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Ethics Philosophy of John Stuart Mill, Jean Jean-Paulre and Nietzsch Philosophy Essay
11 pages (2987 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In his discussions on the subject of happiness, John Stuart Mill proposes that it is better to be an unhappy human than a happy animal. Mill, answering the question of summum bonus—the higher good—which he says is central to concerns of the foundations of morality, uses the human versus pig/fool analogy to support utilitarian philosophy. 
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The End of History Philosophy Essay
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
In the controversial 1989 essay titled "The End of History", Francis Fukuyama attempted to give Western capitalism's victory over communism a Hegelian interpretation. He argued that the end of history has eliminated all but one intellectual option for the future evolution of the planet.
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John Locke: Caractersticas, Ideas Philosophy Book Report/Review
8 pages (2174 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Locke argued that the purpose of government was to protect the rights of its citizens, but not meddle on their religion. Whenever a government violates that trust, the people may replace it with a new one. Locke’s writings sought to justify the revolt of 1688 against the Stuart monarchy and the establishment of William and Mary as constitutional monarchs, subject to parliamentary rule, on the English throne.
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Existentialism in European Art Philosophy Essay
15 pages (4330 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Albert Camus’s writings were touchstones of existentialism. Not only that but also one author—Alfred Otto Wolfgang Schulze (commonly referred to as “Wols”)—also wrote essential pieces regarding existentialism. Throughout all of these writings, it will be made obvious that existentialism had a great impact on post-World War II European art.
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Portrayal of Guilt and Retribution Philosophy Essay
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The diversion from "Reason" to the realm of the fantastic is too elaborate to serve as the reminder of what is good and what has gone astray in the novella. The exotic and often fanciful depiction achieves the effect of what can be simply termed as the everyday prosaic and what is romantic and lofty
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Aestheticism and Modernism Philosophy Book Report/Review
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
The modernist period lies from 1900-1950; a time of great progress in art, architecture, music and literature. Modernism, the genre that was associated with this period, featured radical aesthetics, technical experimentation, self-conscious reflexiveness and scepticism of the real world.
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Afterlife in the Ancient World Philosophy Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Around 2000 B.C.E., ancient Mesopotamians faced hardships in their daily lives, and the afterlife they envisioned mirrored these hardships. In The Epic of Gilgamesh: Enkidu’s Dream, Enkidu describes a frightening view of life after death to Gilgamesh.
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Denying God's Existence Philosophy Essay
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
We have essences before we have existences because this all-powerful creator made us with essences. Because atheistic existentialism denies God’s existence, we cannot have an essence. It is not the purpose of existentialism to promote a worldview without God but it also does not promote believing in something that doesn’t exist.
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Marxist Perspective in Archaeology Philosophy Essay
2 pages (544 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The author states that it has been felt that a theoretical revolution in Human Sciences is needed to save them from the helplessness of Structuralism and Functionalist Empiricism. The ideal path to carry out this mission is through Marxism. Archaeologists are of the opinion that both Archaeology and Anthropology should be close to each other.
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Taxonomy Comprehension and Application Philosophy Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This essay is simply a reflection of Ideas Views and Opinions from two identified Great Thinkers of the Time, whose Works still live to be greatly admired, acknowledged, and recognized in their Full Honour. The study of these two inter-related Philosophers – and Hence, Schools of thought, is paramount for purposes of Study (Research). 
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The Reactions of Jesus and Martin Luther Philosophy Essay
2 pages (595 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author states that Jesus would most likely argue that Protestantism is the most rugged form of Christianity, in the sense that it mainly relies on Congregationalist, Calvinist principles. This is meaning that—by “Congregationalist”—most Protestant churches are independent of councils and such.
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Terms good and bad Death Philosophy Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The only certain thing in life is death. The subject of death has been widely discussed by sociologists, psychologists, doctors and religious leaders. While they all have contrasting opinions on the subject of death, the bottom line is that death is inevitable. According to Green (2008), the mortality of man has never been questioned by any scientist, doctor or religious personality.
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Analysis of Existentialist Philosophy by Sartre Philosophy Literature review
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
  The first is that our lives are shaped by the choices we make and that, as a result of our choices, we can either achieve authentic being or lose ourselves. The second is that there is no meaning in the universe. People try to impose meaning upon the world but it is a false meaning which only distracts them from the reality of nothingness. 
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The role of evil in Aristotle, Kant and Hannah Arendt Philosophy Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The question of evil has been the subject of many discussion and philosophic works. It has always been interesting to see how different philosophers viewed the understanding of evil, and how they applied it to reality. It is difficult to think of any philosopher who has not devoted at least some part of his (her) works to the concept of evil.
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Western civilization. Ideas of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle Philosophy Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Essay
They were men whose responsibility was to train and educate the sons of Athens [1]. Amongst the ranks of Sophist came Socrates (c.469-399 B.C.), the most notable and wisest Athens ever survived.
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Philosophy of Martin Heidegger Philosophy Article
8 pages (2337 words) , Download 3 , Article
Heidegger questions the concept of subjects as knowing beings. He also questions the certainty of knowledge that human beings gain about the objects that constitute the world. The subjects as knowing beings cannot be separated from the world of things or others. According to Heidegger what makes action possible are the shared things and practices.
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Ethical Dilemmas Philosophy Research Paper
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This research aims to evaluate and present an overview of the facility, to demonstrate organizational structures and responsibilities, to exemine ethical dilemmas and standards, to outline implementing and ensuring the ethical code of conduct, to highlight consequences in case of violation of the code of ethics.
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The termination theory versus the deprivation account Philosophy Essay
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The researcher states that the termination thesis is false. This is because it purports that when a person dies, there is no change that occurs except that the person has simply ceased to exist. It also claims that the person’s psychological or moral importance is not eroded due to death. Another argument that the termination thesis makes is that when a person dies, he does not continue to exist as a corpse.
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Does Kant Adequatly Address the Problems Evident in the Controversy between Empiricism and Rationalism Philosophy Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
According to Ann (1970), conventionally there are two types of Epistemology: rationalism and empiricism. Rationalism on one hand explains that we gain knowledge through reasoning, while on the other hand, empiricism explains that we gain knowledge through sensory experience.
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Satre Nietzsche & Human Nature Philosophy Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Jean Paul Sartre is the philosopher of the school of existentialism. He underlines that “existence precedes essence". In order to understand philosophy of Sartre, it is relevant to know the main points of existentialism. There are a lot of issues of separation and independent existence.
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Forms and Substance Dualism Philosophy Essay
9 pages (2543 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Dualism is the belief that reality consists of two different, separate substances: that of the mental and that of the physical. "In the philosophy of mind, the belief that the mental and physical are deeply different in kind: thus the mental is at least not identical with the physical." It directly opposes materialism.
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The Philosophy of Plato, Socrates, Descartes, and Anselm Philosophy Essay
10 pages (2747 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The analogy of the divided line draws on similar themes to the allegory of the cave. Plato has Socrates explain that the line is divided into four sections. The first and largest section of the line represents the shadows and reflections, the part of the visible world that is a copy of something else, which is not real in and of itself.   
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Contraindications and fragmentations which ultimately defeated sixties utopia Philosophy Book Report/Review
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
There were things that fragmented the society in Pala and, like Pala, many of the struggles were the same in the 60's. This island possessed a perfect sociopolitical system or so they thought. The sixties were about designing the ideal society or Utopia.
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Organizational Theory Philosophy Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Fiona Wilson in her research note, a review of O.T argues that there is a systemic gender bias in O.T much to the detriment of the newly emerging workforce composed as it is of an increasing proportion of women . Wilson alleges that there is what she terms gender blindness which does not recognize the talents of women because the standards of measurement have been based on traditionally male attributes(Wilson 1996).
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Evaluation of Aquinass Criticism on Gods Existence and Self-evidence Philosophy Term Paper
6 pages (1553 words) , Download 3 , Term Paper
The problem of evidence as for the existence of a supreme entity or God has baffled the Western theologians, thinkers, scientists, and philosophers since times immemorial. Various theologians and philosophers have extended ontological and theological arguments for the existence of God. There is no denying the fact that though both of them were believers.
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Philosophy and Psychiatry Philosophy Essay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author states that the optimists feel that the thesis of determinism cannot be ruled out as false for the simple reason that the “facts as we know them do not show determinism to be false.” The optimists feel, there are enough facts to corroborate the existence and relevance of determinism.
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Positivist Claims for Validity of Legal Rules Philosophy Essay
6 pages (1582 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Positivism is concerned with the interface between concepts of rules and ideas of authority. This structure is held together by consideration of issues such as validity and obedience. Validity allows for the external legitimization of the structure. All these forces that make up a legal structure are in a dynamic equilibrium with one another.
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Altruistic Perspective of Spirituality Philosophy Book Report/Review
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
The paper presents a review of the literature; pertaining to the meaning of spirituality for the dying person. The paper identifies all the relevant concepts of spirituality and the concepts are compared from the perspective of multiple disciplines of psychology, biology, management and nursing.
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Max Weber's The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism Philosophy Assignment
3 pages (781 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The author states that it is Weber's conviction that factual reasonable capitalism increased out of Protestant asceticism. Christian asceticism, at the start escaping from the world into solitude, had currently directed the world which it had renounced from the monastery and through the Church.
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How Bodies Will Interact in the Future Depends on Our Experience Philosophy Research Paper
5 pages (1311 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Few philosophers of note had lived a more controversial life than David Hume, born in Scotland. Endowed with sharp intellect coupled with his great desire to learn and be a scholar, he followed a very rigorous program of reading. His family expected him to be a lawyer but this he never pursued. He started writing but his writing did not achieve the attention he wanted for his works.
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Christian Ethics: Do You See Connections between Conscience and Friendship Philosophy Essay
14 pages (3975 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Psychologists concentrate more on the moral development of children than on that of adults. Attention is being increasingly given to the role that moral "practices" play in the formation of virtue and adult character. William Damon quotes Spinoza's aphorism, "The palace οf reasoning may be entered only through the courtyard οf habit." 
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Works of Karl Marx and Georg Simmel Philosophy Essay
10 pages (2702 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Simmel, writing years after Marx, echoed much of the Marxist themes in his works and conducted many philosophically and psychologically oriented investigations based on Marx's propositions. For this paper, I would be comparing Marx's concept of "commodity fetishism" to Simmel's "autonomy of objective culture."  
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Kantian Ethics: A Comparative Analysis of Kant's Moral Theory Philosophy Book Report/Review
20 pages (8000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Kant was born on April 22, 1724, in the Prussian city of Konigsberg (today Kaliningrad, Russia), the fourth of six children. ( Borowski, 1969) After attending the Collegium Fridericianum from 1732 to 1740, he enrolled at the University of Konigsberg in the faculty of philosophy.
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Apology Plato Philosophy Book Report/Review
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Through this text, Plato exhibits the ultimate significance of Socrates as a teacher by whom he was able to unravel the perils of human psyche and politics which had been evident in Socrates’ mock trial by the jury to which the irony of his apologetic articulation was dedicated (T&G West, 16).
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TruthTruth and Power Philosophy Essay
3 pages (955 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The matter though is older than 2,000 years and even though philosophers have been struggling with the meaning of truth since before Christ the word requires elucidation. The exposition of truth therefore may be as varied as our perception of it, owed in no small measure to our culture, background and surroundings.
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How Useful is Rousseau's Political Philosophy for Theorising Democracy Philosophy Book Report/Review
8 pages (2422 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Rousseau believed the Social Contract as the fundamental law of society. Liberty is submission to the law the people have accepted, and equality means all are equally dependent on society and not on any other individual. • The Social Contact should be written by a legislator, Moses or Lycurgus, who should then leave the scene thus forcing men to be free.
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Managing Transitions by William Bridges Philosophy Book Report/Review
3 pages (973 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The author states that living with the expectation that your job requirements or the market forces impacting your business will never change is similar to being the proverbial ostrich with your head in the sand. You may not see what is going on, but your largest portion is hanging up in the wind, waiting for the next predator to come by.
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Friedrich Nietzsche a Philosopher in Society Philosophy Essay
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay discusses the characteristics of the philosopher's society and culture are nationalism, capitalism, democracy, socialism, conservatism, liberalism, feminism, and bureaucracy (European Thought and Culture in the 19th Century, online). Nationalism is the belief that groups of people are bound together by territorial, cultural and ethnic links.
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Mystical Discourses in Philosophy Philosophy Essay
10 pages (2560 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Luce Irigarayan is far less concerned with giving certain definitions to the divine, describing its functions or features, than with proving the logical necessity for the existence of the divine. From time to time, she does offer interpretations of the issue, at least for the female population; however, not for interpretation itself, but rather as means to realize the depth of the concept of the feministic movement.
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The Importance of Learning Rhetoric Philosophy Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Rhetoric has become a slam term, meaning manipulative language, but that's a modern phenomenon. Originally it was a word of the highest praise. The ancient philosopher Plato defines rhetoric as "the art of winning the soul by discourse". Aristotle stated: “Rhetoric is the faculty of discovering in any particular case all of the available means of persuasion”.
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Kants philosophy of universalisation Philosophy Essay
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
What Kant believes is the significance of good will in universalism so that every individual act should be performed not as a duty, but as a moral deed in accordance with the universal moral law that the autonomous human being freely gives itself
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Social Justice Social Order Philosophy Essay
14 pages (3716 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The directive of the individual within a bureaucratic and administered world proscribes genuine feeling and sentiment. The procedure of civilization thereby entails the taming of savage feeling. The majority of sociological explorations of mass culture, especially those undertaken within a Marxist or critical theory standpoint, tend to be restricted in their cultural and political postulations.
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Rationalism In Philoshopy Philosophy Essay
6 pages (1766 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Rationalism is a “philosophic doctrine that reason alone is a source of knowledge and is independent of experience”. Empiricism is a “philosophic doctrine that all knowledge is derived from sense experience”. Rationalism and empiricism both deal with experience. We need to be concerned as to the extent in which we are dependent upon sense experience in our effort to gain knowledge. 
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The Marx-Engels Reader Philosophy Essay
2 pages (643 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The author states that arguably, the fact that Marx’s writings remain largely bereft of explicit moral theories has been, historically, one reason why his conclusions are so appealing.  That is, we cannot successfully attack Marx’s philosophy from potentially debatable ethical foundations.
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Famine, Affluence, and Morality Philosophy Essay
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The article seems to suggest that we are responsible for the woes that have befallen the poor and the refugees in the camps. Peter Singer is therefore suggesting that it should be our responsibility and an obligation to get those entangled in unfortunate circumstances out of it (Singer, 1972).
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Universe as a Set of Rational Relations Philosophy Essay
5 pages (1359 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Cartesian metaphysics regards the mind and the world as separate. More than this it regards mind and body as separate. Jung and the Nobel Prize-winning prize winning physicist, Wolfgang Pauli expounded the hypothesis of a unity between psyche and universe which is (as said) in tune with the human experience of precognition.
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Do Only What You Feel Like Doing as a Today's Philosophy of Life Philosophy Research Paper
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
There are many cases of people who, although apparently happy, as they have everything they need and everything the others strive for, are in fact very unhappy – be that they cannot see what they have in their rush to get more – which has now become a habit – or because now they realize their efforts didn’t bring happiness.
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Finding Darwin's God Philosophy Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Miller shows that creation, at the heart of Western religion, feels the danger from the belief in evolution as it has the potential to undermine the basis of the Bible. Secondly, Miller points to the outwardly hostile environment that evolution advocates such as Daniel C. Dennett creates.
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The Ideas of Emmanuel Kant Philosophy Essay
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Kant argued that reality, as we perceive it, cannot be accounted for purely by sense perception. Kant, whose epistemology is a form of idealism, holds that what we refer to and perceive as the external world is an artifice of the mind. His argument is that the mind itself contributes substantially to, and even synthesizes, its own knowledge.
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Free Will and Moral Responsibility Philosophy Essay
6 pages (1782 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The positions of different philosophers are illustrated – it can help to understand the role of free will and moral responsibility in our behavior. This libertarian view will become increasingly dominant in the coming century given the consideration that free will, rational factors, and free choice determine the basis of our behavior today.
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