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Local Police Response to Terrorism
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Cambridge: Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. ... New York: Springer Science + Business Media, LLC.... This paper examines the measures and initiatives taken by local law enforcement organizations in the U.... .... in response to increased terrorist attacks....
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Air Pollution
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Science, 30-172.... Science, 23(3) 2250 - 2253.... The researcher of this essay analyzes air pollution as it is increasingly becoming a factor of major concern particularly due to the health-related illnesses.... Air pollution is the introduction of chemical emissions or dust particles substances that destabilizes the natural composition of air....
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Efficiency of International Institutions in Solving Collective Crises
11 pages (3017 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Also, owing to the spread of Science it is now not that difficult to find out the process of enrichment of uranium.... ISYP Journal on Science and World Affairs, 2005: 87-102. ... The paper "Efficiency of International Institutions in Solving Collective Crises" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the efficiency of international institutions in solving collective crises....
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Stress and Health Interrelation
19 pages (5073 words) , Download 7 , Research Paper
The Handbook of Stress Science: Biology, Psychology, and Health.... The paper "Stress and Health Interrelation" critically analyzes and discusses the stress-health relationship as viewed by the discipline of social psychology.... Stress research evolved from a purely biomedical paradigm into a more comprehensive psychological and psychosocial framework....
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Urban Un-sustainability
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Visualizing Environmental Science.... Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development.... Our globe has been in the ‘fast mode', with people having to make crucial choices for their survival and success.... That is, with population burgeoning and opportunities for livelihood drying up, people are adopting various options....
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Environmental Harm, The Superfund
11 pages (3051 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
?? Environmental Science and Technology 23 (10).... om/2009/04/24/Science/earth/24gowanus.... The paper "Environmental Harm, The Superfund" states that superfund highlights a problem among toxic areas around the United States, the solution is one which questions the ability to completely clean the toxins and chemicals, leaving poor health for the environment and the community living in the area....
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The Role of Women in Traditional Islam
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research paper "The Role of Women in Traditional Islam" declares that the religion of Islam is linked with peace all around.... The followers of this religion are known as Muslims and they are spread all over the world.... They believe that God exists and is invisible to the naked eye.... ... ...
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Standard and its Impact on Information and Communication Technology
10 pages (2755 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
chool of Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics - style "Affiliation" ... The "Standard and its Impact on Information and Communication Technology" paper presents a discussion on ISO 27001 standard that is developed by ISO.... The objective is to present an analysis of this standard and how it is being used by the companies in order to ensure the security of their assets....
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The Security Aspect and Hacking Techniques: the Usual Nature of Services
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
om/Science?... This paper would take up the Web 2.... technologies and various frameworks that are developed for the correct ascertainment of the enveloping world.... It also encompasses the Web 2.... languages and protocols for a better discussion on the issue.... ... ... ... With the incoming of Web 2....
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Sexual Harassment in the Hospitality Industry
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
"A qualitative study of sexual harassment of female doctors by patients," Social Science & Medicine, Elsevier, vol.... Leisure, vacation to dream destinations, and some smart funs are the common trend of services offered nowadays by companies working into hospitality industry which is inherently flawed with a condition that expose workers to vulnerabilities....
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Competitive Advantage in Enterprise Management
22 pages (5500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The writer of the present research seeks to discuss a few essential topics in managing enterprise business.... Therefore, the paper "Competitive Advantage in Enterprise Management" outlines the most important characteristics and traits of a successful leader.... ... ... ... It is well established that companies devise strategies for competitive advantage....
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Occupational Health Policies for Promoting the HIV/AIDS Management Program
23 pages (6368 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Occupational Health Policies for Promoting the HIV/AIDS Management Program" seeks to explore the effectiveness of employee involvement at the workplace with regards to fighting against the deadly epidemic.... At the moment, there is no cure for the chronic disease.... ... ... ... Accordingly, it is noble to introduce strategies that can go a long way in slowing the effects as well as the transmission of the disease....
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Information Security Plan
12 pages (3385 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Computer Security: Art and Science.... This research ''Information Security Plan'' delves on the information security risks.... The research delves on the on implementing programmes that will reduce or eliminate information security threats in an Australian company setting.... Computer audit incorporates safeguarding the company's holdings....
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Human Rights in Honduras
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
aniel Hellinger is Professor of Political Science at Webster University and holds the Ph.... The paper "Human Rights in Honduras" describes that As of August 22, 2010, the "Citizen Declaration," calling for an inclusive constituent assembly to rewrite the Honduran constitution, had garnered 944,330 signatures....
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Pilot Technology Dependancy
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 2(4), 352-367.... The idea of this research emerged from the researcher's interest and fascination in how pilots' overdependence on technology is lulling them into a false perception of security, making them cause accidents that are costing many human lives....
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Howard Gardner Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Howard Gardener challenged the notion that human intelligence was a single entity which is inherited from parents and it can be measured using the IQ intelligence test method.... After several research studies he published the Theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI) in the book ‘Frames of Mind' in the year 1983 (What are Multiple Intelligences?...
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The Use of Social Media in Global Marketing
13 pages (3456 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Life Science journal, 9, 4444-4451. ... The paper "The Use of Social Media in Global Marketing" underlines that the use of the internet has made marketing of the brands to be done in a faster and more efficient manner.... Consumers buy brands that meet their needs, and they are delivered in time....
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Food Security in Newark in relations to Race Class and Gender
12 pages (3449 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Journal of food Science, 78(8), R1101-R1104.... "Reasons Contributing to Food Insecurity in Newark" paper looks into reasons contributing to strategic issues, feasibility study, ethical considerations related to food security, the social ecology of food, and the relationships that contribute to food security in Newark....
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Communication Challenges to Managers in Global Virtual Teams
9 pages (2857 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
?Journal Of Information Science, 33(1), 63-75. ... The author of the "Communication Challenges to Managers in Global Virtual Team" paper focuses on communication as one of the crucial challenges for managers in global virtual teams, because of differences in their national culture and technology structure....
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Toyota Company Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Without a doubt, the Toyota Company is a leader in manufacture, assembly and distribution nationwide.... Hence, a very efficient marketing and management style is needed in order for the company to thrive in a fierce competitive environment.... Toyota is also a lead executioner of a practice called as “JIT system....
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The Adoption of Electronic Health Record System
28 pages (8324 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The main objective of this paper "The Adoption of Electronic Health Record Systems" is to provide a framework for the evaluation of the adoption of the Electronic Health Record systems among various healthcare organizations in Melbourne Australia.... ... ... ... The aims of the study were to; investigate the main departments and related functions to be included in an Electronic Health Record System, identify the main factors influencing the usage of an Electronic Health Record System, identify the main concerns of the users to using an Electronic Health Record System, etc....
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Law Reform Process and Outcome
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Areas like Science and technology keep evolving and things that were unacceptable in the past would become obsolete in the future and as such, no matter how ingenious the legal reform process was, it would still be a bit shaky when these new findings come to place.... The paper "Law Reform Process and Outcome" show on the cases of Australian Anti-Discriminatory Law and the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Bill that Law reform process includes all stakeholders and laws are streamlined to reflect the realities in a given set of circumstances of the country....
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Positive Behavior Support
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 6 , Research Paper
Therefore, application of the PBS model in schools aims at enhancing people's living stands through improving the quality of life and preventing or minimizing problem behavior through rational integrations that include biochemical and behavioral Science, valued outcomes, system changes, and empirically supported procedures. ...
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Cross Cultural Management in International Business
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
(2010) Causal Impact of Employee Work Perceptions on the Bottom Line of Organizations, Perspectives on Psychological Science, 5: 378-389 ... The author of this paper claims that Multinational Companies are big organizations that have subsidiaries in different parts of the globe....
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Hurricane Andrew in Florida
14 pages (3946 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
John Nevola, writer for the International Social Science Council (ISSC), affirms, “No one knew of Saturday, August 24, 1992 that Hurricane Andrew would turn out to be the largest natural disaster in the nation's history.... This research paper 'Hurricane Andrew in Florida' depicts the socioeconomic, physical, and psychological impact of Hurricane Andrew in the process of shaping Miami Dade County, Florida....
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Media Response to Obesity
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
ard, M Wright, J 2005, The obesity epidemic: Science, morality, and ideology, edn.... This paper takes research into the response of media towards obesity, specifically focusing on the US.... Therefore, the study proposes the view that media always contradicts itself, that is, instead of promoting awareness about the risk of obesity, it encourages eating and detrimental food habit....
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Use of Information Technology in Cleaner Production
13 pages (3694 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Springer Science & Business Media. ... The research paper 'Use of Information Technology in Cleaner Production' deals with the problem of nature pollution, owing to industrialization.... With the level of industrialization and technology growing, pressure on ecological sustainability continues to grow....
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Global Warming and Human Actions
11 pages (3119 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Science reveals that oceans have higher levels of carbon dioxide than the amount contained in the atmosphere.... The paper "Global Warming and Human Actions" underlines that to ensure sustainable development for now and in the future, human beings should ensure that their actions do not contribute to global warming and degrade life in the ecosystem....
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The Impact of the Chinese Economy on the US Economy
10 pages (3075 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Automatic spending cuts are projected to reduce the economic growth in short term and also it could undermine potential through indiscriminate cuts to infrastructure, Science and education spending (IMF Country Report - USA, 12).... The paper "The Impact of the Chinese Economy on the US Economy" states that China, becoming a world leader will more probably change its focus from a major exporting country to investing country, buying out the majority share package of large corporations....
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Salary research paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Xerox has been around for a long time.... It enjoys a strong cash position and brand identity.... The decent pay compared to industry standards ensures that the best managers are hired.... ... ... Xerox Corporation has several strengths.... One of the strengths is a strong brand image.... This means that customers trust it and thus sales are higher than those of competitors....
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Motorola Inc. Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Motorolla Inc.... Name University Motorola Inc Motorola Inc.... has been a pioneer in mobile technology in its industry and has for the longest time held under its power a significant share of the market.... However, recently the tables have turned and Motorola Inc.... ... ... ... has lost some of its market share and revenue and consequently some of its power as a leader in the industry....
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Educational Trends Education Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Educational Trends Research Outline Introduction Historical Background: ICT in classrooms Current Trends: Overview Figure 1: Instructional technologies in use Future trends Conclusion References “Children, today, are already accustomed to a world that moves faster and is more exciting than anything a teacher in front of a classroom can do....
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The Problem of Superbugs
10 pages (3127 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "The Problem of Superbugs" tells that Monina Klevens and her research team at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention informed the public that Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus, a bacterium that resists the strongest antibiotics, lead to 19,000 deaths in America annually....
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Strategic Plan Law Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Strategic plan Introduction Correctional facilities are institutions that rehabilitate convicted criminals with the aim of protecting the society from harmful actions of the convicts.... There exist varieties of correctional activities that range from parole and probation facilities that rehabilitate convicts within a society's set up to programs that confines the subjects to a restricted area such as prisons and jails....
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Summary Research Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The question of terminal prognosis disclosure represents a controversial problem and is largely determined by the philosophy of healthcare: Western medical philosophy favors open disclosure, while in Eastern medicine physicians would rather concealing information on terminal diagnosis from a patient or reveal it only partially....
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Transformational Approaches are Relevant to Leadership Roles in your Organization
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper investigates the relationships between transformational leadership and organizational effectiveness and organizational effectiveness.... Leadership and its role within organizations have risen to become one of the most concerning the issue for business and organizations.... .... ... ... As the paper stresses, leadership has a critical role to play in the phenomena of organizational change and innovation....
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Internationalisation of Family Firm:the effects on entrepreneurial orientation and generation involvement
21 pages (5250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Family firms are a special type of entrepreneurial endeavor.... Contrary to commonly held thought, such firms are just as likely to be big corporations as they are to be small, and community-focused neighborhood businesses.... ... ... ... In the face of increasing globalization, such firms are under pressure to internationalize their operations in order to maintain a competitive edge in the marketplace....
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Smoking as a Drug
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
 Social Science Quarterly (Wiley-Blackwell) 92.... This paper was prepared for Trevor Carlson's Research Class Abstract: The following analysis seeks to engage the reader with an understanding of the plethora of dangers that exist with relation to smoking.... ... ... ... Whereas it is oftentimes assumed that the most relevant threat to first and second-hand smoke is the risk of lung cancer, the following analysis helps to expand upon the litany of different negative health impacts that smoking can have....
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Applying Conformity in a Working Organisation
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Administrative Science Quarterly, 32: 526-542 ... The paper "Applying Conformity in a Working Organisation" deals with the experiment conducted by Solomon Asch.... The case was dealing with questions given to the staff of the organization for getting their views on certain aspects on accepting negativity due to conformity pressure....
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Stability between Islamic and Conventional Banking In Relation To Customer Confidence
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol.... From the comparative analysis in between Islamic and conventional banking systems, it has been quite prominently revealed that IFIs have shown tremendous effectiveness in recent years rather than conventional banks.... ...
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Historical Physiology of Swimming
30 pages (8233 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper "Historical Physiology of Swimming" describes that the majority of nutrient transfer and fetal weight gain occurs during the third trimester of pregnancy.... At this time, the fetus can gain 30 g daily.... This trans-placental transfer of nutrients is abruptly interrupted by preterm birth....
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Marketing Strategies for Al-Gizza Pizza Restaurant in Abu Dhabi
20 pages (5426 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "Marketing Strategies for Al-Gizza Pizza Restaurant in Abu Dhabi" states that market research is a tool and a strategy that can prevent a business from making erroneous decisions that may as a result cause expensive design mistakes in new products, faulty marketing campaigns and so on.... ...
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Womanist Theology Research Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Womanist Theology ... n womanist theology, religion provides a conceptual framework that revises and reconsiders the scriptures, practices, traditions, and biblical interpretation based on a special lens in order to liberate and empower America's African American women.... .... ... ... Name Institution Instructor Course Date Womanist Theology In womanist theology, religion provides a conceptual framework that revises and reconsiders the scriptures, practices, traditions, and biblical interpretation based on a special lens in order to liberate and empower America's African American women....
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Nature of Continuing Education for Building Identities as Social Workers
26 pages (6500 words) , Download 6 , Research Paper
This paper, Nature of Continuing Education for Building Identities as Social Workers, stresses that through various transitions in current social welfare services, circumstances surrounding not only clients of welfare services but also practitioners engaged in actual services.... ... ... ... As the paper highlights, social works in practice are carried out by not only social welfare professionals but also people from all fields of life and, therefore, without fundamental review of nature of current education and training systems intended to improve occupational and individual capabilities....
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Energy Conservation Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Introduction Energy conservation has become a critical issue in the current environment of rapid decrease of natural resources.... The fast depletion of natural resources has adversely impacted the eco system with huge repercussions on environmental conditions.... ... ... ... The devastating changes can be observed in erratic climate changes across the globe resulting in global warming and increase in climate related natural disasters like tsunami, flash floods, forest fires, tornadoes etc....
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Physiology research paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Brain pathological changes include deposition of amyloid-beta and tau proteins in and around neurons, leading to neuronal death.... The disease process and histological changes in the brain are postulated to.... ... ... In a subset of patients, it is associated with genetics and an autosomal dominant inheritance....
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Research Paper on Children Toys
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Research Paper on Children Toys Table of Contents Thesis Statement 3 Part 1 3 Children's' Age 4 Children Genders 4 Safety Aspects 4 Educational Aspects 4 Part 2 Toys for Six to Twelve Months Old Children 6 Question1 6 6 Question2 7 Question 3 7 Question 4 8 Works Cited 9 Thesis Statement The paper would intend to analyze the effect of toys on the health of the children of different age groups....
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Research Paper - War and Peace
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Research paper - War and peace How do People Justify War?... War is one of the main subjects in the international history and it provides us a clear-cut view that war has been part and parcel of our political society.... There are different analysis and perspectives given to war.... ... ... ... One dimension of the war provides that war is inevitable for the mankind and that it is becomes one of the essential part of the society....
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Government Policies to Regulate Sex Tourism in Thailand
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Since some people view sex tourism as a way of enhancing their travel experience, social problems crop up when a particular country attains the reputation as a destination for sex tourism.... Sex tourism gets its popularity from the acute unemployment and poverty in the destination country.... .... ...
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Organized Crime Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Organized Crime Abstract In this paper, the proponent includes the description or definition of organized crime, the proponent's perception of organized crime compared to the class reading materials, and the characteristics associated with organized criminal behavior.... ... ... ... The proponent found that the secret to understanding organized crime and its behavior is found within the context of understanding typical business organization....
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