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Qualitative Research Report Summary & Critical Appraisal
3 pages (750 words) , Download 6 , Essay
Data collected included written descriptions from the students providing their perspectives on some specified questions contained in the survey papers.... Running Head: QUALITATIVE research APPRAISAL Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Abstract This research focuses on the aspect of horizontal violence experienced by nursing students in professional settings, especially during work-based earning programs.... In order to facilitate the acquisition of relevant information, the research in subject employed a qualitative methodology using questionnaires as the appropriate data collection technique....
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Unit 1 -IP- Research Strategy
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Notably, this research will develop its argument through qualitative means.... On the ethical front, this research will not disclose any participant's identity.... At the same time, the research procedure will be kept transparent through reporting the views of public and government in their original form (Sofaer & Eyal, 2010).... Translational research Beyond Approval: A Two-Stage Ethics Review....
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Research Narrative Sir Isaac Newton
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
I would restrict my searches to journals, university papers, and edited material that had been professionally reviewed.... Sir Isaac Newton's place in the history of science makes him an attractive subject for research.... Anyone whose name has had such a lasting imprint on science must have many interesting aspects to research.... What else was there to know about Newton Was he controversial What were his most revolutionary discoveries To research a man with such a rich history would require narrowing the focus to a particular aspect of his life and searching out credible resources that could inform me on that particular topic. ...
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Palliative Care and Models Administered by Healthcare Professionals
6 pages (1706 words) , Download 3 , Essay
arious research studies have specifically outlined that the care for the dying patients specifically depends upon the organizational skills and motivation.... This research study has focused on the Australian cross functional teams involved in the palliative care and confirmed that such unique behaviors and attitude can be easily identified in the people involved in the providing of Palliative care services....
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Qualitative research and quantitative research
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Level of objectivity of quantitative research than qualitative research methods establish higher-level validity on quantitative research than on qualitative research because qualitative research is subjective and therefore susceptible to bias from researchers and research participants.... This is contrary to the scope of quantitative research whose data and data analysis methods are, significantly, independent of researchers and research participants' influence....
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An Expository Essay on Dangers of Abortion
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
However, research has shown that there can be physical and mental health risks associated with abortion.... This essay discusses, abortion is one of the most controversial and emotionally charged topics in today's society.... While some view it as a woman's right to choose, others see it as murder....
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Research Guide in Civil Engineering
2 pages (749 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This website provides access to journals, magazines, papers, and books related to civil and structural engineering.... The essay "research Guide in Civil Engineering" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the research guide in civil engineering....
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English Essay
2 pages (758 words) , Download 4 , Essay
... his paper ''English Essay'' tells us that for the person in the first century, honor is the most important thing.... It is related to how others perceived a person.... Every decision and action is undertaken with the consideration of how other people perceive them specifically the significant others such as the family, the community....
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Computer & application reseach paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The octopus cards are the smart cards which transfer electronic payments in both online and offline systems within the lengths and breadths of Hong Kong.... It is the most widely used payment system within Hong Kong as all public dealings are dealt within it.... Convenience stores,.... ... ... The basic operation involved with the octopus cards is that they need to be placed closely with the octopus card reader and then a tone is heard from the reading device which ensures that These octopus cards can be recharged at a later stage in over the counter stores as well as through the facilitation of credit cards and not to forget the bank accounts as well....
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Film reaserch paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Name Institution Course Instructor Date Film Studies and analysis: Hotel Rwanda Hotel Rwanda is 2004 American directed Rwandan film that depicted the life of a hotelier in Rwanda who saved many Hutus from genocide.... The hotelier attempts to save his family along with his fellow citizens in a hotel....
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Researched Drama Paper (Hamlet)
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
We can no more understand him that we can doubt him.... He is an enigma because he is real.... ?? The drama's stock of varying and exciting incidents, its store of pregnant utterances and maxims, its fairly equal.... ... ... into scenes of tragedy and comedy, above all – the appeal of its leading characters have made Hamlet the most popular of all Shakespeare's plays (Grolier Encyclopedia, 1961)....
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Research Training Programme Project
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
his paper is based upon research done by Loughborough University as part of a review of the Business School's Training Programme.... This research was conducted over a number of weeks at the beginning of 2006, and a survey was conducted amongst former students, questioning them about their experiences and opinions of the course.... In the second section, we asked them about the relevance of certain topics to their research....
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Professional Map Analysis
1 pages (314 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "professional Map Analysis" presents a report on my performance in various areas in my course work.... The first part indicates the score that I achieved in different areas.... It is followed by the comments on the areas where the scores were lowest.... ... ... ... As such, when making decisions concerning a particular area the internal and external factors should be considered....
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Bullying in the Nursing Profession
5 pages (1577 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper "Bullying in the Nursing Profession" states that according to bullying in the nursing profession a holistic approach could be the best.... Whereby there is the creation of a healthy organizational environment by acknowledging that bullying does not exist in the nursing profession.... ... ...
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Similarities and differences between action research and audit
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Action research and audit are the two sides of the same coin.... Action research and audit appear to be two sides of the same coin.... n interesting fact concerning these two disciplines is that action research of audit improves auditing, and auditing of action research helps to remove the dross and improve the quality of the research.... rom immemorial times monarchs and other rulers have rewarded groups and individuals for research and development purposes....
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Independent Research Skills for First-Year Undergraduates
8 pages (2306 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The author of the paper gives detailed information about the independent research skills which undergraduates need in their first year at university reflecting on his/her own experience.... itle: Independent research Skills for First-Year Undergraduates ... There would be stimuli to enable consciousness on one's preparedness and correspondingly test its level during a required diagnosis or through an equivalent assessment of research capability which is ultimately vital in every stage of student progress by knowledge acquisition and development based on the matching curriculum....
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Legal Profession Ethics & Morality
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Thus, the legal profession has well-developed and strictly imposed codes of ethics and standards of professional practice.... In the paper 'Legal Profession: Ethics & Morality' the author examines the legal profession, which is often considered more ethical than other professions....
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Dominant Values in Professional Sports
1 pages (309 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper "Dominant Values in professional Sports" focuses on the fact that amongst the most important values of NCAA are protection and advancement of student-athlete well being and academic standards with a continuation of grass root level activities.... The core values of other professional sports association or clubs are more oriented towards their own set of beliefs, history and achievements.... In comparison with NCAA, the core values of professional clubs or associations are more centric towards commercialism while NCAA plays a more philanthropic role and strives for safeguarding the interests and ensuring the betterment of young sportsperson from grass root level to university level moving towards a successful career in the selected professional sport....
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Role of Training Professionals in Todays Businesses
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The purpose of the report is to make the management understand the significance of the role that a training professional plays in innovation and change and assists them to take appropriate decisions.... The purpose of the report is to make the management understand the significance of the role that a training professional plays in innovation and change and assists them to take appropriate decisions....
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Interview of Business Professional
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
An interview of a business professional concerning their code of ethics was a success and a learning experience.... An interview of a business professional concerning their code of ethics was a success and a learning experience.... This is a brief discussion of my personal....
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Research, Statistics, and Psychology
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
research, Statistics and Psychology Institution research, Statistics and Psychology Statistics can be well-defined as the study of the gathering, analysis, explanation, society as well as the presentation of data.... This paper discusses the role of research and statistics in the field of psychology.... McMillan & Schumacher (2009) state that research comprises of creative work expected on a systematic basis to upsurge the standard of knowhow, that contains the knowhow of man, society as well as philosophy, and the use of this standard of knowhow to come up with original applications....
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Social Research Methods
4 pages (1195 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The essay "Social research Methods" focuses on the major issues in the critical analysis of social research methods.... There are several stages in the research process.... The stages in the research process must be considered in terms of whether the research is qualitative or quantitative.... This is because these research types use different forms of gathering and analyzing data.... Specifically quantitative research uses mathematical and statistical methods of gathering and analyzing data....
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Mixed Methods Research
7 pages (1750 words) , Essay
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his business research attempts to explore the broad issues about internet shopping, giving emphasis on the barriers among online consumers to patronage and purchase products available in the internet.... However, there are various factors which are needed to be understood for new product success and unfortunately; this gap is felt in China. ...
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Legal Professional Conduct Hypothetical
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Legal professional Conduct Hypothetical 1.... If the expression “general account” does not include a general trust account and if the sum of $2,800 is not related to a financial service, Warren has breached section 248 (1) of the Legal Profession Act 2007 (hereafter, the Act)....
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Paper Plagiarism Checker
4 pages (991 words) , Download 0 , Essay
2: We Provide Plagiarism Checker research papers Tools for your NeedsOne of the papers a lot of students plagiarize without knowing is research papers.... research papers require you to use a lot of already available information.... This is why our plagiarism checker research papers tool is important.... Apart from using it for research papers, you can also use it as a term paper plagiarism checker.... You should always strive at handing in original IEEE papers because just like research papers, it is very easy to plagiarize these types of papers....
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Critique epidemiologic research articles
2 pages (500 words) , Download 6 , Research Paper
The main hypothesis being tested in this research is that intake of a diet high in animal fat and especially fat from the red meat and which is lower in fiber is associated with increased risk of colorectal adenoma and precursors of cancer (Giovannucci, et al, 1994). ... hers selected male health professionals between the ages of 40-75 years and mailed them questionnaires and those who responded formed the base population of the research.... There was no selection bias as all the health professionals were fitting the cohort were given a chance to Critique epidemiologic research articles Affiliation: I....
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Getting into the Brain Research Program
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper ''Getting into the Brain research Program " argues that research is becoming a more valuable tool today.... Personally, I consider research as a way of bracing one's self for what a particular learning or field brings into place.... This is the primary reason why I want to join the research program on brains.... In joining the program, I foresee myself developing strong research skills.... I know that I will be working alongside qualified and efficient trainers so it is expected that I will be learning a lot about the processes of medical research....
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Database Inventory Computer Sciences Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Database Inventory Name: Institution: Computer Sciences and Information Technology Database of Inventory INTRODUCTION The term database systems often describes the constructs of database management systems, a data model, as well as a database.... A database, as we all know, is a collection of logically-related data organized and stored together....
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Creating Academic and Professional Success
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Admission/Application Essay
The paper contains the essay in which the author states that an important pathway of his life is to achieve academic and professional success.... Choosing the path of success in my professional life has become an aim for me because of this very strong determination and I think if I utilize it in the correct manner I'll be able to achieve what I aim to....
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Population Density reserach paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Population Density [Name] [University] POPULATION DENSITY Population density is a measure that calculates the concentration of human in a particular area.... When there is a lot of population in one place there are quite a lot of problems in the place, people fight for food and every other resources....
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International Research Practices
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
They should also be able to provide the company with a detailed breakdown of all the expenses made in order to gather all the information and research data needed.... This research can be too tasking if only done by one person from the company.... his paper tries to answer particular questions raised with regard to expanding business internationally and business research practices for the coffee brewing systems company, JavaJoy.... Since it is too tasking to conduct the research as an employee of the company, a third-party company is contracted to conduct the research on potential international markets....
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Research on the Quality of Nursing Work
5 pages (1437 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "research on the Quality of Nursing Work" tells us about the degree to which nurses are satisfied with their personal needs; while achieving their organizational goals, which in turn, leads to an increase in their to increase the productivity and reduces turnover rate and psycho-social impact.... Nursing research develops knowledge about health and the promotion of health over the full lifespan, care of persons with health problems and disabilities....
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Bias Developing a Research Question
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Research Methods for Health Science: The Importance of Research Question, Literature Review, and research Hypothesis in scientific research ... This research will begin with the statement that in virtually every subject area, we are knowledge inadequate, and there are problems that wait for solutions.... We can address the holes in those uncertain problems by asking significant questions and then seeking answers through systematic research....
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How to End a Composition With a Bang
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 1 , Essay
It is why many students submit papers with very weak conclusions.... It is why many students submit papers with very weak conclusions.... Serious papers can make do with a rhetorical ending that prompts the audience to think through everything and draw their findings in addition to what you point out.... It is a way to provide all the research and data you presented purpose.... However, our research has shown that five to seven sentences are enough....
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Organisation,Professional and Academic Capability
4 pages (1000 words) , Essay
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The main characteristics that distinguish man from other creatures of the world are his inherent tendency to evolve as a better person and a successful professional.... Identifying and setting goals are not only important for personal success as an individual and a professional but the wider implications of having a mission in life, are much more meaningful and have widespread influence on his life.... t is for these very reasons that I had identified certain goals and objectives for myself so that I would be able to acquire necessary knowledge and experience that would facilitate in my personal and professional growth....
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Concept Analysis Paper: Pain Management
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
For individuals with chronic and terminal ailments, living permanently in nursing homes, it has been discovered that professional training in pain coping skills was beneficial in alleviating symptoms and increasing tolerance (Hyer et al, 2009).... Significance of Concept Pain is an essential component of disease and needs immediate attention of the healthcare professional as it is one of the primary distresses' which have to be relieved in order to initiate the recommended therapeutic modality for a disorder....
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Professional Discretion and Crossing Ethical Boundaries
6 pages (1862 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The paper "professional Discretion and Crossing Ethical Boundaries" analyzes professional discretion, by focusing on how the concept has been receiving attention in public service sectors.... When does the use of professional discretion cross ethical boundaries Introduction In the recent past,there has been increasing debates concerning the degree to which professional discretion has been receiving different challenges.... his paper attempts to make a detailed analysis of professional discretion, by focusing on how the concept has been receiving attention in various public service sectors....
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Creative and Professional Writing
6 pages (1805 words) , Download 0 , Essay
tatistics and scientific research has proved beyond any reasonable doubt that there will be catastrophic consequences of our industrial activities.... This paper ''Creative and professional Writing'' tells that I have learned through experience that the environment should be our immediate concern; I sometimes don't even want to imagine what the future generation will find if the current escalation of climate changes and the environment is continually affected by our activities....
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Custody Synapsis Research
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
For this research there will be four synapses with a change in gender of parent and gender of child and a 2x2 factorial, between persons, non-repeated measures design will be.... For this research, 120 Subjects are taken from a convenience sample of consenting adults. ...
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Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The writer of this paper seeks to briefly discuss the meaning of Jonathan Swift's essay 'A Modest Proposal'.... The work is most famous for its ironic use of the structure of the scientific proposal, but it is most incisive in its indictment of the shortcomings of the human animal.... ... ... ... While the structure of the essay does follow that of a scientific proposal in Swift's time, the ostensible structure of the paper does not actually show Swift's true opinions, until late in the paper....
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An Inquiry in the Ethical Challenges in the Accounting Profession
9 pages (2559 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Accountants therefore need to be regulated by very serious ethical standards which are monitored by professional accounting bodies.... This therefore means that ethics is linked to the use of moral standards to ensure that the decisions and activities of a professional are acceptable by the wider society.... In order to define and institutionalize ethics, professions have come up with their own codes to ensure that these ethics are standardized and people are kept in check in their routine professional activities....
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Networking researh paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Wireless Networking Introduction A wireless network is defined as the type of telecommunication network whose nodes are interconnected without any wires and the remote transmission of information takes place by means of radio waves at the physical level.... Wireless networking has facilitated the consumers in getting rid of bundles of cables and wires so that they can profit from countless services of the internet without having wedged at one place because of wiring....
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Market Failure Resarch Paper
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
Scarce resources in a free a market are allocated via the price mechanism where the needs or preferences and spending decisions of customers and supply decisions of producers come together to determine acceptable prices.... High demand of goods or services leads to increase supply.... ... ... High prices motivate producers to produce more while it kills the morale of consumers from purchasing the products....
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A Reflection on the Performance in a Professional Environment
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A reflective essay on performance in a professional environment (confidentiality) ... This reflexive essay focuses on the confidentiality as an aspect of the professional practice within my personal (Sobh & Elleithy, 2010, p231).... professional development, comprehensive understanding of legal and entailed ethical foundations concerned with confidentiality and entailed reflection on attitude and behavior that recurrently impact on daily service delivery processes....
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Professional Practice in Critical Care - Critical Incident Analysis
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The patient's parents were also present in the hospital.... Two sets of brain stem death tests had been carried out.... News of brain stem death was.... ... ... ICU Consultant and a junior staff nurse to the parents.... The family appeared to fully understand the news of brain stem death.... The family belonged to the Roman Catholic faith....
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Code of Ethics Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In short, according to utilitarian ethics, the autonomy of the patient should be given prominence over the professional ethics of the doctor.... Code of Ethics in Healthcare: Autonomy Code of Ethics in Healthcare: Autonomy Autonomy of the patients in accepting or rejecting a particular treatment is accepted as a code of ethics in healthcare....
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Virginia Woolf's Psychological Condition and its Reflection in Professional Activity
8 pages (2479 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This research proposal "Virginia Woolf's Psychological Condition and its Reflection in Professional Activity" is based upon textual analysis of V.... Psychology research Proposal 2007 Introduction: Is it a mere coincidence that so many of famous feminist suffered from mental diseases E.... Jamison (1989) described several research paradigms used to study relationships between mood disorders and creativity.... Basing on the research conducted by Andreasen who studied for over fifteen years the members of the writing workshop at the Iowa University, K....
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Research Paradigm Positions
9 pages (2298 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "research Paradigm Positions" underlines that research paradigm indicates a researcher's point of view and his way of looking at a given research problem.... It moulds and shapes his research question and method of collecting and analysing data.... The way in which researchers see the world, and the beliefs that they have about learning and the way in which it is positioned in the world, affect what they regard as important 'topics' for research and what they consider is 'evidence'....
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Exploring the Influence of Nursing Professional Practice on Organizational Quality
8 pages (2268 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Gardner undertook a comparative research for five years investigating primary nursing and team nursing and determined that there was no dissimilarity that existed in the stress levels of nurses in primary nursing and team nursing.... In this identical research, the retention of staff in the units utilizing primary nursing was longer than the units utilizing team nursing.... This essay "Exploring the Influence of Nursing professional Practice on Organizational Quality" discusses the transformations that have taken place since 1960 have enabled primary nurse practitioners to play a significant role in the treatment and care of patients....
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Financial Analysis for Managers Research Paper
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Question 16.... IRR.... Marielle Machinery works forecasts the following cash flows on a project under consideration.... It uses the internal rate of return rule to accept or reject projects.... Should this project be accepted if the required return is 12 percent ... ... ow because the net present value is giving a positive figure Marielle Machinery works should go for this project....
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