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Self-Assessment and Understanding of Self-Leadership
12 pages (3332 words) , Download 2 , Personal Statement
The paper "Self-Assessment and Understanding of Self-Leadership" discusses that behavior-focused strategies include self-assessment, self-reward, and self-discipline.... On the other hand, natural reward-based strategies include having positive perceptions and being happy about the accomplished tasks....
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Comparison of Hitler vs Stalin
15 pages (3434 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper "Comparison of Hitler vs Stalin" states that generally, suddenly after Stalin had killed Jews it was remembered he was responsible for the death of thirty million Russians, which was incomparable with Hitler's Holocaust count of Six million Jews.... ... ... ... As Russians dipped into the unseen claws of Stalin, the Germans likewise were sliding slowly to the same pits of death and destruction as Hitler galvanized huge support across the country to rise to power....
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Descriptive Statistics of Abbott Laboratories and Unilever
14 pages (3734 words) , Download 3 , Essay
"Descriptive Statistics of Abbott Laboratories " paper analyzes descriptive statistics of Abbotts Laboratories and Unilever which involves the analysis of data that helps describe, show, and summarize data in a meaningful way that patterns may emerge from the data.... ... ... ... The location and dispersion were taken into consideration in analyzing Abbotts Laboratories together with two other companies, including Unilever and S&P 500....
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Caffeine Abuse among Students
12 pages (3103 words) , Download 2 , Essay
As the paper "Caffeine Abuse among Students" tells, in the words of D.... Gregory, 'If they took all the drugs, nicotine, alcohol and caffeine off the market for six days, they'd have to bring out the tanks to control you'.... That's a great way to explain the dependency on caffeine for modern-day pals....
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Risk Management Strategy of John Radcliffe Hospital
12 pages (3800 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The author of the paper "Risk Management Strategy of John Radcliffe Hospital" will begin with the statement that risk management is a process of identifying, analyzing, and either accepting or mitigating uncertainty when making fundamental organizational or investment decisions.... ... ... ... In consideration of an organization's goals and objectives, management of risk involves a critical analysis of the apparent potential for loss and development and implementation of suitable actions or in-action....
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Environmental Health Issues Associated with Mass Gathering during EKKA Event
10 pages (2921 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The "Environmental Health Issues Associated with Mass Gathering during EKKA Event" paper explores the legal frameworks such as the licensing and legislative requirements of the government during the event.... It investigates different roles played by environmental health professionals during the event....
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Apologetic Narrative for the American Imperialism - Willa Cathers A Lost Lady
15 pages (4025 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Apologetic Narrative for the American Imperialism - Willa Cathers A Lost Lady" states that Cather is relatively unread today, unlike some of her contemporaries.... It has to be asked if this is due to the quality of her writing, or because her topic is just not of interest in the modern age....
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Social Work Issues in Society
11 pages (3301 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Social Work Issues in Society" focuses on the critical analysis of the impact of poverty on the life of black individuals suffering from mental health conditions.... A deep insight into the causes of poverty will allow a better understanding of the nature of the issue.... ... ... ... Human societies display extreme diversity secondary to the existence of individuals belonging to different ethnic, religious, economic, and cultural backgrounds....
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Transition to Professional Nursing
10 pages (2658 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Transition to Professional Nursing " highlights that mental health disorder is among the major injurious clinical problems that affect many employees in the workplace.... This is a fact overlooked by many people since this type of disorder tends to be secret and hidden in the workplace....
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Ellens Claim against the Local Council in Relation to the Advice She Received
11 pages (3111 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Ellens Claim against the Local Council in Relation to the Advice She Received" states that in the case of Ellen, the terms that were introduced by the ruling in the Caparo case do not apply.... The local authority employee gave advice to Ellen, and the advice was not meant for anyone else....
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Business Law - Lukes Contract with Birchall
11 pages (3004 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Business Law - Lukes Contract with Birchall" discusses that Luke would argue that Alistair's promise was an intention to enter into an agreement that was legally binding.... His lawyer would assert that the firm could not revoke the offer since he had embarked on home ownership.... ... ...
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Enabling Others in Teaching
11 pages (3248 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay "Enabling Others in Teaching" focuses on practice teaching which is a primary component of most of the training in the field of social work.... It is a highly skill-based and knowledge-oriented task, which requires an ability to deal with many complex issues on a daily basis.... .... ... ...
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The Global Tourism Industry
13 pages (3650 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This essay "The Global Tourism Industry" is about the industry that has experienced many crises including terrorist attacks, political instability, economic recession, biosecurity threats, and natural disasters, also the way in which the global tourism industry has responded to these events.... ... ...
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The Role of Strategic PR - Unilever UK
12 pages (3172 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the paper "The Role of Strategic PR - Unilever UK " it is clear that Unilever UK should test each possible campaign advert with a test group of children.... The campaign should be two-pronged- it needs to get parents to buy the product, and it needs children to like and use the product.... ... ...
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Human Rights and Child Abuse
12 pages (3563 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "Human Rights and Child Abuse" regretfully states that sometimes children fall victim to abuses ranging from violence to being denied their basic rights.... The International Covenant on the Rights of the Child provides for the rights of children and spells out obligations for state parties....
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Karl Rahners Contribution for Christology
10 pages (2831 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
"Karl Rahner's Contribution for Christology" paper focuses on Karl Rahner who is considered the most influential catholic theologian of the 20th century.... He has been a member of the Society of Jesus since 1922.... As a Prolific author, he is well known for various books.... .... ... ... Rahner discussed this chapter as Christology within an Evolutionary view of the world....
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Gross Negligence Manslaughter in England and Wales
12 pages (3112 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Gross Negligence Manslaughter in England and Wales" states that the law regarding GNM in the UK is still in the process of evolution and some important strides have been made to make it better.... Making hospitals accountable for their inadequate supervision is a very important step.... ...
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Civil Justice and Its Significance
12 pages (3010 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The author of the paper titled "Civil Justice and Its Significance" identifies what case is to be made for moving away from the adversarial system of civil justice and should alternative forms of dispute resolution be promoted to support any such changes.... ... ... ... Currently in common law, the biggest costs are brought about by the amount of money paid to each party's legal advisers....
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Impact of the Equality Act 2010 and Human Rights Act 1998
13 pages (3497 words) , Download 0 , Essay
From the paper "Impact of the Equality Act 2010 and Human Rights Act 1998" it is clear that we can see that it takes more than academic merit and professional experience to obtain a panel of judges who are suited to implement the Equality Act 2010 and the Human Rights Act 1998.... ... ... ... Although crime rates have declined significantly in the United Kingdom, many young people are still held in prison....
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How Starbucks Enjoys a Competitive Advantage
9 pages (2733 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "How Starbucks Enjoys a Competitive Advantage" states that joint ventures might be a better proposition with the existing extension counters.... Starbucks has franchisee stores, apart from its company-owned stores.... It also has extension counters at retail stores.... ... ... ... Competition has become intense and to survive, Starbucks needs to be innovative....
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Controversy of Wearing Headscarves
13 pages (3551 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article "Controversy of Wearing Headscarves" focuses on a critical analysis of the controversy of wearing headscarves in Muslim countries.... The hijab or headscarves has generated a controversy that has even scurried the law into the scenario in many countries in Europe and America.... ... ... ...
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Cultural Competence in Modern Healthcare Provision
10 pages (3173 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The paper "Cultural Competence in Modern Healthcare Provision" highlights that without a doubt, cultural competence in nursing practice is one of the contemporary issues that require proper attention.... It is evident that societies, as well as patients and families, exhibit a measure of diversity....
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Multiple Sclerosis - Symptoms and Treatment
13 pages (3569 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Multiple Sclerosis - Symptoms and Treatment" states that according to the World Health Organisation definition, social workers must encompass capabilities such as self-esteem, self-efficacy and confidence, and autonomy, which equals independence and ability.... ... ... ... My name is Amelia Williams....
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Caring for the Patient Diagnosis with Osteoarthritis
13 pages (3900 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Caring for the Patient Diagnosis with Osteoarthritis" discusses that the element of reflection nursing serves to provide vital information which may be of great use in getting to know about the profession's demands and all of these may be of great benefit in the future of the profession....
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Bipolar Disorders: Case of Mr Mary
13 pages (3584 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"Bipolar Disorders: Case of Mr.... Mary" paper analizes the case of Mary whose characteristics include her uncontrolled spending of money on things that are not important, she has started taking too much alcohol, she talks too much about alcohol to many people.... ... ... ... Bipolar disorders are among the mental health problems which pose a serious health threat to susceptible individuals....
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Reflection on a Failed Spinal Anesthesia Clinical
11 pages (3203 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
"Reflection on a Failed Spinal Anesthesia Clinical" paper discusses the main violations in the process, which can lead to failure: main mistakes usually made in preparation, errors in drug spreading and puncture, and first of all main violations of the process of patient management.... .... ... ... After three attempts the physicians decided to move to general anesthesia, mask inflation anesthesia in particular....
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Diabetes: Management Programs in the US and the Rest of the World
10 pages (3307 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The paper "Diabetes: Management Programs in the US and the Rest of the World" discusses that in Europe, there are similar intervention measures that have been enacted.... However, not many of these measures are geared toward diabetes intervention but are aimed at addressing other chronic illnesses....
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Analysis of Cystic Fibrosis Disease
11 pages (2789 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The author of the "Analysis of Cystic Fibrosis Disease" paper focuses on the disease that is being inherited and its primary feature is the excessive production of mucus.... The mucus is abnormally thick and sticky and may cause inflammation in the lungs and pancreas.... ... ... ... Currently, with the improvements in diagnostic technologies, a woman who is a carrier of a faulty gene can have the option of testing the baby during pregnancy (prenatal diagnosis) or testing an embryo before pregnancy....
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Early Modern Athens and Early Travellers to Greece
12 pages (3189 words) , Download 2 , Essay
"Early Modern Athens and Early Travelers to Greece" paper focuses on Athens which has played a pivotal role in the development of the country that we now know as Greece.... The city has long been the hub of Greek influence, spanning from its early days as the leading city of Classical Greece.... ....
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Analysis of Arabic Culture
12 pages (3185 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Analysis of Arabic Culture" highlights that the Arab culture is one that traces its history back to the pre-Islamic and Islamic periods.... At some point, they were known to be a nomadic people, but have since settled themselves in the Arabic Peninsula and adjoining areas.... .... ... ...
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Combat-Related PTSD and Chronic Homelessness
8 pages (2610 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
For purposes of the research paper titled "Combat-Related PTSD and Chronic Homelessness", the author focuses on the diagnosis, effects, and treatment of PTSD in military employees, specifically the Vietnam-era veterans and Iraq/Afghanistan deployments.... ... ... ... Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is not a present-day disorder; it has been acknowledged all through history but labeled in various ways....
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Issues of Video Production
13 pages (3551 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Issues of Video Production " states that there is a bridge in the song; changing rhythms beat, and lyrics bridge the gap between the choruses and precede the climax of the song.... The bridge is where the man tries in vain to free himself from his shadow.... ... ... ... The lyrics of the song constantly refer to 46 & 2, which is an indirect reference to the Jungian theory that there are three different types of human beings that perceive reality differently, having different chromosome compositions....
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Managing a Challenging Communication Interaction
11 pages (3313 words) , Download 6 , Essay
The essay "Managing a Challenging Communication Interaction" focuses on the critical analysis of the management of challenging communication interactions in association with cultural issues.... It shall focus on the encounter with a Chinese client who spoke little English.... ... ... ... In the health care practice, reflective practices are important tools for learning and for improving nursing skills and health practice....
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Health Benefits of Exercising
12 pages (3439 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The author of the paper titled "Health Benefits of Exercising" argues that exercise not only helps diminish the effects of present health ailments but also reduces risks of developing health problems and therefore needs to be adopted by anyone wanting to lead a disease-free and healthy life.... ....
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Food Security in Newark in relations to Race Class and Gender
12 pages (3449 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
"Reasons Contributing to Food Insecurity in Newark" paper looks into reasons contributing to strategic issues, feasibility study, ethical considerations related to food security, the social ecology of food, and the relationships that contribute to food security in Newark.... .... ... ... Human development and growth require access to an adequate and consistent supply of quantity and quality food....
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The Potential Hazards and Risk Posed by the Hazards
10 pages (2775 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "The Potential Hazards and Risk Posed by the Hazards" discusses that risk Management is associated with proper risk assessment.... In present-day scenarios, fire and other hazards can occur in any place like students' accommodations or offices.... ... ... ... Risk Management is one of the main issues relating to fire and rescue operations in the modern-day scenario....
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Florida Unemployment Compensation Law
11 pages (3102 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Florida Unemployment Compensation Law " discusses that one of the solutions to bring more flexibility is to let the states handle the insurance by themselves.... Each state can have its own laws and statutes.... This will also reduce administrative barriers.... ... ... ... Florida unemployment compensation law provides wage protection (partial and temporary income) to jobless workers....
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Analysis of a Destination - Peru
10 pages (2804 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Analysis of a Destination - Peru" is a perfect example of a tourism case study.... Peru has one of the biggest areas of rainforest in the entire world, and the area covers almost 60% of the total Peru territory.... However, the rate of deforestation in Peru ranged between 3.... % and 5%....
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Growth of Cruising in Australia
12 pages (3610 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Growth of Cruising in Australia" is a great example of a tourism case study.... In the annals of history, the success of the curding industry has been something that stirred great discussion and research among the professional and scholarly domains.... .... ... ... The paper "Growth of Cruising in Australia" is a great example of a tourism case study....
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Erich From and Zen Buddhism
13 pages (3607 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "Erich From and Zen Buddhism" highlights that the student of Zen who attempts to pierce the sphere of Nature by recognizing himself with it in his 'pure subjectivity, is thereby struggling to let Nature in its 'pure objectivity' become aware within him.... ... ... ... At a meeting in Mexico in 1957, Professor Suzuki, the leading spokesman of Zen in the world, described the Zen approach with special emphasis on its potential for psychoanalysis....
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An Ethical Treatise in Fire and Explosion Investigation
10 pages (2662 words) , Download 2 , Essay
"An Ethical Treatise in Fire and Explosion Investigation" paper discusses the ethics of fire and explosion investigation regarding the security of the scene, health and safety concerns, scene recording, and some other methods of forensic investigation.... .... ... ... Scene investigations are normally hazardous, drawn out, and performed under severe media coverage....
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Reasons for Hosting the Beijing Olympics
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Reasons for Hosting the Beijing Olympics" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the reasons for hosting the Beijing Olympics.... The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well....
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Emotional Intelligence and Gender in Organizations Leadership Style
12 pages (3423 words) , Download 5 , Essay
This paper ''Emotional Intelligence and Gender in Organizations Leadership Style'' tells us that emotional intelligence involves the ability to perceive, control, and evaluate one's emotion intelligently.... Emotional intelligence consists of a four-branch model, which includes perceiving emotions, and managing emotions etc....
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Criminal Justice Systems in the United States, France and Malaysia
15 pages (4005 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
The paper "Criminal Justice Systems in the United States, France and Malaysia" has compared the criminal justice system of the United States, France and Malaysia.... These national systems have gone through significant changes over the course of history.... ... ... ... It is essential to state that criminal justice refers to the system of institutions and justice regimes meant to deter crime and uphold social control (Dammer & Albanese, 2013)....
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The African Theatre and Their Identity
11 pages (3745 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper "The African Theatre and Their Identity" highlights that it is common to find a particular group relaxing their cultural practices or forsaking them altogether.... The African culture, like others, has undergone a series of evolution in different parts of the world.... ... ... ... Though there is cohesion between people from different backgrounds, each has a unique culture, which sets them apart....
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The Effect of Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Policies on Future Recidivism
14 pages (3891 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The paper "The Effect of Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Policies on Future Recidivism" highlights that the school of crime opposes the second school by presenting an argument that prisons are the source of the increase in crime and criminal behaviour most so in the recent past.... .... ... ... The effect of mandatory minimum sentencing policies on future recidivism....
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Relation between Law and Religion
11 pages (3072 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the paper "Relation between Law and Religion" it is clear that in most ancient civilisations, the separation of religious and political orders was not clearly defined.... The close relationship between politics and religion continued even after the triumph of Christianity.... ... ... ... Religions are one of the Institutions of socialization, having an influence on people and deciding how people think and live....
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Whether Joan Has a Claim in Tort against Barber
9 pages (2915 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Whether Joan Has a Claim in Tort against Barber" states that generally, generally speaking where personal injury is property damage is concerned the test for breach of duty is simpler than where the damage is pure economic loss or nervous shock.... ... ... ... In order to establish whether Joan has a claim in tort against Barber it is necessary to establish whether a duty of care existed between the parties, whether there has been a breach of that duty, and finally whether as a result of that breach Joan has suffered some sort of financial loss or physical harm....
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Asthma: Its Causes and Treatment
14 pages (3860 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
The author of the paper "Asthma: Its Causes and Treatment" will begin with the statement that asthma is a disorder of the lungs that is receiving increasing attention from pulmonary researchers and clinicians as its incidence has risen to epidemic proportions worldwide.... .... ... ... Asthma is estimated that 300 million people are suffering from this disease, which often begins in childhood....
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The Cures for Cancer
11 pages (2934 words) , Download 3 , Essay
From the paper "The Cures for Cancer" it is clear that cancer can be treated by surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, monoclonal antibody therapy, or other methods.... Any cancer treatment aims at the complete removal of cancer cells, without damaging the tissues of the rest of the body.... ... ... ...
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