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Model 2:
152 = a + b*20
217 = a + b*37
The solution is a=75.6, b=3.82. Therefore, the first linear function is:
Annual MSW = 75.6+3.82*(Number of years after 1960)
Model 2 predicts MSW in 2005 to be on the level of 247.5 mil tons (75.6+3.82*45=247.5).
The predicted results are 238.48 mil tons for Model 1 and 239.86 mil tons for Model 2. So Model 1 seems to be slightly better than Model 2 in predicting the actual level of MSW in the USA.
Profit function is P(x) = 5x - 0.0001x2 - 1.2x - 60.
The derivative is P(x)´ = 5 - 0.0002x - 1.2 = 0.
X= 19,000; P= 36,040
The maximum profit is 36,040 and the number of tonnage needed to be processed is 19,000.
Profit function is P(x) = 50x – 0.5x2 - 10x -3
The derivative is P(x)´ = 50 - x - 10 = 0.
X= 40; P= 797
The maximum profit is 797 and the number of tonnage needed to be processed is 40.
Profit function is P(x) = 20x - 0.1x2 - 4x -2.
The derivative is P(x)´ = 20 – 0.2x - 4 = 0.
X= 80; P= 638
The maximum profit is 638 and the number of tonnage needed to be processed is 80.
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