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A Report on the issue of absenteeism within business organizations
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
A Report on the issue of absenteeism within business organizations.... ... his present paper is a report on the issue absenteeism and it will analyze this issue in regards to various case examples within different business organizations.... .... ... ... The report will begin with a critical review of the issue of absenteeism, and then it will highlight on the causes of absenteeism....
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Military History Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Introduction Historians consider eighteenth century as an era of limited warfare.... During this period, war activities were more controlled and restrained than in the succeeding centuries (Bruce, et al 633).... From nineteenth century onward, wars became large-scale human undertakings used mainly to achieve political and economic goals in addition to asserting power and supremacy of a particular country over another....
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Data Mining as an Emerging Technology
22 pages (5565 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
One thing that is worth noting is that data mining has its origins in statistics rather than computer Science.... Although many concepts are derived from computer Science, it has been argued that it shows many characteristics and has been from statistics and also has been derived from statistical urge to derive patterns which have been unknown in the past....
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India In The Crosshairs: A Comparative Evaluation Of The Islamic Terrorist
44 pages (10180 words) , Research Paper
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Thi8s research paper ''India In The Crosshairs: A Comparative Evaluation Of The Islamic Terrorist" outlines poses the greatest threat to India's national security objectives, Islamic terrorists, or the Communist Party India-Maoists (CPI-M) (Naxalite) insurgency.... ... ... ... India is one of the countries that have strong ties with the US....
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Sociology mini research paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Mitigating economic, political, legal, and social circumstances affected the ability of the baby boomers to repay their loans as will be demonstrated by.... ... ... The aim of the research paper is to investigate the hypothesis that student loan default is on the rise among the baby boomers.... The research will make use of secondary data, documents, publications, essays, books, government publications, Acts of Parliament, A total of 700,000 Americans aged 65 and above were in default by of their student loans by 2013 according to the U....
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Strategic Design And Implementation Of Project Management
52 pages (13000 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
The main objective of the paper "Strategic Design And Implementation Of Project Management" is to identify factors critical for the success of contract projects and in-house projects and to explore whether there is a common set of critical success factors.... ... ... ... The processes of planning, executing and controlling projects have been significantly improved during the last years, mainly due to the development of project management theory and practices....
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Evacuation Processes and Strategies of a Complex Building
18 pages (5434 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Oxford: Blackwell Science.... Fire Safety Science.... "Evacuation Processes and Strategies of a Complex Building" paper finds a way of reducing total building evacuation time.... Lift evacuation strategies are enhancements to the evacuation of the complex buildings in the event of an extreme emergency with no significant change in the traditional strategy....
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Soil strengthening of age-old-designed railway tracks
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
om/Science/article/pii/S0266114499000023 STRATIGRAPHICS n.... This research proposes a technique that has been in use for the last three decades in countries like USA, Canada, Western European countries, and India.... This new technique is cost effective, technically proven and does not require entire track dismantling....
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Stress Management in Law Enforcement
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
Modern day Science sees stress as a controlled behavior or measure.... The paper would look into the importance of stress management in law enforcement agencies with a focus on stress management techniques actually implemented in these organizations in contrast to other private companies to keep their employees' performance up to the mark through effective stress management trainings and techniques....
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Economic Development
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Economic Development Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Thesis Statement 4 Economic Development of Asian Countries 5 5 Analysis of the Factors and Policies Responsible For Asia's Economic Development 7 Impact of Economic Development of Asian Countries on the Global Arena 12 Conclusion 17 17 Works Cited 18 Introduction Economic development or growth signifies the level of rise in the financial conditions of a particular country....
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The Basic Principles of Modernisation Theories
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The paper 'The Basic Principles of Modernisation Theories' focuses on the principles of modernization theories that refer to development studies.... Emphasis is given on the effects of these principles on development studies as these effects can be differentiated in accordance with the scientific thoughts....
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Military Leader
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The military personnel learn many values while they train basic skills in combat.... They learn to live and believe in the values.... The values define what they become and what they accomplish.... From the lowest ranks, these skills are learnt and internalized.... .... ... ... Various soldiers have risen up the ranks from adhering to the values....
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How Effective is Emirates Airline Promotion Mix
21 pages (5745 words) , Research Paper
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"How Effective is Emirates Airline Promotion Mix" paper examines the customer perceptions of the Airline.... Emirates are a leading Airline, spanning in most of the parts of the world.... The promotional activities of Emirates Airlines are focused around Social Campaigns and Sponsorship of games groups....
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Satanism and Adolescents: The Attraction to Satanic Symbols and Rituals
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
of history and subculture like romanticism, gothic horror, art, Science, the ... The "Satanism and Adolescents: The Attraction to Satanic Symbols and Rituals" paper focuses on the rise of satanic influences on adolescents in the US.... The research has brought to light the media's responsibility in creating an apathy towards violence and dark imagery that pervades all of society....
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Stem Cell Research - A Clash of Science vs Ethics
5 pages (1439 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper "Stem Cell Research - A Clash of Science vs Ethics" highlights that the controversies over stem cell research have had global attention in recent years.... The advancement Science and technology have made is incredible, there have been many advancements made in the field of stem cell research and the diseases which were incurable earlier have become curable only because of these advancements in the field of stem cell research.... lient's 5 February The advancement Science and technology has made is incredible, there have been many advancements made in the field of stem cell research and the diseases which were incurable earlier have become curable only because of these advancements in the field of stem cell research....
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A Tainted Justice System: Corruption in Social and Criminal Justice Divisions
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Thus, the idea of such a state is presented by Stein (1977) when he describes a state which is controlled is as certain and prevailing like the current Science.... From an administrative point of view, it can be clarified that a state is composed of three major parts.... These organs include the Legislative, the Executive, and the Judiciary....
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Recent Trends and Existing Rivalry in Cosmetics Industry
9 pages (2627 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Cosmetics Science and technology, Volume 2.... This paper 'Recent Trends and Existing Rivalry in Cosmetics Industry" focuses on the fact that female fantasy and cosmetics are inextricably linked with each other since time immemorial.... With changes taking place in society, the cosmetic industry also witnessed a paradigm shift....
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A Geographical Case Study of the Principality of Monaco
51 pages (10479 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "A Geographical Case Study of the Principality of Monaco" explains that Monaco is described as the world's second-smallest independent country, virtually bereft of natural resources.... Yet, it has an international presence and is known for its national wealth.... ... ... ... The highest point in Monaco is registered as Mount Agle at 143 meters (McColl: 627)....
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Video Games and Violence
15 pages (4298 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Psychological Science: a Journal of the American Psychological Society, 12, 353-359.... ?Social Psychological & Personality Science, 2, 1, 29-32.... This research paper "Video Games and Violence" shows that violence can be defined as something which usually affects an individual in such a way that he is hurt or harmed....
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Relational Capital as an Essential Asset of Entrepreneurial Firms
10 pages (3290 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
?Administrative Science quarterly, 750-783.... The research summed up in the notion that relational capital is an essential asset that firms need and that companies that perform tremendously are those that are competent in conferring with other companies and come up with mutual agreements, thus placing an eminent value in the relational capital....
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The Vietnam War: Richard M. Nixon
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
ush government also did remarkable efforts for Science and technology.... He placed the base of National Science Foundation and doubled its overall budget.... He further created new Science and mathematics education initiatives at college and under graduate levels....
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Recruitment and Selection Process
40 pages (11646 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
The paper "Recruitment and Selection Process" is an outstanding example of a Human Resources research paper.... Most organizations and companies depend on external recruitment.... One of the main objectives for this kind of recruitment is to draw into the organization a wide range of talents as well as providing for an opportunity to get new ideas and experiences in the business (Chen 2005)....
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Innovation and Change
15 pages (4288 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
In any case it is a fact that change is inevitable in business or organizational world since Science and technology are advancing rapidly.... European Journal of Social Science.... om/Science/article/pii/S0040162507000510 Marketing Across Cultures....
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Mens Understanding Of Masculinity
14 pages (3922 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Social Science and Medicine.... The paper "Men's Understanding Of Masculinity" discusses that to improve the chances of becoming a chartered member of the British Psychology society via health psychology, I strive to acquire more academic qualifications by undergoing training in relevant fields of psychology....
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Psychological Theories of Learning
9 pages (2432 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The paper "Psychological Theories of Learning" critically analyzes how classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and neobehaviorism are applicable in various real lives.... A combination of stimulus-response theories can be used to explain why people respond to stimuli.... ... ... ... Behavioral psychology is highly applicable in several ways....
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The Effect of Parkinson's Disease
8 pages (2542 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper "The Effect of Parkinson's Disease" highlights that Parkinson's disease is a progressive disorder that has a late clinical onset.... The recent pieces of evidence have proven their origin from not only environmental toxins but also from genetic causes.... ... ... ... The initial theory of the development of Parkinson's disease only from environmental causes or as a sporadic cause was changed after a group of genes was discovered causing both familial and sporadic cases of Parkinson's disease....
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The Government's Approach to Child Poverty
30 pages (7500 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The paper 'The Government's Approach to Child Poverty' seeks to evaluate a major social challenge in many nations globally.... Basically, the child can be termed as growing up in an environment with very low earnings or in a family with very low income.... ... ... ... According to research, children who are brought up in a poverty struck environment are exposed to risks of having poor health, being involved in crime and do not grow to reach and exploit their full potential....
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The Nature of Female Oppression
10 pages (2775 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper "The Nature of Female Oppression" states that oppression is still the underlying uniting force of feminism globally.... However, it is clear that women experience oppression differently, and they are subjected to different types of violence in different societies, cultures, and communities....
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The Life and Thought of Marquis de Condorcet
11 pages (2643 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science--And Reality.... The paper "The Life and Thought of Marquis de Condorcet" discusses that Condorcet's work has been of outstanding benefit in the world of social mathematics and economics.... For instance, his work is so influential in understanding economic and political choices....
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Morals Problem Related to Censorship
9 pages (2584 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
History and Political Science November 25, Censorship        Censorship is the "Policy of restricting the public expression of ideas, opinions, conceptions and impulses, which have or are believed to have the capacity to undermine the governing authority or the social and moral order which that authority considers itself bound to protect" (Censorship para.... Psychological Science in the Public Interest....
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Employee Motivation at Workplace in the Period of Financial Crisis
23 pages (6526 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
This work called "Employee Motivation at Workplace in the Period of Financial Crisis" describes the examination of the various aspects of employee motivation at the workplace.... The author outlines the role of the external organizational environment, the model, and the performance of the HR policies, the influence of the financial crisis....
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Service Quality and Marketing Performance in Business to Business Markets
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 42(5), pp.... Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28(2), pp.... Journal of the academy of marketing Science, 28(2), pp.... The current study "Service Quality and Marketing Performance in Business to Business Markets" is based on the analysis of business to business (B2B) marketing relationship of hypothetical plumbing service providing company known as Saxon Plumbic Services London Ltd....
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Operations management: Roche Pharmaceuticals
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This research aims to evaluate and present The Design of the Supply Chain and Operations Model.... The research also will demonstrate How Drugs are Designed and Made.... Roche designs drugs that can bring sustainable improvement to patients' health.... ... ... ... The opening of the thesis report consists of the brief history of the Roche Pharmaceuticals....
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Design and Entrepreneurship Schools of Strategy - Comparative Analysis
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 24, 63-73.... Organization Science 12(3), 331–345. ... The survey 'Design and Entrepreneurship Schools of Strategy' provides a comparative analysis of both schools maintaining an iterative and cyclical knowledge network....
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The Gradual Development of the Body of Law: the Gender Aspect
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Initially, social Science generally makes dissimilarity linking sex and gender.... n the 1990s, social Science and expansion program moved away from a strategy centring on women and on making sure the full partaking of women producers in the expansion procedure (Women in Development); toward a strategy looking at gender, that is, at the broader topics pertaining to the socially resolute responsibilities of and relations involving men and women - what is generally referred to as the Gender and Development approach....
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Effects of Multicultural Diversity on Multinational Corporations
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Administrative Science Quarterly , 46 (3), 229-273. ... This paper focuses on how multicultural diversity affects organizational processes in a Euro Disney Land multinational corporation.... The author states that multicultural diversity affects the overall organizational culture that is dominant within workgroups comprising the organizational process ....
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Application of Psychology to Classroom Teaching
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
ABA is a psychological Science that applies behavioral psychology for altering behavioral disorders.... The present study would focus on educational psychology.... Leading methodologists recommend tutors an integrative approach in using such outstanding theories as Applied Behavior Analysis, Theory of Multiple Intelligences, and the Social Cognitive Theory in their everyday classroom practice....
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Logistics Management and Strategy in the Construction Industry
46 pages (11500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper "Logistics Management and Strategy in the Construction Industry" states that it can now be concluded on the basis of the literature review and the research findings that firstly the supply chain becomes strong and effective only when logistics is a part of such a chain.... ... ... ... 3PL then becomes a transactional based strategic move and management are going for more of these arrangements as it is a two way gain for both the company and the contracted logistics services provider....
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Fatigue design consideration in columns under wave cyclic loading
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
om/Science/article/pii/S0141029611005013 (accessed on October 19, 2012) 10) SS- Fatigue (2010), miesandpeas, available at: http://miesandpeas.... Designing of structures, particularly, columns and beams are measures that require several factors to be kept in focus.... One of the most important factors of these is the fatigue design considered for columns under cyclic wave loading....
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The Fundamentals of Corporate Social Responsibility
5 pages (1402 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
MN Journal of Law, Science and Technology , 607-636.... This research proposal "The Fundamentals of Corporate Social Responsibility" dedicates pharma companies that have been violating the concepts of CSR, like the makers of synthetic drugs (artificial drugs) which just cure the symptoms and not the actual diseases....
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Mental Health Anxiety - Health Promotion Program
14 pages (6398 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Cognitive therapy of anxiety disorders: Science and ... This paper "Mental Health Anxiety - Health Promotion Program" addresses the target population will be African American girls.... The particular objective of this health promotion program will be to reduce the rate of anxiety among African American females between the ages of 12-18 years....
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CIPD Management - Why Should Organisations Implement/Conduct Performance Management
32 pages (8000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper under the title "CIPD Management - Why Should Organisations Implement/Conduct Performance Management?... investigates the issue of such a notion as every organisation must ensure that its goals and objectives are met in an efficient and effective manner.... .... ... ... This requires the implementation of a system that would monitor the performance of the organisation, its employees, departments, employees and even the processes involved in the production of goods and services....
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Workplace Safety Research Paper
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Workplace safety generally refers to the protection of employees while they are on job.... Workplace safety has been one of the major concerns for employees, as well as for managers.... Almost every country has made significant laws to improve and ensure workplace safety because of increased concerns of media personnel, employees, and public about this issue....
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Violence towards Mental Health Nurses
10 pages (4068 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The author of the paper "Violence towards Mental Health Nurses" will begin with the statement that in Australia, mental health care has assumed a greater significance in the health care industry as the number of people with mental disorders is increasing day by day.... ... ... ... The paper tells that the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2007, p....
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Should Women Who Commit Murder Be Treated More Leniently
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Analysts contend that it “appears to be the product of political advocacy, and not Science.... Social Science Quarterly, volume 87, Number 2.... This paper 'Should Women Who Commit Murder Be Treated More Leniently?... shall consider the merits of both sides of this query, using scholarly and expert opinions on the subject matter....
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Persuasive Research Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Psychoactive Drugs and Harm Reduction: From Faith to Science.... Harm reduction is a comprehensive and realistic public health approach that has averted drug related harm and other public health matters all over the world.... Harm reduction refers to laws, programs and policies planned to reduce the harm linked to the use of psychoactive....
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Quality of Medical Services in the UAE
17 pages (4941 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper "Quality of Medical Services in the UAE" explains why the UAE's health sector has been invested in by the government objective of the paper is to highlight the issues of management of service quality that are inherent in the UAE healthcare organization specifically for SKMC, Abu Dhabi.... ...
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Motivating Employees and Team Building
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
1974, Foundations of Behavioral Science Research Organizations, Wadsworth publishing company, Belmont, Calif, .... It is elaborated in the research paper that Motivation is not a simple concept; instead, motivation pertains to various drives, desires, needs, wishes, and other forces....
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Health Care Professionals and Administrative Roles towards Preventative Care Goals
9 pages (2794 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Organization Science.... From the paper "Health Care Professionals and Administrative Roles towards Preventative Care Goals", since 2000, the medical field has experienced rapid changes in relation to the demanding expectations for professional medical personnel to take on deeper and more integral roles in administration....
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Role of Contemporary Digital Media in Criminal Investigations
11 pages (3035 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Digital Evidence and Computer Crime: Forensic Science, Computer And Internet.... The paper "Role of Contemporary Digital Media in Criminal Investigations" asserts digital technology and its advances have improved the security details of many countries all over the world.... The technology makes it possible to investigate scenes of crime and collect primary information digitally....
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