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Structural Equation Modeling Science Research Paper
11 pages (2871 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This benefit of SEM is seen particularly in the light of multicollinearity. Another important advantage of SEM involves the exploitation of confirmatory factor analysis. This advantageresresultsn a rauction in the measurement error by making use of multiple indicators per latent variable.
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Statistical Methods Assignment Science Research Paper
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This is a result of having a large sample size. As the sample size increases, the difference between the two intervals is also expected to significantly increase, resulting to large errors. In this test, we assume that the sample standard deviation approximates that of the population without any significant statistical difference.
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Bioethics regarding Spare Embryos Science Essay
11 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Proponents and opponents abound in the same manner as the pros and cons proliferate with deep and urging intensity.  We must take a stand thinking over all the possible aspects involved in this controversy.  At the end of the road, all of us will be winners in this debate as we are growing up in wisdom.
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Genetically Engineered Dopamine-Deficient Science Essay
10 pages (2764 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Besides, the authors tried to determine which exactly components of goal-directed behavior were affected. The experiment was aimed at achieving more precise results because the course of the experiments made it possible to keep dopamine neurons in DD mice intact that enabled control of the mice's ability to restore endogenous dopamine signaling.
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Velocity Distribution of a Circular Air Jet Science Lab Report
3 pages (896 words) , Download 13 , Lab Report
Since the Pitot-static tube cannot measure the local velocity at a point because P0 and P are not measured in the same places, the experiment has used a smaller pitot-static tube to reduce the error. However, in this experiment, the error can be considered negligible. A fan supplies air to a nozzle, which can provide a circular uniform jet of air. 
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Quantitative Analysis of Cinematic Statistics Science Research Paper
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
In regards to cinema and screens it is noted that screens increased while cinema sites tapered off and admissions price index increased with screens. There is a positive correlation between admissions and cinema sites as well as screens with the same correlative results for gross box office takings.
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Geography Gendered feminism Science Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
That is, it is not merely fixed to sexuality differences. Gender is applied to the activities of both men and women. Thus masculinity or femininity is associated with social phenomena in relation to both men and women. Despite their vigor, power, physical strength and many manly qualities, men are not easily satisfied in their inner self.
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The Meaning Of The Cambrian Explosion Science Essay
4 pages (1267 words) , Download 2 , Essay
But according to the Cambrian explosion, there is no fossil evidence that the animal phyla branched off from a common ancestor. This is a serious problem to be dealt with by scientists for having faith in science. And there is a dire need to get the public school students acquainted with all the old as well as new emerging facts of evolution.
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Observation Process of the Animal Science Essay
4 pages (1148 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Dogs are faithful to the point of even laying down their lives for their masters. I am an avid dog lover too and have a dog that frequents my home premises, whose name is Trixy. In my journal, I am giving my observations about Trixy, the stray dog whom I have come to like a lot. I have closely observed her behavior and now have a better idea about dogs in general.
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The Lead Problem in the United Kingdom Science Case Study
4 pages (1339 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The United Kingdom has undergone a tremendous risk to the effects of the use of lead. The old era of the use of lead has haunted the present as well as the future like a hawk hunting its prey. The hazardous nature of lead has been exposed but the implementation of policies is rather slow and their effects are slim.
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Human Systems Coordination Science Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It consists of two parts, the central nervous system (CNS) (the processing area) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The spinal cord and brain are effectively the central part of the nervous system, and they work receiving and interpreting the signals (electric impulses) that the peripheral system sends to them, via the nervous cell called neuron.
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Daisyworld, the Imaginary Planet Science Coursework
39 pages (10630 words) , Download 3 , Coursework
Daisyworld is a simplified model of an imaginary planet with just two species of daisies, black and white in order to demonstrate the way it happens. The growth rate of the daisies depends on their local temperature but the daisies modify this due to the differences in the way of absorbing radiation.
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Why green energy should come to austin Science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Air and water pollution problems tops among all others and mainly faced in urban areas of world. Considering current environmental issues Green Energy is a very valuable concept in ever increasing population of urban areas. Urban areas are getting more and more crowded day-by-day.
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Common Sense in Criminology Science Essay
6 pages (1720 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Despite the great diversity of criminological theories and the complex task of analysing crime statistical data, it is extremely helpful to reinforce common-sense understandings of crime through the consistent use of theoretical and methodological resources to significantly enhance the common-sense limitations in the realm of Law.
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Gonochorism and Degrees of Monogamy in Schistosomes Science Essay
9 pages (3695 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Schistosomiasis or bilharzia is a parasitic disease caused by trematodes of the genus Schistosoma and is considered by the world health organization as the second most important disease only to malaria, infecting hundreds of millions globally. Schistosomes themselves are as intriguing as the disease itself, exhibiting attributes that are unique to the genus.
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Models Used to Predict Acute Metal Toxicity Science Essay
3 pages (943 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Formations of organic and inorganic metal complexes are highly dependent upon ambient water chemistry (Sunda and Guillard 1976). Metal toxicity of water may be defined as the dissolved metal concentration per unit volume of water. Various models have been developed to predict the acute metal toxicity of the water.
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Professional Research Methods Science Essay
17 pages (5112 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The underlying assumption of positivism – the existence of an objective world that can be measured and quantified using the traditional scientific methods – has been questioned by numerous critics arguing that the positivist approach “…strip contexts from meanings in the process of developing quantified measures of phenomena”.
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Interferences in the Assay of Serum Albumin Using the Bromcresol Green Indicator Science Lab Report
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Lab Report
In clinical medical laboratories the testing for serum albumin, globulins and total protein are standard procedures, performed daily. Theses assays may also be requested STAT or on an emergency basis for patients suffering a crisis situation. The techniques for determining albumin and total protein are numerous and varied.
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U.S. manned spaceflight proram Science Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
During the cold war era, when both USSR and USA were busy in upstaging each other's maneuvers the spaceflight program got a big boost.Both countries used to suspect each other's motives and tried to be the first with the latest technology to spy from the outer world.
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Bayesian Networks and Bayes Theorem Science Essay
27 pages (6856 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Many types of research [4, 5, 9, 14, 15] recreated it under different names, such as causal networks, causal probabilistic networks, graphical probability networks, belief networks, and influence diagrams. Bayesian networks are also called generative models, probabilistic cause-effect models, or causal models.
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Nonverbal Communication Science Research Proposal
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 6 , Research Proposal
The hypothesis to be tested was "It would take participants of condition one (absence of non-verbal communication) more time to answer one question than participants of condition two (presence of non-verbal communication)." Two experimenters were chosen randomly to administer each condition.
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Rate of Glucose Uptake by Yeast Cells Science Lab Report
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Lab Report
When Benedict's reagent (Cu2+-citrate ion complex) is added to the glucose solution and then heated, a reaction occurs (Ege, 1994). In this reaction, glucose is oxidized to gluconic acid (exists as the gluconate ion in basic condition), while the Cu2+-citrate ion complex is oxidized to a red precipitate of Cu2O as shown in Equation 1.
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Toxicology, the Effect on Society Science Essay
9 pages (2689 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The luxuries and facilities provided by science to the modern world are associated with dangers and hazards to not only human beings but to other species too. Hundreds of laboratories all around the world are busy exploring and inventing useful things for humankind. While developing useful things, various toxic materials are produced as a by-product.
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Western Blot and its Applications Science Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Western blot also popularly known as immunoblot is an analytical technique used to detect specific proteins in a given sample of tissue homogenate or extract. Western blotting is a technique used to identify and locate proteins based on their ability to bind to specific antibodies.
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Jamar Dynamometer and Manual Muscle Testing Science Assignment
14 pages (4169 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The background of the progression of strength assessment tools replicates the past of the vocation that has industrialised and utilized them. The chronology of their expansion moreover explains the course as well as the tribulations stumbled upon with their variations, several of which are still applicable.
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The Usefulness of Websites for Historical Research Science Essay
8 pages (2103 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A website is a collection of web pages, which will be accessed from a common root URL called the homepage, and usually reside on the same physical server. A website may be the work of an individual, a business, or any other type of organization for that matter, which is typically dedicated to some particular topic or purpose.
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Science as Social Rhetoric Science Essay
2 pages (508 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The first one is very important. Often when sources are sought out, not enough effort is put into finding out whether or not these ‘sources’ are as knowledgeable as they claim to be. This idea is very relevant. In the case of Scott Peterson, DNA played a major role in his conviction last year for murdering his wife.
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Voltage Science Research Paper
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
What is the RMS current and what is the instantaneous power dissipated during the surge. If the fire is protected by a 13A fuse, would the fuse blow This question omits to mention the load. Since a load is not specified, it is assumed that the circuit is unloaded.
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Stress Conditions Science Essay
19 pages (5462 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a yeast used in making wine, breaded, and beer and is considered a very important organism in the context of food production. Saccharomyces is a genus in the kingdom of ‘fungi’. The name means ‘sugar fungi’ (Saccharomyces, Wikipedia Online, 2007). The genus includes many other types of yeast important to food production.
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Computer Platforms Science Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Solution: As stated by Floyd (2000, p.228), the BCD-to-Seven-segment decoder "accepts the BCD code on its inputs and provides outputs to energise seven-segment display devices in order to produce a decimal readout." 2.b A display composed of a linear array of LEDs, is to respond to a 4-bit binary input which is dependent on the absolute binary value by lighting each successful element.
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Asymmetric Synthesis Science Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
However, as modern chemistry continues to discover catalytic systems which are organic, the popularity of cinchona alkaloids has become a famous catalyst as compared to other organic catalysts like (S)-proline (Groger, 2001) and simple peptides (Jarvo, 2000).
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The Molecular Identity of Cotransporter KCC in Mouse Neuronal Cell Line Science Essay
20 pages (5870 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Seven electroneutral cation-coupled cotransporters have been found in the physiological systems of mammals to date. These, together with two orphan members, belong to the SLC12 gene family and cloning of the cDNA encodes the different members. These are all sodium/potassium-coupled chloride cotransporters described succinctly below.
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Flutter Velocity and Torsion-Flexure Unsteady Flutter Analysis Science Essay
2 pages (790 words) , Download 2 , Essay
When there is no flow and the rocket's fin is disturbed, say, by a poke with a rod, oscillation or vibration occurs, which is damped gradually over successive vibration cycles. When the speed of flow is gradually increased, the rate of damping of the oscillation of the disturbed fin increases at first. 
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Chloride Contamination on the Groundwater, Soil and Plants Science Coursework
43 pages (12846 words) , Download 3 , Coursework
At the Wytch Farm Oilfield of British Petroleum, there was a leak of saline water that was flowing through a delivery line. The continued leak increased the salinity of the soil thereby, causing damage to the vegetation that was in the tree line of Wytch Heath. The steps have been initiated to stop the leak and to decrease the chloride levels in the soil.
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Mobile Telecommunications and Vibrant Technology Science Article
11 pages (3198 words) , Download 2 , Article
Its versatility has been attested through its application from homes to industrial settings, from entertainment to advanced scientific endeavors. Almost every aspect of human activities made use of technology which made it inseparable from the needs of modern society. Telecommunications is one area where ICT’s impact is widely felt.
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Enviromental Change Science Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Thus low emission hybrid cars are being developed to help solve the problem at hand. Growing up I heard the phrase "cry wolf" in folk tales, a cry that is not so ridiculous when talking about global warming. Global warming is a major threat not only to the environment but also to life in general, but there are many sceptics who do not believe the facts simply because they cannot see its harmful effects yet.
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Lactate and Enzymes Science Essay
5 pages (1473 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Glycogen breaks down into a substance called pyruvate and, in the process, produces energy. We often refer to this process as anaerobic energy because it does not use any oxygen. When pyruvate breaks down further, it produces much more energy. This energy is called aerobic because this process uses oxygen.
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The Value of Educational Research Science Essay
18 pages (5520 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This study deals with a discussion on the value of educational research and behavioural management in the context of education and assessment and for the exercise, published journal articles were selected, and an assessment made on contemporary educational research and issues that are involved in education.
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The Microbial Organisms Science Lab Report
31 pages (9278 words) , Download 3 , Lab Report
Using this model, we aim to understand the extent of change in the GI tract microbial count of streptozotocin injected diabetic rats compared to normal rats based on a comparative assay of their glucose content, and the ratio of the GI tract to the body weights. We went through intricate aseptic techniques for preparing microbial cultures.
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Advances in Molecular Biology and Their Impact on Society Science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Ever since Watson and Crick made a model of the structure of the DNA, major advances in the field of genetics and microbiology in general have developed. These advancements helped scientists and researchers in improving the lives of the general public, from increasing food production to finding new ways to treat deadly diseases.
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Globalisation: Reshaping the Geographical Imagination Science Coursework
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Globalization has become one of the key factors influencing spatial, political, social, and technological aspects of the modern world geography as it literally reshapes the world we live in. The drastic effect of the globalization on the modern metropolis stems out of the change in the way people and places interact with each other as was pointed out by Foucault in his works.
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More stewardship is needed Science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Let's look at the word "stewardship," defined by the Miriam-Webster dictionary as meaning, "the conducting, supervising, or managing of something; especially: the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care." Stewardship covers a broad spectrum of the core necessities of sustainability.
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Investigation of Enzyme Activity Science Essay
4 pages (1293 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In this paper, the studies relating to enzyme activity are considered. Different contexts regarding the activity of enzymes in pathogens, muscles and those affecting critically ill patients are discussed from the findings of different studies. The enzyme activities that enhance muscle activities help in the existence of pathogens and the production and destruction of free radicals are discussed.
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Calcium as Second Messengers Science Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Binding of a ligand to a single receptor at the cell surface may end up causing massive changes in the biochemical activities within the cell (Kimball, 2006). There are three types of second messengers: cyclic nucleotides like cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate); IP3 ( inositol triphosphate) and DAG ( diacylglycerol); and Calcium ions.
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Practical Decision Making Science Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
While compiling data she resorted to the HTAB system and set about her formulating her hypothesis based on the Learning Objectives. Understanding the logic of hypothesis testing and knowing how to establish null and alternate hypothesis is of incredible importance to an inquisitive researcher who wants to improve decision quality on the basis of a solid analysis.
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Global Degradation of Coral Reefs Science Essay
12 pages (3693 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Coral reefs are being degraded almost 20 per cent globally, the coral ecosystem faces threats that span from; overfishing, oil spillage contamination, bleaching as a result of elevated sea temperatures, enhanced sedimentation, etc. Monitoring of these reefs is an imperative aspect in identifying threats and measures to address them.
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NASAs Value Chain Analysis Science Essay
3 pages (1001 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Every firm is a synthesis of activities that are performed to design, produce, market, deliver and support its product. The value chain identifies nine strategically relevant activities that create value and cost in a specific business. These nine value-creating activities consist of five primary activities and four support activities.
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Basic Social Sciences Research Methods Science Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The more focused you are about the information you want to gain with the help of the research, the better you will be at choosing the technique, and the more efficient and effective you will be on your research. Another factor that should be kept in mind is that conducting researches uses up valuable time and resources.
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The Effect of Osmosis on Potato Tissue When Placed In Different Concentrations of Sugar Solutions Science Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
(Encyclopaedia Britannica :2005 Deluxe Edition .CD-ROM). Place 4 potato slices -each a quarter of an inch in thickness - in 4 water bowls in which 1,2,3 and 4 spoons of sugar have been dissolved respectively. After leaving the bowls undisturbed for a day we notice that the potato slices in the bowls are shrunken and that the potato slice in the beaker containing water with 4 teaspoons of sugar dissolved in it has shrunk the most.
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The Etymology of an Enzyme Science Essay
8 pages (2161 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Enzymes are proliferated out of the sequencing of the amino acids accordingly. Each type of enzyme has a different type arrangement, and therefore, each possesses a specific function. In this dissertation, we will examine and discuss the function of enzymes and their proliferation. Then we will utilize acquired information to examine a given experiment.
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