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Keystone Species in an Ecosystem Science Essay
12 pages (3239 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The populations of big-cat prey including the red coati (Nasua), the agouti (Dasyprocta variegate), and the pace (Agouti pace) are about ten times higher than on Coche Cash, Peru, where big cats still live. However, this increase may result from natural population variability rather than the lack of jaguars and pumas.
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Computer Methods Science Math Problem
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Math Problem
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Black Holes and Baby Universes by Steven Hawking Science Book Report/Review
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
The main idea of the fourth chapter of the book which is called Public Attitude towards Science is that people should have correct attitude of science. Science is developing rapidly, and people should know basic scientific elements which are very important and concern everybody of us, such as acid rains, the greenhouse effect, nuclear weapons, and genetic engineering1.
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Key Elements of Research Design Science Essay
5 pages (1400 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Research is an organized inquiry that is aimed at unveiling new knowledge or adding to the existing body of inquiry. Research is a systematic way of looking at a subject and making an inquiry regarding that subject. Research is an important academic activity that unveils new knowledge or adds a new dimension of knowledge to the existing one.
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Single Slit Diffraction and Double Slit Interference Science Lab Report
8 pages (1861 words) , Download 3 , Lab Report
Interference occurs when waves are added together, their sum is determined by the phase and the amplitude of the individual waves. The summed amplitude of the waves can have any value between zero and the sum of the individual amplitudes. Hence, diffraction patterns usually have a series of maxima and minima.
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Facing the Enigma of Californias Water Crisis Science Essay
12 pages (3316 words) , Download 2 , Essay
A list of questions is posed to Cal Fed, an agency responsible for looking out for the Sacramento Delta waters.  Based on findings on California Rivers and the Bay Delta we put together ways to protect the Sacramento Delta's limited resources and improve water management.  These include water conservation, recycling, and groundwater desalination.
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Three Laws in One Life Science Essay
5 pages (1495 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Best known as the astronomer who explained planetary motion, Johannes Kepler was born at 2:30 pm on December 27, 1571, in Weil der Stadt, Württemberg, in the Holy Roman Empire of German nationality. His parents were poor – his father worked as a mercenary and his mother, an innkeeper's daughter, was known for her involvement in witchcraft.
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Human Involvement in Hazardous Evolution Science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Seldom do man realise that attempt to eradicate certain species, would trigger more dreadful evolution that put forth highly resistant and stronger variations of that beings. According to Palumbi, one such example was the discovery of DDT a mile stone in revolution against pest that won Paul Muller the 1948 Nobel Prize, but astoundingly, resistant variants of insects that could survive DDT were found even before the Nobel Ceremony took place.
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Headspace Analysis Conditions Science Essay
2 pages (1092 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The advantage of this approach is that gas chromatography can be used as the analytical technique, as opposed to liquid chromatography, thus providing four to five orders of magnitude greater sensitivity. The procedure involves the extraction of a volume of the equilibrium gas over the sample (usually about 10 ml) by a syringe through a vial.
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History of Measurment Science Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
From the cubit, other measures were developed. The smallest unit of ancient measurement was the digit, the width of a finger. Next to the digit was the palm, equal to 4 digits, and the scale continued up to the cubit, equal to 28 digits. For units smaller than a digit, the Egyptians were the first to invent fractions.
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The Relationship Between Soil Properties and Soil Erodibility Science Essay
6 pages (2090 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Soil constituents are sand, silt, clay and soil texture is about the size and shape of these constituents. The composition of sand, silt and clay in the soil is a natural phenomenon and the composition cannot be modified on any large scale by man. Among sandy, loamy and clayey soil loam soil is an ideal textural class.
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Antibiotic Sensitivity Testing Science Essay
3 pages (811 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Antibiotics, disinfectants and antiseptics are known widely known to affect microbial growth. On living tissues, antibiotics are also known to remove pathogens whereas on nonliving things disinfectants are used. Antibiotics like penicillin, chloramphenicol or tetracycline are known to inhibit the growth of microorganism mainly bacteria.
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Global Warming Book Report/Review Science Book Report/Review
125 pages (31250 words) , Download 9 , Book Report/Review
Climate change is increasingly framed as an issue where the threats are severe, increasingly imminent and potentially catastrophic. If the worst predictions of scientists prove to be accurate, then no one will be able to escape the consequences of climate change.
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Bullrich Effect Science Research Paper
6 pages (1725 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Then, the materials were set up in a brightly lit room and were the person who will experiment is comfortable with. Then, the pendulum was set up and tucked in the ceiling using some pins and made sure that its clay carries the weight on the other end. Then, the pendulum was tested to be acting in a way that it is not moving towards you and away from you.
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Biological Sciences Modules Science Essay
8 pages (2059 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The cycle needs by-products from the Electron Transport Chain (ETC) and therefore needs oxygen. The cycle begins with the formation of the 4 carbon Oxaloacetate and ends with it. The three-carbon pyruvate is broken down into two-carbon acetate which combines with Coenzyme A to form Acetyle coA.
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Biometric identification Science Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
In the United Kingdom, the House of Commons passed a bill that biometric identification cards are to be made compulsory for every citizen by the year 2010. Biometric identification cards contain embedded chips that store personal information about the citizen like name, signatures, photos, facial scans and iris and retinal scans.
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Clinical Chemistry Science Lab Report
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Lab Report
The creatinine blood test is done to detect health problems such as kidney damage. it is usually ordered along with a BUN (blood urea nitrogen) test to assess kidney function. Both are frequently ordered as part of either basic or comprehensive metabolic panel (BMP or CMP) groups of tests that are performed to evaluate the function of the body's major organs.
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The Vanishing Population of Steelhead Science Essay
9 pages (2464 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the past few decades, we have seen unprecedented developments in human society especially in the field of Natural Sciences and Technology. Environmental issues are now gaining much public attention not only because of media exposure but also because they can be felt in the immediate surrounding.
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Scientific Explanation of Black Holes Science Essay
5 pages (1408 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This book by Seife is a very fundamental book on the fundamental concepts of science including the concept of a black hole. The book starts with the study that for the study of the concepts of science it is necessary that correct and true information is extremely necessary in order to study the various concepts thoroughly. The book then discusses in detail the concepts and basic theory behind the black hole.
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Research Designs and Methods Science Term Paper
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
The third weakness is shared by many techniques; is that it is subject to sampling error. This is due to the fact that with a small sample; the participants may typically be from one or the other end of the normal distribution. On the other hand, with a large sample, unless it is picked carefully, a particular subsection may be over-represented.  
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The world's oceans, Should Ocean Protected Areas Exist Science Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Marine protected areas are very much essential for restoring fisheries, promoting marine biodiversity and increasing marine productivity. However, equity and fairness should be ensured while determining marine protected areas so that everyone can benefit from it.
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Companion to Wittgensteins Tractatus Science Essay
9 pages (2342 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Black adds that the notion of showing itself, “fails to resolve the metaphysical perplexity – how can language be connected with the world?”.   He argues that Wittgenstein addresses this by “invoking . . . further elementary propositions”, which is akin to the following analogy: “if a child is puzzled why a stamp sticks to an envelope, it will hardly help him to be told that lots of other stamps can stick to envelopes” [Black 15].
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The Scientific State of Mind by J. Jacobs and Enough Already, Its Time We Decriminalize Prostitution P. Kelly Science Assignment
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The paper talks about the various scientific discoveries and developments which led to a more enriched life for man. Although there are different views about the effects of science on man, the advances in science are never-ending. Science still remains a powerful force in the development of the world’s culture.
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My body my laboratory Science Article
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Article
Everybody knows the story of Galileo who invited the wrath of the Church by declaring that it was the sun that lied at the center of the universe. In the contemporary times, everybody knows about the Nobel Laureate Madam Curie who acquired the deathly aplastic anemia because of her vigorous experimentation with radioisotopes.
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Marketing Sun Power Science Case Study
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The author states that the two environmental forces that will have the greatest impact on the company are natural and technological environments. Humanity is destroying the natural resources of our planet. At the current consumption rate the earth will run out of petroleum for commercial use within 30-40 years.
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Research Methodology and Methods Science Term Paper
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
It is vital for the researcher to have complete knowledge of all available methodologies and then selecting a methodology that is according to research questions and objective. Current chapter focuses on devising methodology adopted for this research and deciding upon data collection methods including primary and secondary resources. 
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Science and Culture: The Inside Story of Biosphere Science Assignment
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The concept of failure is a tough thing to deal with, and people often find ways of either denouncing the failure or dealing with it. In science, failure is upheld as a source of learning and gaining more in-depth knowledge on a topic. Experiments are an integral constituent that brings about advances in knowledge, as well as the development of new technologies.
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Hypothetical Research Designs Science Research Paper
4 pages (1279 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Researchers are interested in conducting quantitative research when they want to investigate the relation between the variables in some specific situations with the motive of solving the problem. The quantitative form of research is considered to be more valid and accurate. Quantitative research is considered to be scientific, organized, and systematic.
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Human and Embryonic Stem cell research Science Annotated Bibliography
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Annotated Bibliography
They have spent enormous funding for stem cell research, which will help cure degenerative disorders. Even national policy has been effected to where funding for research into stem cells has been occurring. Unfortunately, many of the stem cells are sent away to other countries where there aren’t as many laws.
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Reflections on Experience of Living and Studying in the UK Science Admission/Application Essay
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Admission/Application Essay
The fact that the quality standards for all institutions in the UK are ranked among the best worldwide was a motivation for me to study in the UK. Schools, colleges as well as universities are required to prove that their courses meet strict standards on a continuous basis and thus, the UK’s education system is respected and recognized globally.
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The Design of Human and Animal Studies Science Essay
3 pages (921 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Animal studies give initial information that aids scientists during the design of human studies. For studies that cannot be done on humans, animals are used in their place, for example, by creating a deficiency of nutrients in animals and studying its various effects on the life span of the animal. This is not ethically acceptable in human tests.
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Research Approaches and Methods Science Term Paper
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 5 , Term Paper
By comparing and contrasting historical methods with other methodologies, a substantive theory can be developed to form a conceptual framework. Such a framework can create a significant bridge between records characteristically produced by historians and the statistical and experimental models typically brought forward by high theorists.
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Transportation and Security administration Science Research Paper
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The aim of this study is to provide a solution in identifying different security capabilities for security at airport that affect the citizens of this nation; besides just equipment. In order to provide other solutions, the paper states that the current strategies are not enough in making this country safe through airport security.
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Science and Scientific Change Science Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Today, it is important that we engage ourselves in such debates, because a lot of people claim that truth is discovered not through theology, philosophy, or art, but rather, through science.
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Animal testing why and why not Science Essay
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In the movie Legally Blonde 2, one of the subplots is how the lead character’s dog, Bruiser, looks for his mom and discover she is a test animal at a large cosmetic company. Will Smith’s movie I Am Legend featured rats that were being used for animal testing.
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Use of Animals for Scientific Research: A Debate Science Research Paper
5 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
There are various sides to the debate surrounding the use of animals for the purpose of scientific research. many may defend this practice citing the utilitarian perspective that would justify this practice because of the obvious benefits that it provides to humans who can then develop drugs and methods of treatment.
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Research Methods Science Dissertation
10 pages (3750 words) , Download 4 , Dissertation
This study takes more of a qualitative approach to gathering data. Merriam (1998) defines qualitative research as “an umbrella concept covering several forms of inquiry that help us understand and explain the meaning of social phenomena with as little disruption of the natural setting as possible”(p.5). 
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