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Strategic Management and Leadership
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The company has made adequate investments in the segments of production facilities and ‘research and Development' (R&D) facilities with the aim of ensuring that innovative along with better quality cars are provided to global customers.... The organisation is operating as one of the largest manufacturing businesses on a global context....
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Social Impact of Tourism Development in Manchester
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
research strategy: research strategy constitute of primary data collection and secondary data collection.... For the purpose of carrying out this research, data was collected through primary source and the instrument used for data collection is unstructured interview.... Profile of respondents: 15 residents were interviewed for this research.... recreation and tourism, has huge environmental implications....
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Alhajry English Unit 4
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Alhajry English Unit 4 Part I: Write Cause and Effect Online learning, also called electronic learning or eLearning, is a new academic concept that refers to the use of the internet to access academic services in distant academic institutions.... ... ... ... Online learning is a modern concept brought about by the invention and the subsequent use of the internet....
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3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
) asserts that organized sports for children in between the age of six and twelve puts unrequired physical and psychological pressure on these young children”.... According to the writer, the organized sports are injurious as children cannot meet standards set for and by adult sports.... Furthermore, through such organized sports, children are forced to evaluate their competencies which eventually affects their self-esteem....
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An Ethical Leader's Response paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Each day we encounter problems that require us to make decisions, personal or work related.... It's our own virtues and morals that determine the means of the decision making and ultimately leading to the end of the process.... There are several approaches to decision making viz.... ... ... ... the utilitarian approach, the rights approach, the justice approach, common good approach, and the virtue approach....
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Letter from Birmingham (Response Paper)
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Instructor Letter from Birmingham (Response Paper) Popularly referred as MLK, Martin Luther King is an inspiration to all cultures in the world and remains one of the most influential men even in death.... In this regard, King's views and beliefs on achievement of civil rights, which are similar to Mahatma Gandhi's non-violent ideas, attracted disdain and respect on equal measures....
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The Vietnam War
2 pages (643 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper 'The Vietnam War' is directed towards those that can only tell the purpose behind the war, how it started, and how it ended, and what actually took place.... The audience consists of those that are uninformed of the real lives and mentalities of the soldiers.... ... ... ... The main idea that is presented is that there is more to any war than blood, gore, and extreme violence....
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Using Buddhism in Todays Modern World
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
You pick up the papers along the way and look at the winning number for the most recent lotto draw and realize that you have won a sweet ten million dollars!... Now imagine that you just found out that you failed two major subjects, your lover has dumped you for your best friend, and you have lost your backpack with important papers inside.... To top it all off, your computer just crashed, so you cannot retrieve the files where you saved your term papers and the deadline is at 5pm today....
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3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
CHILDREN NEED TO PLAY, NOT COMPETE Summary: Author Jessica Statsky in her writing “Children Need to play, Not Compete” emphasized on the fact that the children become a part of the sports like baseball, football in an inappropriate way.... They are knowing or unknowing pushed into the sports activities which is not up to their standard and build up a hazardous effect over them which can be detrimental in their overall growth process.... sports, as per Statsky, have been treated as an area to complete rather taking it as learning or any other co curriculum activities....
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Investigation of Enzyme Activity
4 pages (1293 words) , Download 2 , Essay
t was found that the glycogen activity in the muscle is found more in the trained personnel or in the muscle of the persons in sports activity.... From the paper "Investigation of Enzyme Activity" it is clear that oxygen-derived free radicals play an important role in the development of disease in critically ill patients....
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Vodafone's Indonesian Expansion
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay stresses that Vodafone's entry into the Indonesian mobile market has been prepared in a strategic report for the management.... The country's socio-political-economic background has been analysed with the help of strategic tools like SWOT, Five Force and PEST.... ... ... ... According to the paper the general consensus is in favour of the venture but caution is advised in proceeding on two front's viz....
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The Discrimination of Students by Their Teachers
11 pages (2918 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper "The Discrimination of Students by Their Teachers" focuses on the best composition for the education of men.... This research paper focuses on the best compose for the education of men. ... If students are exposed to games and sports and they are taught to learn on their own, their mind will be less exhausted and they will have the potential to grab more amount of knowledge, which is essential.... Moreover, games and sports are important part of life and it provides an opportunity to develop an atmosphere of self-study....
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State Capitalism
13 pages (3459 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It is proved beyond doubt that communist principles are better on papers only and in practice these principles are difficult to implement.... The paper "State Capitalism" highlights that China is one of the few nations which escaped from the onslaughts of the recent recession.... When most of the capitalist countries like America and Britain struggled to tackle the current recession, China succeeded in keeping its growth phase intact....
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Issues Arising From Brand Awareness in Children
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
n a new study appearing in the September issue of the Journal of Consumer research, David Wooten, assistant professor of marketing, explores the impact of adolescent ridicule on consumer behavior and brand consciousness.... Limit the use of data collected from children in the course of their online activities to promotion, sale or delivery of goods or services; the performance of market research; and other appropriate marketing activities.... Squair, Advertising research Unit, Department of Marketing, University of Strathclyde 173 Cathedral Street, Glasgow, G4 0RQ, UK ...
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Press Release on Fan Experience
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
om is a platform that operates at the intersection of video, social media, and traditional sports journalism.... om have foregrounded cutting-edge sports news and commentary, too often these sites have neglected the true fan experience.... Recognizing that fans are interested in more than just sports commentary, Fanzplanet (or Terry Davenport) provides an unparalleled forum for fan interaction.... While traditional sports news sites only focus on major news elements, this new social network recognizes that the fan experience expands well beyond what happens between the start and end of the game....
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The Implementation of International Standards
12 pages (3461 words) , Download 2 , Essay
?? OECD Trade Policy Working papers, No.... Through international standards, there is increased global research and development in the product market.... The paper 'The Implementation of International Standards' presents standards that are an important and positive aspect of every person's daily life as they contribute to the three dimensions of sustainable developments, that is the economic, social, and environmental dimensions....
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London Olympics 2012
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
She then contrasts this success with the legacy of Summary: The video is about the research findings of Linda Clarke, of European Industrial Relations, which she shares with the interviewer.... As expected there is a great surge in the employment of the skilled labor for the construction as well as for different services (Economic and Social research Council, 2012).... However contrary to this perception, it has taken the construction sector significantly downhill (Economic and Social research Council, 2012)....
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Therapeutic Exercise
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
research suggests that, during progressive resistance exercise, the body is likely to adapt to stress increasing an individual's fitness when the stress is above the threshold intensity (Adeyanju, Crews and Meadors 252).... his is consistent with the American college of sports medicine, which also advocates for the use of progressive resistance exercise in enhancing adaptation of the muscle to stress.... According to the American college of sports and medicine, progressive resistance exercise involves the application of strength specific programs such as concentric, eccentric, isometric muscle actions, and the use of bilateral, unilateral and multiple exercises of the joint, to enhance the adaptation of the muscles to stress (Mastropaolo 415)....
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The effects of proteins shakes on athletes
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Although no research has indicated negative effects of protein supplements, it is important for athletes to seek for nutritionists' advice before taking them.... Encyclopedia of International sports Studies.... The complete guide to sports nutrition.... sports medicine....
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Cognitive Semantics as a Field
11 pages (2915 words) , Download 4 , Essay
A leading practitioner of cognitive semantics in the 1970s, Leonard Talmy, has described it thus: ‘[R]esearch on cognitive semantics is research on conceptual content and its organization in language' (Talmy, 2000).... The paper "Cognitive Semantics as a Field" describes that cognitive semantics was criticised for its lack of strict empiricism....
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The Problem of Aging
4 pages (1223 words) , Download 2 , Essay
I certainly won't be an impulse buyer of a chick-magnet sports car and try to impress people by going deeper into debt.... The essay "The Problem of Aging" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the problem of aging.... Aging is like sex: everyone talks about it as if it were only discovered yesterday....
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Australias Relationships in the Asia-Pacific Region Change
12 pages (3220 words) , Download 0 , Essay
It also means developing better cooperative links with institutions in fields such as arts, sports and education.... The paper "Australias Relationships in the Asia-Pacific Region Change" states that the aim of APEC is to make trade easier with the least possible formalities and barriers in the Pacific and is of the point of open exports and import markets between 21 member countries....
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Pollution in the USA
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author of the following paper claims that the country that will be discussed in this paper is the USA.... The USA experiences several issues related to the problem, these issues fall in the category of air, water, land, and these pollution issues are further divided into subcategories.... ... ...
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The Evolution of Management Accounting
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The paper intends to present a brief view of the changes brought by the evolution of management accounting research to modern industrial management.... National research Council (cited in Transportation research Board of the National Academies, 2011, p.... Management Accounting research: Its Significance to Modern Business…5 ... The first portion of this paper includes an introduction of the aim of the report which is to provide basic information of three areas of management accounting research that experts in the field have explored....
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The German Automobile Industry
18 pages (4669 words) , Download 3 , Essay
But according to research conducted by the Institute for Economic and Social research (Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut, or WSI), these agreements have achieved little success.... Almost all interviewees in the research evaluate the collective agreements as an inefficient method for improving and increasing vocational training.... According to the research f IG Metall (a German trade union), only 4 percent f employees in the automotive industry participated in a team structure in 1990....
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Remote Document Vault OCD
20 pages (5365 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The application obligation of this research work is therefore aimed at the development f Document Vault, which works from a client and server interfaces (Ambrose, 1998).... Looking into all these project enablement, it is clear that covering them all in the current research will be highly time consuming and may affect effective deployment of the software modeling and analysis.... essays 2002: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Essay Competition....
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Effects of Technology
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
From this research, it is clear that the world is being driven by technology at a rapid level change beyond the control of anyone.... The modern equipments have also helped in the research and development of new medicines and treatment.... It offers a wide range of service to people of all ages and interests including international news in detail, films, sports and many other entertainment choices....
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Technology and Decision Making Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Pharmaceutical companies take advantage of technology in their research and development process of creating new drugs.... 1.... The use of technology has influence a lot the patient and client management in the medical field.... When a patient reaches the office of a doctor they must provide the receptionist with a copy of their medical insurance....
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Cooperative Learning Activity and Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Under the subtopics, each student is given a task to research on and finally presents it in their cooperative learning groups as the other students listens to the posed ideas and clarifies on any issue that is not clear.... The students capitalize on learning from each other through exchanging, evaluating and monitoring of each individual's ideas....
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Causes and consequences of the 2008/09 Great Recession and how Belgium is now perfroming economically
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Running Head: Great Recession and Belgium Great Recession and Belgium Great Recession and Belgium Introduction Belgium was one of the first countries to industrialize in the early 18th century.... Despite being very poor in terms of natural resources, the country relies heavily on its imports of raw materials from the world that it exports heavily to the outside world after value addition....
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Port St. Lucie Housing Market Project
5 pages (1720 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Lucie Housing Market Project" is a wonderful example of a research paper on macro and microeconomics.... he research design used in this study was descriptive survey whereby the study aimed at collecting information from respondents on their attitudes and opinions in relation to the sale prices of properties in the country of Port St.... By assuming that as the case study the study utilizes both qualitative and quantitative research techniques into analyze the topic of study using statistical techniques and tools like Stata to construct variables, test hypotheses, estimate models, perform inference, and test for the robustness of the models....
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Visibility Is a Trap
6 pages (1597 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Our surveillance culture, Student Prize papers 64.... From the paper "Visibility Is a Trap" it is clear that schools, hospitals, prisons, and business premises employ surveillance as a monitoring tool.... Surveillance has faced criticism based on the fact that it interferes with people's privacy and infringes their rights....
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Jeffro Uittos Drift Wood Horse Sculpture
4 pages (1063 words) , Download 2 , Essay
However, a closer look that the horse is engaged in some sought of equesterian challenge like the ones used by man for sports.... The paper "Jeffro Uittos Drift Wood Horse Sculpture" states that the sculpture is stockier and was developed through milling and chaffing and less curving was done in comparison to the other one....
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Persuasive paper: How to prevent greenhouse effect
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The problems of the greenhouse effect and global warming that have led to changing society are fairly new in the scope of history, having its beginnings in the industrial.... ... ... As too much carbon dioxide enters the atmosphere from traditional energy sources, and as traditional products like computers and automobiles leave behind toxic materials, people start exploring more environmentally friendly People want to feel that they are not inherently linked with depleting the environment to provide power or convenience, and seem to be a more accurate reflection of the economy of nature than the economy of humanity....
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Global and Corporate Strategies Critique of Deliberateness and Emergence
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
om: research papers and Essays for All.... rg/events/iccs/openconf/author/papers/f292.... om/essays/Corporate-Stategy/139867... From the paper " Global and Corporate Strategies – Critique of Deliberateness and Emergence" it is clear that emergent strategies are needed in order to counter non-routine forces that impinge business over a period of time and change 'the basic rules of the game....
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Official Recognition of Video Games
8 pages (2191 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
David Best in his book The Philosophy of Human Movement writes about the difference between sports and art.... sports do not contain the representational criteria.... He also says that sports can be a subject of art but not vice versa.... sports and video games are clearly distinct in characteristics.... Video games can be voted to be a candidate for being an art as comparison to physical sports or aesthetic chess....
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Creative Practitioners Short Documentary Film
13 pages (3833 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Creative Practitioners Short Documentary Film " states that the project should have strategies for ensuring greater performance at each production level.... For instance, an increase in the demand for the products is an indication that the project is performing well in the market.... ... ...
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Research Methodology of Attitudes towards Affirmative Action in the United States and India Study
9 pages (2735 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five traditions.... The research paper is a report of the integration of the domestic and international affirmative action strategies and policies and the implications for human resource management and organizational productivity The study was a pilot study to test the feasibility of undertaking a wider European study.... Introduction The research paper is a report of the integration of domestic and international affirmative action strategies and policies and implications for human resource management and organizational productivity outcomes....
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4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
ENERSYS IPO Introduction The company that has been chosen for SLP is ENERSYS Corporation.... ENERSYS Corporation is a Public Limited Company and is listed on New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).... ENERSYS is primarily based in U.... .... and has its office in both North and South America.... ... ... ...
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Closing the Racial Achievement Gap in our Schools
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Their research went on for six years and came out with some of the most vital things that are important for the whole nation to know.... part from their focus on how the students from different are treated in the institutions in America and especially in Berkeley High School, their research also showed how to cope with the disparity in academic results among the pupils.... The most important thing about this research work is that Noguera and Wing have talked to everyone connected with the business....
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Cultural tourism in Newcastle UK as a part of Urban tourism
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Newcastle upon Tyne (Newcastle) is one of the renowned names in the UK enriched with its numbers of urbanised legacies that are.... ... ...
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Asian Americans in The United States' Economy
8 pages (2358 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
urther research reveals that Chinese Americans in New York, which comprise nearly half of Asian Americans in New York, have a lower standard of living than the city's overall population.... They engage in every facet of American life ranging from the military to academics to sports....
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The Key Issues and Current Industry Thinking on Event Volunteering
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
research.... research.... Volunteers and Mega Sporting Events: Developing A research Framework.... International Journal of Event Management research, 3(1), pp.... research.... Journal of Management and Marketing research, 1, pp.... research.... research.... research.... research.... Today, the term includes a wider range of social gatherings, serious meetings, major sports events and performances....
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The philosophical Direction of Physicalism
5 pages (1417 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The heuristic identity theory proposes that identity claims between psychological processes and neural mechanisms are advanced as heuristics that serve to guide future research (Bechtel & McCauley, 1999: 71).... the background of research strategies in cognitive cognitive neuroscience....
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Crime In The Workplace
10 pages (2540 words) , Essay
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.... ... ... Question: Discuss the assertion that staff dishonesty represents every bit as great a threat to the retail sector as customer theft, yet retailers are less prepared to acknowledge and confront the problem.... nswer:IntroductionThe assertion that staff Question: Discuss the assertion that staff dishonesty represents every bit as great a threat to the retail sector as customer theft, yet retailers are less prepared to acknowledge and confront the problem....
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Challenges in Education of Gifted Children in Australia
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The role of mentors in the development of talent has been emphasized by Pleiss and Feldhusen (1995) in the field of scientific research[11].... This is corroborated by Erickson's research with chess players[5] and Bragett (1997), in a discussion about the development model that aids giftedness, states that potential in gifted children may not be fully realized in the classroom when they tend to chafe at the slowness of others, are quick and impatient, make careless mistakes, rush their work and lose interest too quickly – all of which undermines the efforts to nurture their inherent abilities[2]....
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Who Is Responsible to Make Sure That the Foreign Policy Surrounded the US is Followed
8 pages (2463 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The author of the paper "Who Is Responsible to Make Sure That the Foreign Policy Surrounded the US is Followed" argues in a well-organized manner that the main body responsible for the carrying out of departmental affairs of the US is the United States Department of State (Yetiv, 2011).... ... ... ...
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A questionnaire for a career choice
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
This is crucial for having research on these particular fields.... It is vital to note that she had an earlier fantasy of being a sports' writer.... In addition, she had an earlier fantasy of being a sports' writer.... However, it is vital to note that the client has interests in sports and writing.... In this sense, writing and sports would be broken down to preferable choices (Whiston, 2008)....
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Strategic Capabilities to Gain a Market Competitive Advantage
7 pages (1810 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The differentiation factor is made necessary to put up a massive potential as it contains research and development.... They can spend on research and development for distribution and technology.... ‘Category Manager' was the most significant addition to eBay as it directs the 23 major categories and 35,000 sub categories from all domains including jewellery, sports, watches and even jet planes.... Heineken can also participate in sports events by sponsoring athletes to gain exposure to the public....
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Reflective Questions That Require to Think Critically
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper also differentiates correlation research from other research types and offers a description of a study plan for studying.... The research one chooses depends on the nature of research question the researcher seeks to study.... Consequently, Correlation research quantitatively studies the relation connecting variables in certain aspects.... Evidently, any educational pollster who adopts this kind of research avoids the manipulation of variables....
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