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The Vectors Process Physics Case Study
9 pages (2398 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
A pi/4 excitation pulse creates some transverse magnetization when generated at a tip angle of 45 degrees. The diphase magnetization is rephased by a pi pulse resulting in a slightly reduced magnetization spin-echo than pi/2. Also, the transverse component of the pi. four pulses are 0.71 Mo because its magnetization from a vibration of theta degrees.
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Tutorials Paraphrasing Physics Essay
8 pages (2088 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Figures 6.6, 6.7, and 6.8 show the effect of an increase in the TE time with a constant long TR time. - Figure 6.6 is a proton density-weighted image acquired with a very short TE (20 ms), giving low contrast and a high signal for all T2 values.
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Energy Transfer and Thermodynamics Physics Report
10 pages (2714 words) , Download 0 , Report
Entropy is the measure of the disorder or randomness of energy and matter in a system. The disorderliness of liquids and gases is caused by their particles, which are more separated from each other than the molecules or particles of gases.  
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The Calculation of the Coefficient of Friction Using Projectile Motion Physics Report
5 pages (1388 words) , Download 0 , Report
This is a constant that is dependent on the particular surface in question. This experiment aims to verify this relationship's linear nature and determine the constant of proportionality hence.
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BLIP Echo Planar Imaging Method Physics Report
10 pages (2648 words) , Download 0 , Report
A sampling of k-space is different in EPI that enables a high quality of images acquired. EPI uses quickly switching gradients to produce its echo train against the use of RF pulses in FSE. EPI frequency encoding gradient oscillates from positive to negative to create oddly and even echoes.
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The using of 3Tesla in Clinical Settings Physics Essay
8 pages (2357 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The market research (2004) stated, “3T systems made up 25% of new high field MRI scanner purchases” (Jerrold & Keene, 2009, pp 1-8). The benefits of 3T over the old system have been discussed in detail further in the essay. 3T has excellent imaging results of human body structures such as the brain, abdominal organs, bony parts, and abnormal masses (cancer).
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How Do Airplanes Fly Physics Essay
6 pages (1826 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The answers given to such people appear to be very confusing or wrong, which results in the development of sinful and flawed concepts in their minds. Every person should be familiar with the basic concepts of how airplanes fly so that confusion could be removed when explaining airplane lift to others if questioned.
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Scanning Electron Microscope Physics Article
6 pages (1791 words) , Download 1 , Article
During most of its applications, data collected over the selected sample surface area is generated as a 2-D image, displaying the spatial variations of the properties being investigated. Sizes that range from a width of one centimetre to as minute as five microns can be seen in scanning mode using scanning electron microscopy techniques.
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The Global Warming Physics Case Study
10 pages (2643 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This phenomenon is not just limited to temperatures. It may be related to the level of humidity and the precipitation as well. Some regions might face drought, while others may experience flooding due to excessive rainfall. Hence, global warming can be related to instability in climatic conditions worldwide due to human interference in the natural process of the Earth’s atmosphere.
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Fast Imaging Techniques Physics Report
5 pages (1678 words) , Download 0 , Report
During the optimization through an increase of receiver bandwidth, the amount of time at the slope's flat top is significantly reduced. Consequently, the flat top's shortened duration reduces both ESP and the geometric distortion of the image.
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Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Physics Report
8 pages (2246 words) , Download 0 , Report
This was done to view that NaI(Tl) detector often provides a reliable interpretation of the ϒ-radiation spectra and clearly shows the most salient features such as photopeak’s for all the sources used, Compton edge, characteristic x-ray peaks, and backscatter, as well as the Compton continuum.
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UK Strategy for Radioactive Discharges Physics Case Study
8 pages (2062 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The strategy was written in the perspective of a declining UK nuclear industry and decreases in charges were hugely driven by the supposed dates of closure for the facilities (consistent with operational safety and planning). The document has outlined a clear policy foundation for future discharge permissions by environmental regulators and nuclear operators’ strategic planning.
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History of Proton Therapy Physics Report
21 pages (5427 words) , Report
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Likewise, by utilizing the current accelerators, a group of engineers, clinicians, and physicists could produce associated irradiation techniques and irradiate 19309 patients till January 1997. The patients who were irradiated were categorized by percentages between different regions.
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Vibration of Continuous Media Physics Report
17 pages (4516 words) , Download 0 , Report
The new applications came as a result of manipulations of the initial principles of science. They are currently based on the hybrid equations theories and principles that hail from the scientific scholars' maiden code. Putting an equation to conform to the initial regulations of science is writing it in first principles.
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Wealth and Geopolitics of Sediments Physics Report
10 pages (3122 words) , Download 0 , Report
Recent estimates indicate that China has enough coal deposits to effectively sustain its future economic growth for up to a century though the current demand is increasingly outpacing production (Rui, 2005).Most of China's reserves of coal sediment deposits are located towards the north and northwestern parts of the country.
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Structural Properties of Graphene Physics Report
6 pages (1925 words) , Download 0 , Report
It can also be stacked to form 3-D graphite. On a theoretical level, graphene has been used widely to describe different carbon-based materials' various properties. Only recently, graphene has been identified to be an excellent source for condensed matter dimensional quantum electrodynamics. It is this physical characteristic that has propelled graphene into a potential model for a theoretical toy.
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Interpretation of the Geophysical Data Physics Article
6 pages (1847 words) , Download 0 , Article
The measurement scale has significant impacts on the interpretation of geophysical data (Acosta-Colon, 2009). On the other hand, the geophysical data interface also affects the seismic properties and their subsequent performances. For instance, the granular and fractured materials are primarily dependent upon fluid-fluid interfaces' geometry and size.
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Avoiding Global Change in the Earths Climate Physics Essay
8 pages (2334 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Moreover, people have to develop the new cardinal source within the ten-year time frame to avoid irreversible climate change (Lewis). They are nuclear power and renewable sources of energy (Wakefield). The latter encompasses six different kinds: solar energy, biomass, geothermal energy, hydroelectric power, ocean energy, and the wind one (Wakefield).
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Globalization of the Modern World Physics Essay
9 pages (2598 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Industries producing goods and services from one part of the world and conveying them to the other side of the globe is never a problem. International communication is more frequent, and international travel is commonplace. No one can deny that globalization is an economic and social tidal wave widespread over the globe.
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Organic Solar Cells Physics Report
10 pages (2877 words) , Download 0 , Report
The primary sources of energy are fossil fuels, which are the major contributors to global warming, leading to increased temperatures and a rise in sea levels. Below is a graph showing global energy consumption (PÉREZ LEÓN, 2006).
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Investigation of a Turner Circuit Physics Lab Report
7 pages (1963 words) , Download 0 , Lab Report
A demodulator is fed with the intermediate frequency (IF) by the broadcast FM/AM transmissions. The same demodulator helps convert the radio signal into audio-frequency signals to be provided to drive a loudspeaker.
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The Bernoullis Experiment Physics Lab Report
8 pages (2065 words) , Download 0 , Lab Report
Intuitively, the process involved using a weight bench (hydraulic bench) to take the two readings, venture meter and manometer., Eleven points were selected along the venture meter whereby piezometric head values for each were measured explored in the "procedure" section.  In which case, Bernoulli's theorem majorly relies on classical venture use, as can be seen from the experiment.
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Positron Emission Tomography Physics Article
7 pages (1920 words) , Download 1 , Article
It permits vivo investigation of body part perfusion, metabolic pathways, and biomolecular processes where there are a standard and diseased state. PET cameras make great use of real features of positron putrefy to extract quantitative computation of tracer absorptions. The analysis clarifies crucial elements involving basic rules of radionuclide imaging, PET instrumentation, and current developments.
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Investigation of Elasticity Physics Lab Report
9 pages (2571 words) , Download 0 , Lab Report
As the mass hanged on the spring is added, the spring's elastic potential energy also increases. Elastic potential energy is the energy that is stored when spring is deformed, especially after stretching (Hyperphysics, 2015). Therefore, theoretically, elastic potential energy should be directly proportional to the spring's mass load.
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The Resistors and Logic Circuits Physics Lab Report
7 pages (1823 words) , Download 0 , Lab Report
Voltages across the resistors and currents in the different circuit configurations were measured and compared with expected theoretical values.Diodes were used to simulate the logic circuits of AND and OR, and the circuit operation on biasing the diodes iteratively was consistent with the theoretical expectation. The results for the resistor circuits also closely approximated theoretical calculations.
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The Modern Digital Cameras Physics Case Study
8 pages (2474 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The main intention behind the creation of these sensors was to replace the film-based cameras with electronic devices capable of being available in semiconductor processes. The initial attempt to design image sensors was first based on the nMOS and pMOS processes (Burrough & McDonnell, 2008).
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The Mechanism whereby Organic Polymers are Used in Solar Cells Physics Report
31 pages (8141 words) , Report
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In large scale production, they can be produced very fast, and their properties can be easily modified, hence making them suitable for use in a wide range of environments. A lot of attention in terms of research is being channelled towards organic photovoltaic cells, and their capability to convert power has been shown to grow remarkably.
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Materials and Experimental Techniques Physics Report
16 pages (4820 words) , Download 0 , Report
The first part describes the materials and techniques used to fabricate organic solar cells; all the steps conducted in a class 1000 cleanroom to minimize atmospheric contamination. The second part outlines the equipment used for studying the electrical properties and morphology of organic solar cell devices.
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Rise in the Temperature of the Earth Physics Report
5 pages (1644 words) , Download 0 , Report
The heatwave, also known as global warming, is the rise in the temperature of the earth. This mainly occurs due to the effect of greenhouse gases on the earth. Greenhouse gases are the gases present on the ground that absorb the heat from the sunlight and hence increase the temperature of the planet.
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The Oil Business Physics Essay
8 pages (2183 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Interest in the black gold as commonly referred to in the public basis’s marks interest in the economic gains that the world makes over the years that have helped many companies offer reasonable returns to their shareholders.Several oil activities mark a company like ExxonMobil as one of its major products. Understanding the company in detail helps one know the events that affect the oil business.
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The Overproduction of Electricity Power in Spain Physics Report
10 pages (2602 words) , Download 0 , Report
Alternatively, under circumstances where a country has sufficient electric power to serve both the industrial and the residential markets, such a state is seeking ways to move from the production of electricity through fuels to green energy production, which is environmentally friendly and the ultimate target of the global environmental conservation forum.
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Famine as a Worlds Disaster Physics Report
7 pages (1886 words) , Download 0 , Report
Economic stagnation amongst the various African countries is vital as a result of starvation. Gross domestic products of the developing countries have portrayed diminishing trends resulting from this menace (Curtis, Hubbard & Shepherd, 1998).
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Renewable Water and the Current Situation Physics Report
12 pages (3427 words) , Download 0 , Report
This pressure is felt to the most significant degree within nations that are already experiencing water shortages and are struggling to provide for their growing populations and the need and desire to industrialize, a process that in and of itself requires a high level of water resources.  For purposes of this particular study, the author will seek to discuss some of the triggers of the global water crisis that is currently taking place, how this crisis impacts the economically disadvantaged, sick.
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Understanding Graphenes Thermal Properties Physics Case Study
11 pages (3438 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Contextually, graphene has been used primarily in matter physics as well as in material sciences. Its study is strictly based on 2-D, which exhibits a wide variety of applications. Essentially, graphene's high thermal conductivity is a result of strong bonding between the carbons atoms.
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Understanding Graphenes Thermal Properties Physics Case Study
12 pages (3849 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Essentially, graphene's high thermal conductivity is a result of strong bonding between the carbons atoms. In contrast, out of the thermal flow, heat is constrained by weak forces due to van der Waals coupling. The heat flow in graphene can be turned on by various means, such as phonon diffusing by substrates or interfaces. This research paper discusses the thermal properties of graphene paying from a phonon perspective.
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Renewable Energy Physics Coursework
7 pages (2067 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
The cost of solar technologies has dropped drastically in the past few decades, and supportive government policies and technological advances continue to offer the prospective for additional reductions in price. Full exploitation of solar energy in the future will depend on supportive public systems, cost reductions, and the extent of continued innovation.
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Stability of Methane Clathrate Hydrates under Pressure Physics Report
11 pages (3168 words) , Download 0 , Report
The report aims to give insight and analysis on the investigation of methane clathrate hydrates' stability under high-pressure conditions by using Raman Spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction, and a diamond anvil cell in combination.
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Paleontology and Earth History Physics Essay
8 pages (2309 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Before this period, all life was bacterial, limited to single-celled organisms that did not even have a nucleus; they were called Monera, a name that later changed to Prokaryote. It is important to note that having the free oxygen in the atmosphere that became abundant as this period progressed means that life could now evolve into something complex, at least organisms with a nucleus.
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Mass Spring System Physics Essay
6 pages (1614 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The general examination of wave movement is vital in light of the fact that the thoughts of wave spread are universal. In almost all areas of science, energy is expressed by means of the vibrations that make up waves. Illustrations of wave movement usually include waves on strings, water waves, seismic waves, and sound.
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Deep Sea Drilling Physics Essay
6 pages (1848 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Environmental scientists remain skeptical about deep-sea drilling, arguing that the Deepwater Horizon oil spill's impact on the ecosystem is unknown. The paper discusses the benefits and disadvantages of deep-water drilling, the economic impact, the technology used, and lessons learned from the Deep Horizon oil spill. It asserts that the benefits of drilling for oil outweigh the disadvantages.
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Composite Material Failure in Aircraft Physics Report
36 pages (9659 words) , Report
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The Diamond materials and construction methods also got to be used for a few aircraft productions. Interest in the use of fiberglass material developed in the 1940’s in the manufacture of fabrics made of glass fibers. By the time 1960s, there were enough techniques and materials already developed for creating more extensive use of threads material possible.
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Earth and Space Science Physics Report
7 pages (1838 words) , Download 0 , Report
Liesel Mine was born in a Jewish family; she usually schooled and was the first woman with a doctorate in Vienna's university. Meet together with Frisch coined that the nucleus of the atom could be split into many smaller parts and that there were not naturally occurring and stable elements existed after Uranium.
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The Global Warming and Coral Reefs Physics Report
6 pages (1568 words) , Download 0 , Report
They conclude that a high potential for the collapse of coral reef ecosystems in the future is possible, which demonstrates the need for immediate action along with further research.   This analysis will examine the study's purpose, the methods used, summarize the findings, analyze the results about its importance to both oceans and humans, and ends with future considerations for proactive management responses and policy change.
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4D Technologies Application in Aircraft Engine Maintenance Physics Report
10 pages (2830 words) , Download 0 , Report
The 3D simulation is a complemented product that is crucial in larger presentation works. Rapid development in industries facilitated the introduction of computer-aided design in the process of the manufacturer.3D software was based on geometric algorithms. The introduction of UNIX operating systems was a step forward in the development of computer simulation systems.
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The Nuclear Reactors Physics Report
6 pages (1710 words) , Download 0 , Report
However, in contrast, his ideology failed to integrate the concept of the fission of thermonuclear as a source of a neutron, which was yet to be discovered. However, his notion was further developed by other scientists who made it more precise, most notably Otto Hahn in 1938, among others.
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Problems Associated with the Intermittency in Space and Time of Solar Energy Sources Physics Essay
7 pages (2075 words) , Download 0 , Essay
The systems get far sufficient away from the periodic orbit to be impacted by chaotic dynamics for the rest of the state gap until it gets slam to the orbit again and make returns to the practically irregular behavior; as the time spent close to the periodic orbit depends considerately on how closely the system entered its environs, the length of each phase is impulsive.
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Electric and Hybrid Cars Physics Essay
6 pages (1706 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Once the batteries are used up, they are recharged to their full potential, which would be done during the night or the days when the car is not being used. This is because the batteries take a long time to recharge, during which they may not have enough charge for driving to desired destinations.
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An Imbalance in Accumulation and Ablation Physics Report
7 pages (2275 words) , Download 0 , Report
The zone of accumulation is the point marked at 4000 m on the East Antarctic Ice sheet. Figure 17.4 (b), the Greenland, Keewatin, and Labrador centers constitute accumulation zones. Figure 17.4 (c) shows that the zones of accumulation include northern Europe, Greenland, and most of the British Isles.
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The Rooms Used in Magnetic Resonance Physics Report
12 pages (3284 words) , Download 0 , Report
Another component is the gradient coil, which is pulsed rapidly when scanning and is used to vary the magnetic field's strength. There are three sets of rings for different directions, known as X, Y, and Z. This variation in the gradients provides localized images and helps with phase and frequency encoding.
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Greenhouse Gas Emission the Greatest Contributor to the Climatic Changes Physics Case Study
6 pages (1688 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The populations have increasingly demanded the manufacturing of more products. For Kyoto, protocol to succeed in such localities with numerous populations, it will mean that any new country will have to undergo a total overhaul of major industries or spend a lot of money acquiring new equipment or upgrading the existing ones.
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