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Problems of Recycling in the Modern World - Annotated Bibliography Example

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This paper "Problems of Recycling in the Modern World" focuses on the fact that since its establishment, the League of Women Voters has been vocal in advocating for the right of the women. However, as outlined in this book, women cannot be at peace in an unhealthy environment. …
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Problems of Recycling in the Modern World
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Annotated Bibliography Recycling Annotated Bibliography The League of Women Voters. The Garbage Primer. New York: Lyons & Burford Publishers, 2001. Print. Since its establishment, the League of Women Voters has been vocal in advocating for the right of the women. However, as outline in this book, women cannot be at peace in an unhealthy environment. Therefore, ‘apart from sustainably using the available resources, the environment should be made to be conducive and garbage-free’ (82). Even though people have to consume a lot of resources on day to day basis, measures should be taken to clean the environment from any wastes that might make it unfit for human life. It is for this reason that these scholars clearly ‘outline how effectively the waste products can be converted into more useful products that can in turn help people to live in a clean environment’ (107). Actually, Garbage Primer gives a lot of information on the management of wastes. As these scholars exclaim, ‘wastes are not perpetually harmful because they can be properly managed and be recycled for reuse’ (63). Indeed, the Garbage Primer can be a very important book to be used as a reference material while conducting a research on recycling. The unique contribution of this source is that it discusses about how wastes can be reduced into harmless and useful products that can again help people. Its similarity with Recycling and the Politics of Urban Waste is that they both discuss about recycling. However, their difference is that Recycling and the Politics of Urban Waste only concentrates on urban waste management without saying much about recycling, it becomes far much better. Therefore, we used it to resolve the issue of proper waste management. These are important issues that will be included in the research. As compared to other books, this stands out to be quite invaluable and cannot be left out. It is much relevant and reliable to be used as a resource. Lynn R. Kahle; Eda Gurel-Atay, Eds. Communicating Sustainability for the Green Economy. New York: M.E. Sharpe, 2014. Print. In this book, Lynn R. Kahle and Eda Gurel-Atay report on a research carried out on green economy. Green economy, as we all know, is the way to. With the increased cases of global warming, the international community has become concerned on how to attain and maintain a green economy. ‘The constant usage of the resources has led to their depletion from the environment’ (66). If this continues unchecked, the environment would not be sustainable at all. Therefore, in this book, the authors write about how a green economy can be achieved. In the opinion of these writers, the environment should be used in a sustainable manner. If this happens, they argue, the ‘available resources can be sparingly utilized and made available for all the current and future generations’ (27). All these should be done because ‘human beings need to be generous creatures that do not selfishly use the available resources, but spare them for their descendants’ as well (48). Since it has exhaustive information on the sustainable use of the resources, the book will undoubtedly be useful in the research. The unique contribution of this source is that it emphasizes the need for sustainable utilization of the available natural resources which in their opinion, can be achieved through a conservation effort. The book covers a wide range of concepts that cannot be compared to similar publications such as UNEP’s “Guidelines for National Waste Management Strategies Moving from Challenges to Opportunities." However, their similarity is that they both provide a comprehensive discussion about waste management. Thus, we used the book to understand much about the topic of recycling of waste products. As the authors exclaim, the sustainable process should be effectively communicated so as to inform all the professionals, environmentalists, industrialists, governmental agencies and the general public on how and why it should be effectively done. Thus, it would be supported. Black Dog Publishing. Recycle: a Source Book. London, UK: Black Dog Publishing, 2006. Print. In Recycle: a source book, Black Dog Publishing presents a comprehensive coverage on the concept of recycling. As explained here, recycling is one of the most important activities to be done to achieve a sustainable environmental use. So, in the text, the author provides a comprehensive coverage on what it entails. First, it is described as an ‘exceptional activity that should be professionally done so as to help in getting rid of the solid and liquid wastes that result from the use of resources’ (21). To be effectively done, ‘recycling process need to have the recommended facilities, materials and chemicals that need to be mixed together to detoxicate the waste products’ (107). This is written in the book, is the way to go. It can ‘help in cleaning the wastes that would otherwise be considered harmful and dangerous for the entire biodiversity’ (33). The unique contribution of this source is that it discusses about how the resources can be used to recycle wastes. Based on this, the book qualifies to be used as a reference material for the research. When compared to the Science Direct’s "Waste Management," it appears that they dif deeper into the concept of waste management. However, their difference is that it is more relevant because it fully explores the theme of recycling which will be the main topic for this research. We used the book to clarify the issue of recycling since all the information contained in this text is factual and seems to be a product of a thorough research. Thus, it is reliable and credible because it has been written by a distinguished authority. If these points are included in the research, it would be a reliable and authoritative one. Carl A. Zimring. Cash for Your Trash: Scrap Recycling in America. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2005. Print. Cash for Your Trash: Scrap Recycling in America uses a different perspective on the recycling process. Unlike the common notion, wastes can be converted into important resources that can even be sold for money. ‘In USA, people have been consuming a lot without caring about the effects of their habit’ (11). However, as explained in the book, this has ‘led to the increase in the amount of wastes that if left unchecked, can endanger the environment’ (49). However, what surprises is that Zimring says that these are ‘not just wastes because they can be turned into cash’ (41). This is a clear indication that waste products can be recycled and made to be better products that can be used especially after being cleaned through the recycling process. Therefore, such wastes should not be considered as trash anymore because of the recycling process in which it has got an answer. The book can be a good material to be used as a reference for the research. The unique contribution of this source is that it outlines how recycling as an economically beneficial activity, the author makes it quite clear that recycling can help people in many ways. We used it to help in providing information on the economic advantages of recycling. Thus, if compared and contrasted with Vergara, S. E. and Tchobanoglous’ "Municipal Solid Waste and the Environment: A Global Perspective” they are similar because they talk about the important contributions of waste management in the society. However, they differ in that they have different approaches to wastes management. In this respect, while doing a research on the wastes management, the book will be used. It can help in addressing the issue of turning waste products into income generating activity. Furthermore, it is an objective text in which there is no bias at all. Its credibility, in-depth and reliability is not in doubt. Huesemann, M.; Huesemann, J. Techno-fix: Why Technology won’t save us or the Environment. New Society Publishers, 2011. Print. Here, Huesemann and Huesemann look at the environmental conservation efforts from a different angle. First of all, they acknowledge that ‘waste management is a good initiative that should not be neglected and taken for granted’ (10). Besides, they say that the recycling process should be properly done because it has an answer to the creation of a clean and sustainable environment. Moreover, these scholars say that ‘if the society heavily invests in technology, the results for recycling can be easily attained’ (19). However, they are in a doubt because they believe that ‘the current technology alone cannot provide the answer to waste management’ (12). In their opinion, man has come up with several technologies that only make the environment worse. The unique contribution of this source is that it discusses about how effective the waste management process should be effectively carried out. Therefore, we used it to solve the problem about the important contribution and drawbacks of technology in the management of wastes in the environment. The depth of analysis in Techno-fix: Why Technology won’t save us or the Environment makes it to be better than Rogers, Heather’s Gone Tomorrow: The Hidden Life of Garbage. Even if they were written by different scholars, they provide a similar approach to the use of technology in wastes management. This is what we used it to solve. Hence, it will be very much important for this research. It has used a different approach that mainly focuses on technology and policy making. Although the book acknowledges the important contributions of technology towards the eradication of wastes, the authors are quite clear on how exactly this should be done. If not properly organized, then the recycling process will not be helpful at all. All these are important facts that need to be part of this research. Hence, the book will also be a resource. Morgan, Sally. Waste, Recycling and Reuse: Sustainable Futures. London: Evans Brothers, 2006. Print. Waste, Recycling and Reuse: Sustainable Futures is a book which was written by Morgan Sally. Here, Sally presents an elaborate discussion on the dangerous effects of solid wastes and how they can be removed from the environment. In her opinion, ‘waste products are harmful, dangerous and bad materials that should not be left in the environment’ (22). They can cause pollution and diseases such as cholera to the people if not properly managed. Therefore, in her argument, ‘no waste should be left in the environment without proper management’ (38). In terms of management, this author says that the ‘wastes can be managed in a cycle involving recycling and reuse’ (18). She holds this opinion because she is convinced that ‘no waste can permanently remain wasteful if appropriate measures are taken to make it reusable’ (20). So, once wastes are released into the environment, they should be recycled and reused again. The information got from this book can be of much importance to the research. The unique contribution of this source is that the author fully explores the topic of waste management and clearly explains how the waste products should be turned into harmless and useful products that can again be consumed by human beings or other living creatures. we used it to solve the problem of sustainable environmental conservation for the sake of future development.The similarity between this source and Jenkins, Joseph’s Humanure Handbook is that they both acknowledge the value of the reuse of waste products. However, they differ in that Humanure Handbook mainly explores the management of human solid wastes. In this regard, we used it to solve the problem of how useful wastes can be if properly recycled. For example, the author says that, if properly treated, human wastes can be used as fertilizers to help in providing nutrients to plants. Also, human wastes can again be converted into clean water and then released back into the water bodies for her consumption. These clearly show that this book is so elaborate and can be relied upon as a reference material for this particular research. Ackerman, Frank. Why Do We Recycle?: Markets, Values, and Public Policy. Island Press, 2006. Print. In this book, Ackerman Frank purely presents a detailed discussion on recycling. By asking a question of the reasons why recycling should be done, the author keenly studies much about the recycling process. In his research, he reports that people do recycle waste products because it is a good thing to do. It has lots of advantages that can be enjoyed from it. First, Frank states that ‘recycling can be of much help in the cleaning of the environment’ (46). Once wastes are released into the environment, they should not be left there because they can cause pollution and contamination. Besides, the author explains that ‘recycling process can help in protecting living things from getting diseases that might be caused by the harmful wastes’ (65). Lastly, Frank explains how ‘recycling can be an economically important activity that is done to generate income to the people’ (92). The main contribution of this source is that it explains that recycling has economical value to add to the society. We used this book to address all the controversies regarding the values, markets and public policies on the management of waste products. The similarity between it and Jess C. Brown and Andrew Salveson in Emerging Disinfection Technologies is that they focus on the important contributions of wastes into the economy. However, their difference is that unlike Emerging Disinfection Technologies, it discusses about the policy, value and market aspects of the recycling process. So, we used it to solve the problem of policy-making process and how the waste management can be as a source of income to the country. These are things which will form part of the research since it will be focusing on all aspects of recycling. Christian Baechler, Matthew DeVuono, and Joshua M. Pearce, "Distributed Recycling of Waste Polymer into RepRap Feedstock" Rapid Prototyping Journal, 19(2), pp. 118-125 (2013). In this journal, Christian Baechler, Matthew DeVuono, and Joshua Pearce discuss about how recycling can be used to manage polymers and make them important materials in the society even after their use. As these authors examine, many people have not been serious about the use of polymers and other plastic materials. They are ‘some of the materials that constitute a large percentage of solid wastes in many dumpsites’ (118). However, in their opinion, ‘many people do not understand that such polymers can be managed and reused once more’ (120). Having said this, the authors go ahead to explain how polymers ‘can be recycled and turned into useful products like animal feeds that if properly used, can bring a lot of returns to the people’ (121). The major contribution of this source is that it discusses that no plastic wastes should be left to scatter in the environment because they have no value to add to anyone if that is how it is treated. We used it to solve the problem of management of plastic wastes in the environment. The main similarity between it and Huesemann’s "The limits of technological solutions to sustainable development" is that they discuss about the dangers and hazards associated with wastes. However, their difference is that it clearly explains and illustrates everything using real examples on how it has been successfully done in different places. In this regard, the article would be included as a reference for the research. As highlighted, plastic is one of the products that are really wasted. Many people assume that they cannot be turned into any use once they are used. However, this is a mere ignorance that should not be tolerated because plastics and other polymers can be efficiently recycled. These are important findings that would be included in this research so as to make it valid and reliable. Kreiger, M; Mulder, L.; Glover, G.; Pearce, M. ‘Life Cycle Analysis of Distributed Recycling of Post-consumer High Density Polyethylene for 3-D Printing Filament.’ Journal of Cleaner Production, 70, pp. 90–96 (2014). This journal article was written by Kreiger; Mulder; Glover; and Pearce and published by the Journal of Cleaner Production in 2014. Here, these scholars bring out a clear and well-supported discussion on the management of polythene wastes. According to the findings of these scholars, ‘polythene materials have been wasted a lot’ (91). However, this, in their opinion, is not good because they need ‘to be recycled for them to still remain important even after being used to perform different roles’ (91-2). Whatever amount of polythene is consumed, it ‘should not be thrown away into the environment because it can pollute it’ (93). However, used polythene materials should be recycled for them to still remain helpful to the people. The major contribution of this source is that it discusses how the polythene wastes have been recycled and used in doing important activities such as printing of 3-D images. We used it to solve the problem of managing wastes products of the polythene. On comparison, it is similar to the U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment’s “Finding the Rx for Managing Medical Wastes” in that they are both center on solid and liquid wastes. However, they differ in that “Finding the Rx for Managing Medical Wastes” is mainly concerned about the management of medical waste products. On the other hand, it narrows down its analysis on polythene. As far as this research is concerned, polythene is one of the materials that need to be recycled because it is used b a large number of people. Therefore, if properly managed, it cannot be wasted and finally gets finished. Otherwise, a proper management process can help in making it available for use at all times. These, if included in the research, will make it to be an exceptional one. Huesemann, M. H. "The limits of technological solutions to sustainable development". Clean Techn Environ Policy 5: 2003, 21–34. In this article, Huesemann provides a research on sustainable development. As he explains, sustainable development is a very important thing that needs to be supported by anyone. With the increased world population, ‘the available resources can be easily overused’ (27). This can end up causing lots of problems to the human beings and other living things because their life depends on the environment. ‘The best way to address such problems is to use modern technology’ (24). In other words, the author is reporting that ‘high-tech inventions can help in making the environment to be good for living in’ (33). The major contribution of this source is that it explains that waste management is one of the environmental management strategies that should be done by the use of modern technologies. We used it to solve the problem of protection of the environment from waste materials that if left there, can cause pollution and put the life of human beings and other living things in danger. The information presented by Huesemann in this article can be of great importance while conducting this research. The source is similar to Recycling: Reducing Waste in that they recognize the use of technology as an important segment of recycling. However, their difference is that it focuses on technological advancements in the management of waste products. Besides, it seems to be much better because it looks at the use of technology as a means of attaining a waste-free environment. Because of this, the article must be used as a reference material for this research. The technology section is a very important aspect of recycling and waste management process that needs to be included in the research. Brown, M. T.; Buranakarn, V. "Energy indices and ratios for sustainable material cycles and recycle options". Resources, Conservation and Recycling 38 (1): 2003, 1–22. Here, Brown and Buranakarn present a research they carried out on energy indices and ratios and the recycling options that can be adopted in the process of waste products management. As found out by these writers, ‘recycling is a necessary process in the maintenance of a sustainable environment’ (7). As a process, ‘recycling can be done in different ways depending on factors like the amount and nature of wastes to be managed and available resources to be used in the management of such waste products’ (17). Therefore, while deciding on ‘the best way to recycle wastes, a right choice should be made so as to help in realizing the goals for that particular process’ (11). Therefore, the major contribution of this source is that it discusses that policy makers should come up with measures to ensure that wastes are properly recycled and made available for reuse. We used it to solve the problem of assessing the stages of wastes management. "Energy indices and ratios for sustainable material cycles and recycle options" being a product of a thorough research, will be used as part of the reference material in this research. The similarity between it and Lundie, S. and Peters’ "Life Cycle Assessment of Food Waste Management Options" is that they highlight the stages of waste management. However, their difference is that "Life Cycle Assessment of Food Waste Management Options" majorly concentrates on the life cycle of food wastes. Meaning, it has a narrow scope. All the recycling options listed and explained here can be of great help when conducting a study on the recycling of waste materials. After all, the article is properly written, explained using facts and examples and therefore can be trusted as a reliable and bias-free article. It will help in providing the researcher with detailed information about recycling options that are available for use. Baird, Colin. Environmental Chemistry (3rd Ed.) W. H. Freeman Publishers, 2003. Print. Environmental Chemistry provides a detailed report on the research conducted by Baird Colin. According to the opinion of this writer, ‘environment is everything that human beings need for them to live a fulfilling life’ (86). Therefore, both the natural and man-made environments should be protected and properly managed for them to be useful to the people. The first benefit for such a management explained by this author is that it can help in ‘creating a clean environment which is of course, so conducive for living’ (144). The other benefit is that a ‘clean environment can help in protecting people from diseases that might result from pollutions’ (29). The major contribution of this source is that it discusses that once an environment is neglected, several problems like cancer, cholera, dysentery and other diseases can become so common. We used it to solve the problem of the management of any wastes that might be released into the environment. On comparison, it appears to be similar to Rogers, Heather’s Gone Tomorrow: The Hidden Life of Garbage. Both of them explain the chemical processing of the waste products. However, the difference between them is that Gone Tomorrow: the Hidden Life of Garbage adopts a more scientific approach than Environmental Chemistry. The ideas expressed by Colin in this book can be of much value when doing a research about recycling. By giving a detailed discussion on the environment, the book can be used to provide background information about the management of the environment. Even if it does not discuss much about recycling process, the information contained about environmental management can be used in understanding much about activities like recycling of waste materials. Furthermore, it is detailed and contains reliable information that need to be used in this research. Grosse, F. "Is recycling part of the solution? The role of recycling in an expanding society and a world of finite resources". S.A.P.I.E.N.S. 3 (1): 2010, 1–17. In this article, Grosse asks a question that if properly answered, can help in shedding more light on the recycling process. Actually, this author is right for accepting to include ‘recycling as one of the important activities that help in providing a solution to the management of waste products’ (13). It is true as he says that ‘the current society has inadequate amount of resources that do not only need to be wasted, but need to be reused long after being used’ (14). The population has increased and thus causing pressure on the available resources. So, ‘after using them, the resources need to be recycled and made available for use again’ (14). The major contribution of this source is that it discusses that recycling has an answer to the sustainable use of the few resources that if used without care, will get finished. We used it to solve the problem of management of resources as part of environmental conservation. The similarity between it and Tchobanoglous, G. and F. Burton’s "Wastewater Engineering – Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse" is that they both emphasize on the role of waste management as a solution to sustainable economic development. However, their difference is that unlike "Wastewater Engineering – Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse," the article is undoubtedly well-researched and written by a great scholar who has done a lot of work in this discipline. Everything in the article is accurate, well explained and supported by evidence. The author was objective in his research because he wanted to explain how recycling can help in the management of wastes. Therefore, the article qualifies to be used as part of the resources for this research. It has too much information that can help in doing this research. United Nations Environmental Program. "Guidelines for National Waste Management Strategies Moving from Challenges to Opportunities” New York: UNEP, 2013. Print. As a top international environmental agency, the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) uses this guideline as part of its publications aimed at sensitizing the global community on the ways of managing wastes in the environment. At first, UNEP agrees that ‘many people have a habit of overusing and wasting the available resources’ (28). However, this, it argues, that if not stopped, will end up causing many problems to the people. Unfortunately, UNEP states, ‘many national governments have not been very much concerned about the management of wastes’ (49). This explains why there have been cases of hygienic issues across the world. Hence, to deal with such challenges, UNEP suggests that waste management should be taken so seriously. It can help in ‘making the wastes to be available for further use even if some people consider them as useless products’ (24). The major contribution of this source is that it discusses the major strategies that can be applied in the management of all sorts of wastes. we used it to solve the problem of waste management strategies. UNEP’s publication has to be used as a resource for this research. As a respected environmental organ, UNEP is indeed an authority whose article cannot be left out when conducting a research on recycling. It has got professionals who do thorough research before presenting their findings and recommendations in such guides. Thus, it is much better and cannot be compared to Shpiner, Ron’s "The Effect of Domestic Garbage Grinding on Sewage Systems and Wastewater Treatment Plants" in which most of the analysis is based on domestic garbage. However, the two sources are similar in the way they address the issue of waste management. The guideline contains well-researched information regarding recycling as one of the ways of cleaning the environment and removing all the wastes that if left, can cause problems. It can thus be useful for conducting this research. Moore, C. J. "Synthetic polymers in the marine environment: A rapidly increasing, long-term threat". Environmental Research 108 (2): 2008, 131–139. Marine wastes, as found out in this article, can also be dangerous if left unchecked. So, in his research, Moore found out that synthetic fibers should not be left in a marine environment as it has a potential of causing threat to those who might be using such waters. Marine environment, just like land ‘can also be a dangerous place if it has waste products which are released into it’ (133). One of such wastes, as explained in this article, is synthetic fibers that might get their way into the marine environments if thrown there. Therefore, to avoid such threats, the marine wastes should be properly managed. ‘A marine environment needs to be cleaned because it is a home to many aquatic animals and plants as well’ (136). The examples given by Moore in this article can help in writing a research on recycling. The article provides important information about the ‘possibilities of contaminating a marine environment by substances such as synthetic polymers’ (135). The major contribution of this source is that it extensively discusses about the management of synthetic polymers in the marine environment. We used it to solve the problem of solving the challenges of waste products in the marine environment. The similarity between it and Paul, Donna’s "New Garbage Disposal Runs on Water Power” is that they both recognize wastes as hazardous substances that if left unchecked, can be disastrous. However, their difference is that "New Garbage Disposal Runs on Water Power” narrows its analysis to the management of waste products emanating from water resources. Hence, the article qualifies to be used as a resource for this research. It is a credible and objective article that fully explores the concept of dangers associated with the pollution of the marine environment by the synthetic polymers. Read More
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