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Text Messaging and the Effects on Childrens Learning to Read
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 4 , Annotated Bibliography
Examined the effect of literacy in mobile phones on the academic outcomes of selected students in Niger, considered one of the poorest countries in the world.... The findings indicate a strong positive relationship between mobile use and improved academic performance.... ... ... ... Though the results established clear links between academic performances through increased mobile phone literacy, the participants being young adult students are not consistent with the subject of the current research....
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Experiences of Australian Soldiers
7 pages (2130 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper 'Experiences of Australian Soldiers' states that many Australian soldiers experienced the worst time of their lives during the Vietnam War.... This war fought between the South Vietnam forces of the government and the communists Vietnamese from the North, lasted for nine years.... ... ... ...
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The Image of Martin Luther King Giving Speech I Have a Dream in 1963
6 pages (1835 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper "The Image of Martin Luther King Giving Speech I Have a Dream in 1963" examines the book that discusses a critical aspect of Martin Luther's Jr.... Philosophy.... He authored the book himself in a bid to explain the ideologies that formed the central basis of his unique philosophy.... ....
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Political Science Intervention and Post-Conflict Growth
8 pages (2034 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper "Political Science Intervention and Post-Conflict Growth" provides a review of multiple articles associated with post-conflict situations, in the case of such realms as Bosnia Herzegovina, Iraq, Afghanistan, some of the European and African countries.... ... ... ... The Sources of information include the military officials of the United States Army....
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Development of a Personnel Policy within an Organization
8 pages (2361 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
The author of the paper aims to analyze several sources related to personnel development.... The first article is 'Strategic fit, contractual, and procedural governance in alliances' that gives a special focus on the double effects of mediating and controlling the effects of governance forms.... ...
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The Impacts of Internet on Information Literacy and Library Skills
7 pages (2215 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
This paper "The Impacts of Internet on Information Literacy and Library Skills" focuses on the fact that web sources represent a suitable application that holds immense potential in enriching the communication; enabling collaboration through the use of information research tools from web.... .... ...
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Analysis of Articles about Deaf Education
6 pages (1782 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
"Analysis of Articles about Deaf Education" ppaer contains an annotated bibliography of such articles as "Reorganizing Teacher Preparation in Deaf Education" by Humphries, "Meeting the Challenges of Deaf Education Teacher Preparation: Innovative Practices in Online Learning" by Allman.... .... ... ...
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Midlife Reactions to the Death of a Loved One
7 pages (1972 words) , Download 4 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper "Midlife Reactions to the Death of a Loved One" discusses that younger people exhibit more signs and causes of stress.... According to the authors, this is attributed to the elderly people inventing effective means of coping with stress having been exposed to them before.... ... ... ... Fifty-four men and women were required to write essays about death and dying....
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Miscarriage - Causes, Signs, and Symptoms
8 pages (2082 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper "Miscarriage - Causes, Signs, and Symptoms" informs that miscarriage affects 1 woman in every 4 women, and the highest risk period occurs during the 4-6th weeks, the relationship exists between cigarette smoking and miscarriage among young women, aspects of earlier and later miscarriages....
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Popularization of Studying Abroad
7 pages (1946 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
This annotated bibliography "Popularization of Studying Abroad" highlights the increasing urge by students to travel abroad, for their studies, because they are able to experience different cultures and people and in this way become more international in their outlook.... ... ... ... In the contemporary world, students tend to prefer studying abroad....
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Second Language Acquisition
8 pages (2196 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
This annotated bibliography "Second Language Acquisition" presents comprehensive coverage of the teaching languages to beginners who are not native speakers of this language.... Language is a very powerful tool because it can help in communicating ideas and one's thoughts.... .... ... ... When teaching a second language to students, the teacher should be keen to adopt a holistic approach....
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Integrating Students with Special Needs in Regular School
9 pages (2323 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
This paper "Integrating Students with Special Needs in Regular School" looks at books and journal articles that discuss the issue of integration of special needs students in regular classrooms.... The paper also answers the question" When is a student considered disabled or has special needs?... ....
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Impact of Kennedy on Social Justice
7 pages (2535 words) , Download 5 , Annotated Bibliography
The bibliography "Impact of Kennedy on Social Justice" focuses on the critical analysis of the discussion of John F Kennedy as one of the widely known international figures who fought for social justice fearlessly.... Social justice refers to promoting a just society.... ... ... ... To exist when all people share a mutual humanity thus having a right to equal treatment, fair allocation of community resources as well as support for their human rights....
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7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
The author of the paper "Geography" provides an annotated bibliography on several books that concern geographical issues.... Admittedly, the author of the first book points out that the subject of geography is of great significance in English universities today.... ... ... ... Winter evaluates the current education policy reform to assess its impacts on geography....
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Building Information Modeling - Benefits, Risks and Challenges
9 pages (2481 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper "Building Information Modeling - Benefits, Risks and Challenges" discusses that NHS should adopt certain innovative IT solutions.... This technological solution is best for the NHS to achieve their goals.... It can be apparently observed that new technologies have emerged in this business setting....
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Neil Armstrong
8 pages (2335 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper 'Neil Armstrong' focuses on the remarkable pilot, an aerospace engineer and an astronaut.... He was the first human being in the entire world to step out onto the moon.... When this man was born, his parents gave him the name Neil Alden Armstrong.... ... ... ... Neil was born on 5th August 1930 in Ohio, US....
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Rating Systems of Believers Vs Skeptics of Video Gaming
8 pages (2018 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
This paper "Rating Systems of Believers Vs Skeptics of Video Gaming" focuses on the fact that Robinson argues that rating systems made are repeating the same mistakes without dealing with the main issue which is the parents.... He intends to target parents and public legislator's.... .... ... ... Adrienne Holz Ivory and Christine E....
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Francis Bacon and the Four Idols of the Mind
8 pages (2171 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
This paper "Francis Bacon and the Four Idols of the Mind" discusses Bacon's ideology and it establishes their relationships from the mental-medicine perspective.... Sorana and Koen argued that imagination played the most important role and they further examined how imagination served.... ... ... ...
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Analysis of Articles about Human Resource Development
8 pages (2192 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper contains an annotated bibliography of sources concerning human resource development such as "Human Resource Development: Strategy and Tactics" by Brown, S.... Mann, C.... Price and "Policies for Managing the Training and Development Function: Lessons from the Federal Government" by Clardy, A....
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Locating Topics of Interest: Managing Sex Offenders in the Community
8 pages (2192 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
"Locating Topics of Interest: Managing Sex Offenders in the Community" paper contains an annotated bibliography of such articles as "The Supervision of Sex Offenders in the Community – At What Cost" by Lockley, "Sex Offender Registration and Recidivism Risk in Juvenile Sexual Offenders" by Michael....
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Race and Gender in Adult Education
9 pages (2558 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
This paper ''Race and Gender in Adult Education'' discusses the bibliography that gives a summary of each of the entries.... One of articles by Abbott-Chapman was designed to understand the needs disadvantage children as they transition from high school to higher education.... ... ... ... One of the biggest issues in this article was the fact that students need someone to help them in their transition because most students do not move along a pathway that moves in a straight line from high school to college....
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What Makes Professional Development Effective
9 pages (2284 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
The author of the paper under the title "What Makes Professional Development Effective" clearly outlines the appropriate background of professional development.... It clearly describes the characteristics and definition of excellent professional development.... ... ... ... The authors note the existence of a dismal need to study the relationship between professional development and teacher and student outcomes that are positive....
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Construction Childhood
9 pages (2561 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
This report "Construction Childhood" focused on the need to encourage the successful child transition from preschool to the school level.... Since at this level, a child is sensitive to the transition process, it is necessary that proper guidance is offered to the child.... ... ... ... There are several spheres of human development studied in psychology - readiness and transition, wellbeing movement in early childhood, ethics in early childhood, working with families, and construction of childhood....
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Special Interest in Marine Tourism
6 pages (1878 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper "Special Interest in Marine Tourism" is a wonderful example of an annotated bibliography on tourism.... This book examines and explains Marine Tourism and tourism coastal in their environments.... Mark Roams presents an overview of marine tourism, how it has developed and grown in the recent past....
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Capital Punishment
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper by Brettschneider focuses on the nature of punishment, not as it relates to the offender, but how it relates to the public.... Much of the rhetoric on punishment focuses on the offender, putting his or her experience at the center of the debate.... .... ... ... This paper locates the nature of the discussion within the discourse of the relationship that it has with the public....
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Vehicle Emissions Systems at Volkswagen Group
9 pages (2445 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper "Vehicle Emissions Systems at Volkswagen Group " concerns installing a software program into the control computer of the engines to detect when the car was undergoing emissions testing.... Effective implementation would retune the engine and minimize emissions.... ... ... ... With regard to the project, Volkswagen Group has a team of qualified personnel with proficiency in risk management on matters relating to the installation of the software....
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Tartuffe by Moliere
8 pages (2187 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper "Tartuffe by Moliere" highlights that generally, Barbara Woshinsky places Tartuffe's denouements in the context of classical dramatic theory and structure.... She presents Tartuffe's ending as a surprise because of the events that happened at the end.... ... ... ... Emanuel Chill's article explores the religious and political pressure that resulted in the changes in Tartuffe following its censorship and questions the impact of these transformations on the characters....
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Creativity in music and children learning in 3-5 years
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
This essay describes the role of the musical creativity in the children development and how parents can and should use the music in different educational processes.... Creativity makes children form original ideas.... When children are allowed to be creative, they expand their knowledge.... ... ... ...
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How Social Networks has Affected the Way We Communicate
7 pages (2168 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
This annotated bibliography "How Social Networks has Affected the Way We Communicate" discusses rapidly growing and advancing technology that has greatly changed lifestyles in many societies.... The performance of almost every activity in our societies depends on technology.... ... ... ... Communication that defines the subjects and foundation of almost every activity carried in our societies has greatly experienced similar changes....
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Popular Culture and How It Influences People in Other Areas
10 pages (2506 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
The author of the "Popular Culture and How It Influences People in Other Areas" paper wants to know how pop culture is developed and spread.... The author focuses on Madonna's personality.... She seems to be a huge symbol of pop culture and has been for decades.... .... ... ... People do not just learn the one language that they learn in their single environment but now have the capabilities to pick up on multiple languages, and this is just one example....
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History of Women in War
7 pages (1938 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper "History of Women in War" discusses that women and war are two very different concepts, almost incompatible by tradition.... But past and present realities of women participation in conflict reveal that the combat zone is not exclusive for men.... .... ... ... Women in war are often involved in armed combat against enemies while securing equipment, passing through hostile zones, or carrying out military functions and other important support roles....
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Mother-Daughter Relationship and Weight Concern
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
This paper is a great example of the annotated bibliography that may be useful while writing the paper on the topic "Mother-Daughter Relationship and Weight Concern".... The author of this paper summarises all the points stated in written in the works Ogden J.... Steward J.... and Chanana A.... ...
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The History of James M. Curleys House
7 pages (1832 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
This work called "The History of James M.... Curley's House" focuses on the castle as a symbol of the evolution in social, cultural, and political presence of the immigrants of the 19th century and their descendants.... From this work, it is clear that the house is significant for being the primary residence of the proponent during his 41 years of political life....
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Emoji in Communication
7 pages (2127 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
The symbolization of language becomes more common, therefore, the paper 'Emoji in Communication' is a good example of an annotated bibliography that presents the short description of important works that could be needed by researcher-linguist who studied the usage of emoji.... ... ... ... According to Wroclawski, Emoji usage has gained substantial popularity lately....
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Theory of Doctoral Student Professional Identity
6 pages (1975 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper "Theory of Doctoral Student Professional Identity " states that in general, Lessened qualitative approach credibility can be attributed to the paper's small sample size, results in generalization, and the use of semi-structured interviews (Dobrow & Higgins, 2005).... ... ... ... Requiring that the student inputs all their experiences and life in general often made it impossible to recall or summarise in one interview....
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Promoting Positive Learning Environment
9 pages (2438 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
The author of the paper "Promoting Positive Learning Environment" states that humor is one of the basic ingredients that are useful in the life of any human being.... In order to portray a stable and psychologically captured classroom, most instruction administers make use of humor.... ... ... ... The article 'Humor as Safe House in the Foreign Language Classroom' states that every classroom feels safe and ready for learning when humor makes part of it....
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The Socially Responsible Supply Chain
6 pages (1818 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
This annotated bibliography "The Socially Responsible Supply Chain" talks about logistics strategies used in supply chain management that contributed to the variation of invented products, and increased consumer satisfaction.... Supply management and logistics should increase client satisfaction....
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Mandatory Marriage Classes before Couples Get Married
6 pages (1808 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
This paper "Mandatory Marriage Classes before Couples Get Married" proves an outline of the statistics of cases of divorce across the UK.... The paper promotes a need to entail policy dictating mandatory marriage classes before couples get married should be introduced.... ... ... ... The general allusion is that young couples mostly engage in 'starter marriages' and consequently are more likely to end up in divorce in less than five years after marriage....
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Change Management within an Organization in Times of Change
9 pages (2491 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
.... ... ... The paper "Change Management within an Organization in Times of Change " is a good example of an annotated bibliography.... Change management is one of the major aspects which take place in the workplace.... However, most employees do not know how to handle change.... Whenever a new leader is brought in to the organization, some form, of resistance is usually experienced by the employees....
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Aviation Safety System
7 pages (1830 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
This paper 'Aviation Safety System" focuses on the fact that the topic of this essay is aviation security.... Considering the numerous cases of terror attacks and other forms of insecurity happening in aircrafts today, the topic is important.... I chose it to come up with how to curb this vice.... ....
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Integral Role in Shaping the Level and Magnitude of Prostitution in the Philippines
6 pages (1842 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
This annotated bibliography "Integral Role in Shaping the Level and Magnitude of Prostitution in the Philippines" discusses dismal economic opportunities and political empowerment among women in the Philippines play an integral role in shaping the level and magnitude of prostitution in the country....
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Effects of oil spillage to the Dalian population
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
It is apparent that oil spillage could be a contentious issue.... For example, in 2010, Dalian city experienced a disastrous oil spillage.... This article is essential in finding out the importance of investigating effects of oil spillage in that it outlines some of the basic issues that leads to environmental policy development and implementation....
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Juvenile delinquency and the family structure
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
Such include establishing better means of handling the juvenile offenders as well as improving the support aimed at reaching out to the youths living.... ... ... Youths from military families need be supported by the military authorites through the establishment of clear means by which they can adapt to the absence of their parents who have been deployed for active service. ...
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Treating Infidelity - Hope and Justification
9 pages (2272 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
This paper "Treating Infidelity - Hope and Justification" suggests a number of annotations for the articles on the subject outlined in the headline.... Notably, one site offers emergency marriage seminars on weekends, for the public, and for organization sponsorship.... ... ... ... A number of counseling partners participate in the leadership of this effort, and all of them have had affairs or had partners who had affairs and have gone through the recovery process....
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Death and Bereavement Within the Point of View of Roadside Memorials in the Book
7 pages (1924 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper "Death and Bereavement Within the Point of View of Roadside Memorials in the Book" analyze to understand the importance of roadside memorials.... It gives diverse insights on the local's interpretation of the installation of roadside memorials and its practical implication for them.... ...
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Classroom and Behaviour Management
10 pages (2521 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper "Classroom and Behaviour Management" points out the significance of control citing the U.... .... military in Vietnam and recently in the Gulf war.... The former had a centralized control in the pentagon while the latter had decentralized control in the battleground.... .... ... ... The author points out the fact that teachers will always prefer to control their students in the classroom....
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The Effects of Magazine Advertisement on Audiences
9 pages (2383 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
This paper ''The Effects of Magazine Advertisement on Audiences'' tells that one journal examines the way magazines that feature women's clothing fashion affect the behavior of people who read them.... To help the planning of magazines as a section of the media the magazine shows the opinions of the audience in various places ....
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Gun Control Laws
6 pages (1833 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
The paper 'Gun Control Laws' states that the United States has the largest number of people with guns globally with about 270, 000,000 guns in the hands of its citizens.... The paper will argue for the need to have stricter gun control laws in America.... ... ... ... The gun culture that is rampant in that country comes from it revolutionary roots, colonial history, the frontier expansion, as well as the Second Amendment which gives the American citizens the right to bear and keep arms....
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Genetically Altered Food
6 pages (1873 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
This paper ''Genetically Altered Food'' tells that This is a report by EFSA dealing with the nutritional and safety assessment of derived foods and feeds including GM plants.... The crucial parameters in the assessment included agronomic, compositional, phenotypic, and molecular analysis.... ... ...
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Literary Sources in Culture and Value
8 pages (2187 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
The bibliography "Literary Sources in Culture and Value" focuses on the critical analysis of literary sources in culture and value.... The first one is a philosophical book by Raymond Boudon, published one year ago; as such is one-year-old since its publication.... ... ... ... The choice of this resource material was determined by the subject matter of the book - Values that have since been a central point of focus in both philosophy and social sciences....
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