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The Unlimited Power and Potential of Energy from Wind Physics Research Paper
6 pages (1436 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The wind has the energy and power to holder the direction of the airfoil as well as the velocity magnitude of the same. The performance of an airfoil in the wind is usually affected by many factors among them an attack angle. In this case, we are going to study the effect of the attack angle on airfoil velocity magnitude.
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Electroconvulsive Therapy and Mental Health Physics Case Study
9 pages (3048 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
ECT is a highly technical procedure requiring a team that consists of an anesthetist, a psychiatrist, psychiatric nurses, and recovery nurses. Doing a study on how ECT has changed over the years has given me an insight into how the use of ECT in treating mental health illness has changed over the years.
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Consumer Personality Theories, Personality of a Toyota RAV4 user Physics Research Paper
5 pages (1473 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
Engel and Blackwell assert that three main personality theories have primarily influenced studies of personality and consumer behavior. These theories are psychoanalytic theory, social-psychological theory, and trait- factor theory. This theory was propounded by Sigmund Freud, and it infers that unconscious needs or drives.
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Beyond Smoke and Mirrors: Climate Change & Energy, B Richter Physics Book Report/Review
8 pages (2145 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
Global climate change is considered one of the most critical issues that are presently experienced by humanity. The “Beyond Smoke and Mirrors: Climate Change & Energy” by Burton Richter is a text that examines the rational, meaningless and predisposed proposals for the prevention of the possibly catastrophic global warming consequences.
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Analyzing the Climatic History of Sisimiut Using Isotopes Physics Coursework
8 pages (2533 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
An analysis of climatic and paleoceanographic changes in Sisimiut, in Southwest Greenland, indicates that the region is sensitive to differences in the interaction between the two components of the West Greenland Current; the Polar Water from East Greenland Current and the Atlantic Water of the Irminger Current.
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States of Matter and Phase Change Physics Assignment
5 pages (1607 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The state of matter can be best described as the amount of heat contained within the molecules. When more heat is added, the molecules move far from one another. The state of matter can thus be linked closely to the temperature and the pressure of the substance under consideration (Bayrock & Fiona, 2007). 
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The Surplus Capacity of Enzymes in the Glycolytic Pathway Physics Lab Report
5 pages (1441 words) , Download 0 , Lab Report
Glycolysis is a catabolic process so the energy released is utilized by D. melanogaster to thump or beat enabling the fruit fly D. melanogaster to employ wing muscles to beat. The fact is therefore established that glycolysis generates energy-rich molecules called ATP which provides energy to the wing muscles to fly.
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The Measurement System Physics Lab Report
5 pages (1385 words) , Download 0 , Lab Report
The fundamental physical parameters are length, mass, and Tim, whereas the other parameters are essentially derived from these total units, including velocity, momentum, and force. The American and British measurement systems are two different and popular systems widely practiced internationally; the fundamental units for the American system for length, mass, and time is afoot, pound, and seconds respectively.
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Stats Problems Physics Report
5 pages (1400 words) , Download 0 , Report
The result suggests that smoking among those with four years of college is less than the 27% rate for the general population is valid.The college graduates smoke at a lower rate than the others, maybe because of awareness that smoking is injurious for health.
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John Dalton: Revival of Atomism Physics Report
5 pages (1445 words) , Download 0 , Report
Though his postulates proved wrong in subsequent studies; his work was so systematic and forceful that this deficiency was recognized on the official level for the first time. His eyeballs were preserved and have been studied recently in 1995. These studies have confirmed that he indeed had a less common type of colorblindness in which central colors are not distinguished by eye.
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Quantum Dynamics of Ion Traps for Quantum Computing Physics Report
6 pages (1761 words) , Download 0 , Report
A quantum computer is an instrument with the ability to accommodate a certain amount of data. This data in the quantum computer is housed within quantum mechanical double-level networks, such as spin–half particles or atoms of two levels.
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Dr. Stephen William Hawking Physics Literature review
8 pages (2164 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Stephen was born into the world in a family of sages. His father was Dr. Frank Hawking, a research biologist who was the head of the parasitological division at the NIMR, which stands for National Institute for Medical Research. His mother was Isobel Hawking.
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Effectiveness of Cloud Seeding Physics Report
9 pages (2568 words) , Download 0 , Report
This technology is gaining widespread application globally, and its practical uses are fog removal, lighting suppression, causing precipitation in the form of rainfall, preventing hailstorms, and hurricane control. Despite the increasing application, my questions have been raised relating to the technology and its practical uses, especially regarding its effectiveness.
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An Aviation: Aircraft Maintenance Planning Procedures Physics Case Study
10 pages (2772 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper has information regarding the maintenance performed on the aircraft (Crane, p 331). Aircraft safety regulations worldwide dictate that procedural maintenance should be performed on aircraft within specified periods. The operation of undertaking procedural maintenance varies with the classification of aircraft.
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An Air Legislation Physics Case Study
8 pages (2251 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
All maintenance procedures performed on the aircraft need to be recorded. Recording this information allows the maintenance engineers to know the procedure performed and when the system was performed. All maintenance activities are recorded from the aircraft’s technical blog.
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Pros and Cons of continuing Space Exploration Physics Coursework
6 pages (1815 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
NASA and its voluminous funding by the US government have been burning questions from day one. While the proponents of NASA funding have a firm belief that even a penny invested in its prolific research programs will reap insurmountable benefits for the world and humanity in general, the people who condemn NASA and its so-called good for nothing activities have a strong contention.
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Cassiopeia Constellation Physics Report
6 pages (1672 words) , Download 0 , Report
Over the years, human beings have come up with theories about the group of stars that appear in one location of the sky or another. The primary star groups are known as constellations. The name of the constellations originated due to their resemblance to objects such as scorpion. However, in most cases, the words were used to honor a hero or other subject of a story (Rey 32).
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Describing the Asteroids Motion Physics Report
12 pages (3403 words) , Download 0 , Report
Certain concepts of physics are critical in expressing an asteroid’s motion. Kepler’s Laws are perhaps the most important among them. According to Smith (2009), “We now know that Kepler’s laws are the consequence of bodies moving under the influence of gravity. This means that Kepler’s laws are universal. =
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The Classical Mechanics Physics Speech or Presentation
6 pages (1655 words) , Download 0 , Speech or Presentation
Adding the effect of air resistance to the projectile motion will lead to the reduction in the range, as included in the assumption considering that the opposition is directly proportional to the projectile movement.
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The Eruption of Toba Physics Case Study
7 pages (2117 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Volcanic mountains were formed when heated larva from underneath the ground surface erupted onto the ground surface. The various sizes of the volcanic mountains created result from the varied amount of larva produced and the topography of the place where the eruption occurred.
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The Cause of the Mass Extinction in K-T Boundary Physics Report
9 pages (2616 words) , Download 0 , Report
Precisely at the K-T boundary, another crest was smoldering its path through the outside layer near the plate boundary between India and Africa. The entirely volcanic volume that ejected, including the submerged magmas, was much bigger than this.
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The Coastal Erosion Physics Article
6 pages (1761 words) , Download 0 , Article
Coastal erosion plays a significant role in affecting changes in the shoreline. Regardless of the cause of coastal erosion, it has excellent effects on human existence. By definition, coastal erosion removes dune sediments or beaches and the land's wearing away due to the tidal currents, wave actions, and current or drainage.
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Monitoring Our Home Planet Physics Report
7 pages (2054 words) , Download 0 , Report
Floods are among the most recurrent and costly natural disasters. A flood is an accumulation or an overflow of an expanse of water that inundates or typically covers dry land.  Conditions that cause floods include prolonged rainfall, intense or heavy rainfall, Deforestation, Improper waste disposal, Quarrying, Poor land-use practices, and Urbanization.
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The Distinguishing Features of the Solar System Physics Case Study
5 pages (1453 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The other five planets make the outer solar system. They are Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus. The orbits of all the planets form paths around the Sun. All the planets’ orbits are almost circular except those of Pluto and Mercury. They are all on the plane. The entire orbits clines at seven degrees from the Sun’s equator plane. Pluto’s orbit is exceptional, as it inclines 18 degrees.
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Harmful Effects of the Sun Physics Term Paper
5 pages (1596 words) , Download 0 , Term Paper
However, the sun can be hazardous and cause health effects, both in the long term and short term, if its penetration to the earth's surface is not controlled. The penetration of the excessive ultraviolet rays into the earth's surface results from the depletion of the ozone layer due to some human and other natural activities. In this paper, I will discuss some of the health effects that result from the excessive heat and penetration of sun rays into the earth's surface.
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Development of the Permian Reef Physics Report
9 pages (2569 words) , Download 0 , Report
The ramp to rim evolutionary succession is one of the most common stratigraphic patterns within seconder’s carbonates process occur concomitant evolution of stone rims, which are bound by boundaries. Retrograding systems such as the Devonian of the Canning Basin (Playford et al. 1929) experience this stratigraphic pattern.
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Elementary Particles of Matter Physics Term Paper
23 pages (6033 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
Over the last century, several discoveries have been made in particle physics, including elementary particles, their families, and sub-families. The essential components of matter in molecules are built up from the atom. Atom is therefore widely considered to be the basic unit of any chemically formed element.
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Circuits with Feedback and Oscillators Physics Report
12 pages (3118 words) , Download 0 , Report
The process repeats itself several times, ultimately leading to loud noise from the speaker. This process of sending part of the amplifier output signal back to the input of is often referred to as feedback (Ellinger, 2008). As widely cited, as far as amplifiers are concerned, there are generally two types of feedback.
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Metal Poor Stars and the Light Element Primary Process Physics Literature review
21 pages (5515 words) , Literature review
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The various nucleosynthesis processes involved in the formation and evolution of chemical elements of the universe can be understood by analyzing the composition of low metal stars. The data compiled by the Stellar Abundance for Galactic Archaeology (SAGA) Database and by previous workers on the subject provide us with invaluable information on abundance correlations.
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Finding Gravity Using a Simple Pendulum Physics Case Study
6 pages (1637 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Newton’s second law of motion provides that the rate of change in momentum of a body is proportional to a force that acts on the body and takes place in the force's direction (Doshi 2006, p. 77). However, real-life phenomena identify changes in the motion of objects to indicate the existence of external forces that act on the items.
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The Comparing Measured and Theoretical Values of V, I, R in Series and Parallel Arrangement Physics Lab Report
5 pages (1471 words) , Download 0 , Lab Report
This experiment's aim was achieved by placing voltage, current, and resistance in series and parallel, and the values of resistance, voltage, and current were measured in both strings and parallel arrangements. For accuracy, the experiment is repeated three more times.
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Organic Solar Cells Physics Literature review
10 pages (2849 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Solar cells directly convert solar radiation to electricity. There is no need for any kind of rotary parts in the process. When a light photon strikes the surface of the solar cells, the cells generate an electron in response that is further used by an electric appliance.
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Global Warming is Real Physics Report
7 pages (2085 words) , Download 0 , Report
Global warming is one of the central issues of our century, and human activities have been blamed for the warming up of the earth and ocean. Environmentalists, scientists, level-headed global leaders as well as national and international bodies have warned of the dangers of global warming and climate change.
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Earth and Space Science Physics Case Study
8 pages (2313 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
However, with a better comprehension of the causes of these natural phenomena, it is wise to initiate mitigation steps to counter the challenges brought about by these events. Monitoring and preventive measures implementation are possible with a better understanding of what a natural phenomenon entail (Johnson, 2006).
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The Controversy of Hydro Fracking Physics Case Study
8 pages (2137 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Just like any other technology, hydrofracking attracted the discussion due to public concerns about its adverse effects on the environment. While people complain about the negative impact, they enjoy the benefits derived from the extraction. Hydrofracking hurts the water and soil, making critics publicize its destructive influence on the environment.
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Inventors and Important Scientist of Explosives and Their Developments Physics Article
10 pages (2653 words) , Download 0 , Article
Low explosives are mainly used for propelling applications. High explosives, also known as detonating explosives, such as TNT, RDX, are employed for shattering purposes. Being unstable compounds, they decompose rapidly, and in that process, they create tremendous pressures shattering surroundings.
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The Discovery and Benefits of Munroe Effect Physics Report
8 pages (2168 words) , Download 1 , Report
The extreme high stresses elicited by the blast of the explosives have got some sort of focusing impact on the liner, thereby transforming it into a long, slim, stretching jet with an inbuilt tip speed of about 12km/s (Alberta & Alberta Educational Communications Corporation, 1996).
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Earth and Space Sciences Yellowstone Physics Article
10 pages (2728 words) , Download 0 , Article
Systematically, the first eruption formed Island parkland caldera the second one Henry fork caldera and finally the last one formed the yellow stone caldera and lava tuff. In this paper, we are going to focus on the origin, history, trace, and economic value of the yellow stone.
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Formation of Volcanoes on Earth and Other Planets Physics Report
6 pages (1782 words) , Download 0 , Report
That is the reason why volcanoes on earth are mainly found where tectonic plates are divergent or convergent. An example is that, in the Atlantic Ocean, there is a mid-oceanic ridge which has caused the formation of volcanoes as a result of divergent tectonic plates moving away from each other (Edmond and James 4).
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Effects of Globalization on the Environment Physics Case Study
7 pages (1876 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
These impacts of global warming are felt in all parts of the world, which signify that climate change is a global problem. Although scientists are divided as to how much human contribution to global warming, a vast majority of the scientists believe that social activities are mostly to blame for the problem.
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Deep Space Flight Simulation Physics Case Study
6 pages (1833 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The simulation was carried out by the European space agency, Russia, and China. The experiment facility was situated at the Institute of Biomedical Problems that is located at the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. The mission was conducted by an all-male crew of one Chinese, three Russians an Italian and a Frenchman.
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Abiotic Petroleum Physics Case Study
15 pages (4091 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Each method can be used depending on the underground environment where the oil is deposited, characteristic of sedimentary rocks and depth.  Environmental impact of abiotic petroleum will be studied. Finally, one will be able to know if the abiotic theory of oil formation is more valid than the biotic oil formation theory “fossil-fuel” theory and if “peak oil” is a challenge to be faced if the oil is non-renewable as perceived by biotic oil formation theory.
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The Electromagnetic Spectrum Physics Report
6 pages (1678 words) , Download 0 , Report
The magnetic and electric components of a vibrating electric charge produce electromagnetic ways. The electric field and magnetic field of electromagnetic waves are at right angles to each other, and these ways occur in a vast range of frequencies. This enormous range of frequencies is termed the electromagnetic spectrum.
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Aluminum nitride thin films report Physics Research Paper
11 pages (3568 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
The film that is deposited as a result of the reaction is normally characterized by an incidence of x-ray diffraction, an atomic force microscope and a secondary mass of ion spectroscopy. Results from the x-ray diffraction procedure have revealed that the fine-grained microstructures have an average roughness that ranges from 6nm and 8nm.
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Aspects of European and Portuguese Exploration and Colonization Physics Article
11 pages (2859 words) , Download 0 , Article
It is important to note that the Europeans were the greatest explorers and colonizers of all time. The colonization moves were successful due to several reasons. First, the countries that were colonized were weaker than the countries that occupied them. The weakness was evident in the form of economic strength, political strength as well as military strength, among others.
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Igneous Intrusions in the Continental Crust Physics Report
16 pages (4346 words) , Download 0 , Report
A liquid rock that is included beneath the Earth surface is known as an intrusion. The intrusions are created when new materials are added to the continents result in lighter material such as magma to rise.
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Magnetic Levitation Physics Term Paper
9 pages (2622 words) , Download 1 , Term Paper
This technology has experimented over the past couple of decades with intensively. In the last ten years, scientists have developed systems that implement magnetic levitation as a reliable means of transport. Germany and Japan, as leaders in the rail system, identified the potential of magnetic levitation technology.
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Global Warming Physics Case Study
7 pages (2056 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The WMO and UNEP pioneered the formation of IPCC in 1988. It serves as a scientific body under the UN structure. Key among its roles is to review and assess scientific, technical, and socio-economic data and information produced globally, which helps in understanding climate change (IPCC, 2015). 
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Turbulence in North America Physics Literature review
6 pages (1745 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
This phenomenon causes the westerlies and the northern winds. The movement of air masses causes the air turbulence that has been a phenomenon that occurs in North America. According to Williams et al. (2013), turbulence refers to a weather phenomenon that affects planes during flights.
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A Piece of Writing of Graphene Physics Article
7 pages (1945 words) , Download 0 , Article
The material has been attracting the material scientist and engineers' attention because, under microscopic examinations, a two-dimensional plane of atoms that has been shaved from conventional crystals has been identified. Its strength and stiffness have been likened to diamond; in that it can be stretched to a quarter of its original length.
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