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The Economic Rationale for Toll Roads
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Road transport has for along time become one of the most preferred modes of transport in the world.... This has been due to many factors associated with the mode in comparison to other means of transport.... It is also due to the factor the road transport is cheap and convenient.... ... ... ... Many people will find it more convenient driving in their personal cars or in public transport vehicles....
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Relationship between Locus of Control and Optimism among Students
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This paper discusses the concept of locus of control which was originally developed by Julian B Rotter in the early 1950s and is considered to be one of the most significant aspects of an individual's personality.... It seeks to analyze the perception of an individual regarding the causes behind the happening or non-happening of certain events in his/her life (Rotter, 1966)....
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European union competition law practice and implementation
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The formation of the European Union (EU) is the largest human public enterprise with diverse population across many states, nations and provinces to adhere to and accept common norms of public and to an extent private functioning.... The EU has been very effectively nurtured over the years by drafting and creating legal provisions which benefit people of all its constituent nations uniformly and ensure that their rights and privileges are protected by the community....
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Advanced clinical negligence
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
mong the most significant changes are shift in disease patterns,advanced technology,increased consumer expectations and high costs of health care.... Among the most significant changes are shift in disease patterns, advanced technology, increased consumer expectations and high costs of health care....
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Politics of US Environmental regulations on drilling, pipelines, refineries
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
It takes several stages for the oil resource (that is, “the total amount of oil in place, most of which can't be recovered”) to become the oil reserve, or “the amount of oil that can be recovered economically with existing technology” (Rapier).... This paper deals with the subject of oil drilling in the US....
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Retailing- Boots V Superdrug
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Through constant creativity, innovation and use of technology, the company became the leader in the pharmaceutical and beauty products.... Retailing could be defined as an activity that involves selling goods and services to the final customers for their personal use (Zentes, Morschett, & Schramm-Klein, 2011)....
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Transforming the International System: Culture, Identity, Rights, Justice, and Islamic Diversity
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
4 The Renaissance witnessed the rise of reasons as the instrument of societal modernisation, mainly through science and technology, produced a phenomenon of sped up growth in the major West European societies.... This paper presents theoretical and concrete explanations for the contemporary transformations in the international system brought about by culture and rights claims; the analytical band created by the notions of culture, identities, rights, justice....
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Human Resource Management : Costly Business
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Sometimes, employers refer to it as rightsizing as with time technology takes up a lot of manual work making many jobs redundant so it becomes a necessity to lay-off people that are extra or have no more real work left in the organization (William & Baumol, 2005, p.... Running Head: Human Resource Management: Costly Business Human Resource Management: Costly Business EXECUTIVE SUMMARY As the world has transformed into a global village, the competition has increased that has made it complex and difficult for the organizations to survive in this competitive market....
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The Working of Banking System in Pre-Recession Phase: The Case of Barclays
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The policy was designed to address rise in unemployment and short term actions such as increasing R & D, education, freeing business for building markets internationally or at home and improving the competitiveness through the promotion of green technology to attain environmental goals - are some ways adopted by EU members for economic growth....
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The World of Marketing Worksheet
17 pages (4507 words) , Download 2 , Essay
n as much as technology has made it possible for the occurrence of online shopping, in-store shopping has far superseded the online shopping with shoppers spending at an average of six times more than the online shopper does.... The company that is the subject of this paper "The World of Marketing Worksheet" is called Hungdown Ultimate Drink Bottlers Limited....
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The Merger between HSBC and Oman International Bank
15 pages (4267 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Though e-banking systems covering deposits, credit card usage and debit card usage represent one-time expenditure in technology procurement, the long-run gains for operationally-related cost savings are substantial.... The paper "The Merger between HSBC and Oman International Bank" tells that the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) recently announced an approved merger with Oman International Bank (OIB) to improve the competitive and brand standing of HSBC and to provide Oman business....
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Employee Engagement and Employee Voice
16 pages (4403 words) , Download 5 , Essay
This I because technology was limited and capital was generally unavailable.... This essay "Employee Engagement and Employee Voice" examines the concept of 'employee voice', which attempts to identify what that concept actually is and how it has evolved over the past 60 years, then goes on to examine the concept after the Second World War and how it has evolved to this day....
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The Remarkable Popularity of Broadcasting in the United States and Canada
13 pages (4063 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Thesis: The reason that the novelty of radio gained remarkable popularity after 1922 was because the technology was given the chance to flourish because it could be successfully commercialized and profits made off of it.... The paper "The Remarkable Popularity of Broadcasting in the United States and Canada" affirms that the power of broadcasting, which essentially began with the radio, was seen through the advantages of reaching the largest population possible....
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United States Immigration & Customs Enforcement in a Strategic Plan
15 pages (4175 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In this regard, the organisation should ensure that it is provided with adequate funding, personnel growth as well as technology in order to enforce immigration laws effectively.... This essay "United States Immigration & Customs Enforcement in a Strategic Plan" has been conducted with the intention of developing a comprehensive strategic plan in order to mitigate the issues that are identified within ICE, which have unfavorably affected the performance of the organization....
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The Pathology of Hearing
17 pages (4562 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The dissertation "The Pathology of Hearing" discusses direct access hearing tests and the how and why they are referred to an NHS Audiology department and how general practitioners consider the importance of getting patients hearing assessed and whether the referral from them is appropriate.... ... ...
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The Management of Workplace Stress: Work-Life Integration
16 pages (4763 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The finding of Swedish Medical Research Council 1997 was a turning point in the field of Science and Engineering technology in which discrimination was under water till late 1997.... This essay "The Management of Workplace Stress: Work-Life Integration" discusses the three aspects namely, workplace stress, work-life integration....
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Free Trade Agreement between Australia and China
19 pages (5218 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Australian agricultural technology and environmental solutions have already been shared and the recent accession of China into the WTO only paves the way to increase channels of trade between the two countries. ... The paper "Free Trade Agreement between Australia and China" describes that the Free Trade Agreement and all measures and agreements of the same nature taken in the future will serve to only increase the growth of the Chinese economy and the Australian economy in particular....
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The Correlation of Nursing Paradigms and Metaparadigms
17 pages (4679 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The reasons for this are many and not wholly focused on ethnicity but also on, “the nursing care environment, increased patient acuity, advanced technology, aging population, decreased resources, and the existing shortage of professional nurses” (Lea 1994, pg.... The paper "The Correlation of Nursing Paradigms and Metaparadigms" states that the practice of nursing is a very complex field and for years there have been a number of diverse theories as well as research paradigms to help those in the field correlate their knowledge with compassion and care....
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William Faulkners Changing World of the South
14 pages (4545 words) , Download 2 , Essay
He also illustrates how this ideal and constraining definition is carried forward through the use of modern technology such as television and print media.... The paper "William Faulkners Changing World of the South" highlights that William Faulkner was able to demonstrate a sociological idea that would take many more years before it was more fully explored, studied and recognized as a source of separation....
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The Definition of Childhood through Time and Its Transition into Adulthood
14 pages (4493 words) , Download 2 , Essay
technology and mass communication are a part of everyday life (Kelly, 2004).... technology and mass communication are a part of everyday life (Kelly, 2004).... The author of "The Definition of Childhood through Time and Its Transition into Adulthood" paper critically evaluates the claim that adolescents and young people both today and in earlier periods have always been demonized and represented negatively....
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Heritage and Cultural Memory: The Milestone of the British Library
16 pages (4376 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Current technological developments, digital technology and the Internet have generated new means of making the collections of the British Library accessible more quickly; reaching more and distant audiences (Kowal & Martyn, 2009, p.... The paper "Heritage and Cultural Memory: The Milestone of the British Library" states that heritage, as a matter of public policy, has been the priority of custodial institutions, like the British Library, because it inevitably carries the performance and survival of cultural memory....
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Transnational Strategy of the Transformation of BP
18 pages (4993 words) , Download 2 , Essay
hite: BPs prospect best will need to be worldwide managers, they will require introducing and organization new technology efficiently, they will require to direct change, and they determination need to administer for shock and risk.... The paper "Transnational Strategy of the Transformation of BP" argues a good approach would be to get bigger use of vehicles that use together petrol and other fuels....
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Explanation of the Term Rational
15 pages (4391 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Management context of nonprofit organizations in the new millennium: Diversity, quality, technology, global, environment, and ethics.... The paper "Explanation of the Term Rational" suggests that the term rational means sane when used to describe people.... Rationale means a person with a clear head who thoughtfully takes decisions by understanding and assessing what would be good in the long run....
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Business Management for Cathay Pacific
17 pages (4637 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Business Management for Cathay Pacific" discusses that after assessing the financial performance of Cathay Pacific against the background of the prevailing global financial climate, it can be stated that running a business in an efficient manner is one of the key elements for the success....
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Diabetes Nutrition Therapy
19 pages (4991 words) , Download 4 , Essay
According to the paper 'Diabetes Nutrition Therapy', diabetes is one of the major degenerative diseases in the United States and is a major risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease.... The disease is characterized by a reduced ability to use and metabolize dietary carbohydrates, abnormally high blood sugar levels....
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Palliative Care in Northern Ireland
14 pages (4128 words) , Download 2 , Essay
n recent years, treatment of cancer has improved in general with improvement in technology and knowledge.... With reference to colorectal care pathways that have been developed in Northern Ireland, the paper 'Palliative Care in Northern Ireland' discusses the claims that this approach has the potential to make cancer services more effective, equitable, and accessible whilst promoting a patient/client-centered ethos....
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Increased Prevalence of Osteoporosis
16 pages (4586 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Adler deems that with the passage of time and the invention of technology life has been made more sedentary which now is resulting in diseases like Osteoporosis (2010: pp.... The paper "Increased Prevalence of Osteoporosis" states that after the increase in the spread of various grievous diseases in the UK, it has now been researched and found that the most common disease has spread in about three million people in the United Kingdom is Osteoporosis....
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Organizational Behaviors and Leadership
17 pages (4487 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The above argues that in the new reality of leadership it is pertinent for people to embrace technology since the era of post Another notable reality is the democratization of the work place, where the rule here the rule is more of collaboration but less of hierarchy.... This essay "Organizational Behaviors and Leadership" presents a leadership development plan as valuable and important equipment that strategically guides one throughout career satisfaction, challenges that can arise during their careers, and interesting opportunity....
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Market Leadership Position of Ryanair
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Ryanair has not been left behind in technology since the launch of the largest booking website in Europe in January 2000.... This essay "Market Leadership Position of Ryanair" aims at analyzing, identifying as well as evaluating the strategies that Ryanair pursues in order for it to maintain its market leadership position....
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Strategic HRM - Wal-Mart Company
16 pages (4319 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The strengths of the business can be enumerated as; Wal-Mart has rigorously embraced the use of information technology in managing its expansive global logistics as it's appreciated it operate in many countries with numerous branches.... From the paper "Strategic HRM - Wal-Mart Company " it is clear that to remain a market leader in the retail business, Wal-Mart company must remain committed to the formulation of policies that would enable her to thrive in the intensified competitive environment....
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Declaration on the Trips Agreement and Public Health
16 pages (4961 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Declaration on the Trips Agreement and Public Health" states that as the Doha Declaration and Paragraph 6 decision, assert important values under the TRIPS agreement, concerning the safeguarding of public health within international trade law, major challenges continue to be experienced....
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Investigation of Restaurant Finance
17 pages (5134 words) , Download 2 , Essay
pplication of advance technology in data taking and storing: it is clear that huge data need to be kept for the whole trading period.... The paper "Investigation of Restaurant Finance" discusses that cost of sale remained to be the same and no sales of inventory increased in the year 2013 as compared to the year 2012....
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Chief Characteristics of the Three Artichokes
13 pages (4763 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Chief Characteristics of the Three Artichokes" explains that common names, in contrast to scientific terms approved by the binomial nomenclature, lead to grave confusion in the identification and study of living organisms.... A common name indiscreetly applied to various plants is artichoke....
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Longitudinal Strategic Development Study on easy Jet
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The airline industry and the travel agencies are competing with each other in order to build up a strong online strategy to attract the customers and in return generate sales.... Easy jet has also developed online strategy by offering online holiday packages.... It deals in mainly two types of holiday packages....
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Asbestos Exposure In Buildings
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Nuclepore filter technology can be useful in the determination of airborne concentration of fibres; often in offices and industrial buildings.... PART 1 ... sbestos is a pale-colored, fibrous mineral formation with a storied history.... It is perhaps the fact that it was once so popular as a building material that colors our current sense of urgency regarding its toxicity....
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A number of issues that relate to health promotion
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Policy makers are faced with the challenge of developing sound systems that will ensure economic and the social well being of the aging populace which is seen to have grown because of developed technology in medical care and improved sanitation.... This research involves the exploration of experiences by an individual with an aim of identifying what happened and the role one played in the experience....
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Freedom from Fear and Want in the Context of International Human Rights Law
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to Kyi (1992), we currently live in an era where technology permits weapons of mass destruction to operate as a threat by “the powerful and unprincipled” as a means of dominating the “weak and helpless” (p.... The study aims to analyze the compromise between freedom from fear and want and other fundamental freedoms....
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International Business
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Moreover, in wake of increasing globalization accompanied by advances in communication and technology, customers demand the best at the most relevant prices (Moore, 2005).... This orientation essentially revolves around introducing United Kingdom and its business culture to you as it is your first visit to this country....
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US Army's National Guard involvement in Hurricane Katrina's Relief Operation
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Thus, in an act of sensibility, it was not just common man-power that was used by the National Guard but also any form of technology that was available.... Hurricane Katrina hit America in the fall of August 2005.... he Katrina hit seven different states leading to different death-tolls in each state....
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Vodafones Sale Of Ownership Of Joint Venture To Verizon
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
is a United States (US) based company that is headquartered at New York and provides innovative technology and communication solutions, which enhances the way the customers play, work and live.... Vodafone's sale of ownership of joint venture to Verizon Introduction Vodafone is a United Kingdom (UK) based company that had begun its operation in 1985....
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Immigration vs the NASW Code of Ethics
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Immigration vs.... the NASW Code of Ethics Jeanine C.... Romo October 29, 2013 Foundations of Social Welfare Policy swk 530 Western New Mexico University Executive Summary All sectors of professionalism are guided by strict professional code of ethics.... Take for instance, sectors such as accounting, nursing, and law among others....
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A comparative analysis of three leading english grammars
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
tubbs, Michael (1993): "British traditions in text analysis: from Firth to Sinclair", Text and technology: In Honour of John Sinclair, ed.... Most languages in Europe have some form of codification to the extent that such a record carries authority among native users on its conventions....
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The effect of culture on globalization in African countries
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Communication technology has become so advanced that the borders and barriers that used to impede our contact with each other have now become penetrable.... This paper will prompt African nations to assess the specific cultural practices that they can discard in favor of globalization....
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The Effect of the Revised Large-Scale Retail Stores Law on the Japanese Distribution System
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The term “distribution system” refers to a system of interdependent organizations that are involved in carrying out marketing activities in order to create and deliver value in the form of products and services to intermediate and final customers or clients.... These systems.... ... ... Retailers – individual/group who ultimately sells the product or service to end users or customers....
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Improving Quality through Introduction of Infection Control System in OT in Ibn Al Nafees
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Although this study is based on Ibn Al Nafees Hospital in Bahrain, the situation there is no different from that in hospitals worldwide.... Hospital care.... ... ... This represents an unprecedented crisis increasingly rapid emergence and dissemination of organisms which are increasingly resistant to antimicrobial agents....
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12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Mr T has been admitted for his first dose of combined chemotherapy.... Mr T Lives alone in his own unit.... He has recently had to retire from his job as truck driver because of increasing tiredness in.... ... ... 1300 words ... ... all and Kagan, 2007, p.... 2 define chemotherapy as “the administration of drugs that are capable of killing cancer cells, or at least retarding their growth”....
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Public Health protection
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The case of diphtheria in Australia will be used in this paper as a means of examining the intricacies and the unanticipated developments of an applied public health that is bacteriologically-oriented.... This paper is interested in the re-introduction of diphtheria as an outcome.... ... ... its bacteriological interpretation, in the manner Andrew Cunningham has examined the creation of the infection by laboratory medicine (Lewis & MacPherson 2007)....
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Opportunities and Limitations of the Trade Market
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Sydney: University of technology. ... This discussion talks that a trade and market profile refers to consolidated data on prevailing trends, opportunities, and limitations in a given country.... Such data is collected and collated through integrated research by governments and interest groups....
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Music And Social Identity
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 4 , Essay
With the advancement in technology more pronounced appreciation of music is attained.... The writer uses an example of a single genre of music finding different audiences in different countries, discuss' how musical communication contributes to an understanding of social identity....
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Inclusive and special education: disability issues and society
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Special education is an independently designed and planned and thoroughly scrutinized teaching procedure to help students with special needs attain personal self reliance in schools and community.... These special needs include mental health issues, learning disabilities and other.... ... ... Citivans were the pioneers of training teachers to take care of children with disabilities in 1952 Cohen, O....
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