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Internal Communication Study at Tesco, the UK
12 pages (3467 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
This paper "Internal communication Study at Tesco, the UK" focuses on the fact that the UK retail industry is highly competitive and the key parameter for success is to maintain low employee turnover.... An internal communication study was conducted at Tesco, UK in 1985 which revealed that staff behavioural issues were having a negative influence on the company's efforts in the supermarket-battle for customers (Tuffrey, 2003)....
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Roots of the post Second World War environmental movements
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The Second World War was described as a ‘watershed' that developed into environmental activism that spawned quickly during the 1960s.... he Second World War was ... time of difficulty for many people around the world,it was also realized that the world was a small space that needed to be protected....
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Cellphone Towers: A Feasibility Study
8 pages (2118 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The author of this paper tried to understand the consequences that will be brought by sitting in these towers in the range of schools.... Different facts and studies are discussed in the paper, in order to evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of the cellphone towers.... .... ... ... In the year 2001, children under the age group of sixteen have been prohibited to use cellphones by a committee of physicians, as it may result in a number of health hazards due to radiofrequency radiation, and therefore, exposure to cellphone towers may also result in similar health hazards to children....
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Woodville Consultancy for Microsoft, IBM and HP
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
mplement an online presence to facilitate communication between all stakeholders and to act as a primary marketing tool.... This will be the primary means of communication from initial query through to sign-off of a commissioned project.... We will put them in control by enabling customization of e-mail communication on their terms, not ours.... As indicated in the Networked Readiness Index we will be focusing on organizations in those countries which are ready to leverage their investment in Information communication and Technology....
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Social Media Advertising
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Many scholars have conducted research pertaining to social media usage and the impact of the same on advertising, public relations, marketing, and communication.... hang, H, Ki, E, and Ye, L 2012, ‘Social Media Research in Advertising, Communication, Marketing, and Public Relations, 1997-2010,' journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, vol.... Fundamentally, the scholars delved on four major disciplines that included communication, advertising, public relations, and marketing....
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Conference & Banqueting
28 pages (7000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Banqueting generally refers to a formal elaborate meal and is often accompanied by entertainment.... Banquet rooms and conference halls are normally part of a hotel which is.... ... ... The three different types of venues that are normally used for such occasions include conference centres, conference and banqueting facilities within hotels and multi-functional One of the finest conference venues in London is the Gibson Hall, named after its architect John Gibson (Gibson, 2007)....
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Globalization and Cultural Change
3 pages (844 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the paper 'Globalization and Cultural Change' the author looks at globalization.... It is the interrelationships, interconnection, and interdependence of all the countries of the world.... It is the spread of capitalism across the globe bringing with it both opportunities and constraints.... ... ...
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The Treatment of Women and Minorities in Corporations
10 pages (2988 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay "The Treatment of Women and Minorities in Corporations" examines how females are treated in companies as they have now become a threat to the continued economic and political ascendancy of men.... Social progress has created a framework for this competition.... ... ... ... Competition in the world, among nations, among ethno-racial groups, and among corporations and in the marketplace seems to have increased over the last century....
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Role Of The Public Sphere
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
While this may raise the question of "cultural imperialism", one has to realise that in the interpretation and evaluation of its various methods of display and communication, the public sphere has become a strong purveyor of the idea of opening up societies to each other besides a relevant model upon which various studies like those of consumer patterns, may be based. ... As far as the role of the public sphere in our lives is concerned, the media has projected it as that element of communication which basically operates in the public sphere....
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The Remarkable Popularity of Broadcasting in the United States and Canada
13 pages (4063 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Canadian Journal of communication.... Canadian Journal of communication.... Hard news: Women in broadcast journalism.... The paper "The Remarkable Popularity of Broadcasting in the United States and Canada" affirms that the power of broadcasting, which essentially began with the radio, was seen through the advantages of reaching the largest population possible....
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Innovation of Electronic Commerce
27 pages (7161 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper "Innovation of Electronic Commerce" focuses on the innovation made on electronic commerce technology by making an analysis on five components: commerce, collaboration, computing, connection, and communication.... In this connection, the ambit of electronic commerce now covers a broad range of activities in the fields of commerce, collaboration, communication, connection, and computation.... Opportunities identified along the business and social spheres include addressing larger markets, enlarging the scope of collaboration with business partners globally, the transformation of business processes, and working on the development to make electronic communication much faster....
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Progress Report. Executive Secretary at Brand House Advertising Company
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
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What are the Implications of Leadership in Police and Criminal Communities
18 pages (4856 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The advancement in technology especially information and communication technology (ICT), the perpetrators of crimes are continuing to engage in more complicated crimes (Ratcliffe, 2012).... The leadership in the police department requires effective and efficient communication skills that are well organized to enable the leaders to give suggestions, orders, and instructions in a clear and coherent way to their staff (Baker, 2010).... In the same criminals, leadership has effective ad efficient communication skills that help them to issue orders and instructions on the operations of the gang....
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Legal Standings of Journalist Reports
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
journalism and the Law of Privacy applied.... This paper "Legal Standings of Journalist Reports" focuses on the fact that the court at Sunderland Youth Court had a dramatic time hearing the case of young-love-gone-sour.... The morning of Monday saw the court preside over one of the most bizarre cases in Sunderland for the past decade....
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Ecommerce web development business plan
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Woodville Consultancy is an online specialist in the international marketing of high-end technology products and services facilitating business, market and channel development through general consultancy, specialist market reports and project work.... Outsourcing decreases costs, increases flexibility, enhances expertise, boosts discipline, and provides the freedom to focus on core business capabilities. ...
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Ethical Dilemma Addressed by a Professional Journalist
5 pages (1598 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A report to be analyzed should be selected from the Indiana University School of journalism website.... Retrieved September 8, 2011, from journalism Ethics Cases Online: http://journalism.... The paper "Ethical Dilemma Addressed by a Professional Journalist" states that by not imposing any penalties to the journalist for revealing the identity of Jody, the fact remains that more journalists continue to haplessly report, publish and solicit information through unethical means....
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Treatment of Women and Minorities in Corporations
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper 'Treatment of Women and Minorities in Corporations' examines how females are treated in companies as they have now become a threat to the continued economic and political ascendancy of men and role of corporations in affecting public policies about women.... ... ... ... The author states that women in America face different opportunities, types and levels of treatment, and cultural acceptance and norms than a century ago....
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The Major Differences between Documentary and Reality TV Programmes
24 pages (6205 words) , Download 3 , Essay
From the paper "The Major Differences between Documentary and Reality TV Programmes" it is clear that the idea of objectivity being a requirement of democracy is somewhat misleading because it is not to say that non-democratic countries or societies do not have objective journalism....
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Postmodernism in Modern Society
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Postmodern theory has also been linked to development in mass communication as well as the manner in which sound and pictures are developed electronically.... In the last few decades, there have been remarkable revolutions in the fields of visual arts and film sector.... he changes in the ways of doing things in the contemporary arts sector are believed to be brought about by postmodernism....
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Reflection Paper on Current Clinical Assessment Practices
8 pages (2233 words) , Download 2 , Essay
At the end of the two weeks, students were debriefed, asked to talk about their feelings during the training, review a videotape of the training and the also "had the opportunity to evaluate their own behaviors, communication patterns, and assessment skills" (Schoening et.... The essay 'Reflection Paper on Current Clinical Assessment Practices' is devoted to the extremely urgent issue for students and in particular students of medical faculties, how to effectively master new information, how to do it productively and efficiently, and describe various ways and methods....
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Bullying in Elementary and Middle Schools
7 pages (1885 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Lack of great communication, personal and social skills can contribute a lot towards causing violence and bullying (Mc Grarth, & Noble, 2006).... "Bullying in Elementary and Middle Schools" paper proposes various strategies and mechanisms that can be used to resolve the problem of bullying in elementary and middle schools....
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The Procurement Management Process of Recreational Equipment Inc
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The process helps in developing a lucid communication between the company and the suppliers.... The communication should be transparent from the initial step, since the whole process is dependent on it.... The paper "The Procurement Management Process of Recreational Equipment Inc" focuses on the importance for any business of the procurement management process: creating a successful procurement team, evaluating suppliers, creating a correct offer including price, delivery time and quality, etc....
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Environmental Infection Control in Health Care Facilities
6 pages (1856 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The medium of communication through dance and music leaves a greater impact in the minds of the audience who are most effected.... Impeccable endeavours and impressive communication and convincing skills integrated with apt availability of authority, finance and accessibility are the vital requirements for achieving he desired target of an infection free society....
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Athletes Endorsement Earnings
8 pages (2194 words) , Download 1 , Statistics Project
he use of the athlete as a means of brand communication has in the recent past increased, and has been tested for its effectiveness.... The endorsement ranges from communication, sport drinks, cosmetics to organizations like UN.... "Athletes Endorsement Earnings" paper finds out whether the salary paid to the athletes by clubs had an effect on the endorsements paid to them by the corporations like Motorola, Nike, Adidas....
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Using of Harvard Referencing Style
8 pages (2106 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Listening being the ability to accurately receive and interpret information is key to every communication.... i am also able to picture exactly what the speaker is trying to say, i cannot interrupt the speaker or impose my solutions and by giving the speaker regular feedback such as nodding an so on removing destructions which would reduce my listening such noise , empathising, watching nonverbal communication (Forbes 2012). ...
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Diabetes WA
8 pages (2360 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
However, this particular paper will focus on creating awareness about the Diabetes WA in the local community with the proper marketing communication techniques and with proper advertising programs.... The advertising and the marketing communication tools play a vital role in this matter....
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Changing Language Patterns in Coca-Colas Advertisement
6 pages (1875 words) , Download 2 , Essay
roducers use a special language in order to inform, persuade and influence our buying patterns; this kind of communication that they use to influence consumers purchasing decisions is referred to as advertisement.... Advertisement is a business on its own; it has to be creatively designed to engage customers in its communication....
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Threats and Opportunities of Social Media Marketing
9 pages (2713 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper "Threats and Opportunities of Social Media Marketing" highlights how social media marketing brings with it both threats and opportunities within the frameworks of the advertising strategy undertaken by companies for a multitude of reasons.... ... ... ... Social media marketing is something that must always remain supreme within any advertising strategy which is geared to meet the eye of young audiences....
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Impact of Declining Employee Satisfaction on Service Delivery in Hospitality
10 pages (2893 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Impact of Declining Employee Satisfaction on Service Delivery in Hospitality" explores the relation of employee satisfaction on overall service delivery, specifically attempting to discover how reduced satisfaction can adversely impact the consumers' perception of quality and value.... ....
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English Language Teaching
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
It offers a possibility of communication and communication education has turned into real communication with a partner whose interest in concrete emerges from a personal curiosity.... It offers a possibility of communication and communication education has turned into real communication with a partner whose interest in concrete emerges from a personal curiosity.... English as a Foreign Language of Institute] [English] English as a Foreign Language English has gained considerable importance as a language of communication both in the public and private sectors....
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The Effectiveness of Using Educational Games to Improve English Teaching
11 pages (3135 words) , Download 1 , Report
The specific educational standards set by the two regions can as well be adopted to enhance English teaching and students' performance in areas of communication.... lthough the education systems in Saudi Arabia and Western countries may have significant differences, the two regions, like other parts of the world, recognize the use of English language in both spoken and written communication (Indriawan, 2016).... Therefore, improving English communication in the two regions has become the primary goal of language teachers....
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Body language within the counselling forum and its implications
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 3 , Thesis
Body language or nonverbal communication constitutes a major component of counseling.... tudying nonverbal communication is simulated to a treasure hunt without a map or tools... It has reached a global perspective and is now known as international counselling.... The growth of counseling is the major changing trend in the profession....
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Publics Fear of Crime and Media
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
ccording to the Annenberg School of communication (Fishman and Marvin 2003), media is a generic term for systems of production and dissemination of information and entertainment and of exertions of any kinds of social control.... Media is any physical object used for communication (Media Literacy, 2001).... Media are regarded as channels of communication through which messages flow.... They are a form of communication produced by a few people for the consumption of many people (Mass Literacy, 1996)....
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Where Does Leadership Come From
15 pages (4149 words) , Download 3 , Essay
How communication Affects Leadership?... In order to achieve that, communication is considered to be the most effective weapon for the leaders, relying upon which they can motivate the employees to deliver their best.... In fact, Greenwood and Hinings (2012) have witnessed that in order to acquire maximum benefits from the external stakeholders of an organization such as distributors and suppliers, strong bargaining power of the organizational leaders is inevitable, which is also a part of communication process....
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Ethnicity Determination and Race
16 pages (4141 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
This assignment "Ethnicity Determination and Race" discusses race as a classification or grouping system used to identify or categories groups of humans.... The classification system took into account the anatomy, cultural, ethnic, genetic, geographical, linguistic, religious, and social affiliation....
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Western Pop Culture Hip Hop
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This research paper 'Western Pop Culture – Hip Hop' is going to investigate the culture and background of Hip- Hop music and assess its influence on the public in general especially in relation to the language that is used and how it has influenced our ways of thinking and communication.... The topic I have chosen to write about is on the Hip Hop Culture of music and how it has influenced our ways of thinking and communication.... Western Pop Culture – Hip Hop Introduction communication is vital to all human beings coming from different backgrounds and different walks of life....
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The Role of Journalists in Defending Human Rights
5 pages (1441 words) , Download 1 , Essay
The paper "The Role of Journalists in Defending Human Rights" highlights that journalism has helped battle against injustices that violate human rights in many parts of the world.... The journalism work has inspired many civilians to battle against oppressors causing human suffering.... journalism is the profession dedicated to gathering information about a or current event in order to prepare the information to be presented in a professional manner to the general public through the use of a mass media medium....
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Internet Integration - Infusing Technology in the Classroom
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
Technology has nearly broken down the walls and obstructions of communication for just about any two people or more on the planet and it is because of this discovery that man has made it possible to learn from professionals in their respective fields may it be in the field of science, arts, engineering, and the like, through the use of the internet, web cameras, and microphones; the world of the internet as the source of knowledge and even a Doctorate or Graduate degree.... It is because of problems like these, there is the proof of the lack of communication between the students and the teachers as there are still ideas and concepts that the webcam and microphone cannot capture. ...
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Effect of Culture on Expatriates Work Performance
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
Understanding other people's and countries' communication styles, social events, dress codes, greetings, and negotiation tactics are very important in fostering positive relationships with persons from foreign countries and cultures.... These factors are communication ability, relation ability and stress tolerance (Lee, 2008)....
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Chronotopes of Human Science Inquiry
9 pages (2474 words) , Download 0 , Essay
he origin of this chronotope extend back to the early critiques of communication theories of truth, the logistics of verification that dominated representational approaches to qualitative research in anthropology and philosophy.... This includes both language and literacy practices in the most relevant contexts of communication and interaction....
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Mitochondrial Dysfunction
8 pages (2362 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The term dementia refers to a group of symptoms such as mood changes, memory, reasoning problem and communication problem (Swerdlow, 2007). ... This causes malfunction in neuron biochemical communication subsequently causing death of the cells.... This paper ''Mitochondrial Dysfunction '' tells that Mitochondrial dysfunction has been associated with certain neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease....
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Patient Care Delivery and Nursing Competency
7 pages (2335 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Besides, it will also facilitate the determination of effective measures to make the interaction and communication among the patients and nurses to be more productive and result oriented.... 2 Reference Page…………………………………… 13 Introduction  Medical errors can occur in healthcare settings if proper communication does not occur between patients and nurses as well as other healthcare professionals.... The envisioned addressees of such a project are those patients who do not regard communication with the nurses as an imperative bit in their home and clinical maintenance....
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The Absolute Freedom of Expression through Journalism in the Modern World
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Article
In spite of the incessant pleas for the absolute freedom of expression through journalism in the modern world, the situation for the journalists all over the globe has not changed drastically.... The Absolute Freedom of Expression through journalism in the Modern World ... In spite of the incessant pleas for the absolute freedom of expression through journalism in the modern world, the situation for the journalists all over the globe has not changed drastically and the most recent examples from different turns of the planet point to the same fact....
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Interface Design for Pervasive Computing
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
rrangement by means of a user's psychological model will sustain their extrapolative and descriptive capability for considerate a communication.... reative industries: in creative studies the further implementation of multimedia technology is on fine arts, entertainment, commercial art, to journalism, software services etc....
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The Literary Label of Crossover Fiction to Contemporary Childrens Literature
13 pages (3648 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The creation of multi-faceted digital space has seen a significant uptake by youth on a global scale, thereby perpetuating a domino effect on culture, sub-cultures and social behaviour through the “commercialisation of youth” on the one side to changing communication trends with social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace and Bebo on the other (Cross, 2004: 3).... As such, Schultze argues the digital media is shaping youth culture by changing patterns of communication and redefining community life (Schultz, 1991:50) by providing broader cultural options. ...
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Research Proposal a Study on Web Portals
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This study seeks to find out more information about web portals, their use and role in education and business as well as their impact on human communication.... Properly designed portals can act as effective communication tools that can enhance the adoption of best practices....
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The Exercise of Searching for Information
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
communication Strategies s of Learning: s communication Strategies The modern environment is normally surrounded by different types of information and it is always difficult for one to know which among the sources of information to trust.... The paper describes the process of looking up for information in large masses of given data that can prove to be a hectic and difficult process....
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Arts Administration Must Pay Attention to the Infiltration between the Arts and the Media
8 pages (2366 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
edia acted as a platform of information, entertainment, along with communication with the change and development of dependency among people.... Social media in an alternative marketing communication model.... The author states that the infiltration of media with other art forms has been creating a diverse impact on the life of people in terms of the huge amount of confusion that it creates because of this identity deviations....
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Analysis Breaking Free from Fossil Fuels Campaign in Coal Exports in Newcastle
6 pages (1833 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
communication is carried out through emails, online forums, and online newsletters.... It is also possible to make calls to the movement and use other traditional means of communication.... "Analysis Breaking Free from Fossil Fuels Campaign in Coal Exports in Newcastle" paper is based on the action taken by the 'Breaking Free from Fossil Fuels' campaign in coal exports in Newcastle in the context of global advocacy for divestment in fossil fuels....
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IT Professional in Software Service
7 pages (1995 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Customer oriented communication skill include the ability to speak and understand the customer issues and requirement, giving ideal about the project and train them properly.... Now the companies prefer the IT skill, management skill, communication skill as well as social interactive skills....
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