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Treatment of Women and Minorities in Corporations - Essay Example

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This paper “Treatment of Women and Minorities in Corporations” examines how females are treated in companies as they have now become a threat to the continued economic and political ascendancy of men and role of corporations in affecting public policies about women…
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Treatment of Women and Minorities in Corporations
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Treatment of Women and Minorities in Corporations Abstract Competition in the world, among nations, among ethno-racial groups, and among corporations and in the marketplace seems to have increased over the last century. Social progress has created a framework for this competition. A mere hundred years ago, women in any kind of leadership positions were scant, and the domination of men in civic, political, religious and economic institutions was unquestioned. However, this notion changed when modernization became more common and after cultural changes precipitated by women’s rights movements and economic changes made women’s taking part in contributing to the uplifting of societies and families normal and expected. But, despite these changes, many in the world in positions of power do not have the patience or adaptability to accept the fact that woman can play a leading role, and so discrimination has become a normal experience for women. This paper examines how females are treated in companies as they have now become a threat to the continued economic and political ascendancy of men. Table of content Introduction 4 Public policies 6 Public policies about women and minorities 7 Role of corporations in affecting public policies about women and minorities 8 Programs run by the corporation that helps in affecting women and minorities 10 Mission statements for how women shall be treated in corporations 11 Conclusion 12 Examine the Treatment of Women and Minorities in Corporations Introduction Women in America face different opportunities, types and levels of treatment, and cultural acceptance and norms than a century ago. Women a hundred years ago were not expected to have full and free civic and cultural participation, and were expected to ultimately deserve domestic tasks, have and raise offspring. Social norms constructed women as passive and frail, and not as competent to achieve strongly or intellectual all that men could. Men were supposed to be breadwinners, strong John Wayne figures with unquestioned authority over the home and over children. Though this was always an idealized view of the world, and ignored micro-conflicts going on in the culture at all times (especially since the feminist movement is as old as the 19th century), certainly these archetypes and schema are still important to cultural formation today. Changing role of women today Counterintuitively, despite obvious cultural and social changes, family responsibilities have not modified much in today's society. Women might be in the workplace more often, but the conventional responsibilities of women are still dominant. They are still the very compassionate provider and nurturer of infants and children, the comforter for the weeping young offspring and the feminine existence of the household. While the husband's job has diversified into more domestic chores such as cooking, cleaning, attending PTA meetings, and going to soccer games, they still overwhelmingly are considered to have the role as head of the household, not its manager. Women have picked up more economic labor, but this has not been met by men picking up commensurate domestic labor (Hochschild, 1990). This is of course increasingly at odds with a world where women can often out-earn their male counterparts and are often more educated and qualified. Can women truly "be like the man", in terms of domestic authority, economic power, etc.? Arguably, yes. Women are increasingly capable of managing money, handling home improvement projects, and being single parents and sole breadwinners. Women aren’t likely to become as physically strong as men, but that has never been a truly important consideration in an industrialized society. Women are increasingly capable of thinking like men, but still being in a somewhat subordinate period and having different gender norms and construction have made it unlikely that women will be like men in terms of lived experiences, values and behaviors. Women are often more practical and less abstract. Multi-tasking is more natural to women who have to and are expected to manage domestic and economic tasks simultaneously. Women value feelings more. Men tend to be more uni-task oriented, less in tune with and valuing of emotions, and more abstract in thinking. Both male and female orientations to solve problems are useful. Battles over authority and control are constant in households as modernization takes place. Man, no subject how gifted or ungifted, have the social ability to declare that he is the man in the house. For the wife to usurp his social location, there will be certain unrest in the complete relationship. Single women do face challenges building cultural capital for economic matters and connections that men take for granted. Managing mortgage payments, work and children simultaneously can take a toll on even the strongest women. It’s true that single fathers face similar difficulties in the vein of domestic matters, but through more social contacts and access to the “old boy’s” network, they are likely to have an economic leg up. Men tend to be more oriented towards pleasure expenditures: Do-it-yourself projects that are as much about entertainment as domestic necessity, televisions, etc. Women, meanwhile, are more likely to justify purchases not only for themselves (though certainly less so) but also for family and society. It’s likely, then, that women becoming used to managing their income and economic factors will find managing spending a difficulty: While men would have to cut their toy budget, women will have to cut budgets for others, a far harder initiative. Public policies Public policies are endeavors by the government to address a public issue. The government, whether decentralized/local, state, or central government, deduces and creates public guideline in terms of justice, controls, determinations, and actions. There are three elements to public policy-making: troubles, players, and the policy. The problem is the subject that needs to be addressed. The players, or stakeholders, are the separate someone or organization that is influential in forming to address the obstacle in question or are affected by the policy or the problem. Policy is the finalized course of achievement resolved upon by the government. In most instances, guidelines are extensively open to translation by non-governmental players, embracing those in the private sector. Public guidelines are in addition made by chiefs of spiritual and social institutions. Public policy can be broadly delineated as the course of achievement (or inaction) taken by the state with regard to an actual issue. Other scholars delineate it as a procedure of courses of achievement, regulatory evaluations, laws, and funding concerns in view to a bestowed subject promulgated by a governmental entity or its representatives. Public guideline is ordinarily embodied in constitutions, legislative plays and edicts, and judicial decisions, but as we have seen, non-governmental organizations, businesses, social institutions like the church, and individual citizens also contribute to the creation and enforcement of policy. In the United States, concern is paid not only to the end effect of guidelines, but more widely to the decision-making and analysis of governmental decisions: In short, how a decision is made and by who is just as important as the decision. As an academic discipline, public guidelines are learnt by university lecturers and learners at public guideline schools of great universities right through the country. The U.S. certified association of public guideline practitioners, examiners, scholars, and learners are the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management. Public policies about women and minorities Shaping public guideline is a very included and multifaceted process that includes the interplay of several separate people and involvement gatherings striving against and collaborating with policymakers to play-act in an actual way. These separate people and gatherings use different types of approaches and implementations to move frontward embracing encouraging their locations publicly, endeavoring to train supporters and contestants, and mobilizing friends on an actual issue. In this context, advocacy can be defined as endeavoring to effect public guidelines through training, urging, or political pressure. Advocacy gatherings often endeavor to train the general public as well as public guideline producers about the natural world of troubles, what legislation is wanted to address troubles, and the funding demanded to give services or accomplish research. Although advocacy is considered as unbecoming by some in the political science community, it is clear that public guideline main concerns are affected by advocacy. Written knowledge can be employed to train the public as well as guideline producers, thereby enhancing the public guideline process. When we talk about public policies regarding women and minorities, we basically mean the rules and practices in the outer world for females and minorities and how they are treated in a still male-dominated social system. There are many societies and groups working for this cause and most of them are concerned with the health care issues of women which most of the women face either pertaining to their own problems or problems caused by men. One such example is SWHR, a public entity helping women to provide guidelines regarding their problems (Rose, 2010). The Society for Women’s Health Research (SWHR), a countrywide non-profit governing body supported in Washington DC, is extensively acknowledged as the chief in gender divergences and is dedicated to enhancing women’s fitness and success through advocacy, training, and research. Founded in 1990, SWHR ascended to national attention by advocating for improving the number of women in medical research and demanding research about the circumstances changing women wholly, predominantly, or otherwise than men. Based in Washington, D.C., SWHR advocates for bigger public and private funding for women’s needs, the study of gender divergences that systematically deprive women of equal health care and equality in the marketplace, and elements of the diagnosis and therapy of disease; advocates for women in medical research; encourages more research on gender differences especially in the health field; and tells women, fitness care providers, and guideline producers about concurrent women’s fitness subjects through broadcasting outreach and periodic briefings, group debates and extraordinary events. As an effect of SWHR’s work, women are now embraced in clinical trials; researchers are examining the means in which fitness circumstances and illnesses act on men and women otherwise and why. Through its use of evidence-based research and multi-pronged guideline and public training efforts, as well as the participation of fitness care providers and guideline producers dedicated to enhancing women’s fitness, women’s fitness is now a countrywide priority. Role of corporations in affecting public policies about women and minorities Taking example of the same corporation, we can very well define the role of corporations and non-governmental organizations in affecting public policies regarding women and minorities. SWHR argues that its dedicated command embraced a assorted gathering of fitness care providers and other people concerned with examine and fitness care equity, offering a kaleidoscope of perspectives. Included in the first fathering at ACOG and afterwards on the first SWHR Board were physicians and examiners concentrating in cardiology, mental fitness, and obstetrics-gynecology, as well as interns, advocates, and public guideline encourages included and fascinated in women’s health. In 1993, SWHR opened its agent administration centre in Washington, D.C. and leased its first certified staff. Phyllis Greenberger, MSW, was picked as the first Executive Director and stays as President and CEO today. During 2010 the Society for Women's Health Research is looking ahead to tests looking at the nation with fitness care and fitness indemnity reforms. SWHR strives to assure that women’s fitness stays a main concern for the countrywide agenda and that sex and gender divergences in care and number of providers become more extensively acknowledged as essential to fitness care therapy options. Both the amount of personnel and roster of volunteer chiefs have propagated over time to give support in these efforts. Medical, nursing, and systematic skilled population from a large assortment of disciplines has joined in SWHR’s efforts. SWHR personnel rely on OSSD Council staff and components, prevailing and past components of Isis Fund Networks, augmenting authors of the Savvy Woman Patient, and presenters from past SWHR group debates, as well as its systematic advisory board for the medicinal and practical learning that under girds all its research programs, instructive outreach and advocacy efforts (Beller, 2004). As SWHR moves into its 20th year, it will carry on to associate with the largest probable assortment of fitness care providers, guideline producers, and researchers to collect evidence-based knowledge and then convey this information to Congress, the systematic examination community, fitness care providers, fitness advocacy gatherings and the public. Programs run by the corporation that helps in affecting women and minorities SWHR upholds three programmatic environs which includes public guideline (advocacy), communications (public education), and systematic programs (research). SWHR’s advocacy and public guideline efforts assure that women’s fitness subjects continue a main concern on the countrywide agenda. SWHR keeps regular briefings for components of Congress and their personnel on valued fitness subjects that are impinged on by congressional guidelines and funding determinations, testifies before congressional groups in charge and gives have a declare on legislation and regulatory requests connected to women’s fitness and research. Supporting its advocacy work, SWHR upholds the Women’s Health Research Coalition (WHRC), an advocacy web of chiefs to scholarly medicinal, fitness and systematic schools to nurture coordination and funding for women’s fitness research. SWHR’s outreach and training efforts for the general public embrace broadcasting outreach, periodic public training operations, a website, standard online moderated debates, using electronics newsletters, biweekly journal portions disseminated to the broadcasting, and extraordinary issues, embracing group debates for consumers. SHWR presents an annual award, “Excellence in Women’s Health Research Journalism Awards”, to writers who excel in giving the public fitness and health information salient to the neds of women. In January 2006, SWHR issued its first journal for clients, The Savvy Women Patient: How and Why Sex Differences Impact Your Health. The journal is a lead to fitness circumstances and treatments sole to women of all ages and focuses on how women’s fitness varies from men’s. SWHR’s examine works with examiners and clinicians in the public and confidential subdivisions to endorse and support the paddock of sex-based biology. SWHR hosts group debates, meetings, workshops and forums to consider the role biological sex plays in fitness and physiological function. In 2006, the Organization for the Study of Sex Differences (OSSD), a systematic constituents population to enhance the learning of sex/gender divergences by alleviating interdisciplinary making acquaintance and collaboration amid researchers and clinicians of assorted backgrounds. In 1999, Isis Fund for Sex-based Biology, a succession of webs toiling to foster interdisciplinary minimal and clinical examine on sex and gender differences, was founded and created articles such as “Sex Differences in Metabolism”, “Sex Differences in the Musculoskeletal System”, “Sex, Gender, Drugs, and the Brain”, and “Sex Differences in Cardiovascular Disease. In 2006, the “Society for Women’s Health Research Medtronic Prize for Scientific Contributions to Women’s Health”, the per annum $75,000 trophy acknowledges a woman researcher or technical operator for her additions to women’s fitness and nurtures women to examine subjects solely connected to women’s health. (Mitra, 2003) SWHR is concerned both with societal discrimination and the way that that plays into differences between men and women’s ultimate health care outcomes, whether that be increased stress due to discrimination, less access to insurance and payment options due to inferior wages and employment opportunities due to employment discrimination, or inferior treatment options available; with discrimination against female practitioners and researchers; and into biological differences between men and women that can guide more effective treatment of women. SWHR administers the RAISE Project. The objective is to advance the position of certified women through heightened appreciation of their achievements in research, technical knowledge, mechanical apparatus, doctors and mathematics. Mission statements for how women shall be treated in corporations Taking SWHR’s lead, I believe that women have their significance in the society and so corporations should work for the uplifting of women in order to promote their standing within families and within the nation. Mission statements for gender treatment should be clear, unambiguous and progressive. Here are few exemplary mission statements which can help operations to work: ‘To ensure secure and healthful work circumstances for working men and women; by authorizing enforcement of the benchmarks deduced under the Act; by helping and nurturing the States in their efforts to promise secure and healthful wprlomg conditions; by giving, for example and not limited to, knowledge, training, and coaching in the paddock of occupational protection and health” ‘To work for the empowerment of women by giving them secure access to treatment for their health care needs and also by giving them chances to prove their capability within the due limits of the society’ Conclusion As a concluding note, we can anticipate that women and minorities have their own significance when it comes to equality of people and as the world is progressing, people and corporations are thinking about this notion on the whole. Thus, it is important to realize the significance of each one in the society in order to make our societies and world a better place to live. KEY TERMS: Public Policies: Public policy is an attempt by the government to address a public issue, (Def: WiseGeek) Advocacy; the act of pleading for. (Def: Mission statement: A statement representing the existence of organization for specific purpose. (Center of Business planning) Reference: Hochschild, A.R. Second Shift. 1990. Avon Books. Canadian Public Policy / Analyse de Politiques, Coverage: 1975-2008 (Vols. 1-34) Published by: University of Toronto Press on behalf of Canadian Public Policy Richard Rose, Cambridge Journals Online - Journal of Public Policy, accessed on December 31, 2010 Talk IBS, accessed on December 31, 2010 The Big 3 for Baby and Me, accessed on December 31, 2010 Arfken, D.E., S.L. Bellar, and M.M. Helms. "The Ultimate Glass Ceiling Revisited: The Presence of Women on Corporate Boards."Journal of Business Ethics50, no. 2 (2004): 177–186. Mitra, A. "Breaking the Glass Ceiling: African American Women in Management Positions."Equal Opportunities International22, no. 2 (2003): 67–80 Public Policy, Definition accessed on 10th Jan 2011, from Advocacy, Definition accessed on 10th Jan 2011, from, Mission Statement, Center of Business Planning, accessed on 10th jan 2011, from Read More
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