reason is quickly said to be a criminal culture. ...
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Affirmative Action (Position Paper)
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is rational and reasonable that like other government institutions, the central intelligence agency perceives affirmative action as a social goal since includes everybody in the operation of daily activities.... In line with affirmative action in relation employment within the.... ... ... Employment in the U....
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Public Meeting Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The village planning committee of Alhambra organized a public hearing on how to plan the village, which is sub-urbanized on 26th February 2013 at Washington Adult Centre (City of Phoenix 1).... The public hearing planned and organized under the jurisdiction of the phoenix city.... ... ... il is a come together among the residents of Alhambra and the authority of the phoenix city council aimed at improving the layout and architecture of the area of Alhambra....
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Organizational communication analysis paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In optimizing worker's productivity, managing worker's output was revolutionized when Frederick Winslow Taylor introduced the Scientific Management approach in the workplace wherein functions and output is clearly defined and quantified to maximize productivity.... Where.... ... ... managing the workplace is dependent upon the “initiative” of the workers and procedures are based on the rule of thumb, tasks and function are broken down into specifics to clearly delineate duties for possible quantification and optimization of workers output....
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Dusting response paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
There is the feeling that the child is a tightly coiled spring of energy and is just raring to let herself go! ... ... he poet's choice of.... ... ... tive verbs, such as “wrote,” “crossed,” “scrawled” and “scribbled” convey the little girl's urgency and the emphasize her total focus on her actions....
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International Finance Regression
14 pages (4356 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The results presented above clearly reinforce some of the skepticism that one finds in the research literature concerning fundamental forecasts.... Consistent with prevailing research on the performance of forecasting services, both spot and future rates performed much better suggesting that exchange rate markets are very efficient.... More research can offer assistance comprehend whether firms that dont have a connection to the worldwide fiscal framework acquire positive or negative overflows and what the related welfare impacts might be....
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Strategic Business Analysis of Nike
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
Table of Contents ... xecutive summary 3 ... trategic Analysis of a company and its importance 4 ... ission and Objectives of the company 5 ... ... ... ... ...
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Diagnosis of an infected patient
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The discussions here are in relation to a hypothetical patient with an infection who needs to be diagnosed on what is causing his ailment and so if.... ... ... A sputum sample of the infected patient had been obtained for a laboratory examination. ... ... he bacterium Bacillus is a rod-shaped bacteria and can form long chains; it is also DIAGNOSIS OF AN INFECTED PATIENT (Anatomical differences among bacteria) of (affiliation) Location of University:DIAGNOSIS OF AN INFECTED PATIENTThis paper discusses the anatomical differences among three kinds of bacteria which are the Bacillus, Escherichia, and Mycoplasma....
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Marijuana should be legalized for medicinal purposes
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
1) The use of marijuana has been prohibited in the United States since 1937 as it has been classified as a dangerous drug.... However, recent researches and scientific.... ... ... 2) Aside from health benefits, there are also other reasons that deserve to be heard in reviewing the Legalization Act of Marijuana for Medical Purposes....
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Reflection paper on Friedman and Almedar
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This is especially reflected on businesses that are only focused on making profits while other activities are ignored.... In such a situation, the business only.... ... ... All other factors are not considered as critical, especially when they do not have a direct effect on profitability.... However, some businesses rely on appreciating their communities and thereby offer the best in social Module Reflection paper on Friedman and Almedar Many people have a reflection that a business is incepted in the market for theostensible reason of making profits....
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Analyzing and identifying news paper articles
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
nuclear forces could save $35 billion over 10 years', he give the insight of how the American government can save money by mot prioritizing the development of some of their arsenal upgrade plans.... He urges that the cut.... ... ... osed on the development of nuclear will have no effect in the American defense system and thus it is prudent it considers not committing the large sums of money in what could be considered arm race for no apparent reason....
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Financial Ratios Analysis and Comparison Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The financial ratios calculated from the financial statements of the organization helps to determine the liquidity, profitability and.... ... ... A comparative analysis with a local healthcare organization namely, Health Management Associates have been conducted to determine the scope of improvement in the performance of healthcare services. ...
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Efficacy of Institutions in the Global System
6 pages (1777 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This has been supported by various research showing the relevance of WTO in enhancing assets (151).... Some research shows that trade liberalizations, which was promoted by IMF and WTO, has a significant positive impact on the growth of emerging economies.... From the paper "Efficacy of Institutions in the Global System", globalization requires the need to enforce trading laws that are beneficial to transnational companies....
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Economic Development of the Irish Republic
7 pages (2049 words) , Download 2 , Essay
he OECD and IMF working papers have also stressed upon greater competition in the economy to lead to an improved quality of services and to avoid over inflation in the non-traded sector.... Brookings papers on Economic Activity, No.... he Government has also focused upon a macro economic culture of improved labour supply; better regulation,a focus on improved research and Development opportunities as well as the promotion of social inclusion and sustainable development....
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The Importance of Breakfast
8 pages (2178 words) , Download 0 , Essay
I like many things about the essays because it spells misconceptions that people have concerning breakfast.... like many things about the essays because it spells misconceptions that people have concerning breakfast.... For instance, many athletes and other sports personalities faint in the field due to lack of energy....
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To what degree are we responsible for manipulating our own consciousness
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Blinders to the World: Limiting Sight's Influence on Human Consciousness Human consciousness structures itself around a fundamental feed-back loop, structured by the world around us even as we affect our engagement with that world through differences in perception or predisposition.... ... ... ... Unfortunately, these perceptions are far too often biased by a privileging of sight....
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Effect of the Charities Act 2006
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
rg/research/journal/vol11iss1/special_2.... This essay describes an effect of the charities Act 2006.... Charity is the act of giving money voluntarily to help people who need financial support.... However, the idea of charities has changed over time with contributions changing from monetary aid into other material, and personal assistance....
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Regular Vacuum Cleaner
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Regular Vacuum Cleaner Name Professor Institution Course Date Regular Vacuum Cleaner The 21st century has seen changes in very many different sectors in the world.... These sectors include the economic situation, social relations and the political aspect.... All these have had different implications on the people around and thus the various improvements....
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Aviation and the Global Atmosphrer Report
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Aviation is vital to the all economies of the world and Airports are gateways to the world, vital for business activity and leisure travel.... Airports are the facilitators of a wide range of other economic activity and an integral part of the UK's infrastructure, allowing goods and people to move efficiently between cities and countries....
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Globalisation As A Contemporary Phenomenon In Developing Countries
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Excluded in the research are position papers, monographs, editorials and opinions.... Considering the wide scope of the subject matter that the paper intends to examine, the research will be limiting its study into one developing country only – China.... Furthermore, in tackling this query, a library research had been conducted.... Considering the wide scope of the subject matter that the paper intends to examine, the research will be limiting its study into one developing country only – China....
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Nullity of a Company in English Law
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 1 , Essay
In the paper 'Nullity of a Company in English Law' determines whether or not the concept of nullity of a company is truly an alien concept in English Law; and second, given the answer to the first, whether there is a need to apply the concept of nullity of a company in English Law.... ... ... ... This essay will first describe the concept of nullity of a company by describing the concept, determining the legal entity that it refers to, and determining the effect that the concept will have on such an entity....
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Globalization Is Used to Define the Increasing Economic Integration
7 pages (2071 words) , Download 2 , Essay
he construction of road and highway networks, support of science and research and provision of public health are the public goods that the state provides in a capitalist economy.... Socially useful ventures like research & development and extra terrestrial exploration also get support by the state. ...
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Pesticide Use and Environmental Change Issues
10 pages (2885 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
?? Online Ethics Center for Engineering and research.... To attain those objectives, this research also makes use of existing scholarly articles concerning the topic to support its arguments; books and web articles are used to attain further background about Rachel Carson and her environmental advocacies.... Thus, in analyzing this article, this research had found out that human beings, with their persistent and prevalent use of toxic chemicals, had brought into themselves the obligation to cope with the toxicity of their environment....
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Turnitin Report
2 pages (700 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The text matched with various publications, student papers internet sources.... The text match percentages were 15 %, 7%, and 18% in terms of similarity in internet sources, publications, and student papers respectively (Walden University, 2011).... In addition, text similarity adversely affects the quality and originality of assignments and essays....
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Re-evaluating Milton Friedmans Concept of Social Responsibility of Business
12 pages (3682 words) , Download 2 , Essay
"Re-evaluating Milton Friedman's Concept of Social Responsibility of Business" paper defines the concept of free competition and business ethics in the light of research works of previous research scholars.... The study understands the role of business ethics in the context of the banking industry....
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Marketing Plan for Robotic Systems
15 pages (4099 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper "Marketing Plan for Robotic Systems" shows that The Robot System Suppliers is a US-based medium-scale distribution firm, currently headquartered in Los Angeles city, which was established in 2009 to purchase and supply robotic systems to hospitals and surgeon clinics.... Plunkett research http://www.... Computing research Association....
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Child Sex Trafficking
7 pages (2182 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Congressional research Service, 1-75. ... Journal of Applied research on Children: Informing Policy forChildren at Risk, 2 (1), 1-18.... The paper "Child Sex Trafficking" discusses the extent to which the problem of sexual exploitation of children impacts people in the United States of America....
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Mortality and the Meaning of Life
8 pages (2238 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In my research over the topic, I read accounts of people who were diagnosed with fatal diseases and how the revelation changed and constructed their views about the meaning of life and its purpose (zoom, 2009).... research has also proved that the people who value life more have more death related thoughts and conversely the people who thought of death more valued life more (Heflick, 2011).... The research was carried out by Laura King, a psychology professor in the University of Missouri....
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Written Summary and Analysis of Assigned Readings
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The research relies heavily on existing literature and research as one source of its data.... he research included a sample from the Does School Quality Matter?... His contradicts other research that has found a significant positive relationship between school quality and earnings.... he research included a sample from the 1980 census, of people born between the years 1920 and 1949.... The census statistics proved very important for this research because from it the researchers established a series of unrestricted earning-schooling model from sub samples drawn from it....
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Law. Discussion of views
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Legal research: How to Find & Understand the Law.... An opinion has been presented to a newspaper with the view that there is no difference between morality and the law.... The same article claims that there is no significant difference between civil law and criminal law.... ... ...
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Transport Techniques and Management
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
According to the report, the source of alternative fuel is other than petroleum; a few are produced locally, decreasing the reliance on oil, and a few are obtained via renewable sources.... In a majority of the cases, they generate lesser toxic waste as compared gasoline or diesel.... ... ... ... This essay stresses that due to a combination of issues, for instance, ecological apprehensions, rising oil cost and the possibility for 'peak oil', creation of uncontaminated alternative fuels as well as highly developed 'energy systems' for automobiles has to turn out to be a high priority for many nations around the globe....
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European Single Market
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper attempts to analyze the pros and cons of such an exceptional case, where two member countries impose a restriction on the import of two goods produced by a member nation.... Whether such a prohibition was justified under the given circumstances.... ... ... ... One of the important characteristics of the market of the European Union (EU) countries is the free movement of goods between economies....
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Perceptions and Definition of Gender Roles
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper examines the determination of gender roles and the myth of perfection associated with fulfilling those roles.... While evaluating these roles in the course of this paper, certain definitions will also be considered and the extent of their accuracy will be determined.... ... ... ... According to the paper gender roles, studied in association with social roles, are often viewed as staged performances....
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Transferring to Tufts University for Better Opportunities
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Admission/Application Essay
The essay 'Transferring to Tufts University for Better Opportunities' provides a student's plan for further academic and sports development in the new institution in which he will be able to develop his skills in swimming, athletics, photography and other activities in student organizations.... All my life, I have lived an active life as my parents always encouraged me to excel not only in academics but in sports as well.... Duke University is a great school which highly regards academic excellence, however, is a sports-minded person; I always crave for activities that would enhance my physical abilities and capabilities....
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Recycled Toothbrushes
1 pages (264 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In addition to advertising recycled-plastic toothbrushes through the character of Harold Crick, Recycling could make use of a variety of sports stars to help promote its products.... sports stars are instantly recognizable to many in the general public and will help consumers to identify the product with their favorite role models.... sports are a big part of most people's lives and thus are an attractive advertising medium....
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Healthy Eating and Choice of Food
1 pages (297 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A sports nutritionist says, 'One runner, for example, limited herself to plain yogurt, rice cakes, and oranges.... The paper "Healthy Eating and Choice of Food" tells that one should eat both yogurt and meat to get the two nutrients since yogurt cannot compensate for meat.... ... ...
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The Financial State of Texas State
11 pages (2996 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
At the urging of Governor Perry, the TEFT was formed to research, development, and commercialization purposes.... "The Financial State of Texas State" paper highlights that the presence of financial aspects such as banking, credit, insurance, lending, investment and financial transactions underscores the significance of the state of Texas as a major financial investment center....
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Forbidden Practices, Food, and Drinks in Islam
10 pages (2668 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Many Muslims participate in fun activities such as sports and some games.... Muslims are not allowed to take part in sports or entertaining activities that involve the use of chess and cards.... The paper "Forbidden Practices, Food, and Drinks in Islam" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues concerning forbidden practices, food, and drinks in Islam....
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The Prevalence and Impact Smoking, Obesity, Cancer and Physical Activity Across the United Kingdom
11 pages (3485 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Cancer research UK points out there were more than 331,000 people in the UK who were diagnosed with cancer during the year 2011.... According to Cancer research UK, Cancer has been identified as the leading fear of death among members of the British public.... A report released by the National Obesity Forum points out that research conducted by the HSCIC showed that there was a rather sharp increase in the number of people with obesity during the period spanning from 1993 through to 2011....
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Ibn Khaldun and Political Theory
5 pages (1417 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The paper "Ibn Khaldun and Political Theory" highlights that Ibn Khaldun is one of the great thinkers whose thoughts have created a good impact in our modern society.... His work in the book, Muqaddimah is a landmark of social thought.... It introduces us to a much longer history of Arabs and Berbers....
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Financial and Economic environment of South Africa
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
research shows that the fiscal deficit rose in 1983 due to the increase in the amount of losses and the evasion of tax.... Financial and Economic environment of South Africa.... ... he International monetary Fund and the World Bank have argued it to venture into globalization to increase its business operations so as to reduce its dependence on financial aids....
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The Asian Financial Crisis
11 pages (2919 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper "The Asian Financial Crisis" is about 'Asian Contagion' which is one of the remarkable disasters to hit major growing economies across the world.... research by (Ramesh 80) indicates that after enjoying a great economic growth, the Indonesian market economy dropped by 13% by the early 1990s, with Thailand facing a decline of 10....
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The Contrast between studying in the US and Indonesia
6 pages (1698 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The US government has invested much on education and research.... The number of public libraries and research centers are fewer compared to those in the US.... For instance, the government has established numerous research centers, libraries and bookshops across the US (Brunsma, 2004).... Conducting research in Indonesia is harder than doing it in the US since the available research tools are limited and of low quality. ...
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Child abuse-Psychology paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
One of the recent news articles Agency reports increase in child abuse reports by Deborah Circelli in Daytona Beach News is devoted to increasing number of child abuse reports.... The author informs that the high abuse rate in Volusia and Flagler has increasingly grown within August, September and July, compared to last-year numbers....
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Personal Values Developement Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Personal values have an important role in providing a direction to the individual and in making her acceptable in the society.... Values for an individual can be defined as the way the individual perceives something as right or wrong.... Moral and ethical values provide a wider perspective to the value proposition....
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Individual Development Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The concept of emotional intelligence is very fascinating.... The possibility of recognizing the shortcomings in my personality and overcoming the weak traits of my personality through emotional development so that I become better at people skills, am able to manage my relationships at home and work is very exciting. ...
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