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English Language Teaching - Essay Example

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This lesson plan has not imposed texts. It offers a possibility of communication and communication education has turned into real communication with a partner whose interest in concrete emerges from a personal curiosity. For example, when the Chinese students wanted to make a text on "Who is the person you admire," they are presenting an actor, a singer or an athlete…
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English Language Teaching
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? English as a Foreign Language of Institute] [English] English as a Foreign Language English has gained considerable importance as a language of communication both in the public and private sectors. The status of English as a foreign language is increasing day-by-day and it is currently being widely used as a medium of business and education (Al-Busaidi. 1995). English is the most common language for international business and commerce and is the exclusive language in important sectors such as banking and aviation. The global language for Science and Technology is also English as are the rapidly expanding international computerised databases and telecommunications networks which are becoming an increasingly important part of the academic and business life (Adams. 2001). Bloomfield (1933) has defined native language as the one which one begins to speak and learn since his childhood. For the people of Oman, Arabic language is the native language and English is the language which they study after learning their mother language and for the purpose of further education. Most of the time, the knowledge of the second language influences a person’s opinion regarding his native language as well (Journal of Memory and Language. 1994). Synonyms for native language are mother tongue and first language. The efficiency of the teachers depends upon their capability to translate their academic knowledge into academic content knowledge (Schulman. 1986). They should know about the manner in which the teaching method will suit the content and the ways in which content to be taught can be explained to the students bettering the best possible way. Content knowledge comprises of knowledge about the theories, concepts and standards of a subject (in this case the English language) (Shulman. 1992). It also includes the manner in which the content is communicated and taught to the students. "If beginning teachers are to be successful, they must wrestle simultaneously with issues of pedagogical content (or knowledge) as well as general pedagogy (or generic teaching principles)" (Ornstein & Lasley. 2000). Lesson Plan While planning the salient features of lesson preparation of the class, it is important that the physical and mental standings of children along with other factors such as their age group and nationalities. These factors also play a very pivotal role in determining the standing of children and hence influence the designing of the different courses that need to be prepared for children (Hamachek. 1999). It is also important to mention here that the children enrolling this course learn English as a foreign language; it becomes almost mandatory to design programs through the help of which they can acquire greater understanding of grammar and pronunciation principles and features to enhance their skills in the language. English, a language spoken frequently throughout the world has become an important element to learn (Crystal. 2003). It is with this importance that even studies and the workplace environment globally lay special emphasis towards learning this language as a basic source of communication that would then be used in normal day to day activities. (McGuiness. 2004) For those in the area of learning or fresh starters looking to give a start to their career by using this language as a main or secondary source of contact, there are many assessment courses kick off a start for an individual’s English learning. Either to easily grade themselves as to how well they speak or if not then how quickly can they capitalise over this much needed skill that is the communication skill (Lafayette. 1993). Lesson Plan 1 One of the most rudimentary characteristics that need to be fostered and subsequently cultured within students who are learning English as their foreign language is to make them realise the importance of reading and the level of understanding that they can obtain from adopting the habit of reading. One key advantage that will be obtained from this habit is that students will be able to develop the habit of developing questions regarding the language when they will see difficult words and phrases coming their way during the reading process. This will instigate and motivate them to facilitate the use of dictionary in their reading sessions. For the fulfillment of this purpose the use of a Chinese to English dictionary can be a very helpful tool. Also, it is important to mention here that since the students and the academic institutes in which they enroll both are well-equipped with the most contemporary usage of technical devices and methods this objective can also be obtained with the help and usage of Google. (Grace and Patricia. 2007) With the help and usage of Google translate many difficult words that students go through while reading the story in English can easily be translated in their local language to enhance their level of understanding and derivation of meaning regarding the word that they have seen or gone through. The utilisation of these resources where on one hand will help in developing greater understanding for students in increasing their scope and circumference of vocabulary will at the same time also motivate them to show greater understanding of using technological devices and tools such as Google along with gaining linguistic control over different kind and nature of meanings and words. Furthermore with the help of this practice students will also develop a more clear and vivid idea about the nature of sentence construction and design that is normally applied in English literature. (Charles. 1934) The age group of children is suggestive of the fact that at this specific category of age they should start to realise the fact that developing of language principles and linguistic dynamics of English cannot be acquired until and unless they gain familiarity with the rudimentary features of its literary segments. Dynamics of Lesson plan 1 To foster English learning, the need to flourish ones reading strategy is an important element. It is with this thing you start to speak the language you are willing to learn and then later try to understand. There are generally 3 types of strategies affiliated with reading. Pre-reading, During-reading and Post-reading strategies. Pre reading involves assessing how well person has the background knowledge of a particular content and then reading the passage with interest due to some already background knowledge of the passage itself. During-reading on the other hand assesses individual’s skills in making connections and visualising the theme or story over which an essay is written. Lastly Post-Reading then tells as to how better a person then comprehend over what has been learned and uses that in the most effective way as possible. (Pre-reading. 2011) For this research two types of strategies from 3 different strategies shall be discussed and how later it can then be used/ can be used by learners to learn English language as a sheer skill effectively. Pre Reading Strategies Starts off with a predication process that is assuming as to what the author would be saying for a particular content after having reviewed the main title over which the essay is being written or if not that then, captions or pictures that may be found inside the essay. A strategy that encourages students towards the thinking process and then later assume best as to what the whole topic would be before actually starting off with reading. Followed by the prediction process this strategy also involves vocabulary building. A process that is regarded as being ‘pre’ because the reader should know of every word as stated in the essay before he/she starts to read. Under such a situation teacher would pull out words from the context that are unfamiliar and ask in general to every student and if found wrong, the teacher would then make sure they write the correct meaning of new word and later also use it for their future references. (Centre, Library. 2010) During Reading Strategies Involves the story mapping technique that is students relate the essay a sheer story to easily sketch a picture as to what is being said by the author. This for a kid may be like coming up with a comical story to a grownup that would tend to think of a story that’s practical and easy to compare with the essay itself. With story mapping process in place the next involves Think, Pair, and Share technique. An excellent approach when a need for group work is felt more rather than individual work. It involves giving students in pair a question over which they have to plot an answer. This at first would result in pairs thinking and then talk to one another in pairs over best possible answers. Where after having thought of the random topic as given by the teacher to the pair then sharing the findings with the class to see how well they have succeeded in coming up with the best answer. (CDE. 2011) Post- Reading Strategies Post reading strategies start from using journals. That is keeping a note of what has been learned, noting new words that can then be added to vocabulary, or simply summarising story or writing in response of a question as seen to be given by teacher. In short there are endless ways of how a person can use this as an active post reading strategy where using journal is not only confined to just noting down important information but noting down as to how well a person is progressing in this learning phase too. (Diaz and Weed. 2006) Having used journals the next is Socratic seminars. It is an excellent way to encourage students to get deep information from a given text and then make personal connections with the thing as extracted from text , that being knowledge. This involves teacher asking students a critical thinking over a particular situation. Where students within their inner circle are allowed to talk and take help from books to get as much as relevant information they can. However students sitting in the outer circle are given the responsibility to watch one person as sitting in the inner circle and report to how many times he/she started off with a conversation referred to text. Half way through two circles change positions where inner goes as being outer and outer goes as being inner where the teacher throws out one more question to people now seen of sharing new spaces. During this time no teacher contributes any student for any task unless the students don’t talk and then to ask another provocative question to discuss further. (Rubidoux. 2008) In conclusion reading strategies for learners may vary a lot and yet there are so many pre-during and post reading strategies but not being covered due to research constraints. However apart from this as what is learned is the real injustice would for the learner when he does not involve him/herself in such activity and later teachers that don’t appreciate these strategies as a core ingredient to foster ones English language in an effective way. From researchers perspective in teaching AVID, the most of the appropriate strategies as used by researcher are the DR-TA as a pre reading one because predicting is a much higher level of thinking and can be best assumed to be taken actively in every AVID. For other strategy such as During-reading, the think per share one can also be said as being appropriate for AVID because this program also involves a lot of collaboration in the form of different activities. Finally summing up the post reading activity for educational setting can be best said as being Socratic Seminar because this is one thing AVID person are trained to do where results show from the interest of number of students for this activity. (Kizlik. 2010) Problems encountered Apart from the different dynamics and features that have been discussed regarding the preparation of lesson plan accentuating upon the development and furnishing of reading skills among children, it is also important that the multitude number of problems that can be encountered in the development and implementation of this entire process. One key problem that is encountered in this entire process is related to the selection of the appropriate literature and reading material that the children need to be introduced to. It is important to consider not just the age group of children when deciding the book but also the status of children and their grasping abilities of the language as they are completely alien to its grammar and other integral related aspects and dimensions. In order to resolve this issue it is important that the teacher evaluates and analyzes the condition and performance of each student present in the class on individual grounds. Based on the performance of the student in the different assessment tests conducted in the class and upon the position that the teacher thinks will be appropriate for the student, the prescription of the book should be made. In this context books written by various English as well as American authors such as Enid Blyton, Roald Dhal and Rudyard Kipling can be prescribed to students of the class. Along with this it is also important to include as a necessary precaution measure the opinion and perspective of parents so that they are constantly acquainted as to the steps that the institute as well as the teaching faculty are taking for the betterment of their children in providing them with the fundamental knowledge and familiarity to the basics of English language. Hence it is important that the woes and complications of parents encountered at any possible stage are addressed and resolved on timely grounds. (Belasco. 2010) Lesson plan 2 The second lesson plan can focus upon the grooming skills of children in the language with the help of their speaking as well as writing potentials of English language. In the formulation of this lesson plan it is important that the children present in the class are provided familiarity and are encouraged to communicate in English with their class mates. It is important that the class makes it an educational pre-requisite and a mandatory rule that needs to be adhering by almost all students of the class. Furthermore this can also be molded into a tool through the help of which the performance assessment and evaluation of a student can conveniently be conducted. While designing this lesson it is important that the confidence of expressing themselves in class in English is made possible. One of the key aspects that need to be kept in mind while designing this lesson plan is that topics and issues related to current affairs and issues which may be of domestic or international nature are regularly discussed in the class. (DEV. 2010) This will have a number of advantageous outcomes. First and foremost students will get the opportunity to express themselves on matters that are related to them or their society. Secondly, with the help and availing of this opportunity students will also be provided with the chance of boosting their level of confidence within their classmates. Thirdly, simply out of motivational reasons and for gaining appreciation from the teacher students will automatically intend to engage in this habit. Conduction of lesson plan 2 There are a couple of ways through the help of which this lesson plan can easily be conducted. First and foremost the teacher can allot a particular topic on which the entire class will engage in a discussion. Once the topic of discussion has been announced by the teacher the board of discussion is now open for students to pool in their opinions relevant to the topic. In order to encourage the opinion pooling process teacher can actually initiate this process by announcing incentives for students who intend to break the ice. This will most probably be successful in the form of marks. In addition to this whenever students intend to speak they must know that they have to speak in English irrespective of the fact how clearly they can deliver their opinion. It is important to mention here that during this process or conduction of lesson the teacher would also require another special supervisor who will provide his entire attention to the sentences and grammar structure that the student is talking about. At the end of each discussion lesson the supervisor will then provide his comments about participating students to the teacher who will then award students with marks in the appropriate manner. (Meuhner. 2008) An important thing that will contribute towards the effectiveness of the entire lesson is to ensure uniform participation. This can be achieved through a couple of sources, one through the awarding of marks and, secondly through gaining the confidence of parents when initiating this new lesson. By gaining the confidence of parents such exercises can easily be conducted as when such lesson plans will be announced, parents would simultaneously be informed about its importance and relevance that it has for students in their academic as well as professional life. Moreover they will also be informed about the performance assessment of students that will be conducted on the basis of the scoring that a student makes in these lessons. Hence it is apparent that their concern and participation in the lesson will increase and so will the confidence of their child. Rationale of First Lesson plan The lesson plans were designed for Chinese students of intermediate and lower intermediate levels. These students are learning English as a foreign language. Richards (2002) feels that the teaching of English language should also comprise culture but it should not represent the culture of English-speaking countries. Learning English should be placed in a rational situation for the particular student or group of students who are likely to employ English in their social life (Gupta. 2001). The reality of economic and cultural ties between China and United States, which requires a good knowledge of foreign languages, is for these students too distant and theoretical. For them it is a subject in school, homework and exercises. Society requires, however, that language learning in schools is complex and fast and it gives users more autonomous foreign languages. To achieve this goal requires that communication education is enriched by a real contact with the socio-cultural environment in which students can use language in real communication situations. These students face extreme difficulties in listening, speaking and writing; however, their reading skill is strongest. Reading Skill Undoubtedly, the significance of text-based learning is an old method used by educationists. However, the process has seen different changes that have influenced greatly the academic development of students. Text has always been considered as the linear connected discourse disseminated through textbook, newspapers or magazine. It has remained central to the process of human learning being the most urgent source of in-text based learning. Other forms of text happened to be progressively more vital mechanism in school learning. Particularly, it was also made mandatory on students to extract learning from the less linear and more ephemeral messages received daily in discussions and online. Hence, students must become acquainted with all modalities of text in order to learn more effectively in the times to come. Furthermore, while taking into account student learning, one must go beyond effortless ideas about the attainment of declarative and procedural knowledge. Learning is in essence the process of prompting unfathomable and lasting changes in the outlook of students towards knowledge, beliefs, motivations, and problem-solving abilities. (Rong-Chang, 2011) Kohonan (2009: p. 133) points out that schools and teachers work in a given social, cultural and historical context and not in a vacuum. The study is likely to reveal how far the challenges that teachers and students experience in the process of teaching and learning of English as a foreign language go and how to integrate these into their daily lives. The research also considers the ways by which the feeling of professionalism can be further boosted and the consequent and particular manner in which this will help the teachers and students. English has the capacity to change the lives of people and prepare them for a global world. Learners show more enthusiasm towards a culture as they learn more and more about it. This attitude allows a foreign language to integrate into a new economy. Many experts believe that the personality of a person improves with the growth in his natural learning process, social environment and languages learned by him (Grayson. 2002). The capacity of the Chinese students can only be improved with efforts of the teachers and an awareness of the way in which their own suture, language proficiency and teaching style could influence their learners. The gist of this lesson plan is to give the knowledge of language and pronunciation to the students. The Chinese students who are learning English as a foreign language must learn different dimensions of the language and enhance their vocabulary with the help of this reading lesson plan. With the activity of learning language through text, they would be able to appreciate different dialects, terms and jargons of English language. Student Indicators All the Chinese students will discuss their level of understanding of the language in the classroom during the lesson. They will learn new vocabulary and pronunciation of English language and will try to use it in their daily lives. All students will discuss their strategy of dealing with their family members and Chinese friends in English. This activity also enables students to examine their level of expertise in English and will teach them how to proceed further in this course. If the students during this lesson plan do not include a text of the manual or if they cannot formulate their own text, what do they do? They remained silent because they are afraid of making a mistake, fear of being wrong and a bad note. Working in the above mentioned lesson plan, the students will be asked questions naturally, and they sought the help of classmates and teachers. They also very well able to distinguish the material already studied, but not so purchased (the phrase "I know we've done, but I forgot" returned frequently) of new hardware for the realisation of the contribution (the lexicon of the themes, the conditional sentence, etc.). The lesson plan, however, has not requested additional burden on students. It is enough to reorganise the lesson plan as requested by students responding to situations of communication. This seems to be a very good motivation for learning. The learner can choose between the texts of a theme, and the manner of his own text production, contributes to the learning process and becomes more independent. Rationale of Second Lesson Plan The Second lesson plan was also designed for Chinese students of intermediate and lower intermediate levels who are learning English as a foreign language. Speaking Skills This lesson plan has not imposed texts. It offers a possibility of communication and communication education has turned into real communication with a partner whose interest in concrete emerges from a personal curiosity. For example, when the Chinese students wanted to make a text on "Who is the person you admire," they discussed at length; presenting an actor, a singer or an athlete. Each had his own preferences, his "hero", and his ideal model. No one wanted to accept the choice of his friend. For the language course it is an ideal situation. Everyone worked from the same pattern: the text with the presentation, description and justification of choice. They changed to reflect actual personality they had chosen. From the beginning, the Chinese students especially enjoyed the freedom to work on this lesson plan. They realised that this communication also requires work. Some have even found they had more work than before. But it is they themselves who requested this work, the detailed vocabulary, grammar, accurate, complicated sentences. The lesson plan helped them to reuse what they had already learned. The student could choose the topic of discussion according to several criteria. They could ignore the themes that do not attract them. Students wanted to know how the others had contributed to the discussion on the topics they had chosen themselves. In other cases, they chose according to the country of origin and read all the contributions of one class over all the topics because they had the same level of language and were therefore understandable. The language level has proved a very important criterion for selection. The topics which are too long and difficult discouraged some students who did not even want to try. Every student could work alone or with a friend, use the dictionary, seek advice from teachers, sometimes even abandoning the text to take another. By repeating the most effective strategies he developed strategic competence needed to learn not only a foreign language, but learning in general. Moving towards the development of intercultural communication, the lesson plan has achieved what we expect of teaching a foreign language, in other words create the context in schools close to the real communication and become a place of intercultural encounters in which students benefit from multicultural and multilingual knowledge, which is still relatively rare in language courses. Students have not communicated with native speakers, so they did not seek the discovery of the culture of the language but that of the speaker. At school, students discover the life of the country of the language through the stereotypes chosen by the authors of textbooks or through authentic documents selected by the teacher. During the course of the lesson plan, we discovered that communication is interrupted not only because of language barriers, but also by the lack of intercultural communicative competence. Communication was not very spontaneous. Students alter their expression within the limits and language also reflected the cultural differences to make the message understandable. This capacity for self, respect for what the speaker has created true intercultural communication. References Adams, E., 2001. A proposed causal model of vocational teacher stress. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 53(2), 223-246. Al-Busaidi, K. A., 1995. English in the labour market in multilingual Oman with special reference to Omani employees. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, England: University of Exeter. Belasco, Jason., 2010. How to improve your studying skills. E How [online] Available at: [Accessed 1st August, 2011] Bloomfield, L., 1995. Language. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers. California Department of Education announcement: Amendments to Community-Based English Tutoring Program., 2011, CDA [online] Available at: [Accessed 1st August 2011] Cf. Ogden, Charles K., 1934. The System of Basic English, New York: Harcourt Crystal, D., 2003. English as a global language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ‘Department of Education, State of Vermont: Programs and Services’ Education Vermont [online] 7 July. Available at: [Accessed 2nd August 2011] Diaz-Rico, L & Weed, K., 2006. The Cross-cultural, Language, and Academic Development Handbook. 3rd edition: Pearson education Grace Hui Chin Lin & Patricia J. Larke., 2007. English Education in Texas, USA Grayson, R. D., 2002. Philosophy of identity: Part of the identity planet series. T.R.D., Grayson. Gupta, A. F., 2001. Realism and imagination in the teaching of English, World Englishes, 20(3): 365-381. Hamachek, D., 1999. Effective teachers: What they do, how they do it, and the importance of self-knowledge. In R. Lipka & T. Brinthaupt (Eds.), The role of self in teacher development. Albany: State University of New York Press. (pp 189-228) Kizlik, Bob., 2010. How to Study and Make the Most of Your Time. Ad Prima [Online] 28 October. Available at: [Accessed 1st August 2011] List Reading Strategies., 2010. Center Library [online] Available at: [Accessed 1st August 2011] Lafayette, R. C., 1993. Subject matter content: What every foreign language teacher needs to know. In G. Guntermann (Ed.), Developing language teachers for a changing world. Chicago: National Textbook Company. (pp 124-158) Meunier, Fanny; Granger, Sylviane., 2008. Phraseology in foreign language learning and teaching, Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company McGuinness, Diane., 2004. Early Reading Instruction Cambridge: MIT Press 41 Ornstein, A. C., Thomas, J. & Lasley, I., 2000. Strategies for effective teaching. New York: McGraw-Hill. Pre-During and Post Reading Strategies- An annotated list., 2011. Facestaff [online] Available at: [Accessed 1st August 2011] Richards, J.C., 2002. 30 Years of TEFL/TESL: A Personal Reflection, RELC Journal, 33(2), 1-35. Rong-Chang., 2011. Rong-Chang [Online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1st August 2011] Roubidoux, Susan., 2008. “101 Ways to Make Studying Easier and Faster for College Students: What Every Student Needs to Know Explained Simply” Atlantic Publishing Press (P.12-13) Schulman, L., 1986. Those who understand: Knowledge growth in teaching. Educational Researcher, 15 (2), 4-14. Schulman, L., 1986. Those who understand: Knowledge growth in teaching. Educational Researcher, 15 (2), 21-28. Read More
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