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Corporate Social Responsibility in Supply Chains the Impact in the Context of Global Supply Chains
23 pages (5652 words) , Literature review
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The paper 'Corporate Social Responsibility in Supply Chains – the Impact in the Context of Global Supply Chains' is a meaningful variant of the literature review on management.... The paper 'Corporate Social Responsibility in Supply Chains – the Impact in the Context of Global Supply Chains' is a meaningful variant of the literature review on management.... The paper 'Corporate Social Responsibility in Supply Chains –the Impact in the Context of Global Supply Chains' is a meaningful variant of the literature review on management....
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How Sport Has Changed Over Time
9 pages (2585 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
This literature review "How Sport Has Changed Over Time" discusses the history of sports that could be traced to the period of the early man when existence was purely sportive and active.... he advent of global communication and mass media injected professionalism into sports.... Global communication such as the DSTv has popularized sports thereby putting social order in a delicate position....
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A Report To Technology and Information
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
The people who are subscribers to prodigy are virtual partners of on net discussion to share views and reviews regarding political systems and democratic structure.... A Report To Technology and Information Information is a very vital part of our lives in current age.... We have a lot much connected to information and media channels of that we are used to those in our routine life....
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Antiseptic and Wound Cleansing
6 pages (1818 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Antiseptic and Wound Cleansing" is a delightful example of a literature review on nursing.... The paper "Antiseptic and Wound Cleansing" is a delightful example of a literature review on nursing.... eview of the literature ... However, literature depict that, prolonged use of antiseptics and topical antibiotics has been said to delay healing.... n as much as there have been literatures that are for the use of antiseptics in cleansing wounds, there has been literature opposed to the same in equal measure....
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The growth of international human resource management
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
19, No.... 10, October 2008) in 2008.... Barry Gerhart is working in Wisconsin School of Business, Madison, USA (Gerhart, 2008, p.... 989, below the author name).... ... ... ... onal business is growing day by day because of globalization and liberalization and hence nobody can neglect the importance of international human resource management at present....
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Lean Management in a Supply Chain Context
13 pages (4287 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Lean Management in a Supply Chain Context " is an outstanding example of a management literature review.... The paper "Lean Management in a Supply Chain Context " is an outstanding example of a management literature review.... Six Sigma: A literature Review and Suggestions for Future Research.... Industry standardisation allows organisation to standardize the product manufacturing procedure as well as communication procedure (Duclos, et al....
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Informal Finance in China
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
The author of the current literature review "Informal Finance in China" states that informal financing refers to financial sources that do not belong to the organized banking and financial sector of the economy.... In China, there are many types of informal financers.... ... ... ...
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How the Utilization of Information Technology Affects Customer Satisfaction
21 pages (6239 words) , Literature review
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This paper ''Utilization of Information Technology and Customer Satisfaction in the Hospitality Industry'' tells us that this literature gives information on the extent to which innovation of technology has influenced service quality within the hospitality industry.... The invention of electronic-tablet devices and their use in the hospitality industry has changed the nature of communication daily.... Such new technologies have profound effects on modes of communication, content creation as well as government policies....
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Evaluating Ideas in Diabetes Patient Management
12 pages (3381 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
A Review of Two Qualitative Research Papers on Diabetes Patient Management This paper reviews two qualitative research papersthat specifically focus on patients with type II diabetes or non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) to assess the value and legitimacy of this type of research.... The second paper is 'Barriers to communication about diabetes mellitus'.... The second research paper is "Barriers to communication about diabetes mellitus" by Joshua Freeman and Ronald Loewe which aims primarily to discover the attitudes of clinicians towards patients with NIDDM and the effects of this attitudes on patient self-management....
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Analysis of Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament by Walton John
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
art 2 – The Ancient Near East literature 3 ... ummary of the literature of the Ancient Near East 3 ... There are those who look at it from the secular or scientific view; that feel that the Bible emerged late in the world of literature.... One of the aspects that an individual considers in comparative studies is the language and literature of ancient Near East.... For instance, the Israelite literature reveals the culture of the Israelites as well as the entire culture of ancient Near East....
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Effect of Employee Engagement on Change Management
5 pages (1618 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper 'Effect of Employee Engagement on Change Management' is an excellent example of human resources literature review.... The literature review should look at all the major theories regarding this topic and try to compare and contrast some of the different theories and studies in the literature.... The paper 'Effect of Employee Engagement on Change Management' is an excellent example of human resources literature review....
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Erasure Novel by Percival Everett
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
Thelonius 'Monk' Ellison, the protagonist of the novel is a professor of literature and a writer at the same time.... Erasure is a novella about an African-American writer who successfully comes over the pursuit of an intellectual tendency to 'write white' and finishes up penning a parody about a ghetto fiction that marked huge success, both in commerce as well as in literature.... rasure is an awesome multifaceted satire on New Black literature Scene....
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Ibsens A Doll House and Allendes The House of the Spirits
6 pages (1626 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Doll's House and The House of the Spirits are unique and masterfully-written works of literature.... For this assignment 'Ibsen's A Doll House and Allende's The House of the Spirits' the two works are compared.... These two works were selected for the peculiar way their authors have chosen to give a close to these stories....
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Efficacy of 360 Feedback in Management Development
11 pages (4545 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Critical literature Review (1000) Brett and Atwater (2001) investigated the relationship between 360?... Most of the literature deals with how leadership affects the creative process and its effects on the outputs of subordinates.... Oral communication - Makes clear and convincing oral presentations to individuals or groups; listens effectively and clarifies information as needed; facilitates an open exchange of ideas and fosters an atmosphere of open communication ?...
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Trends in Global Business
8 pages (2392 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This literature review "Trends in Global Business" explores the relevance and importance of technology from a business perspective in today's competitive market.... he article explores in details the theoretical framework and literature concepts that relates to management skills and behaviors in relation to Firms innovativeness.... erhaps, the need of Organizations to proactively take advantage of technology in shaping future business models is well captured in a statement by one of the leading Organization that demonstrates the cost of ignoring technology as quoted in this article “The telephone has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication....
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Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
e book has an anthropological and biographical account of the Mongolian leader Genghis Khan and is also largely based on sources of traditional Chinese literature, Islamic literature and literature in the history of the subcontinent.... hile Genghis Khan has been portrayed in a negative light and image in most of the western literature present today, the author tries to depict the Mongolian Leader in a positive light, highlighting the benefits of his rule which turned out to be significant advantages for the subcontinent in the following years....
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Bandit Nation
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
In terms of race, within the elite literature, race materializes in the form of Anglo-Saxon racial superiority.... Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Book Review: Bandit Nation Chris Frazer's book, Bandit Nation offers a critical examination of the bandit as a figure, which entails the cultural and political account of Mexico after its independence....
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An Impact of Public Smoking Bans
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The paper 'An Impact of Public Smoking Bans' presents health and medical practitioners and scholars, but may as well be used for general information.... The article is a scientific paper that investigates the effects of public smoke bans in Canada and seeks to shed light on the much-debated subject....
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Critical Issues in Mathematics Education: Constructivism
6 pages (1806 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Constructivism encourages teamwork and communication during problem solving and decision making which is quite vital in any given organization.... For example, in a mathematical class, this pattern was mainly followed; reviews were done by the teacher correcting the home work, introduction of new concepts of the blackboard as the students took notes, the tutor directed the student through some practices and eventually the students did the problems individually (Gutstein, 2006)....
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Managing High Employee Turnover through Compensation and Benefits in Medium-Sized Sales Companies
16 pages (4048 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper 'Managing High Employee Turnover through Compensation and Benefits in Medium-Sized Sales Companies' is a sage example of human resources literature review.... This chapter is about the exploration of the existing literature about the issue under investigation that will form the basis for basing discussion, conclusions, and recommendations.... The paper 'Managing High Employee Turnover through Compensation and Benefits in Medium-Sized Sales Companies' is a sage example of human resources literature review....
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Teaching English in elementary schools in Saudi Arabia
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
literature REVIEW The extant literature on English as a Second Language (ESL) is quite extensive.... For the purpose of this study, however, this paper has confined the review of the corpus of literature to those relating or relevant to a proposal to introduce English in elementary education in Saudi Arabia and in the curriculum development in studying ESL among young learners.... literature on the demographics of young learners in Saudi Arabia is quite scarce....
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Movie Comparison
5 pages (1301 words) , Download 1 , Movie Review
of the Journalism, Mass Media and communication of the Concerned 7 March Movie Comparison It is a fact that crime movies by themselves do make an interesting movie genre and command immense viewer following and liking.... This paper ''Movie Comparison'' tells that it is a fact that crime movies by themselves do make an interesting movie genre and command immense viewer following and liking....
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Building Social Networks and Developing Social Connections
11 pages (3385 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The paper "Building Social Networks and Developing Social Connections" discusses that the interactions between people give rise to civilisations and ever since a human has started to explore more ways of interactions and communication, the methods have been becoming more complex and sophisticated.... STUDY ON THE ATTITUDES OF SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES IN RELATION TO PERSONALITY TYPES literature REVIEW Building social networks and developing social connections is a concept which is dominant in the instinct of human....
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Governing the Middle-Class Family in Urban China by M. Crabb
12 pages (3221 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
s pointed out by Kipnis, the main subjects in suzhi jiaoyu literature are the circumstance for substituting the education system that is based on memorization with systems that promotes reasoning as well as creativity.... The inconsistent fusion of authoritarianism as well as liberalism in quality literature education subsists not only on the content being taught, but as well on how this content is being taught....
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Wild Salmon Extinction Linked to Farmed Salmons
11 pages (3826 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
literature reviews assumes the extinction of salmon population are known facts.... literature Review Wild Salmon extinction linked to fish farms Initial conditions of extinction of salmon population are known, but it is assumed that fish farms are not to blame.... The review "Wild Salmon Extinction Linked to Farmed Salmons" focuses on the critical, and thorough analysis of the literary sources to find valid evidence to prove that farmed salmons are not a threat to the wild salmons and there are reasons beyond fish farming....
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Policymakers and Service Providers of Welfare
16 pages (5170 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
his paper reviews literature on the various welfare models that have been adopted in seven countries: The Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, USA, Canada, Japan, and Singapore.... Title: International literature Review ... nternational literature Review ... n summary, each of the seven countries explored in this literature review has a unique policy framework for the elderly and disabled people.... Risk factors for functional status decline in community-living elderly people: a systematic literature review....
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Foundational Philosophies of Management
5 pages (1441 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Reliability of the article was ensured through analyzing book reviews in the internet.... All the articles had adequate reviews from people who have used it.... This is because his 2011 work, Online Resources for Senior Citizens, provide techniques for ensuring effective use of communication technologies like the internet, by the senior citizens worldwide.... harpe explains that communication technology improves service delivery to the senior citizens, and enables them effectively and efficiently access information....
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The Impact of Autism Spectrum Disorder on Caregivers
17 pages (5348 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
This literature review "The Impact of Autism Spectrum Disorder on Caregivers" focuses on ASD that does not affect only the individuals' condition, but also significant others who provide care, particularly parents.... The reason advanced in the related literature is that ASD presents itself in wide variations.... Autism Spectrum Disorder- ASD 0 Autism Spectrum Disorder 1 literature Review As a developmental problem, individuals suffering from Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) tend to exhibit behavioral challenges that range from inability to interact normally to repetitive behavior patterns (American Psychiatric Association, 2013)....
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The Theory of Social Exchange in the Movie The Color Purple
6 pages (1615 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
ournalism, Mass Media and communication Task Introduction We live in a diverse world with different people.... Celie's sister is reciprocating this love by constant communication with her sister despite the fact that they are distant apart.... The author of "The Theory of Social Exchange in the Movie The Color Purple" paper explains a direct link between the theory of social exchange and the movie....
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Branding - Significance and Influences
3 pages (1014 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
communication and better articulation of the merchandise can also be undertaken through social media and online networks.... From the paper "Branding - Significance and Influences" it is clear that generally, with increased consumer loyalty, stock price, sales and profit will increase more and may encourage further expansion as well as scale-up opportunities for employment....
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Examining Barriers to Effective Physical Health Care Management of People with Schizophrenia
17 pages (5838 words) , Download 9 , Literature review
hapter 2: Critical Review of the literature ... his literature review critically examined the fundamental causes of the physical health problem in people with Schizophrenia.... he literature review established that the people with Schizophrenia suffer many physical health problems, and these occur as a result of many factors.... his literature review also sort to determine the attitude of the health professionals towards the physical health care of Schizophrenia patients....
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How to Discipline Child without Feeling Guilty
7 pages (2105 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
A literature by Newson and Newson (1970) discussed cultural assumption behind breastfeeding.... This will necessitate an inquiry into the effect of nonverbal communication and assertive behaviour.... Silberman and Wheelan (1980) exemplified the great impact of nonverbal communication.... When talking to a child, nonverbal communication determines how such a child receives and perceives the words (Silberman and Wheelan, p.... Depending on nonverbal communication, one is perceived as aggressive, non-assertive, or assertive....
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Benefits of Community involvement in Construction
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Review of Related literature Introduction Community participation has been often identified by researchers and practitioners alike as fundamental to achieving success in delivering services for physical infrastructure (World Bank, 2004).... Much of the literature on community involvement, though, does not specifically explain the outcomes of various forms of involvement or participation on the effectiveness of construction projects....
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Testing Weak-Form Efficiency of Chinese Stock Market
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
literature REVIEW The literature in General The present corpus of literature on market efficiency is quite extensive.... A very important aspect in the existing literature on stock market efficiency is the testing process and methodology.... A review of the corpus of literature demonstrate high amount of work done on weak market efficiency....
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Agenda-setting in Australian newspapers
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
communication Research 29.... In journalism, not only that all parties should be taken account but the statements should be balanced or well weighted (Kirkpatrick, 1994:104).... Australian Studies in journalism(3).... Social scientists, especially those whose interest lies on media influence on general elections define agenda-setting as "the ability of the mass media to transfer the salience of items on their agendas to the public agenda'....
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Organizational Reform in Law Enforcement: Can Community Oriented Policing Succeed Without It
19 pages (5242 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Much of the literature on Community Oriented Policing (COP) has centered on the programs and initiatives implemented over the last two decades.... The literature examines the successes and failures regarding COP programs, yet little focus has been concentrated on the organizations that provide the environment that can hinder or nurture these initiatives.... uch of the literature on Community Oriented Policing (COP) has centered on the programs and initiatives implemented over the last two decades....
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The Debate on the Importance of Homework
10 pages (2754 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "The Debate on the Importance of Homework" is a wonderful example of a literature review on education.... he literature referred to in the above discussion has shown that there are several benefits associated with homework such as the improved understanding of the course materials, better retention of knowledge, improving students' study habits and changing their attitude for the better.... Although there are questions about the link between homework and academic achievement, the literature from researchers such as Harris Cooper has shown that there are significant educational benefits arising from homework....
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What Money Cant Buy - The Moral Limits of Markets by Michael Sanders
7 pages (2028 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
(2012), What Money Can't Buy, Curtis Brown Books reviews, retrieved on 2014 from: http://www.... k/michael-sandel/what-money-can-t-buy/reviews/#work-sections ...  Journal of Economic literature, 51(2): 478-95. ... The paper "What Money Cant Buy - The Moral Limits of Markets by Michael Sanders" discusses that today, hard-core marketing has led professionals in all categories of an industry to render their duties mechanically leaving hardly any scope for intuitive or moral thinking....
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The Morality of Indigenous Health
8 pages (2315 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
u/determinants/social- issues/reviews/selected-social-indicators ... The paper "The Morality of Indigenous Health" is an excellent example of a literature review that won social science.... The paper "The Morality of Indigenous Health" is an excellent example of a literature review that won social science.... Northern Territory Emergency Response (NTER): Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs : asbestos surveys : communication issues....
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Wrting a paper after reading a book
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Liswood gives her take on the issue of diversity at the workplace in her book titled “The Loudest Duck”.... She uses examples from her personal experiences gained while working at reputable, high-ranking international companies, and figurative analogies to explain.... ... ... She opens up with the “Noah's Ark” analogy, which she posits is the perspective predominantly used by companies when tackling the issue of diversity....
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The Impact of Leadership or Entrepreneurship
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
The literature review is presented in section 2 of this study.... The paper presents the literature that addresses the potentials of leadership to impact organizational performance.... The literature related to the study's subject seems to have an important gap: the power of leadership to impact organization is highlighted but the implications of this impact are not analyzed.... The Impact of Leadership in Organization - literature Review Word Count: 2096 Table of contents Introduction 3 2....
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Teaching African American Children
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
In addition, these children face communication issues because a large number of instructors are from outside their culture and do not possess an understanding of the African American culture.... Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Teaching African American Children Gloria Ladson-Billings' book is a unique piece of work....
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The Novels of the Post-War Period
24 pages (6669 words) , Download 1 , Book Report/Review
The paper 'The Novels of the Post-War Period' presents the plight of the Chicanas during the post-war era which was indicative of their effort toward reclaiming normalcy and their freedom from the restrictive confines of the geographical and socio-personal boundaries.... ... ... ... The Chicanas were not only discriminated against by the majority but were also mistreated and deliberately deprived of their personal rights by the rules that governed their highly patriarchial macro-societies....
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The Link between Teaching, the Curriculum and Pedagogical Knowledge
10 pages (2776 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
This paper "The Link between Teaching, the Curriculum and Pedagogical Knowledge" will explore what recent literature depicts on the relationship between teaching as a profession and the curriculum.... This paper seeks to examine the link between teaching as a profession, and curriculum and pedagogical knowledge, as presented in literature.... Foremost, the paper will explore what recent literature depicts on the relationship between teaching as a profession and the curriculum....
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Mental Disorder, Violence, and Gender
2 pages (729 words) , Download 5 , Literature review
Introduction: In the paper, the authors have presented a brief literature review regarding gender differences and community violence by citing studies of authors in the recent past.... Along with that they also mentioned reasons why their studies were improved than the previous literature (Robbins, Monahan and Silver, 2003, p.... iscussion: The research findings stated that men are no more likely to be violent than the women over the course of 1 year which has differed dramatically from the results found in the literature of criminology....
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Fraudulent Financial Reporting
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
While auditors have traditionally used analytical reviews as a key tool to detect the potential risk of financial statement fraud (Mahoney & Carpenter, 2005), other suggestions were to expand the methods to detect and mitigate the risk of financial fraud. ... A review of the literature regarding fraudulent financial reporting showed emerging themes, that fraud is sometimes difficult to detect, difficult to eliminate, and that no company is immune from financial fraud (Black, 2003; Wells, 2007)....
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Information Content of Earnings within the Overall Model of Investors Decision Making
10 pages (2720 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This literature review "Information Content of Earnings within the Overall Model of Investors' Decision Making" discusses market research as a popular means for gathering information related to the performance of businesses in different industrial sectors.... Apart from the introduction section, where the overall scope of the paper is presented, of particular importance are the literature and the Discussion sections.... In the literature review section the following issues are addressed: the key characteristics of market research and its value on financial reporting, the published financial information and the information content of earnings as factors influencing investors' decision making and potential use of the model of investors' decision making within modern market which is under the continuous pressures of global financial crisis....
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Imperialism as the Foundation of Orientalism
6 pages (1499 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
The primary concern here is that media emphasizes the threat and intensity of this “terrorism,” which in turn allows Westerners to apply this information to all people from the middle east, generalizations rarely dispelled through works of film, literature, or journalism. ... This essay discusses the basic components of Orientalism, including issues of cultural evolution Western writings from the mid-20th century closely mirror those of the 19th and 18th centuries, demonstrating a lack of change in the stereotypes about the region....
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Concepts of borderland
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
In the Chinese literature, most artists have used legends and folklore to bring out culture.... This is the best way in which the literature had to represent itself in a counter discourse and represent colonial masters as valuable than the colonized (Amridtjit and Schmidt 60).... Postcolonial Theory and the United States: Race, Ethnicity, and literature....
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Impact of Financial and Non-financial Rewards on Employee Motivation and Satisfaction
20 pages (6022 words) , Download 4 , Literature review
Research questions, aims, and objectives Since no research exists that analyse these relationships and there is dearth of literature on the motivation of Saudi nationals, this dissertation has the purpose of filling this vital knowledge gap.... According to the paper 'Impact of Financial and Non-financial Rewards on Employee Motivation and Satisfaction', to achieve and sustain competitive advantage, scholars asserted the role of motivation in boosting performance among employees and unifying their efforts toward the attainment of organizational vision, mission, and goals....
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